Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “This isn’t like her to not call if she were going to be late. She promised and I’m worried,” Remy stated as he moaned while adjusting his leg onto the bed.

  “Eloi will find her,” Marcel added as he gave Armand a look.

  Armand left the room and walked downstairs, dialing Angelique’s cell number while en route. As he heard the voice mail come on again, he closed the phone and tossed it onto the coffee table in the living room. Eloi stood there on his cell phone looking just as pissed off as Armand was.

  Where the hell could she be? Could Angelique be somehow involved with the sabotage against the company? Could she be in danger right now, too? Maybe something happened to her? Armand felt his stomach ache and the anger fill his core. Just then he heard a car pull up. He locked gazes with Eloi as he rushed to the doorway.

  * * * *

  Angelique’s heart was pounding in her chest. She couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone about Remy. She was late coming into town because of a car accident ten miles outside of Orchidea. She rushed into town to find out from Maw Maw that Remy had been hurt on the construction site. She instantly felt sick to her stomach. Maw Maw said the men insisted that their mother not come to the hospital, but she gave Angelique directions to the hospital, but by the time she had gotten there, they had released Remy. She tried to find out about his injuries, but they said she wasn’t family and he was discharged. After dealing with their attitudes, she was ready to hit someone. She headed back in the direction she thought that led to the Lafonts’ place, but she got lost. She was frazzled and couldn’t think straight because she was so concerned. When she finally made it to their place, she was shaking. As she parked the car next to the sheriff’s patrol truck and got out, she saw Armand storming through the front door. He looked really angry as his long strides brought him directly in front of her in no time at all.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he yelled, and she froze in place. Her eyes widened in shock, and she felt herself begin to cry.

  “You should have been here over an hour ago!” he yelled again as the wind picked up, sending her hair flying behind her and the hem of her dress lifting along with it.

  “I got here as soon as I could. I went to the hospital, but you left already. Then I got lost and—”

  He was shaking with his fists by his side and staring down at her. Over his shoulder she could see Eloi and Marcel, but no Remy. Before she could ask any questions, Armand lifted her up in the air and pulled her to him. She straddled his hips as he kissed her hard and until they were nearly breathless. He pressed her body against the sheriff’s patrol truck as his hands ran up her thighs, and he cupped her ass. When he released her lips to breathe, he kissed along her neck. He was out of control and obviously angry with her, but there was something else. The door handle was sticking into her spine as she whispered his name while caressing his head and cheeks.

  “Armand, please.”

  He stopped but remained pressed against her as his hands gripped her firmly by her upper thighs and ass. They locked gazes, and his eyes widened as if he were shocked by his own irrational behavior. She blinked the tears away as she felt one roll down her cheek and hit her cleavage.

  “I’m sorry, Angelique. I just—”

  He hugged her to him, laying his head against her neck and pulling her slightly off of the truck, easing the pain of the handle against her spine. She caressed his hair and kissed his temple.

  “I’m sorry Armand, I truly am sorry and it was out of my control.”

  He lifted his head and kept her in his arms as he pulled away from the truck.

  “No, I’m sorry I overreacted like that. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, baby. I’m just crazy right now with what happen ’n’ all. I was worried about you, too. I tried calling you.”

  “I left my cell phone at home, I was in such a rush to get here. Where’s Remy, Armand? How is he? I was so worried when I came to town and heard,” she continued to caress his cheeks and his hair as he held her gaze.

  “He’s inside resting. They gave him painkillers. He needed some stitches.”

  “Stitches?” she asked, shocked as the tears began to fall.

  “It’s okay, baby. He’s a tough one. He caught some pieces of metal that cut through his jeans and hit his thighs. All and all, he’s pretty damn lucky, that soldier.”

  “Can I see him?” she asked, unsure if Remy and the others would be angry with her, too.

  “Sure can. He’s been asking for you since the hospital.”

  She felt terrible.

  Armand walked toward the front door and where Eloi stood waiting.

  “You ’n’ I will talk later, girl. Right now you best get up those stairs to see Remy. He’s tossing and turning, and that isn’t good for the stitches,” Eloi said as Armand set her down. Before she could walk toward the stairs, Eloi grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. He stared into her eyes and held her gaze. She knew he was angry with her, too. What the heck? It wasn’t like she avoided coming here on purpose. He kissed her deeply as he held her hands behind her back. When he finally released his hold, he gave her ass a light smack that turned her on and made her pussy leak. Was she a glutton for punishment or what? “Later. Me and you.”

  She swallowed hard then made her way upstairs to the bedroom.

  She took a deep breath then entered.

  Marcel looked up from a large chair across from the bed. His eyes widened, and he looked angry with her, too. Oh Lord, this was crazy. She lowered her eyes then looked toward Remy. His eyes were closed, and he was only wearing a pair of military-green boxers. The bandages around his thigh were big, and she cringed as she looked at them. He appeared like a wounded soldier. A body made of muscles and sex appeal and a personality that made her heart soar with love for him. He was her Remy, her sweetheart. She was stuck in place and afraid to move closer and wake him. She felt Marcel’s hands wrap around her from behind. He hugged her to him then inhaled against her neck and shoulder. She could feel his strong muscles against her back.

