Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Ellena and Angelina grabbed a glass of wine and browsed the items.

  “Are we having some sort of fashion show or something? Are you selling this stuff for a boutique in the French Quarter?” Ellena asked.

  Illeana, who was a chef at an upscale restaurant, smiled as she looked at the black lace negligee. “I like this one a lot.”

  “Well, sisters, I have some things I need to tell you as you browse my items,” Angelina said then took a glass of wine and guzzled the contents. She took the bottle and poured herself another one then took a sip.

  “Ah shit, you aren’t knocked up, are you?” Ellena asked, and Angelina nearly choked on the champagne. The thought hit her gut hard. Could she be? It wasn’t like they took precautions the whole time. Oh shit. When did I get my period last?

  “Oh shit, Angel! Who knocked you up?” Mikayla asked, looking so annoyed as her deep brown eyes stared at Angelique with daggers. She had been the one to explain about men and sex to her. She laid down the law good.

  Angelique snapped out of it.

  “No! Of course not. Listen to me. I have a lot to explain, and I don’t want to hear no lip from none of you about it. I am a grown woman, and I will do what I feel is right in my life. I want to feel proud of whom I am and the body God gave me. I am sick and tired of feeling inadequate and worthless. I am a changed woman and you will accept it,” she yelled, and all of her sisters just stared at her.

  “Okay, grown woman, let’s hear it now,” Ellena, her oldest sister, stated.

  Angelique took a deep breath and began.

  “You like what you see, Mikayla? I made that just for you. I made this one for Angelina. I made this one for Ellena, and I made this one for Illeana.”

  “Made them?” Mikayla asked as she touched the fabric and laid it against her cheek.

  Ellena touched the packaging and the purple box.

  “Secret Pleasures is my company. I have been designing, creating, and selling lingerie and now clothing for over a year. I have some bigwigs in New Orleans that are interested in becoming partners and marketing my merchandise and going national with stores all over the place.”

  “Holy shit!” Illeanna stated, and then the questions started. They each sat down on the floor around the items, sipping wine and picking Angelique’s brain. Finally after she explained about her seamstresses, the Internet sales, shipping, advertising, and the boutique in New Orleans, they were ecstatic.

  “We are so proud of you, Angel. I love the name, too. It’s so sexy,” Illeanna stated.

  “These are great. You know how hard it is to find lingerie, bras, and tops that are flattering to big-busted women?” Ellena asked.

  Angelique smiled. “That was one of the reasons why I started sewing and making my own stuff. It was my way of feeling sexy and beautiful again after what happened,” she stated, and they all stared at her.

  “Aw, honey. Why did you keep it a secret?” Angelina asked.

  “I wanted to be successful first, and I wanted to feel good about myself and accomplishing this.”

  “Are you going to really go national with multiple stores?” Illeanna asked.

  Angelique took a sip of wine, letting the liquid soothe her body. She needed this time with her sisters, and she needed to come clean.

  “I’m not sure yet. I am supposed to meet them again next week. It’s been a crazy week for me,” she said then lowered her eyes.

  “You aren’t sleeping with one of the businessmen interested in your company, are you?” Ellena asked.

  “Shit, Ellena! What do you think, I am some kind a slut? First you ask if I’m knocked up, and now you want to know if I’m screwing the two men interested in being partners in business.”

  “Yeah, I do. Men are slimeballs. They think they can control what you do with their cocks. They’ll sweet-talk you and have you signing away all your money to them,” she replied.

  “I’m not stupid!” Angelique yelled, and when she stood up, she wobbled a little from drinking too much too quickly.

  Angelina grabbed her hand to steady her.

  “No one said you’re stupid, Angel. We love you and we worry about you.”

  “I’m not having sex with them,” she stated.

  “Then who are you having sex with?” Ellena asked.

  “None of your business, Ellena.” Angelique stated.

  “It is her business, child. It’s all their business,” Marie Cherise Laveau stated as she appeared in the doorway. They all waved, and instantly Angelique felt a funny sensation in her belly.

