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The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)

Page 25

by Blaire Hammond

  ‘Five thousand years I have waited for this. Five thousand years stuck in a box. Now, it is time.’

  Laura was terrified as Erebus approached her. Cara’s eyes met hers, and she gave Laura a reassuring nod, her expression blank.

  Cara then flickered her eyes to Drew. His sword lay close by, and she moved her head in the slightest, indicating to it. She followed the motion with Leo and Stella. All of a sudden, Laura understood. Cara was urging them to fight.

  Erebus stood before Laura, studying her face, and she was thrown by Caspian’s innocent features.

  ‘It’s such a shame,’ he said, reaching out and running his finger down her jaw line.

  She swallowed. ‘What is?’

  ‘It’s a shame that your lovely face will be ruined once I take control of your body.’

  Laura smiled, tilting her head.

  ‘Are you sure of that?’

  And then she attacked.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Fire, Earth, Wind And Water

  Laura was small, but she had the momentary element of surprise. She shoved into Erebus’ chest as hard as she could, unbalancing him enough to thrust her knee into his stomach and ram her shoulder into his ribcage.

  There was a groan and he stumbled backwards, so she slammed her fist the way Drew had taught her into his cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground.

  It hurt to be attacking Caspian’s body like this, but she forced herself to remember Caspian’s soul no longer occupied it.

  She shook out her now bleeding knuckles and realised that, Leo, Stella and Drew had sprung into action.

  Two Wicked were already dead and Drew ploughed through the gathering Soldiers, knocking them down where they stood.

  A gruff Wicked charged for Drew and he was quick to dodge him. Ducking under his arm, he gripped the Wizards head and cracked his neck.

  He was gone again in a flash, red Lightening following him as went.

  Using Drew’s provided distraction, she pulled the pocket knife from her boot and flicked out the blade. She was no match for even the Wicked, and there was a very real chance she would die, but she had to try and fight. She couldn’t resort to trembling in the corner while her friends did the hard yards. So she entered the battle, hoping she would survive.

  Cara had acquired an enemy’s swords and was dancing through the Witches and Wizards, cutting them down where they stood, finishing them off with her Lightening for their own blades would not kill them as an Enchanted one would.

  Erebus retreated quickly to the far end of the room, allowing his followers to do his dirty work for him, and Laura was only further disgusted by him for his cowardice.

  Laura couldn’t see much of Stella nor did she even know where Leo was, and her heart clenched with fear for them.

  The large number of Wicked retreating to the walls, eyes trained fearfully on Laura, suddenly became apparent, and Laura finally understood. Her mother had known this. She had been counting on their fear. That was why she was confident enough in fighting back.

  Laura managed to duck away from a Witch, stabbing her knife into the Wicked’s neck. She didn’t hesitate, not once, and she was shocked at herself. She didn’t allow herself a moments regret however, for the next Wicked was fast approaching.

  The room was then illuminated by a tremendously bright blue light, distracting even the Wicked.


  Wisps of Lightning shot from his hands as Wicked approached, believing they had a chance. But Leo had been a guardian. He was in his element.

  Another Wicked lunged for her and she fought to protect herself, but she knew she was struggling. She was doing the best she could, defending herself like Drew had shown her, but she only knew the basics. She lacked in her ability to attack, so relied heavily on defence, and that would only get her so far.


  Ducking the Wicked’s fist, she spun to Drew in time to catch Leo’s sword. She gripped it firmly, turned back to the Wicked and without faltering, sliced the blade through his neck.

  She didn’t watch as the body hit the ground. She was already darting through the crowded room, dodging fists and swords, side stepping charging Wicked and ducking under outstretched hands. She soon spotted the one person she was searching for.

  Erebus leant against the wall, a band of Wicked shielding him from the fight.

  ‘EREBUS!’ she shouted across the ocean of blood.

  He locked eyes with her, and spoke a single word; ‘stop.’