  “Where you been, woman?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Long story, Marcel. But I’m here now,” she replied, and he squeezed her to him. He kissed her neck then ran his hands across her belly to her breasts. He cupped them, and she closed her eyes, absorbing the feel of his big, strong hands.

  “How is he?” she asked, trying to remain calm despite the desire to rip off her dress and let them touch her, lick her, and fuck her anywhere they wanted. She was out of breath now at the mere thought.

  “He’ll be better once he knows that you’re here, just like I am,” he stated then turned her around and locked gazes with her. His dark-green eyes, the color of seaweed, looked aroused.

  “I missed you,” he said then lowered his mouth to kiss her. She held on to his shoulders as he lifted her in the air and she straddled his waist. His hands ran along her curves and straight to her thong panties. He pushed the string aside and rubbed along the crevice and her puckered hole. She moaned, and he squeezed her to him, releasing her lips to get as close to her as he could. The feel of his thumb caressing along her sensitive hole aroused her beyond belief. She had it bad for all of them and knew that she would never be the same ever again.

  “Later we talk,” he told her then gently set her down. She swallowed hard and immediately missed his intimate touch, but then she knew she needed to see Remy up close. She walked unsteadily toward the bed and her sleepy Remy.

  * * * *

  Remy knew that Angelique was there. He could smell her perfume and sense her body. Somehow he felt his brother’s arousal. Whether it was instinctual or some sort of bond they shared, he just knew it. He was relieved that she was with them now and safe. It caught him off guard how she came to his mind in the midst of the accident. Her angelic face popped into his head as he slid down the ladder taking the strips of metal against his leg before falling to the ground. He prayed that he would see her again and that they could have a future together. He loved her
, and he wasn’t going to waste any more time hiding it.

  He felt the bed dip then her feminine fingers trace along his cheek. His belly warmed, and his cock hardened despite the painkillers.

  “Hey, Angel,” he whispered then turned his head toward her as her palm clutched his cheek. It felt feminine and warm. It instantly healed any pain he was feeling.

  “Hey, my sweet Remy,” she whispered back then leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. He attempted to pull her closer, but she grabbed his hands to stop him.

  “No, Remy, you’re hurt,” she protested.

  “Just on my left leg, so get down here and snuggle with me now,” he demanded, and she obliged without a fight. She slid down along his right side and laid her face against his chest.

  “Get that sexy thigh of yours over mine,” he ordered, and she slid her silky thigh over his right leg, causing her skin to brush against his boxers and erection. He moaned, and she stiffened beneath his hold.

  “No, don’t move, sugar. You just touched my cock, and it’s hard just thinking about getting inside of you,” he told her, and she shyly laid her head back down.

  “Tell me what happened,” she asked, and he swallowed hard. He didn’t want to tell her all about it. He wanted to make love to her, but it probably wasn’t a good idea.

  “No, honey, I’ll save that story for another time. Right now I want to hold you in my arms and hope I heal fast so I can show you how much I love you,” he whispered, and she raised her head up and held his gaze.

  “What did you say?” she asked as her voice cracked, and he smiled then squeezed her side. He reached over with his other hand and rubbed his thumb gently across her lower lip. “I said I love you, Angel.”

  He watched the tears fill her eyes and her face light up.

  “I love you, too, Remy. I was so scared that something bad happened,” she stated then leaned up and kissed him. He held her tight and smiled.

  “Lay with me awhile. Before long these painkillers are going to kick in and I’ll be sleeping like a baby while my brothers get to love you.”

  “I won’t leave you, Remy.”

  He smiled.

  “The Lafont brothers don’t take no for an answer.”

  She snuggled closer, and he held her until he fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Angelique couldn’t fall asleep. She wanted to know how Remy got hurt, but he told her to stay with him. She could hear his heavy breathing and knew he was out cold. She debated about going downstairs to see Armand, Eloi, and Marcel, but then she feared another reaction like Armand’s. Never mind that Eloi told her he would speak to her later. She didn’t like the feeling she had. She didn’t like it when the men were upset with her, nor did she like being treated like a child. Although when Eloi held her hands behind her back while he kissed her in such a way that her toes curled, she liked it and would take any kind of spanking he was willing to give. That caused a lot of mixed emotions for her that she contemplated for the next several minutes. Now she was antsy. She should go downstairs and get to the bottom of the circumstances of the accident and her anxiety about a possible confrontation. The sound of someone coming up the steps caught her attention, and as she watched the doorway, butterflies hit her belly. Marcel came into view, and he looked serious as he approached.

  He walked to her side of the bed, glanced at Remy, then placed his hand on her waist.

  “Come with me,” he whispered. She looked at Remy and the fact that Remy’s hand was on her hip, then back at Marcel.

  Marcel gently removed Remy’s hand and lifted Angelique up from the bed.

  “I can walk,” she whispered, but he didn’t place her down on her feet until they were in the hallway. She continued to walk until strong arms pulled her to him and pressed her against the wall. As she gasped, Marcel held her close and whispered inches from her lips.

