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Babylon (Eden Saga Book 2)

Page 30

by Matthew C. Plourde

  “If she’s anywhere, she’s in there,” Alexandra said.

  “Alright,” Zeke said. “I’ll go with you.”

  They crept down to the lower floor and Zeke handed his bulky assault rifle to one of his comrades, taking a second pistol in return. He cocked the barrel on each and pulled a large cloth over his head and body. One of the other soldiers handed Alexandra a similar garment and she followed suit. They now looked like just another pair of Babylonians trying to keep the rain off themselves.

  As she guessed, slipping into the tower wasn’t a problem. People carried tools and materials to the tower in a steady flow, and they just blended into the crowd. Once inside, she led Zeke to the fourth floor, where she knew Medina’s chamber to be.

  “This is it,” Alexandra said. She knocked softly on the door.

  Zeke pulled on her arm and she noticed the angel coming down the stairs.


  “The girl is with the Child King,” Naithe said, drawing a silver sword from his belt. “We were all told about your treachery. About your falseness.”

  As he advanced, Alexandra wasted no time in releasing her own weapon from its scabbard.

  “Falseness?” she said. “Why is the Child King attended by demons?”

  “They are repentant, and the Child King can control them through His holiness. Do not try to spin your wicked lies on me.”

  “Alexandra?” Zeke said as he readied his pistols.

  She shook her head. “They’ll hear above.”

  “Put your weapons down,” Naithe said. “You cannot possibly hope to fight me. I have been in thousands of-“

  Without waiting for him to finish his monologue, Alexandra lunged forward and swung her sword towards his head. Moving to block, Naithe realized too late that she was feinting. Changing direction, she looped her sword upwards as she spun around the angel, grievously gashing his side between his armor in the process.

  “Intruders!” Naithe yelled as he stumbled backwards, silvery blood pouring from his wound.

  Bang. Bang.

  Likely realizing their element of surprise was now forfeit, Zeke fired from both of his pistols into Naithe’s breastplate. The metal clinked as each bullet sunk into his chest. The angel toppled and the silvery liquid pooled around him. Alexandra disarmed him and pushed the edge of her sword to his neck.

  “Give me a reason to spare you,” she said.

  “Mih’darl!” he said, his all-white eyes wide.

  Alexandra rammed the pommel of her sword into his head several times until he appeared suitably disabled. Retrieving his angelic weapon, she took the stairs upwards two at a time. To her surprise, Zeke followed her.

  “There’ll be more,” she called over her shoulder.

  Zeke nodded as he kept pace.

  Ducking from the ambushing demon’s sword, Alexandra continued her upward dash onto the landing of the top floor. She spun with her left hand and sliced the demon’s chest with Naithe’s sword. The creature tumbled backwards and through a weak section of the tower, falling out of sight.

  Demons charged her but she caught a glimpse of Nebu and Medina in the arms of two angels. Likely Zaph and Erah. Padre Hernon huddled near the throne, unaccustomed to the violence no doubt.

  “Medina!” Alexandra called, hopeful the girl still had faith in her.

  Her heart leapt when she heard Medina’s cry back to her. “Alejandra!”

  Zeke’s pistols spat their death and Alexandra sprinted between the demons. One of them caught her shoulder with his claw but she didn’t slow. She charged towards the throne just as Zaph and Erah took to the air. Seeing Medina in Zaph’s arms, Alexandra launched Naithe’s sword towards the angel. The weapon spun through the air and lopped a wing clear off Zaph’s back. He crashed to the ground near the edge of the tower, sending splinters of wood scattering in all directions.

  Alexandra ran to him, unconcerned with Erah and Nebu. Let them flee.

  Zaph tumbled over the edge. Alexandra dropped her sword and lunged. She caught his arm and felt her stitches pop in her own arm. The strain from the angel was far more than she could bear.

  He looked into her eyes and said, “I was blind to the truth.”

  “Hand her to me!” Alexandra yelled.

  Medina dangled from Zaph’s other arm, drenched in his silvery blood.