  “What in the world?” Angelique asked, and Marie Cherise, the voodoo priestess, walked around the living room. She sniffed when she passed Angelique and eyed her funnily.

  Angelique would never mess with the voodoo priestess, not unless she wanted bad luck and bad things to come to her. Angelique was silent.

  “You done good, child. Your spirit is strong. The weakness not got a hold on you no more,” Marie Cherise stated. She picked up one of the purple negligees that Angelique adored. She had thought about wearing it for her men and then telling them about Secret Pleasures.

  Marie Cherise brought the negligee to Angelique. “The brothers love what is in here, not just what you wear out here.” She touched Angelique’s chest where her heart was.

  “Brothers?” Ellena asked.

  “Sista tell you when she ready. Her path has more bumps in it, but she strong now, right, Angel?” Marie asked then walked toward the door. Angelique followed her out.

  “Be safe and know that your sisters love you and want what’s best. You come see me soon. Got some special bath salts might help when the need emerges.” Angelique felt her cheeks warm knowing that the voodoo woman knew Angelique was having sex with four men and that she used the bath salts Cherise sold the men at some point. Holy crap.

  Marie placed her hand on Angelique’s belly. “You make the right decision, Angel. The baby need good fathers, and these men meant for you. Protect what’s yours,” Marie said then walked out the front door and down the steps.

  Angelique stood there speechless. She had to be wrong. Angelique only had sex in the last forty-eight hours. How the hell could she be with child? She shook her head, denying what the crazy voodoo woman said. She was trying to control Angelique’s life, too.

  “Who are the brothers, Angelique?” Mikayla asked as soon as she reentered the room. She replied naturally, and as she said their names, her heart was filled with joy.

  “Armand, Marcel, Remy, and Eloi Lafont, my lovers,” Angelique stated then sat down on the couch.

  “Your lovers?” Ellena asked.

  “You’re sleeping with four brothers?” Angelina asked with her eyes wide open.

  They were all silent as Angelique nodded her head.

  “Son of a bitch, you lucky woman! When the hell did this happen?” Illeanna asked.

  Angelique began to explain about the guys outside of the store, about Maw Maw, and about the men.

  “I don’t believe this. Is this serious or what?” Ellena asked.

  “I’m in love with them, so I guess serious,” Angelique replied.

  “Man, that has been one of my fantasies for years. More than one man catering to my every sexual desire. Shit, I need me another drink. You got any moonshine left?” Angelina asked as she walked toward the liquor cabinet.

  “Yeah, you know where it is,” Angelique stated, and before long her other sisters were admitting that they, too, wished they could find a man or men that would love them and act as interested as it seemed the Lafont men were in Angelique.

  A couple of hours and a lot of moonshine later, Angelique’s sisters took home some lingerie, catalogs, and the website link to tell all their friends to check out. They encouraged her to seriously consider the business partnership with Tye and Mike. Angelique had shown them a picture of the two men, and Angelina went crazy over how good looking they were. She teased her, saying that she could introduce her, but she wasn’t sure if they liked to s
hare or not. That caused another hot discussion about men and commitment.

  Then they talked about Mamma Cherise’s surprise visit and about the voodoo.

  “When she comes around and starts spewing shit about strong hearts, danger, and protecting what’s yours, then you better take her seriously, Angelique,” Mikayla stated as she pushed a strand of onyx hair behind her ear.

  “Well she is a domestic informant. There isn’t anything that woman doesn’t know about,” Ellena stated.

  “Well, I’ll take some of what she says seriously but other things I think she’s reaching,” Angelique added to the conversation.

  Illeanna leaned forward on the couch and lowered her voice. “You know they say Mamma Cherise has danced with snakes and engages in blood-drenched rituals. Even the police are scared of her, and government officials seek out her advice,” Illeanna stated.

  “I just got the chills, pass me that moonshine,” Ellena said, and they all laughed.

  It was after midnight, and Angelique was feeling really good. She thought she would most likely regret this in the morning as she locked up and headed to bed. As soon as she hit the pillow, she knew she was in for it if she ever fell asleep. The cell phone beeped then rang. The men had called her a few times, and now Eloi was calling.

