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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Angelique started panting then rocking her hips forward when Remy covered her mouth and devoured her moan.

  * * * *

  Angelique felt incredibly aroused and desired by the men. She thought she would be embarrassed, but when Eloi turned her toward their watchful eyes, she nearly came apart at that moment. The muffled sound of voices coming from the other room interrupted the moment, and she panicked as she tried to pull from Eloi’s arms. The man was big. By the feel of his cock, he was super big, and it concerned her. She couldn’t even fit his balls in her hand. She swallowed hard as Armand and Eloi kissed her breasts then her shoulder and neck as they placed her dress back into position.

  “Next time, no interruptions,” Armand whispered as he caressed her ass cheeks and pretended to be straightening out her dress. Angelique could feel the stickiness between her legs from coming undone in their arms. She felt a mess, and they all looked as cool as could be.

  “Don’t start thinking of running again. I got a taste of your sweetness and I’m going to need a whole lot more,” Eloi warned her then pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly. She felt him rub his hand down her back and across her backside.

  “She feels good, doesn’t she?” Armand asked.

  Eloi hummed as Remy touched her cheek.

  “This is going to work. Just give us a try,” he stated, and Eloi released her to Remy. He pulled her against him and kissed her. It was a warm, sweet kiss just like what she would expect from Remy. As he released her, she caught a glimpse of his scar, and she gently touched a fingertip to it. A look of sadness swept across his face, and he began to pull away. Angelique stopped him and touched a hand to his cheek and smiled. He was tall at least six feet and very fit. She could feel his stomach muscles even between the fabric of his shirt and the fabric of her dress. He seemed embarrassed by his scar. She was just curious about it.

  A touch to her shoulder and Remy smiled as she turned to see Marcel. A couple of inches taller than Remy with wavy brown hair, he looked the perfect part of a handsome, classy aristocrat. He seemed more sophisticated and definitely particular. He eyed her over then held her gaze.

  “I’ll take one of those kisses, sugar,” he said, and she could see the sparkle in his eyes and his intentions on getting that kiss from her either way. He pulled her gently into an embrace then leaned down and kissed her softly. A few seconds later he released her, and she began to fuss with her dress and tried to adjust her cleavage. The men licked their lips and looked her over like she could be a meal. She suddenly knew what it felt like to be a crawfish. Suck ’n’ pull, suck ’n’ pull, her breasts tingled, and her nipples hardened to tight pebbles. She inhaled, trying to catch her breath.

  “I can use a bit of freshening up. Is there a powder room?” she asked, and Armand pointed toward a small door that was adjacent to the room they were standing in. She quickly headed in that direction.

  * * * *

  Eloi adjusted his holster and his pants then looked at himself in the mirror. He had to rub away Angelique’s lipstick from his mouth.

  “She’s incredible and better then I wanted to admit,” he stated toward his brothers. They smiled and made grunts of appreciation for what just happened between the five of them.

  * * * *

  Angelique freshened up, straightened out her dress, her makeup, and her hair, grateful that the bathroom was stocked with things she needed. Her heart pounded inside her chest at the realization of what just occurred between her and the Lafont men. It was too late to turn back now. Either they would be turned on by her lack of control over her orgasm and know that they were to blame, or they would think she was some easy putain. She wasn’t a whore, and she sure as hell hoped she didn’t just get herself into a heap of trouble. She took a deep breath before she opened the door and wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed to find the room empty. Where did the Lafont brothers go off to? She crossed the room and opened the door, finding no one in sight.

  The sun was setting outside, and the dessert was being delivered to all the tables. Loads of traditional New Orleans baked goods, pies, and fruit adorned the banquet tables. A group of men was starting a small bonfire, and she immediately recognized Armand, Remy, and Marcel. She sought them out. It was instinctual and threw her for a loop. She was acting like such a sap. Deep down, she wasn’t overly confident, but she wasn’t a pushover either. Yet she felt weak at the moment. Or maybe susceptible was more like it. So the four men gave her the best orgasm of her life. So what? It didn’t mean that they owned her or could dictate her every move. It didn’t mean that she belonged to them and that they belonged to her. The thought stirred up emotions inside she realized were too intense to contemplate at this very moment. She wasn’t certain. It was getting late, and she really should get going while she could.