  With his mighty strength, the angel lifted Medina to safety next to Alexandra.

  “I’m sorry, My Lady,” he said as he released from Alexandra’s grasp and plummeted to the ground below.

  Alexandra rolled to a spot between the approaching demons and Medina. During the move, she retrieved her sword and held it parallel to the ground in front of her. A defensive stance.

  “Where’s your lord?” she asked. “The one to tell me gets the quickest death.”

  The demons scrambled to the air and disappeared. Behind where they just stood, Zeke grappled with a horned demon. Both of them were bloody and Zeke had lost the upper hand as the demon pinned him to the floor. Alexandra rushed forward and cleaved the demon’s raised hand from his body. Screeching, the creature rolled from Zeke and tumbled down the stairs.

  She held her hand towards him and helped him to his feet.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “I’ve had about enough of this place,” Alexandra said, turning to Medina.

  Alexandra’s breath caught in her throat as Padre Hernon was standing beside Medina near the edge.

  “I thought I was doing right,” Hernon said, putting his arm over Medina’s shoulders. “Nebu was our Messiah. It was confirmed…”

  Alexandra put her palm towards him in a halting sign and said, “Step away from her.”

  He looked at the girl, stroked her hair and said, “Our children are so precious. So very valuable to our future.”

  Medina’s fear was palpable, but she didn’t cry. Brave girl.

  Alexandra advanced slowly, her heart thumping. “It’s over,” she said. “Nebu has fled, the demons won’t fight me. Just let her go.”

  “I hear the angel, what he say to you,” Hernon said. “Who are you?”

  “That’s not important,” she said.

  He nodded and his chin flap wobbled. “Sim, sim. The children.”

  “I just want to get her out of here, away from the violence,” Alexandra said. “I’ll get her to safety.”

  “You cut the angel’s wing,” Hernon said, his voice distant. “I don’t understand.”

  “Satan is here,” Alexandra said. “He has fooled us all and you have been in service to him.”

  Tears streaked his round cheeks. “I know this,” he said. “I pray and I know this now. The demons… They-”

  “Please,” Alexandra said, two arm lengths away now.

  Hernon stiffened and yelled, “They will not take my soul!”

  With his declaration, he removed his arm from Medina and fell backwards into the open air. He was gone. Only emptiness remained where he stood moments earlier and the sheeting rain splattered all around them.

  Zaph likely survived the fall, Padre Hernon probably didn’t.

  Alexandra exhaled and scooped Medina with her free arm. The three of them rushed back down the stairs. The bottom floors were empty, likely cleared when the gunfire started. Zeke led them back to their building and his comrades fanned out, ensuring they could enter safely. For the moment the demons overhead seemed disorganized and whipped into a frenzy, like an angry nest of bees.

  Alexandra and the soldiers crept to the outskirts of the city unhindered. Once there, Alexandra knelt and hugged Medina.

  “These are friends,” Alexandra said. “They’ll take you someplace safe until I can be with you again.”

  “My mother?” Medina asked, still clinging to Alexandra.

  “I’ll find her,” Alexandra said, “if I can. You need to go with Zeke now, though. I need to know you will be safe. Will you go with him?”

  The girl nodded and detached from Alexandra.

  “Take her,�
�� Alexandra said.

  “What are you going to do?” Zeke asked as he wiped the blood from his many cuts. The horned demon had done a number on the American.

  “I’m going to keep an eye on things for a little while and wait for Erzulie,” she said. “I also want to see what they do. If they start attacking the people, I’ll have to intervene.”

  “Right,” Zeke said. “Don’t stay too long. Our main encampment is a few miles north of that ridge. Here.”

  He handed her a radio.

  “Thanks,” she said. “And thanks for your help back there. It’s not easy to face down a demon like that.”

  He nodded. “Maybe someday you can teach me to fight like you do. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “Deal,” she said as they clasped forearms in a soldier’s handshake. “Keep her safe.”

  He made a quick salute and said, “I will.”