  Every Wicked in the room paused, mid motion, before returning to the walls without a word. Drew, Stella, Leo and Cara stood tense and alert, glancing at one with confused expressions.

  Erebus pushed past his followers, gliding across the ground to Laura’s side, ‘you called?’

  Laura didn’t want any more bloodshed, she couldn’t stand the death and destruction, and she couldn’t lose her friends, her mother. Not like this. But for that to happen, Erebus must die.

  ‘You can’t do it.’ Erebus hissed.

  Laura didn’t move, however she released a breath she didn’t realise she’d been holding.

  He was right. She couldn’t kill him. Staring into his black eyes, she felt herself falling into their dark depths. She searched for the body’s rightful owner, but she knew he wasn’t there.

  It was still Caspian’s body. It was still him. No. She couldn’t kill Erebus. Not yet.

  He shook his head with a tsked, ‘you disappoint me. Here you are, the opportunity right before you, and you fail to take it. This is not strong. This is weak. Allowing your feelings to cloud your judgement is weak.’

  She opened her mouth, and spoke, ‘courage does not come from killing someone. It comes from love. It comes from the actions you take in the name of love. If I don’t kill you now, it won’t be because I am weak, it will be because I have enough courage to hold myself back from taking the life and future of someone I care about.’

  His nostrils flared. ‘Cara, tell me how I am to possess her body now that she has the Charm running through her veins.’

  Cara kept her mouth shut.

  Erebus’ hand shot out in an instant, grasping Laura’s wrist and jerking her into him. He shoved his knife to her neck, digging it in, hard. Her throat was still sore from her bruises, and now her neck throbbed with agony as blood trickled down it. Laura found her mother, and locked eyes with her.

  Cara then spoke, ‘no.’

  Erebus growled, ‘Cara, tell me.’

  ‘No. You won’t kill her, same as you won’t kill me.’

  ‘Didn’t I already teach you this lesson? I can have one of your other friends killed in a matter of seconds. Or do they not mean that much to you.’

  Cara laughed dryly, ‘you don’t get it, do you?’

  ‘I will kill your friends, and then, if you don’t do as I ask, I will kill you too and find someone else who is willing to help me. What is there to get?’

  She took a step towards him, ‘you won’t be able to find anyone. Do you know how long it took me to locate someone who had access to the possession charm? Months. Many, many, months. If you are even half as lucky, you may find one, but by that point you’ll be shut down by the Enchanted. You don’t get it. You may be strong and powerful in your own right, but you can never go up against the Enchanted. You would never win. You don’t have the numbers, and you will never have Laura.’

  Laura felt Erebus’ shift slightly behind her. A low growl sounded from his throat. ‘Cara, I think maybe it is you that underestimate us, and my abilities.’

  He removed the knife from Laura’s neck, and tossed her to the side.

  ‘Bring the box,’ he called to one of his followers, who rushed up the stairs.

  Laura managed to stand just as the Wicked hurried to Erebus’ side. Erebus took the small, golden box and dismissed the Wizard.

  ‘You, too are quite powerful. Maybe you will do for now. Until I am able to take Laura’s body. Would you rather that? Rather give yourself up t
o me instead of your daughter?’

  Laura felt the world tilt around her, ‘What?! No! Mum, don’t be stupid!’ She shouted and tried to cross the room, but two Wicked were already holding her back. She didn’t fight them. There was no use, she wasn’t strong enough.

  Her mother refused to meet her gaze, ‘yes, I would prefer that.’

  ‘Mum! The second he takes your body he will use your Charm to take mine.’

  Her Mother finally glanced at Laura, ‘no honey. He doesn’t know how to actually do the swap. Not unless I tell him, which I won’t.’

  ‘But won’t he copy what you show him now when he swaps to your body?’ Laura pleaded.

  ‘It’s a different procedure when it isn’t you who actually has the Charm.’

  Laura was begging her now, ‘mum don’t.’

  She gave a weak smile, ‘trust me.’