  She turned to make her sneaky escape and nearly collided into the young woman who sat at the table near her earlier during suppertime.

  “I’m sorry,” Angelique told her, and the woman laughed. She was really pretty with long, blonde hair and dark-brown eyes. She stood a good four inches taller than Angelique. Angelique took note of her figure and immediately thought of the many lingerie items that would look stunning on her. She always thought about things like this when she saw people. It was how she created her many designs.

  “It’s okay, Angelique, I’m Margarite, by the way,” she told Angelique then reached out to shake her hand. They stood looking at the crowds of people helping themselves to desserts. Then Angelique followed Margarite’s line of sight toward a crowd of men. She swallowed hard as she noticed the three men who sat near Margarite at the table earlier talking with Armand, Marcel, and Remy. Angelique wondered where Eloi was. She looked around but couldn’t see him.

  “Eloi had to take a call inside,” Margarite offered the information, and Angelique felt embarrassed. Then she felt Margarite bump her arm.

  “The Lafont brothers, they can be quite the handful. They give you any shit, you come tell me, and my husbands will put them in their place.”

  “Husbands?” Angelique asked before thinking, and Margarite smiled wide.

  “Oh yeah. Those boys over there are mine. That’s three of them to keep in line,” she stated then smiled as she winked toward her men. Angelique noticed all six men now watching them. She lowered her head and looked around the party as she clasped her hands. She didn’t know how to take all of this.

  “We’re not the only ones, you know? Look over there at the brunette with the two men in black. Marissa, she’s an interesting one. Took the Mercoy brothers months to win her heart. She had been in a bad relationship with a jerk. Put the voodoo on her good.”

  “Bad relationship?” Angelique asked out of curiosity. She was trying to digest what Margarite was telling her, and now that she looked around her, she did notice more men than women and only a handful of couples.

  “Abuse. Some piece a shit messed her up good. That’s Mickey Lemot. He’s one of Eloi’s deputies. His two brothers are New Orleans state police. They are real tough men. Almost as tough as Eloi. They’re friends with her brother. He called them because the boyfriend was harassing her and hitting her. Mickey showed up and started talking with Marissa and they became friends. Then Mickey’s brothers come ’round, and before long, they all were in love. The boyfriend tried to hurt her when he found out she was with another man, but Eloi intervened before the Lemot brothers got their hands on the boyfriend. Eloi get him good. He and Armand had to arrest the boyfriend at a party Marissa was at. Armand’s a boxer, you know. He was a champion in the army.”

  Angelique felt a mix of emotions. It appeared the Lafont men were noble and good men, yet they scared her. Armand was a trained soldier and a boxer to boot. What if he got angry and hit her? She wouldn’t survive that. Eloi seemed strict, angry, and aggressive. Even when he kissed her, he did it with force and control. Granted, she did like it, but what did she know? One relationship she had, and it was nearly disastrous for her jus
t like Marissa. Remy served in the army, too, and he seemed sweet and sincere, but so was her ex until he struck. Marcel seemed kind of cocky and sure that she would fall for him. He intimidated her with his good looks, charm, and sophistication. She could see him dining at the French Quarter, sipping a glass of expensive champagne while discussing politics and money. He seemed so businesslike and high class. She felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t let this go on. There was no way she could handle one of them, never mind four, and she was worried about the possibility of abuse.

  “I’m sorry, Margarite. I need to go.”

  “Angelique, are you okay? You looked lost for a moment. Was it something I said that bothered you?”