  The soldiers left with Medina and Alexandra picked her way back to the city. She found her ruined building and climbed the steps to the top. From there, she had have a full view of the central tower and she could spy on them for a little while.

  Her plan dissolved when she reached the top.

  Shaun waited for her. His suit rumpled and blood on his face, he greeted her with a crooked smile.

  Chapter 32

  “I was starting to wonder if you’d come back,” Shaun said. “You’re deliciously not what I expected.”

  She advanced cautiously, drew her blade and said, “I will finish this.”

  Scanning the ruined building, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Smoke wafted through the broken windows with each gust of torrid wind. Debris was scattered about the floor. The yellow-orange sky roiled like a churning sea beyond the exposed roof.

  “You think I am the enemy here? That I caused all of this?” Shaun asked.

  “Not all of it,” she said.

  “Elah put this into motion and destroyed both our worlds when he abandoned us,” Shaun said.

  Alexandra stopped. He was right. For all his evil and past deeds, Iblis didn’t cause the quake, her suffering, her curse nor her separation from Koneh. All he ever did was enchant her to him, and he didn’t even take advantage of her during that time.

  “You doubt,” he said. “Even now, after you have destroyed Eden, you doubt. How very interesting.”

  “I have no doubts,” she said, proud of her clear voice despite her mounting uncertainty.

  Did he deserve to die? Was she qualified or ready to judge him for his many crimes, none of which were committed against her?

  She gripped her sword and contemplated her next move. Tight leather hugged her legs. Her skin crawled with each movement. The cropped, split ends of her raven hair danced in the corners of her eyes as she raked him with her glare. Her entire life had taken one unexpected turn after another, and now she squared off against Satan himself.

  She heard the flapping of wings overhead and she spun to the side, keeping both Shaun and the unknown newcomer in her field of vision. Her heart soared when she recognized Erzulie. Armed with two curved, demonic blades, her friend landed on the rooftop next to her and eyed their adversary.

  “Are you unharmed?” Erzulie asked.

  Alexandra nodded.

  “Right on time, Erzulie,” Shaun said. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you. Jahannam just isn’t the same without you.”

  Erzulie’s eyes widened. “Iblis?”

  Shaun nodded.

  “I would have preferred we did this a different way,” he said. “But you have left me no option. Erzulie, seize the Mih’darl!”

  The recurring dream came around in her mind like a carousel. Familiarity struck her like a strong wind and her hands wavered. Was this the moment she became truly alone? Koneh and Father Callahan were stranded in Eden. She pushed Lilev away after the demoness’ vile act. Now, did she also lose her cherished friend?

  Erzulie turned towards Alexandra and said, “I have been by your side since your world ended, even before you knew it. Through that time, I have been your servant, your friend and your sister in arms.”

  Alexandra’s heart shattered inside of her chest. This was the end. Erzulie would follow the order of her former master. As Koneh said, it was just too strong. She waited for the “but” which would signal the truth.

  “You gave me everything you had,” Erzulie continued, “including a soul. It is this gift which has also granted my freedom. I’ll never be able to repay you for all you have done.”

  Both Alexandra and Shaun gasped as Erzulie turned her swords towards Iblis. “I serve the Mih’darl,” she said. “Your command has no effect on me any longer.”

  Shaun quickly composed himself. “A soul?” he said. “That’s… Unexpected.”

  He brought his hand to his head and doubled over in pain. Erzulie saw her opportunity and advanced but Alexandra held her back. She remembered this part of the dream.

  Shaun’s weak voice escaped. “Help!” he said.

  “Shaun?” Alexandra asked, stepping towards him. “Are you still in there somewhere?”

  He looked at her, the veins on his face strained. “Can you help me?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, though she didn’t know the first thing about demonic possession. A part of her heart flared into action, like it did when she was around Benjamin, General Ryan and Medina. She felt connected to the man and recalled Shaun’s accident. Perhaps it wasn’t an accident? Did he purposefully injure himself so Alexandra would heal him? What were his motives? In any case, she found she had fond memories of their time together in Babylon. There was an element of the human Shaun she knew hiding inside somewhere, and she sensed that part of him through their bond. He was still alive and though she owed him nothing, she empathized with his plight. Like Lilev’s curse upon Alexandra, Shaun was forced into a fate he didn’t choose. They were both helpless to watch as other forces attempted to control their destinies.

