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Oz 10 - Rinkitink in Oz

Page 13

by L. Frank Baum

  Presently the giant looked up and perceived the boy crouching at the other side of the cavern, so he called out in a hoarse, rude voice:

  “Come hither, my pretty one. We will wrestle together, you and I, and if you succeed in throwing me I will let you pass through my cave.”

  The boy made no reply to the challenge. He realized he was in dire peril and regretted that he had lent the Pink Pearl to King Rinkitink. But it was now too late for vain regrets, although he feared that even his great strength would avail him little against this hairy monster. For his arms were not long enough to span a fourth of the giant’s huge body, while the monster’s powerful limbs would be likely to crush out Inga’s life before he could gain the mastery.

  Therefore the Prince resolved to employ other means to combat this foe, who had doubtless been placed there to bar his return. Retreating through the passage he reached the room where he had been chained and wrenched the iron post from its socket. It was a foot thick and four feet long, and being of solid iron was so heavy that three ordinary men would have found it hard to lift.

  Returning to the cavern, the boy swung the great bar above his head and dashed it with mighty force full at the giant. The end of the bar struck the monster upon its forehead, and with a single groan it fell full length upon the floor and lay still.

  When the giant fell, the glow from its eyes faded away, and all was dark. Cautiously, for Inga was not sure the giant was dead, the boy felt his way toward the opening that led to the middle cavern. The entrance was narrow and the darkness was intense, but, feeling braver now, the boy stepped boldly forward. Instantly the floor began to sink beneath him and in great alarm he turned and made a leap that enabled him to grasp the rocky sides of the wall and regain a footing in the passage through which he had just come.

  Scarcely had he obtained this place of refuge when a mighty crash resounded throughout the cavern and the sound of a rushing torrent came from far below. Inga felt in his pocket and found several matches, one of which he lighted and held before him. While it flickered he saw that the entire floor of the cavern had fallen away, and knew that had he not instantly regained his footing in the passage he would have plunged into the abyss that lay beneath him.

  By the light of another match he saw the opening at the other side of the cave and the thought came to him that possibly he might leap across the gulf. Of course, this could never be accomplished without the marvelous strength lent him by the Blue Pearl, but Inga had the feeling that one powerful spring might carry him over the chasm into safety. He could not stay where he was, that was certain, so he resolved to make the attempt.

  He took a long run through the first cave and the short corridor; then, exerting all his strength, he launched himself over the black gulf of the second cave. Swiftly he flew and, although his heart stood still with fear, only a few seconds elapsed before his feet touched the ledge of the opposite passageway and he knew he had safely accomplished the wonderful feat.

  Only pausing to draw one long breath of relief, Inga quickly traversed the crooked corridor that led to the last cavern of the three. But when he came in sight of it he paused abruptly, his eyes nearly blinded by a glare of strong light which burst upon them. Covering his face with his hands, Inga retreated behind a projecting corner of rock and by gradually getting his eyes used to the light he was finally able to gaze without blinking upon the strange glare that had so quickly changed the condition of the cavern. When he had passed through this vault it had been entirely empty. Now the flat floor of rock was covered everywhere with a bed of glowing coals, which shot up little tongues of red and white flames. Indeed, the entire cave was one monster furnace and the heat that came from it was fearful.

  Inga’s heart sank within him as he realized the terrible obstacle placed by the cunning Nome King between him and the safety of the other caverns. There was no turning back, for it would be impossible for him again to leap over the gulf of the second cave, the corridor at this side being so crooked that he could get no run before he jumped. Neither could he leap over the glowing coals of the cavern that faced him, for it was much larger than the middle cavern. In this dilemma he feared his great strength would avail him nothing and he bitterly reproached himself for parting with the Pink Pearl, which would have preserved him from injury.

  However, it was not in the nature of Prince Inga to despair for long, his past adventures having taught him confidence and courage, sharpened his wits and given him the genius of invention. He sat down and thought earnestly on the means of escape from his danger and at last a clever idea came to his mind. This is the way to get ideas: never to let adverse circumstances discourage you, but to believe there is a way out of every difficulty, which may be found by earnest thought.