  Angelique took a deep breath as she looked at Margarite. She looked happy and content, and her men kept an eye on her at all times. As much as Angelique wanted to be loved and feel that amazing feeling she had back inside the house with Eloi, Armand, Marcel, and Remy, she was too scared.

  “I can’t do this,” Angelique whispered then began walking away.

  She headed to the side of the house. Maybe if she just left now, she could forget about their kisses and the way they made her body feel. Maybe she could just go back to Orchidea and forget about the Lafont brothers.

  * * * *

  Eloi washed his hands then grabbed a rag to go outside. He was rubbing the dirt off of Angelique’s license plate, hoping to get the number and run her plates. He could find out where she lived and who she was so he could protect her from the Rousse brothers or any other asshole that tried to bother her.

  “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Angelique yelled, and Eloi stood up from the back of the car.

  He placed his hands on his waist, having discarded his holster and placed it in the house safe, and looked her over. Damn, she was even hotter when she was mad. Her green eyes practically glowed in the darkness. He was busted, and she knew exactly what he was up to, so why hide it?

  “I was just—”

  “Just trying to get my license plate number so you could run my plates, find out where I live, and try to stalk me!” she yelled then stormed toward her car door.

  Eloi grabbed her hand to stop her.

  “Hold on one damn second. You and me, we’re going to talk,” he told her, and she jumped out of his reach, hitting the car kind of hard. His eyes widened in surprise. She was scared of him. He could tell immediately and even after what they shared inside the house.

  “Angel, I was just trying to find out more about you. You’ve been so secretive.” He ran his hand through his hair and appeared frustrated.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight. I’ve never had a reaction like this before. I want to know everything about you, and I want to share things about me I never shared with anyone before. It’s crazy,” he told her.

  “You have no right to do this. I have a life that’s none of your business.”

  “None of my business? Is that so?”

  “Yeah, that’s so. I will not be you or your brothers’ little play thing, your possession, or your punching bag. I been there and done that. Never again!” she yelled then turned to get into her car. He was shocked by her words. Had someone hit her, hurt her, and put that fear in her eyes to make her react this way? His temper rose, and his anger showed.

  “Stop right there. Who hurt you? Who did those things to you?” he demanded to know as he grabbed her arms to stop her.

  She closed her eyes. “Please don’t hit me, Eloi. I’m sorry I yelled.” Then the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the privacy and the darkness by the side of the gazebo, away from any prying eyes.

  He lifted her rear so her legs wrapped around his waist despite the dress she wore.

  “Sugar, you’re so wrong. Damn, woman, what you do to me,” he whispered against her neck as he pressed her back against the side of the gazebo walls.

  “I want you because you’re sweet and beautiful and so fucking sexy all I think about is making love to you. I’d never hurt you, and my brothers would never hurt you either.” He kissed her lips before she could reply. Using his right thigh as leverage while pressing his knee to the wall, he spread her wider and ran his right hand up her right thigh to her rear. Plunging his tongue inside her mouth, he couldn’t get enough of her taste or her scent. He loved the feel of her fingers running through his hair and across his scalp. It added fuel to the already intense fire burning inside of him. He reached under her ass and felt the dampness of her panties then pushed them aside to feel her wet pussy lips with his fingers. She jerked against him, climbing higher up his body and thrusting her breasts against his neck. The scent of her perfume and the feel of her hands rubbing all over him threw him into a trance. He released her lips to kiss her neck. He pressed a finger between her wet folds, and she gasped as she grabbed on to his shoulders.

  “Damn, sugar, you got my dick so hard I want to fuck you right here against this gazebo!” he stated then gently sucked on the material of her dress where her erect nipples pushed against the fabric.

  “Oh God,” she moaned, and he tried pressing deeper into her cunt with his fingers, but he was in an awkward position.

  “Let me show you how gentle I can be, baby. Let me make you feel good,” he whispered then pulled his fingers from her body and placed her feet on the ground. She moaned and protested, and he chuckled.

