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Homeland Defense (Sundown Apocalypse Book 3)

Page 19

by Leo Nix

  “Corporal, thank you, please wait here for your orders.” Turning to his attentive staff officers he called for their thoughts.

  “Thompson?” he asked, nodding towards the newly appointed Lieutenant Colonel.

  “Sir, Charlie are a tough lot. Sergeant Doff's seen action in three war zones and can handle the situation. I trust him implicitly. Sundown's boys know the country and are hardened warriors experienced in hit-and-run in the desert.” He summed the men up perfectly. “I think they'll head deeper into the desert and just melt away. They have procedures for just this event and they have caches of food, fuel and water everywhere. I think Ahmet should run down with Wiram and check the situation, but not compromise the approaches from the north.”

  “Captain McFly, your thoughts please?” continued the general.

  “Sir, I agree with Colonel Thompson, send the Bravo armoured crew with Wiram to investigate,” he said.

  “Major Lewis, what's the intelligence status of the Mount Isa and Longreach Revelationists, are they in a position to assault Birdsville from the north?” General Hughes asked each of his staff, going around the table.

  “Sir, the hit they took from us knocked them backwards. Intelligence reports we shouldn't be too worried about them until their leadership regain control of the rank and file. Seems the fear of a Tajna Služba retaliation has made them a little nervous. We don't expect either battalions to unite, they're back to fighting with each other. At the moment the situation appears to be safe for Bravo to head south with Wiram's patrol,” came the newly appointed major's response.

  “Sundown, what are you thinking?” the general came to him at last.

  “Sir, if the terrorists ambushed our patrol, that means something is afoot and I'd like to be there to direct our men, but I can't. I trust Wiram to take control and do what needs to be done. He's my second in command for just that reason, he thinks like I do.” Sundown sat back down and ran his hands through his thick, greying hair. “It worries me though, the enemy are thinking for a change and that's going to put real pressure on us. We have so few resources and theirs is immeasurable. If they have armour we are well and truly screwed. In short, general, I'm worried”

  General Hughes sat back down and adjusted the height of his chair so he could look down on his staff. Sundown saw his muscles twitch as each mood and emotion conflicted with each other for space on his face.

  In his conversations with Blondie he knew that General Hughes was a political appointment. It was a favour for managing a very awkward and embarrassing situation for the government. This occurred when the Minister for Defense was caught in bed with a senior member of the Tajna Služba, a gorgeous blond model.

  From Brigadier General he was promoted to full General after the suicide bombing decimated the high command killing the Chief of Defense. The Governor General had no choice but to promote him further, as Chief of the Australian Defense Force on the day of the apocalypse.

  Sundown realised, as he watched the general's comical behaviour, that this man was more Dad's Army than Thompson could ever be.

  “Thank you corporal, please relay to Sergeant Ahmet that he is to stay put at the north and east crossings. He is not to engage unless absolutely necessary, we need every armoured personnel carrier we have. They don't grow on trees any more,” General Hughes said firmly.

  He knew his decision would be poorly received so he added, “Colonel, your boys are hardened warriors, they'll manage as they've done countless times. I'm of the opinion that one lost armoured Bushmaster is enough for one day, we need to protect our most precious resource, and that's our armour.” Hughes then went back to finish his meal, a smug satisfaction glowed inside him.

  “Can you get on to Assassin? He's got the portable CB on his bike and he's supposed to check in on the half hour. Tell him our concerns and to report back as soon as he knows what's going on. Then send him to check out the hidden caches. Better tell him to hang about for a few days to see if any survivors turn up at the closest cache to the ambush site,” Sundown told Wiram, thinking furiously of every possibility.

  “Tell Ahmet to do what his conscious tells him to do, I trust him. He was with Cambra and Halo at Mount Isa, he's one of ours now. And Wiram, I've got some good news. Tell everyone, especially Fat Boy, that Pedro has recovered and making a bloody nuisance of himself in hospital. He's fine except for his hangover. OK, good luck, keep in touch. I'll do what I can from this end but it's now up to you to save our community.”

  Wiram stood up and left Sergeant Ahmet's Bushmaster to walk back to the hotel lounge room, now a hive of activity.

