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Wild Hearts: One Wild Weekend

Page 9

by Jodi Lynn Copeland

  The thin strip of material that covered her mound was damp and he could smell her excitement on the air. His thoughts roamed to earlier this day, to catching her in this tent fingering herself. To the glorious sight of her pussy parted and her fingers glistening with the juices of her arousal. He’d wanted to fuck her so damned bad then. He wanted to fuck her even more now.

  His impatience heightened, Nate jerked off the spandex biker shorts and finally the cup that had cramped his cock in for way too long. He released a loud sigh of relief, and she laughed and rocked back on her heels once more to watch. He was naked while she still wore her panties and bra, but he didn’t mind. Those scraps of lace would be coming off soon enough and he’d just as soon be the one to do the removing, preferably with his teeth.

  Recalling he still wore the voice alteration device, he yanked the thin flap of plastic and wiring from his neck and then did the one thing he’d wanted to do since the moment they’d met. He tugged Kelsey into his arms.

  Her laughter over his brisk move filled the tent as he settled her on a sleeping bag. He followed her down, reclining his knee between her legs so he could feel the dampness of her panties brushing against his upper thigh. Expectancy shone in her smoke-gray eyes, and she reached her arms to his neck and attempted to yank him down on top of her. Not about to give in that easily, he caught her hands in his and dragged them over her head. He held her hands there with one of his own and lowered to the hollow of her throat, breathing in the subtle earthy smell that had driven him to distraction from the moment they’d met. The same smell that back at the river had caused him to speak aloud in his feminine voice and send her running.

  She wasn’t running now, Nate thought as he ran his tongue over her warm flesh and was rewarded with a shiver and a husky moan. She wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. How her feelings worked into the equation was another subject. She claimed she wasn’t the too trusting, too easy to fall in love woman she had said she was at the campfire. He knew she was lying. She felt something for him. And as much as it pained him to admit it, he felt something for her too.

  Something that had developed from his taking the time to get to know her, even if her answers to his questions were partial ones that had left him wanting more. Something he feared that would never pass in just one night. Something he should have examined before letting things get to this point, but now it was too late. He wasn’t stopping. He would, however, take things slow, and give her the foreplay she said she didn’t want or need. The leisurely lovemaking he so rarely took the time for.

  He skimmed his tongue from the hollow of her neck to brush warm, wet kisses along her nape and over the sensitive flesh below her ear. She shuddered beneath him and squeezed her face to her neck, attempting to block his way. “What are you doing?”

  He pushed her face away with the pressure of his own and nipped at her damp skin again, grinning when she writhed beneath him. “Kissing you.”

  She attempted to block him again, but he merely pushed her away once more and hooked his mouth onto her ear, suckling the tender lobe, blowing on her wet flesh. Her struggles to thwart him ceased and a throaty whimper escaped near his ear. “I can feel that, but why?”

  He drew her ear into his mouth again and she squirmed beneath him. He worked his way down, laving his tongue back along her salty wet flesh to the top of her shoulder. He caught the thin strap of the electric red bra in his teeth and drew it down her arm until the pale rise of a breast was exposed. “Because I want to.”

  “I told you I don’t need you to go slow.”

  He palmed her right breast with his free hand while his mouth latched onto the newly exposed flesh of her left. He pushed the lace farther down the supple mound until the deep, dusky pink of an areola came into sight. He licked at the dusky bud, then moved the lace away from her breast completely and drew her erect nipple into his mouth. He tugged at the hard nub and she bucked up, grinding her pussy against his thigh. He could feel the growing wetness of her panties on his leg and knew the slow, sensual route he was taking was exactly what she needed, even if she didn’t think so.

  Releasing her nipple, Nate looked up at her. Her eyes were darker now and hazy in the lantern light. Her hair, which he had always thought of as straight, dark and simple, surrounded her head in a wildly gleaming halo and her full lips were deep red and moist. She looked so beautiful, so damned sexy. His cock pulsed with the anticipation of plunging into her tight, wet body. He reined in his control, refusing to do that. He could give her the quick fuck she’d asked for and thoroughly enjoy it for the short time it lasted. He wouldn’t because if she only wanted him once, he knew he’d live to regret not taking more time with her when he’d had the chance.

  He brought his thumb to her lower lip and rubbed it. “You might not need to go slow, Kelsey, but I do.”

  Her eyes called him a liar and her words did much the same. “I don’t think so. I don’t think you’re the type of man who even knows what slow is about.”

  He knew. He just didn’t often take advantage of the knowledge. Never had he felt the desire to do so for the sake of keeping a woman in his arms as long as possible the way he wanted to do with Kelsey. “What type of man do you think I am?”

  “You’re like my brother. Always on the move, never staying in one place for long. Or maybe for you it’s just about with the same woman for long. You’re exactly the way you said. You make it clear from the get-go things are just about sex. No attachment. No strings. Just a round or two of sex and then you move on.”

  The assessment was right on, at least for the way he’d always behaved in the past, but he had no intention of admitting it. Instead, he brought his mouth to hers and sank his tongue between her lips. Her mouth was still for an instant as if she were surprised by the rapid entry, and then it came alive, tasting, licking, meeting him thrust for needy thrust. He pulled back slightly breathless, and her jagged gasps told him she was the same.