  There were many points and projections of rock in the walls of the crooked corridor in which Inga stood and some of these rocks had become cracked and loosened, although still clinging to their places. The boy picked out one large piece, and, exerting all his strength, tore it away from the wall. He then carried it to the cavern and tossed it upon the burning coals, about ten feet away from the end of the passage. Then he returned for another fragment of rock, and wrenching it free from its place, he threw it ten feet beyond the first one, toward the opposite side of the cave. The boy continued this work until he had made a series of stepping-stones reaching straight across the cavern to the dark passageway beyond, which he hoped would lead him back to safety if not to liberty.

  When his work had been completed, Inga did not long hesitate to take advantage of his stepping-stones, for he knew his best chance of escape lay in his crossing the bed of coals before the rocks became so heated that they would burn his feet. So he leaped to the first rock and from there began jumping from one to the other in quick succession. A withering wave of heat at once enveloped him, and for a time he feared he would suffocate before he could cross the cavern; but he held his breath, to keep the hot air from his lungs, and maintained his leaps with desperate resolve.

  Then, before he realized it, his feet were pressing the cooler rocks of the passage beyond and he rolled helpless upon the floor, gasping for breath. His skin was so red that it resembled the shell of a boiled lobster, but his swift motion had prevented his being burned, and his shoes had thick soles, which saved his feet.

  After resting a few minutes, the boy felt strong enough to go on. He went to the end of the passage and found that the rock door by which he had left his room was still closed, so he returned to about the middle of the corridor and was thinking what he should do next, when suddenly the solid rock before him began to move and an opening appeared through which shone a brilliant light. Shielding his eyes, which were somewhat dazzled, Inga sprang through the opening and found himself in one of the Nome King’s inhabited caverns, where before him stood King Kaliko, with a broad grin upon his features, and Klik, the King’s chamberlain, who looked surprised, and King Rinkitink seated astride Bilbil the goat, both of whom seemed pleased that Inga had rejoined them.

  Chapter Nineteen - Rinkitink Chuckles


  We will now relate what happened to Rinkitink and Bilbil that morning, while Inga was undergoing his trying experience in escaping the fearful dangers of the three caverns.

  The King of Gilgad wakened to find the door of Inga’s room fast shut and locked, but he had no trouble in opening his own door into the corridor, for it seems that the boy’s room, which was the middle one, whirled around on a pivot, while the adjoining rooms occupied by Bilbil and Rinkitink remained stationary. The little King also found a breakfast magically served in his room, and while he was eating it, Klik came to him and stated that His Majesty, King Kaliko, desired his presence in the royal cavern.

  So Rinkitink, having first made sure that the Pink Pearl was still in his vest pocket, willingly followed Klik, who ran on some distance ahead. But no sooner had Rinkitink set foot in the passage than a great rock, weighing at least a ton, became dislodged and dropped from the roof directly ov
er his head. Of course, it could not harm him, protected as he was by the Pink Pearl, and it bounded aside and crashed upon the floor, where it was shattered by its own weight.

  “How careless!” exclaimed the little King, and waddled after Klik, who seemed amazed at his escape.

  Presently another rock above Rinkitink plunged downward, and then another, but none touched his body. Klik seemed much perplexed at these continued escapes and certainly Kaliko was surprised when Rinkitink, safe and sound, entered the royal cavern.

  “Good morning,” said the King of Gilgad. “Your rocks are getting loose, Kaliko, and you’d better have them glued in place before they hurt someone.” Then he began to chuckle: “Hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, hee-heek, keek, eek!” and Kaliko sat and frowned because he realized that the little fat King was poking fun at him.

  “I asked Your Majesty to come here,” said the Nome King, “to show you a curious skein of golden thread which my workmen have made. If it pleases you, I will make you a present of it.”

  With this he held out a small skein of glittering gold twine, which was really pretty and curious. Rinkitink took it in his hand and at once the golden thread began to unwind—so swiftly that the eye could not follow its motion. And, as it unwound, it coiled itself around Rinkitink’s body, at the same time weaving itself into a net, until it had enveloped the little King from head to foot and placed him in a prison of gold.