  Nulla and his group of house rats watched with some concern on their faces. Simon fingered the pistol in his shoulder holster nervously.

  “Wiram, Sundown's in Alice Springs right now and all we have to protect our community is what's sitting here, plus the girls. I think we need to pull everyone out and send them to the safe house,” said Cambra, the entire lounge was silent.

  The only Alice Springs Command fighting force left was Sergeant Ahmet and the five crewmen of One One Bravo. They were now stationed at the junction to Longreach and Mount Isa roads, five minutes away. There were also these new arrivals from Adelaide via Arkaroola. But Wiram wasn't completely certain of their quality, he'd not had time to get to know them personally.

  Wiram worried about bringing Lulu and Danni into the fight, he knew that every soldier counts in situations like this but those too teenagers were barely old enough to hold a gun. He knew Halo had trained the girls well, they could 'shoot the eye out of a frog' he'd once told Sundown, but…

  “Donna, better call Lulu and Danni in please, I think they need to hear this. Can you also get Tricia but leave Gail on the CB, thanks.”

  He paused then announced in a loud voice, “Everyone, shush please, we'll start with some good news for a change. Sundown just informed me that Pedro is now safely in Alice Springs Hospital and will be fighting fit once he gets over his hangover. He's doing fine.” There was a cheer and a rumble of voices. Fat Boy was still helping the girls prepare breakfast. When he heard the news he came out of the kitchen and hugged Wiram, almost breaking the giant man's back.

  “Thanks for the spinal adjustment, Fat Boy,” Wiram grunted. “OK, now it's back to the issue of our survival. So please, everyone, settle down while we go through our battle plans. The ladies will bring in some breakfast as soon as it's ready.” The creases on Wiram's forehead made him look worried and angry.

  The experienced aboriginal warrior was silent for a moment while he ran his thoughts through his head. Fat Boy and Blondie were civilians and he didn't expect them to fight. Besides he thought, Fat Boy might drop dead of heart failure if he had to run any distance. Harry was a civilian and his accident some years ago meant he simply couldn't participate. Besides he needed him to arrange ordinance, transport and run things behind the scenes, as he'd done since that first day at Marree.

  The others, Gail, Tricia, Jeda, Jenny, Mel and Wilma were all civilians and there was no way he could put a rifle in their hands. They were needed to look after the only surviving oldies, Polly and Granny, the two tough old birds from Marree.

  Wiram looked at Nulla, warrior to warrior, Nulla smiled back and nodded. That reassured the tough aboriginal veteran and he calmed a little.

  “OK, this is what we'll do. Nulla, I'm sending you out to the Patrol One site with your boys on their bikes, I'm sending Pellino and Cambra with you. They know the set up and can take the dual cab with supplies and extra weapons. Place land mines in a twenty kilometre length, ten k's before and after you set up an ambush.” He saw Andy writing it all down and felt comforted by his calm manner in a crisis.

  Wiram thought for a split second, turning back to Nulla he said, “Sergeant Nulla… sorry, it's an old habit.” He smiled and started again, “Nulla, have your boys recovered from their trip, and are they ready to fight?”

  Nulla looked at his group and nodded, “Yes, they are. I'm going to leave my girl war
riors, Lucy, Glenda and Heidi here and I'll take the three lads.” Nulla looked across at Arthur, “Arty, are you well enough to ride and fight? And don't bullshit me because this could mean life or death for those who might have to stop and help you if you're not.”

  Arty looked at Luke and Simon who both nodded. “Yes, I've been riding, on and off on the way to Birdsville, and I've been working out with Luke and Simon. I'm fine to ride, my arm is heaps better and my leg does get stiff, but if it means riding an all dayer, I can do it. And don't forget boss, I've had nearly three weeks sitting in the car as a passenger most of this time. Yeah, I'm ready to do my part.”

  Heidi wouldn't let anything pass without her input, “Nulla, you said if we did our training you'd let us help with the defenses. Well, now is the time for us to help out, she said, Lucy nodded in agreement.

  “Heidi and Lucy, I love you girls like my sisters and even though you know how to fire a rifle it doesn't mean you can ride three hundred kilometres, fight a battle and then escape through the desert by bike or on foot. That takes a lot more training than shooting at bottles in Arkaroola. Do you know what I'm saying?”