  Laura sucked in her breath as it dawned on her what her Mother was actually doing. This was a distraction. A diversion to draw Erebus away from her. Cara wasn’t going to give herself up at all.

  The world slowed down as Erebus turned his head to Laura.


  Laura tugged at her arms, taking the Wizards by surprise and prying herself free.

  Erebus took a step backwards, ‘What is she-‘


  ‘Stop her from speaking!’


  ‘Wizard, stop her NOW!’


  The two Wicked behind her lunged forward, jarring her backwards and attempting to cover her mouth.

  She bit down hard on someone’s hand and cringed as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

  She thrashed wildly, and managed to yelp out ‘WAT-’ as the other Wicked snaked his hand around her neck, choking her.

  She had managed to free a hand, and using her nails, she dug them into the arm of the Wicked, and he loosened the grip enough for her to finish through gritted teeth.


  The building began to tremble and dust rained down from the roof, and Laura was afraid they would be trapped like they almost were in the Temple.

  Wicked were stumbling back to the walls, shouting to one another. Erebus was screaming orders at his followers to kill Drew, Leo, Stella and Cara, but he was drowned out by a rumbling as the roof above them lifted straight up into the sky.

  The two Wicked holding Laura released her, turning and running for their lives.

  Erebus was shrieking so loud now that his voice was raspy and hoarse, his face, Caspian’s face, red with rage.

  Stella, Leo and Drew struggled to keep their balance as the ground began to shake beneath them. Cara was staring up with utter disbelief.

  There was an ear shattering explosion and the roof disappeared altogether. The sky above was lit up by fire, real fire.

  Sweat prickled the back of Laura’s neck as the room began to boil.

  ‘Laura, what is this?’ Stella shouted above the rushing and growling of the four elements.

  She was knocked into Leo as astonishingly strong gusts of wind shot through the tower like tornados.

  ‘I don’t know!’ called Laura and she tumbled to the ground. ‘I didn’t do this!’

  Her clothes billowed around her while she crawled to the wall, forcing her fingers into the groves between the stone, dragging herself up from the ground.

  The heat beating down from the fire above was excruciating and the walls were quaking under her grip so much so that she couldn’t hold on.

  ‘Cara!’ Barked Stella over the roaring of the wind and the flames. ‘What’s going on?!’

  Cara stretched out her arms, drinking in the orange blaze above.

  A crackling sound filled Laura’s ears, and she glanced up. To her absolute horror, the walls were beginning to ice over. She shoved herself backwards, striking the ground the same time the ice hit the floor, crystallising the entire stone wall and sending shards of frozen water in every direction.

  Laura couldn’t believe what was happening around her.

  Wicked charged desperately for the exits, Erebus still shouting ferociously at them to assemble. Most ignored him, piling through the doors.

  Stella and Leo clung onto one another, huddling on the ground, and Drew managed to force his way through the thinning crowd and the stormy winds to Laura.

  He reached for her, and she grasped his hand, holding on for dear life.

  ‘Cara!’ Leo shouted in a final attempt. ‘Please! What is this?’

  Cara looked straight at Erebus, beaming at him.

  ‘These are our allies. Tell me you will win the war now, Erebus. Tell me you are more powerful than this, stronger than this. Tell me you will win the war against not only us, but the Gods.’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Fight, Till This War Is Won

  Erebus gaped at Cara, and was then knocked to the ground by the incredible energy of the next tremor. The roaring of the wind was deafening and Erebus stumbled to his feet.

  ‘I told you, Erebus!’

  Cara stretched out her arms, dinking in the power of the Gods.

  Only a few loyal Wicked remained by the door, calling desperately for their master to escape.

  ‘How did you summon the Gods?!’ His dry voice cried over the howling wind.

  ‘I have nearly every Charm there is. It took me years to acquire these powers. Years.’

  Erebus was taken aback by Cara’s words, and he hissed, ‘you are a good substitute… for now.’

  Only Laura heard him.