  “Aha!” cried Kaliko; “this magic worked all right, it seems.

  “Oh, did it?” replied Rinkitink, and stepping forward he walked right through the golden net, which fell to the floor in a tangled mass.

  Kaliko rubbed his chin thoughtfully and stared hard at Rinkitink.

  “I understand a good bit of magic,” said he, “but Your Majesty has a sort of magic that greatly puzzles me, because it is unlike anything of the sort that I ever met with before.”

  “Now, see here, Kaliko,” said Rinkitink; “if you are trying to harm me or my companions, give it up, for you will never succeed. We’re harm-proof, so to speak, and you are merely wasting your time trying to injure us.

  “You may be right, and I hope I am not so impolite as to argue with a guest,” returned the Nome King. “But you will pardon me if I am not yet satisfied that you are stronger than my famous magic. However, I beg you to believe that I bear you no ill will, King Rinkitink; but it is my duty to destroy you, if possible, because you and that insignificant boy Prince have openly threatened to take away my captives and have positively refused to go back to the earth’s surface and let me alone. I’m very tender-hearted, as a matter of fact, and I like you immensely, and would enjoy having you as a friend, but—” Here he pressed a button on the arm of his throne chair and the section of the floor where Rinkitink stood suddenly opened and disclosed a black pit beneath, which was a part of ‘the terrible Bottomless Gulf.

  But Rinkitink did not fall into the pit; his body remained suspended in the air until he put out his foot and stepped to the solid floor, when the opening suddenly closed again.

  “I appreciate Your Majesty’s friendship,” remarked Rinkitink, as calmly as if nothing had happened, “but I am getting tired with standing. Will you kindly send for my goat, Bilbil, that I may sit upon his back to rest?”

  “Indeed I will!” promised Kaliko. “I have not yet completed my test of your magic, and as I owe that goat a slight grudge for bumping my head and smashing my second-best crown, I will be glad to discover if the beast can also escape my delightful little sorceries.”

  So Klik was sent to fetch Bilbil and presently returned with the goat, which was very cross this morning because it had not slept well in the underground caverns.

  Rinkitink lost no time in getting upon the red velvet saddle which the goat constantly wore, for he feared the Nome King would try to destroy Bilbil and knew that as long as his body touched that of the goat the Pink Pearl would protect them both; whereas, if Bilbil stood alone, there was no magic to save him.

  Bilbil glared wickedly at King Kaliko, who moved uneasily in his ivory throne. Then the Nome King whispered a moment in the ear of Klik, who nodded and left the room.

  “Please make yourselves at home here for a few minutes, while I attend to an errand,” said the Nome King, getting up from the throne. “I shall return pretty soon, when I hope to find you pieceful—ha, ha, ha!—that’s a joke you can’t appreciate now but will later. Be pieceful—that’s the idea. Ho, ho, ho! How funny.” Then he waddled from the cavern, closing the door behind him.

  “Well, why didn’t you laugh when Kaliko laughed?” demanded the goat, when they were left alone in the cavern.

  “Because he means mischief of some sort,” replied Rinkitink, “and we’ll laugh after the danger is over, Bilbil. There’s an old adage that says: ‘He laughs best who laughs last,’ and the only way to laugh last is to give the other fellow a chance. Where did that knife come from, I wonder.”

  For a long, sharp knife suddenly appeared in the air near them, twisting and turning from side to side and darting here and there in a dangerous manner, without any support whatever. Then another knife became visible—and another and another—until all the space in the royal cavern seemed filled with them. Their sharp points and edges darted toward Rinkitink and Bilbil perpetually and nothing could have saved them from being cut to pieces except the protecting power of the Pink Pearl. As it was, not a knife touched them and even Bilbil gave a gruff laugh at the failure of Kaliko’s clever magic.