  She picked up the phone as she propped up her head.

  “Yeah,” she stated, unable to say more than that.

  “Angel?” he asked.

  “Hi, Eloi.”

  “Are you okay? You sound funny.”

  “I’m just a little—”

  “Drunk!” he yelled.

  “A little,” she replied then giggled.

  “Where you at?”

  “Bed,” she replied.

  “With whom?” he asked, and she could tell he sounded worried, and his temper had to be rising. That was Eloi. He was strong minded and in charge all of the time. For such a strong, intimidating persona she wouldn’t expect that he needed reassurances. It seemed that Eloi was a little insecure when it came to commitments.

  “You,” she whispered, and suddenly she wasn’t feeling so drunk anymore. Her breasts felt full and needy, and her belly muscles clenched with hunger. She imagined calming him down and having her way with him. Would he ever allow that? Would Eloi let down his defenses and allow her to control him? The thought made her pussy throb and her heart race. She wished he were here in her bed with her. Even when she sucked on his cock, he held her hair tight and controlled the rhythm best he could.

  “With me is where you should be, baby. But instead you sound like you had some moonshine. You alone?” he asked.

  “No, I have you.”

  “You should be here with us. All naked and warm in our arms is where you belong.”

  “I’m sorry it didn’t work out tonight. I needed to talk with my sisters,” she stated then adjusted the pillow and sat up in bed. She missed them all.

  “We know that, so I forgive you. Now when tomorrow comes and you aren’t here, I am going to come get you.”

  “I’m coming tomorrow, but not until the afternoon time.”

  “You’re pushing it, Angel,” he reprimanded, and she smiled then snorted a little.

  “Am I getting the big, bad sheriff all riled up?” she teased, and she had to hide that giggly sensation that filled her heart. Damn, she had it bad.

  “Chère, you got my dick so fucking hard right now I may have to take matters into my own hands. Waiting until tomorrow might kill me,” he admitted, and she felt bad. She actually felt bad that she caused him to get all excited and now she couldn’t relieve him.

  “Well, I didn’t mean to. Hmm…maybe I can help you.”

  “Oh yeah, baby, how so?” he asked with his voice sounding so husky and sexy.

  She reached down under the covers.

  “Well, what if I told you that I’m all naked in bed. I got my legs spread wide just like you, Marcel, Remy, and Armand like them. Your hand is gliding nice and slowly down my belly and straight to my very wet, very needy…”

  “Yeah, baby, yeah, tell me,” he panted.

  “Pussy,” she stated and felt her cheeks heat up as if they were on fire. She’d never even said that word out loud before, or the word cock, but these Lafont men made her wicked.

  “Oh fuck, Angel!” Eloi exclaimed.

  “Are you touching yourself, Eloi?” she asked then shook with anticipation. This was almost as good as the real thing. Well, almost, she thought as she touched her pussy lips and felt how wet she was. Damn.

  “No, sugar, I’m not touching myself.”

  “Why not, Eloi?” she asked.

  “Because you’re on speakerphone and my brothers are all listening intently.”

  She sat up and gave a little squeal which hurt her head and made her belly wiggle too fast, causing the contents inside to awake a nauseous feeling.

  “I can’t believe you! How could you put me on speaker?” she demanded to know.

  “Because you belong to all of us, darling, remember,” Armand stated.

  “Oh, I remember all right. I bet you are all just sitting there laughing at me. Well, good night, Lafont men,” she stated and was about to hang up the phone when she heard Eloi’s voice.

  “Angelique Aubert, you hang up the phone and I’ll spank that ass first thing tomorrow and I don’t care if it’s in the middle of town, you hear?” he yelled, and his thick Cajun accent sent shivers down her spine. His voice was deep to begin with. All their voices were, and damn it, she was wet again. Why did firing Eloi up get her so hot?

  “I’m not afraid of you, Eloi Lafont,” she retorted.

  “You better be sure you want to start this with Eloi, honey,” Remy chimed in.