  He held up his hand to quieten Heidi when she protested. “Another word Heidi, and I'll take your rifle off you.” Heidi immediately stopped arguing and sat back down with a grumpy look on her pretty young face.

  Bongo called from one of the lounge chairs, he had Cat on his lap. Charlene was sitting beside Roo but she had competition from Dog over who could get closest to the wounded sniper. Roo's pets hadn't moved from beside their master since his return.

  “Wiram, we've got Riley and his family here, Riley wants to help too. He fought off the terrorists in the Flinders. He knows how to kill Revelationists.” Riley was sitting with Katie, while their children were outside playing with Annie and Jenny's kids.

  Wiram nodded, “Sorry, Riley, it's been such a mad morning. OK, you'd better go with Nulla.” Before Bongo could say anything else there came some heart lifting giggling in the hotel foyer.

  “That sounds like my Lulu and Danni,” announced Cambra with a big smile.

  Wiram called for the two teenage girls to join him. They stopped giggling over whatever it was they were giggling about, and stood quietly beside Cambra, waiting.

  “Girls, we're in deep shit right now. I need every fighter I can muster. Front line troops will be needed to cut the Birdsville track and stop the terrorists from reaching us here. We've begun setting up defenses with the bulldozers around the hotel complex but it would only hold them back for a day at the most.” Wiram stopped to let it sink in as Tricia and Donna walked in to join them.

  “Girls, I need you to run shotgun with the families we have here, the oldies, the kids and the other civilians. That means you two, along with Lucy and Heidi, will be responsible for defending everyone. Getting them to our safe house out in the bush, setting up defensive positions, manning the CB radio for us, and keeping up communications between our teams and coordinating everyone.

  “Tricia, ask Gail if she would be willing to stay back as my communications coordinator with me please. And Tricia, I need you to organise transport and logistics with Harry. You'll have to run the show at the safe house while you're there.”

  Glenda was quiet throughout the meeting. She now gently elbowed Nulla, sitting beside her. “Love, what am I going to do?”

  Nulla looked at her and thought for a moment, “Glenda, you'd better go with the girls and run defense as well.” He called across to Wiram, “I've got another shot gunner here. Glenda can ride with your girls as protection for the civilians if you'd like.”

  Wiram rubbed his face to focus his mind a bit better and nodded, “Thanks mate, I was wondering where that girlfriend of yours had disappeared to.” He chuckled lightly. “Glenda, thank you and can I ask that you go with your friends Phil and Fatima, pack as much food in your vehicles as you can carry.”

  He was back in management mode now. “Danni? Can you and Lulu take a truck each and fill them up with supplies? Jeda, I need you and Wilma to load up another truck, one of the Deaths Heads' trucks and put as much of our ammunition and weapons as you can fit into it, thanks. The rest I'll leave to you, Harry, to sort out.” Harry nodded and stood up to go.

  “Wirrie, Sergeant Ahmet is here!” cried Donna with a joyful shout.

  “Wiram, what can I do? I can get that Bushmaster up to a hundred on that track and into the enemy quick smart.” he said in his usual rapid-fire speech.

  Wiram thought for a moment. “Sergeant Ahmet, I was wondering if you might need to stay at the cross roads where you are now. We don't know if this is a coordinated attack from both ends. It sounds like they've knocked out Patrol One, Doff's One One Charlie, and our bike team near Mungerannie. Any updates from your intelligence?”

  “Negative, Wiram, our boys in the Alice have heard zero communication between the Mount Isa, Longreach and the Marree army. They believe they're all feuding and not talking with each other. I can't really divulge more than that but my information is we should be free from infiltration from the north for the time being. Fat Boy's and our own assault on the Mount Isa force has upset them, they won't be massing for an attack on Birdsville for some months yet.”

  “What are your orders then, Sergeant Ahmet?” said Wiram, wanting to force his friend into making a decision on where his loyalties were.

  Sergeant Ahmet thought for a moment then looked up smiling. “Alice Springs Command ordered me to maintain my position at the cross roads like you suggested. In a pig's arse, I say! Headquarters can go and get knotted. I'm one of Sundown's Commando now and I'll do what's best for my people.”