  “I’m just getting into a better position now so I can make you feel real good,” he told her then bent down in front of her, lifted her dress above her waist, and smiled.

  “Hold that,” he asked her to hold the dress up as he absorbed the sight of her pretty black thong panties that hardly covered her mound.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered then pressed a soft kiss to her belly button and then to the patch of silk that covered her pussy.

  “As much as I like these here panties, I want to taste you, more.”

  He began to push her panties down her legs.

  “Oh, please, Eloi, someone might come.” Angelique’s voice shook as she stepped out of the panties.

  “The only one that will be coming is you.” He lifted a thigh over his shoulder and Angelique squealed low as she grabbed on to him. Her hands released the dress, and now it covered his head and face.

  He licked her pussy lips, and she jolted in his arms, so he pressed her ass against the wall.

  “That’s a real tasty dessert you’re serving tonight, Angel. I’m going to take my time and savor it,” he whispered, knowing that his warm breath was causing the shivers to run through her body. She was dripping already as he lashed out his tongue to take a taste.

  Her thigh was muscular and toned hanging over his shoulder, and he spread her wider before pushing a finger into her pussy while he licked her sensitive flesh.

  “Oh!” she moaned low as he pushed his digit slowly in and out of her before adding a second digit. His body felt about to combust. Damn it, his cock wanted to be where his fingers were, but he knew now that things had to go slowly with Angel. She had some bad experience, and it bothered him that anyone could hurt her.

  He pumped his fingers faster as he slurped her cream and nibbled her flesh.

  “Your pussy’s so tight, Angel, I can’t wait to shove my cock in there and fuck you real good.”

  She moaned again, apparently liking the dirty talk despite her reservations.

  “Would you like that, sugar? Would like my dick in this pussy, fucking you real good?”

  “Yes, oh God yes,” she squealed in a rough whisper, now holding his head firmly against her pussy. He licked and finger-fucked her simultaneously until he felt her tighten and grip his fingers hard. He knew she was about to orgasm. “You know what it’s going to be like when the four of us make love to you? I can see you sucking Marcel’s cock while Remy and I take turns tasting and fucking this pussy. And Armand will be in this ass,” he stated as he pressed his thumb to her puckered hole. She screamed against his should
er as she pumped her hips against his fingers and held on to his shoulders tight. He continued to finger-fuck her as the sloshing sound echoed around the high-pitched sounds of insects in the night. She gripped his shoulders tight as she panted against him.

  He let her leg down then pulled her against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder, and he could feel her legs were still shaking in the aftermath of such an intense orgasm. Eloi lifted her up into his arms and carried her up the steps to the gazebo. Her long hair cascaded over his shoulder, and the sweet scent of her shampoo caressed his senses. He gave her body another squeeze, unable to resist the desire and need to be as close as he could to her and to savor this moment.

  * * * *

  Angelique kept her face against Eloi’s neck, absorbing his scent and the connection she felt to him after what they just did. One minute she was scared and pissed off, and the next she was practically begging him to fuck her. Now the embarrassment set in as well as how easily his demanding and intimidating personality got the best of her.

  The cool night air caressed her backside, making her realize that she needed to find her panties. How the hell was she going to do that in the dark? Eloi must have sensed her anxiety.

  “Looking for these?” Eloi asked in a husky voice, and her panties were hanging from his index finger. She went to grab them, but instead he pulled her tighter against his chest, and her legs straddled his waist. She could hear the rumbling in his chest as he chuckled then rubbed her back.

  “Just let me hold you a bit. I’m not letting you go anytime soon after that, chère,” he stated as his warm breath collided with her hair.

  She wasn’t certain how long they sat there, but she was content. The sound of his cell phone ringing disturbed their rendezvous, and the reality that it was time to leave made her heart sink inside her chest. Eloi answered the phone as Angelique attempted to grab her panties from his hand. Of course the smug male didn’t let her get them.


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