  He caught her breast in his hand and idly caressed the aroused nipple. “If I am so cavalier about sex, then you should be happy, right? That’s what you want from me, just a quick fuck and then for me to move on.”

  She paused an instant, then nodded. “Yes, it is.”

  No, it wasn’t. She wanted more. She couldn’t hide the truth when it burned so brightly in her eyes. It gave him hope that he’d never expected to feel. The hope that after this night they might be able to try again. That maybe if he apologized enough for not being honest from the start and leading her to believe things about herself that could be no further from the truth she might forgive him. Not that he wanted forever with her or was ready to have that with any woman, but he did want a chance. Time to think over the feelings she’d awakened in him that he never before realized he’d been without. The ones his brother had clearly known he was missing out on.

  Nate wasn’t going to waste his time thinking about Joe tonight, or how his brother was going to have a field day when he learned just how right he’d been. Tonight was about Kelsey and proving to her he wasn’t the untrustworthy jerk she believed him to be. “If this is just about one night of sex, then why do you care if I take a few extra minutes?”

  Another pause, longer, followed by more lies. “I don’t. Take all the time you want. It doesn’t matter to me either way.”

  “Then relax and let me take things slow.”

  Kelsey closed her eyes and drew in a long, calming breath. She didn’t want slow, soulful sex. She wanted a quick, hasty fuck followed by revenge. It looked as though she didn’t have a say in the matter. Nate wanted slow, soulful sex, and if she didn’t agree to be a willing participant this night would never end the way she had planned. Being a willing participant really wasn’t such an awful thing. Not such an awful thing at all, she thought on a breathy sigh as he latched his oh-so-capable mouth onto her nipple.

  He released his hold on her arms and his hand started a slow journey down her torso. As his palm glided over her, he alternately flicked his
warm, wet tongue over the hard bud of her nipple and bit into her puckered flesh. His fingers found her navel then, and he toyed with the ring at her belly for a few seconds before continuing further downward.

  He moved back slightly and she felt the hard length of his cock rubbing along the inside of her thigh. The muscles of her pussy contracted with the thought of him burying his thick cock deep within her. She’d been wanting that since this morning, she realized now, aching to feel him impale her in whatever way he chose, as he had done in her dream. One that had been of Nate and her, not Natalie or Todd or anyone else, she now knew.

  “I want your fingers inside me.”

  Nate lifted his head from her breast and eyed with her humor. “You really are impatient, aren’t you?”

  “You can go slow, but please just give me something.”

  He grinned, and her breath caught with the realization it was the first time he had smiled so honestly while she was looking upon him as a man. He had been an odd-looking woman, but he was one damned fine-looking man. One who seemed strangely familiar. But that couldn’t be.

  He nuzzled his rough upper lip against her breast and moved his hand beneath the edge of her thong. His fingers tangled in her damp pubic hair and, forgetting all about her wonder over his familiarity, she arched against his probing touch, struggling to draw his thick fingers deep inside her damp cunt. “C’mon, Nate! Now!”

  He let go a husky laugh. “Okay. I’ll give you something.”

  She sucked in a thankful breath. Now he would fill her with his big fingers. Only to her amazement, he didn’t fill her at all, but pulled his hand away.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  His eyes sparkled with mirth. “Giving you something.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  He didn’t answer in words, but actions. His fingers wrapped around the thin strap that held her panties in place and ripped. Juices pooled between her thighs with the unexpected action, then turned to an all-out river of need when he moved the torn panties aside. In one quick move, he buried his head between her thighs, cupped her ass in his large hands, and plunged his tongue deep inside her cunt.

  “Oh, God!” she cried out at the forceful entry and latched onto his hair. She thought her dream had been good, that it had felt consuming when he’d tongued her then, but it was nothing compared to this.

  His tongue moved rapidly, thrusting in and out of her slick pussy, lapping at her swollen cunt, driving her dizzy with desire. He pulled back and scraped his teeth over her clit and her entire body shivered. He repeated the action, moving his teeth back and forth over the inflamed nubbin. Her shivers turned to intense shudders that racked her frame and had her heaving breathy sighs while blistering need surged forth with the insistent chafing.

  She was so wet, so achy. She could explode at any moment. And when his teeth stilled their relentless scraping to grab hold of her clit and tug, she did just that. Her nails dug into his skull and her hips bucked wildly against his face as the orgasm sliced through her. His teeth lifted away and his strong tongue lapped at her, feasting on her, eating at her sex until the last of the come drained from her body and she lay on the ground feeling as weak as a newborn kitten.

  Nate’s face appeared just above her half-opened eyes and Kelsey managed a breathy, “Wow.”

  His grin returned, splitting his face in a sexy smile that had his golden eyes dancing. “I take it you liked that something?”

  It was a cocky question. One she shouldn’t swell his head any more by answering. She might not have either if at that moment he didn’t take her mouth in another long, wet, hot kiss filled with the salty taste of her essence.

  “I liked that something,” she admitted when he pulled back. “I liked that something a whole lot.” Too much, but she would deal with that later.