  “I’m mad at you. We all are,” he told her, and as she tilted her chin up and began to explain, her words were lost on Marcel’s lips as he kissed her hard and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She could feel his strength and his need to dominate and take her. She was half-scared and half-thrilled beyond her sanity. Then he pulled from her lips and struggled to breathe as he wedged his body hard against her softer one and panted against her neck.

  “Damn, I don’t want to scare you, baby. I don’t want to use strength or anger or the emotions I’m feeling right now to force you to—”

  He stopped midsentence, and she could tell he was tense, upset, and filled with deep emotion.

  “Force me to what?” she dared to ask, and he moved his face closer so he could lock gazes with her. “To submit entirely to all four of us.” Before she could ask what he meant, he was fixing her dress then taking her hand and leading her down the stairs toward the living room.

  “Armand isn’t himself right now. Today took a lot out of him,” he told her as they walked into the room. She caught sight of Armand standing near the couch, and Eloi was leaning against the wall that divided the living room and the kitchen. She had taken off her sandals when she joined Remy on the bed, and standing in the room right now with three very tall, intimidating-looking men made her thankful for every inch she had. But she wished she still wore the sandals. She swallowed hard as Armand turned and caught her gaze. He looked her over, and every part of her body came alive.

  “Come here,” he demanded, and under normal circumstances, she may have just gone, but not with the look he had in his eyes. He was filled with emotion, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to be on the receiving end, even if it weren’t all bad. She shook her head, and he took a step forward and repeated himself.

  “Come here, Angelique.”

  “Why?” she asked, her voice quivering.

  “Because we got some questions for you about your little meeting with Mike and Tye and what exactly your job was supposed to be in regards to us,” Eloi interrupted, and both Marcel and Armand looked downright pissed. She had to take a second to register his statement. What did her meeting with Tye and Mike have to do with them?

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My meeting with Mike and Tye had nothing to do with any of you.”

  “It’s interesting how we meet you at our mama’s shop, you’re donating to the community center, then you meet with Mike and Tye who happen to been interested in our land, and then things start going wrong. These little accidents where anyone could get hurt and make the town building inspectors question safety and whether they will allow the additional land to be used as we wish. Do you realize that they could destroy our entire company and bring us under?” Armand stated.

  She wasn’t sure if she understood them, and then it hit her. They were looking at her as if she were responsible or at least involved in a conspiracy to destroy their company and the community center. Her stomach felt as if it dropped. She thought she was going to cry or puke until the anger hit her.

  She took a deep breath then spoke her mind.

  “Y’all think that I am working with Tye and Mike to destroy your company, to cause accidents to happen on the site to make the town deny your permits and help them to take your land?” she asked, raising her voice with the last few words. They just stared at her, and she lost it.

  “I cannot believe this bullshit! For men who are supposed to be so damn smart and military strong, you sure are dumb. First of all, get this here straight from the get-go that I am not, nor have I ever been, involved with sabotaging your company. Second, nor do Tye and Mike, two exceptional individuals who are very close to your mama and your papa, have anything to do with this accusation. Third, I sure as shit did not plan any accidents or have anything to do with any accidents on your site. If y’all recall, I was hanging for my dear life because of whatever asshole is fucking with you. So you listen to me and you listen to me good. I will not tolerate such accusations from four men that I love. I had been caught in traffic after an accident outside of my home near Orchidea as I tried my damndest to get to y’all be
cause I missed you so damn much, and I couldn’t call because I left my cell phone at home. Then I got lost going to the hospital the second I found out about Remy. You left there, and I got lost again because I’m not from around here. You’re breaking my heart if you think I would be part of this!” She screamed the last few words as the tears filled her eyes and a combination of rage and insult filled her heart.

  “Angelique!” Eloi yelled her name as they all looked astonished at her outburst.

  She flipped Eloi the bird and stomped toward the front door. Armand went to stop her, and she turned toward him swinging. She nearly made contact with his face, but he ducked and grabbed her around the waist. With her yelling and kicking, calling them everything from assholes, dumb-ass swamp rats to crocodile turd, Armand carried her to the couch and practically sat on her.

  She was angry and pissed off, but mostly hurt.

  “I told you she wasn’t involved, Eloi,” Marcel stated as he stood over the back of the couch.

  “We had to be sure. It leaves our possibilities wide open again,” Eloi stated, standing near Armand as he straddled Angelique on the couch.

  “Let go of me now!” Angelique stated, out of breath. They all stopped and looked at her.

  “Not until you settle down. We didn’t think you would get all riled up like this over some questions,” Marcel teased.

  “Some questions? You accused me of some serious things. I want to go home. I hate you!” she stated.

  “No!” the three of them responded as Armand let go of her hands, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  She glared at all of them, and they just stared at her.

  “Why can’t I go? Y’all don’t trust me and think I would hurt you or cause you bad things. You three are the most idiotic, self-centered jackasses I have ever met in my entire life.”

  “Cause you said you love us, and we love you,” Armand told her, and her eyes widened in shock. Damn, she did tell them that she loved them in a fit of rage.


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