  Before she could react, Erebus turned to the last of the Wicked.


  They moved at Erebus’ command, and Cara wasn’t fast enough to react. They seized her, dragging her to the exit.

  Laura broke free of Drew’s grasp and took off after her Mother, but the shaking of the ground made it near impossible. The Wicked were too far ahead. A scream of frustration tore from her throat.


  Laura scrambled on, but the ground swayed like the sea beneath her, and she couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t stay on her feet. She couldn’t save her mother.

  Drew struggled to catch up to Laura, and Leo and Stella were too far away to reach the Wicked.

  Another tremble shook the ground and Laura tripped over a body, jarring her knee as she smacked against the stone floor.

  Pain shot through her arms and legs as she looked up.


  Cara whipped her head around as she struggled against the Wicked’s grip, but they were too close to the door now.


  ‘Laura, Laura I love you! I will be okay.’

  One of the Wicked gave a harsh tug.

  ‘Stay strong Laura!’

  And then, she was gone.

  Leo appeared out of nowhere, propelling through the door after them.

  Laura slumped to the ground and Drew finally made it to her side. He knelt down.

  ‘Come on Laura, you need to stand up,’ he said calmly to her ear.

  Stella managed to reach the two of them.

  ‘How do we stop this?’ she yelped, balancing herself while the next tremor rocked the room.

  Drew helped Laura to her feet while she shook her head.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Well, good luck with it!’ They heard Erebus shout as he surpassed them, rushing to the door before the next earthquake hit.

  He reached it, pausing to peer back at three of them. His eyes rested on Laura’s and he flashed another wicked grin. ‘I’ll be back for you. Or you for me.’

  Laura charged, ‘were the hell did you put Caspian’s soul! Tell me!’

  She lunged for him, grabbing a hold of his shirt and tugging him to her. ‘Tell me! Take my body and give this one back to Caspian! God damn it, don’t do this!’

  She clawed at him desperately as he pried himself free of her grasp. He to
ok a hold of her shoulders, slamming her back into the door jam.

  She slumped to the ground, pulling her knees up to her face quickly, waiting for the blow she knew was coming.

  When it didn’t, though, she peered up to see Drew’s dagger embedded in Erebus’ stomach. Blood seeped from the wound and dribbled down his torso.

  ‘You really aren’t him,’ Drew said.

  The wind was dying down, the fire drawing back, the walls de-frosting, and the earth becoming still.

  Erebus’ eyes fell to his wound, and he stumbled backwards against the doorframe.

  ‘This won’t be the last of me,’ he growled, but Laura could see the pain in his expression.

  He turned and fled through the door and into the dark of the night.

  Laura dragged herself to her feet, intending to follow, but she was hit with a wave of dizziness.

  ‘We have to go after him! He won’t get far. We need to find mum and Caspian!’ Laura choked.

  Stella took Laura by the shoulder, urging her to breathe deeply.

  ‘Why aren’t we going after them?’ Laura asked, calmer now.

  ‘We may be strong, but we are outnumbered. We need back up. It’s too dangerous to go after them, injured, and especially when there are only the four of us. Leo will find out what he can of the direction they are fleeing in and will be back any second. Then we will go to the Grand Courts and tell them everything. This is so beyond us, we can’t do it alone. This is war.’ Stella’s body trembled as she spoke.

  ‘Then let’s just get out of here,’ Laura said.

  Then, the sky grew dark.

  They glanced up in wonder. The roof had reappeared, and it was shooting straight for them.

  ‘We have to get out, now!’ Laura cried and pushed at Drew and Stella to move.

  They hurtled themselves through the door, running as fast as they could through the gravel streets.

  They’d made it only a block before the roof and three floors above made impact. The ground shook as the tower came crumbling down, but they kept running, pushing themselves as hard as they could.

  When they reached the old water fountain, they dove for cover in an alleyway, watching as stone and debris blast past them.

  The ground rippled beneath them and they huddled together, waiting for the crashing to stop.


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