  The goat wandered here and there in the cavern, carrying Rinkitink upon his back, and neither of them paid the slightest heed to the knives, although the glitter of the hundreds of polished blades was rather trying to their eyes. Perhaps for ten minutes the knives darted about them in bewildering fury; then they disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared.

  Kaliko cautiously stuck his head through the doorway and found the goat chewing the embroidery of his royal cloak, which he had left lying over the throne, while Rinkitink was reading his manuscript on “How to be Good” and chuckling over its advice. The Nome King seemed greatly disappointed as he came in and resumed his seat on the throne. Said Rinkitink with a chuckle:

  “We’ve really had a peaceful time, Kaliko, although not the pieceful time you expected. Forgive me if I indulge in a laugh—hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, heek-keek-eek! And now, tell me; aren’t you getting tired of trying to injure us?”

  “Eh—heh,” said the Nome King. “I see now that your magic can protect you from all my arts. But is the boy Inga as, well protected as Your Majesty and the goat?’

  “Why do you ask?” inquired Rinkitink, uneasy at the question because he remembered he had not seen the little Prince of Pingaree that morning.

  “Because,” said Kaliko, “the boy has been undergoing trials far greater and more dangerous than any you have encountered, and it has been hundreds of years since anyone has been able to escape alive from the perils of my Three Trick Caverns.”

  King Rinkitink was much alarmed at hearing this, for although he knew that Inga possessed the Blue Pearl, that would only give to him marvelous strength, and perhaps strength alone would not enable him to escape from danger. But he would not let Kaliko see the fear he felt for Inga’s safety, so he said in a careless way:

  “You’re a mighty poor magician, Kaliko, and I’ll give you my crown if Inga hasn’t escaped any danger you have threatened him with.”

  “Your whole crown is not worth one of the valuable diamonds in my crown,” answered the Nome King, “but I’ll take it. Let us go at once, therefore, and see what has become of the boy Prince, for if he is not destroyed by this time I will admit he cannot be injured by any of the magic arts which I have at my command.”

  He left the room, accompanied by Klik, who had now rejoined his master, and by Rinkitink riding upon Bilbil. After traversing several of the huge caverns they entered one that was somewhat more bright and cheerful than the others, where the Nome King paused before a wall of rock. Then Klik pressed a secret spring and a se
ction of the wall opened and disclosed the corridor where Prince Inga stood facing them.

  “Tarts and tadpoles!” cried Kaliko in surprise. “The boy is still alive!”

  Chapter Twenty - Dorothy to the Rescue


  One day when Princess Dorothy of Oz was visiting Glinda the Good, who is Ozma’s Royal Sorceress, she was looking through Glinda’s Great Book of Records—wherein is inscribed all important events that happen in every part of the world—when she came upon the record of the destruction of Pingaree, the capture of King Kitticut and Queen Garee and all their people, and the curious escape of Inga, the boy Prince, and of King Rinkitink and the talking goat. Turning over some of the following pages, Dorothy read how Inga had found the Magic Pearls and was rowing the silver-lined boat to Regos to try to rescue his parents.

  The little girl was much interested to know how well Inga succeeded, but she returned to the palace of Ozma at the Emerald City of Oz the next day and other events made her forget the boy Prince of Pingaree for a time. However, she was one day idly looking at Ozma’s Magic Picture, which shows any scene you may wish to see, when the girl thought of Inga and commanded the Magic Picture to show what the boy was doing at that moment.

  It was the time when Inga and Rinkitink had followed the King of Regos and Queen of Coregos to the Nome King’s country and she saw them hiding behind the rock as Cor and Gos passed them by after having placed the King and Queen of Pingaree in the keeping of the Nome King. From that time Dorothy followed, by means of the Magic Picture, the adventures of Inga and his friend in the Nome King’s caverns, and the danger and helplessness of the poor boy aroused the little girl’s pity and indignation.

  So she went to Ozma and told the lovely girl Ruler of Oz all about Inga and Rinkitink.

  “I think Kaliko is treating them dreadfully mean,” declared Dorothy, “and I wish you’d let me go to the Nome Country and help them out of their troubles.”


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