  Everyone stopped muttering among themselves and stared at him.

  “Strewth,” whispered Pellino, “are you sure about that, Ahmet? That's mutiny.”

  “No, not at all… well, it is sort of. But this is extenuating circumstances and sometimes the commanding officer in the field, that's me, has to call the shots on how he sees it. If these terrorists get through to Birdsville, my boys will be left like a shag on a rock. We might as well go home if that happens.” He smiled again. The pride in his voice was enough to show just how well Sundown's plan was playing out.

  “You know they probably took out One One Charlie don't you? Your boys at Patrol One have stopped all communications…” Wiram didn't have a chance to finish what he was saying when Ahmet cut him short.

  “Yes, we're patched in too, Wiram. All the more reason for us to act with swift and shocking retaliation.” Ahmet almost shouted, his face grew red, his Pashtun warrior blood aroused. “If they've hurt my mates, if those pricks have harmed one of my troop, I'll kill them with my bare hands.” He looked around the packed lounge room, “Are you with me on this, or do I go it alone?”

  The girls shrank back in their seats at the violent passion Ahmet projected. Nulla decided that now was a good time to act. He stood and grabbed the cavalry troopers hand in his.

  “Sergeant Ahmet, I'm Sergeant Nulla, 1st Cav. You mightn't remember me but I attended a course with your boys a few years back. I can see you lot are tough and pissed off, welcome aboard.” The atmosphere suddenly cleared and the two cavalry troopers shook hands.

  “Hey! I didn't see you there, Sergeant Nulla. How could I forget you? You're the one who stepped in to flatten that idiot at the bar in Broome, remember?” said Ahmet warmly.

  “Yes, I remember. That one I got away with. The next idiot I knocked out I lost my stripes over.” Nulla smiled broadly and the two sat down together knowing they'll have time to reminisce later.

  Luke and Simon shared a look and chuckled, Luke said, “That's just typical, boss, I can see why you picked Simon and me to look after you, it's to keep you out of fights.” Glenda snorted and giggled out loud. The commando members smiled seeing their new arrivals genuine friendship for the first time.

  Wiram addressed Sergeant Ahmet. “Thanks Ahmet, if you don't mind, I'd like to officially request your support on the Birdsville Track to the Coop
ers River crossing. To assist Sundown's Commando to set up an ambush, and to hold the enemy for not less than twenty four hours. To fight a rearguard action withdrawing by stages to Birdsville and then to withdraw covertly to our safe house in the scrub. I'll send Donna with you as my liaison officer and guide.”

  Donna looked up on hearing her name but knew better than comment, she wanted to stay with Wiram as his adjutant. But it would be interesting to be with those rugged army boys in their Bushmaster too, she thought.

  “Right, Andy, please record and hand out orders. One One Bravo to take Donna as liaison officer and to escort Nulla, Luke, Simon, Arty and Riley to our Coopers Crossing Patrol One position. They'll have Cambra and Pellino in the dual cab. There they will set up and ambush the enemy, to fight a withdrawal, by stages, to Birdsville and from there to our safe house. At the safe house they will establish a defense holding it at all costs.

  “Assassin is already on his way to find out what's happened to Patrol One. Hopefully we can get him to find our bike team and Sergeant Doff's men, and see what's happened to them. Tricia and Harry will organise our transport and get everyone to our safe house by this evening. Lulu and Danni will drive the big trucks while Lucy, Glenda and Heidi run protection for the withdrawal. You will all be under Tricia, Harry and Andy's command.” He paused to think of anything he forgot.

  “Umm, Gail, you and I will stay here at Birdsville with the CB, we'll coordinate everything until Nulla and One One Bravo return. Then we all fall back on the safe house. Did I forget anyone?”

  Glenda put up her hand slowly. “What about us new comers? We don't know where anything is yet. Can someone help us?”

  “Of course, sorry. Tricia and Harry will look after you. Our safe house has a special name too, it's a little oasis in the desert the locals call the 'Christian Palace', you'll like it.” Bongo coughed and Wiram now saw Roo sitting beside that pretty blond with her arm in a sling, Charlene. He now noticed that they both had matching slings.


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