  “Yeah, sugar, he’ll tie you up to the bed and have his wicked way with you. That sexy ass of yours will be sticking up in the air as we each take a whack before we fuck you good,” Marcel stated.

  “Oh yeah, you keep running that sassy mouth, sugar,” Armand said.

  “This is going to be good,” Remy stated last.

  “Mais, jamais d’la vie!” she yelled.

  “Well, if you have never in your life been tied up to a bed and spanked for angering your man, then your ass best get ready, sugar. We are going to get you good,” Eloi added.

  “Eloi, stop it! I’m sorry. I wasn’t being sassy and I wasn’t trying to get you mad. I was just teasing, that’s all. Damn you guys! The four of you teaming up on little old me isn’t fair at all. I’m going to hang up now. My head hurts, and I can’t keep up with you right now,” she told them.

  “You had too much moonshine, woman. That’ll teach you,” Armand scolded.

  “I didn’t have any more than usual when my sisters and I get together.”

  “Well then, that’s something that we are going to have to address tomorrow,” Eloi replied.

  “Yeah, we’re going to have to meet those sisters of yours soon,” Marcel added.

  “We’ll see. I have to go. Bye,” she stated.

  “Bye, sugar. We’ll see you by one o’clock, no later, yes?” Eloi asked.

  “I’ll be there when I can, Eloi. Good night.” She hung up the phone as she heard mumbles on the other end.

  She lay back down and smiled to herself. They were so crazy. Then again, maybe she was the crazy one for being involved with four separate large, dominant, Alpha males? Her pussy throbbed, and her heart soared as she realized how in love with them she was and how desperate she felt to be with them again. She suddenly felt restless and as if she was under some spell.

  Ah shit, they put a spell on me for sure.

  * * * *

  Remy was working on top of the roof trying to place the finishing touches on the last pieces of shingles. He climbed down the ladder, noticing that it seemed a bit shaky, but he was almost finished with the shingles, so he climbed back up. One more set and the entire thing was finished. They were making great progress. He was pretty high up, but in the construction business, a worker had to be us
ed to heights.

  “Hey, how you making out up there? It looks real good, Remy,” Marcel yelled up to him just as he finished the last shingle.

  “All done! I’m coming down,” he stated then placed his tools on the small carrier he had, adjusted his belt, and slowly crawled down to the ladder. He stepped on and began to take the first few rungs when he heard the cracking noise. Marcel heard it, too, and ran toward Remy.

  “Oh shit!” Remy yelled as the ladder continued to crack. He released his footing, placing his boots on the side of the ladders, allowing him to slide down quickly. The only problem was that the ladder was broken midway and the shards of metal cut through his pants. He yelled as the ladder gave way about eight feet or so above the ground, and he fell onto his side, hitting the ground with a thump.

  “Remy!” Marcel called as he ran to his side. Armand and the others came running, too.

  “What the hell happened?” Armand asked.

  “The fucking ladder broke,” Marcel replied.

  “The ladder? How the hell can a metal ladder break?” Armand demanded to know, sounding angry.

  “Because someone messed with it, Armand,” Earl stated, and everyone looked at him as he stood by the ladder.

  “What the fuck!” Remy yelled then tried to move.

  “Stay put!” Armand yelled.

  “Call Eloi and call an ambulance,” Armand ordered.

  “No fucking ambulance for me. I’m fine,” Remy stated then tried to move, but he was hurt.

  “Lay the fuck still, bro. This isn’t a military operation. Someone done mess with a ladder. You could’a been killed. You’re going to the hospital, Eloi is going to investigate this, and when I find out who the fucking asshole is that’s messing with our construction site, I’m going to kill him,” Armand yelled.

  * * * *

  “Still no word from Angelique?” Remy asked as they helped him get into bed.

  “Not yet, Remy. I tried her cell phone, but it just keeps going to voice mail,” Armand stated.

  “Where could she be? She said she would come here around one o’clock and it’s after two,” he complained.

  “I know, Remy. Just lay back and let Marcel give you the painkillers. You need rest,” Armand stated as Marcel stood by the bed with a glass of water and the medication that the doctor prescribed.


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