  Shaun reached his hand towards her but recoiled in pain again. He fell to his knees and covered his head with his arms. After a few moments, he became still and peered at Alexandra from beneath his sandy bangs. The confusion that dominated his face was gone, replaced by a cool smile.

  “Shaun is a stubborn one to be sure,” he said, his voice again a smooth purr as he rose.

  “You cannot win, Iblis,” Erzulie said.

  “I don’t need to fight you,” Shaun said.

  He lifted his hands to the sky and the maelstrom of demons gathered into a line. The formation moved towards their building and Alexandra cursed under her breath.

  Erzulie flanked to the right and Alexandra slid to the left. They swung their weapons, but Shaun was a blur of motion between them. He kicked Erzulie aside and grasped Alexandra’s sword arm.

  “You think I wanted this?” he shouted.

  Alexandra twisted free and sliced into the open air. Damn, he was fast!

  Several demons landed on the building. Erzulie became embattled with them and Alexandra pushed one off the rooftop to clear a lane to Shaun again.

  “I was content to travel to Eden with your help and be gone from this accursed place,” he said, maneuvering for a better position.

  “I won’t believe anything you say.”

  Without responding to her, he continued his thought. “And I was happy to do it with as little suffering as possible. Now? Now that you destroyed Eden, I shall remake Hell here on Earth and the people will know true suffering.”

  “No, you won’t,” Alexandra said as she cornered him against the wall.

  Surprised, he turned to the stairs but Alexandra intercepted him. He swung a fist at her head and grazed her cheek. Counterattacking, she swung her sword low and then brought it high. The move caught the unarmed opponent off-guard and she sliced open his chest in a wide gash.

  Then, she watched in horror as he dipped his fingers in his blood and passed them over his lips. Could she kill him? Was he too strong?

  Grinning, he said, “Gotta d
o better than that, dove.”

  Shaun lunged towards her and knocked her sword free. He punched her ribs with his fists and each one felt like a hammer strike. She felt her ribs crack and explode within her chest and she fell to the ground spurting blood.

  Suddenly, Erzulie was there, she impaled Shaun with one of her swords and swung the other one towards his neck. He blocked the strike with his forearm, losing more skin and blood in the process.

  Terrified for the first time, he turned and leapt from the rooftop and was gone.

  Paralyzed from Shaun’s relentless assault, Alexandra moaned and attempted to remain conscious. Her chest felt as if someone blasted a hole right through the center. The world faded and reformed several times before Erzulie’s face appeared in her field of vision.

  “I need to get you out of here,” she said.

  The sky spun. Alexandra’s entire body erupted in pain as Erzulie scooped her from the ground. More demons landed and Erzulie took to the sky.

  Fireworks exploded in the background.

  No, not fireworks. Gunfire!

  Yellow and orange strobe lights blasted all around her. Smoke and blood filled her throat and lungs. She fell and was carried again. Each time, her body felt as if it shattered into a million shards. Her stitches pulled at the seams and threatened to spill her innards out amongst the rocks.

  Then, the world went black and silent.

  Chapter 33

  Alexandra awoke in a dark tent, warm and comfortable. An IV tube dripped pain numbing medicine into her bloodstream and a dying lantern rested in the corner. Outside, an army camp bustled. Bandages encircled her entire torso and she realized she shouldn’t move, lest she undo some of the work the military surgeons did on her. Erzulie perched in the corner of the tent, atop a crate, watching her.

  Alexandra knew all of these things in an instant. Her senses were sharp and alive.


  The angel glided to her bedside.

  “I am here, Lex.”


  Erzulie nodded. “She is safe.”


  “There were too many of them,” Erzulie said. “And you were grievously wounded.”


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