  He moved his big body between her legs and his jutting cock pressed against her wet sheath. “You ready for a little something more?”

  She was definitely ready, but the something he was offering wasn’t so little. It also wasn’t wrapped up in a neat, little package. She was on the pill, but she didn’t know Nate’s track record and she wasn’t taking any chances. Hell, she didn’t really know the man at all. Outside of the fact he gave mindblowing oral sex and could tell lies that sounded so authentic she believed every word of them.

  His shaft rubbed against her opening again and though she had just climaxed, a fresh course of arousal dampened her pussy lips and had her aching with want. “I’m more than ready, but do you have any protection?”

  He brushed a kiss to her lips, then rolled off of her and reached for his duffel bag. He pulled out a box of condoms and grinned. “Never leave home without ‘em.”

  Kelsey’s belly tensed with the statement and the arrogance in his grin. It shouldn’t matter he came prepared or that he could speak the words with such flippancy, but it did. She shook off the hurt that coursed through her and smiled. What was happening between them was all just part of her revenge plan, nothing more or less. She would not care if he carried condoms around with him on a daily basis or for that matter how often he restocked his supply. She couldn’t afford to.

  “Well, thank God for that,” she said with as much sauciness as she could muster.

  He quickly rolled a condom on and returned to her. His intense gaze roamed the length of her, and she forgot about his ready condom supply as desire licked through her, flaming an inferno of burning need deep within. She reached out her arms to welcome him back in.

  He shook his head. “Turn around.”


  “You have got the cutest little ass I’ve ever seen. It’s the first thing I noticed about you. You stood up out of the mud and waved that thing at me and I’ve been hard and wanting you ever since.”

  The words should have startled her, worried her that he would want to take her from behind the way he had done in her dream. Instead, she laughed while a foolish tugging erupted in her heart. What he said hadn’t even been close to a sentimental admission, nor had they been words that should increase her trust in him. Yet, that he’d wanted her well before she admitted her weakness for trusting and falling for men way too easily had her giving in to him all the same. Smiling, she turned onto her knees. Nate’s large, warm body covered her from behind and the length and thickness of his erection rubbed along the seam of her ass as a strong arm wrapped around her middle.

  Against her desire to do so she tensed, waiting for him to turn more aggressive, to fill her up from behind. Instead, his mouth claimed her ear in a teasing bite and his hot breath slid over her flesh, sending shivers of ecstasy rocketing through her. His hand moved from her belly to between her thighs. His long fingers dipped into her center, petting the swollen flesh of her pussy while his other hand cupped her ass, rimming the crack with his fingertips. “Oh, yeah. I love this ass. Nice, round and firm. I could definitely get used to looking at it.”

  The words hit Kelsey like a lightning bolt, shocking her into silence and making her forget all about her anxiety over the way he planned to take her. Her entire body went still and for an instant so did Nate’s. She guessed from his reaction he hadn’t meant to speak those words and he didn’t give her time to respond. In one fluid move, he aligned his cockhead with her damp sheath and thrust hard inside. Her breath caught at the size of him, filling her inch by glorious inch, and she heard his gasp as well.

  One of his hands returned to her waist and she came down on all fours, waiting to see if he would continue as they had begun. His hot mouth suckled at the back of her neck and his thrusts grew longer, harder, ensuring he had no plans to change position. The air around them thickened with the scent of sex. Their pace quickened. The slick sound of flesh slapping against flesh resounded in the night as his balls drummed against the rear of her pussy.

  His fingers returned to tease at her clit, rubbing and stroking the swollen nubbin, and breathing became near impossible. Holding her eyes open any longer was beyond imp
ossible so she let them fall closed and gave in to the tempo. The erratic pace of their slamming hearts, the heavy gasps and moans, and then her own loud cries as the muscles of her cunt clenched tight around him and she climaxed with a force that made her head spin. It also had Nate coming as well.

  He shuddered around her as the orgasm overtook him, and the hand at her waist turned relentless in its grasp. She grabbed hold of that hand and focused on squeezing his cock with her muscles, milking every last drop of come from his body, until she knew his satisfaction was complete.

  After several long seconds, his biting grip stilled and he slumped against her before rolling onto his back and pulling her along with him. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Neither of the actions was expected. They were far too intimate, as if he actually felt something for her. She knew he couldn’t and she also knew she didn’t dare open her mouth right now or look up and meet his eyes. After what had just occurred between them she was feeling incredibly stripped down and raw. In short, she was feeling emotional as hell and that was by no means a good thing.

  “I liked that something,” he said quietly near her ear. “I liked that something a whole lot.”

  “Yeah,” she said as flippantly as possible, refusing to cave to the sensations swamping her with the honesty his voice seemed to hold. “For sex with a complete stranger, it was okay.”

  Nate stiffened beneath her and for a foolish few seconds she believed it was because her words had bothered him, then she met his gaze and saw only vacancy. Kelsey buried her face back against the muscled sinew of his chest and closed her eyes. She wasn’t going to get teary-eyed or make anything more out of this than what it was. Revenge sex. Revenge sex that just happened to be some of the best of her life.


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