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Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6)

Page 4

by Hannah Davenport

  Another reason he didn’t belong. Why couldn’t she understand him? He understood every word she said.

  She passed him a plate filled with deer bacon. “We are finished; eat all you want.”

  That was all he needed to know. He took the rest of the deer bacon, the eggs, hash browns, and bread. He hated taking all the food, but she said they were finished, and he desperately needed the nourishment.

  When he finished eating, the other three females stood up from the table. It hadn’t escaped his notice that they waited with him while he ate.

  Cassidy walked over to the stove and checked the pot. “Water’s hot.”

  “Good, the stopper is in the sink, so go ahead.”

  Aydan watched with fascination as the three females worked together. Cassidy grabbed the handle of a pot that sat on the stove and carried it to the sink. After pouring it in, the other one, Belle, poured more water in it that came from outside while Riley cleared the plates.

  “I know you are still tired, so go lie down.” His eyes shot to her when she started speaking. “You can sleep in my room. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Aydan pushed up from the chair and followed Riley to a small room with a tiny bed. A night table sat by its side while a chest of drawers sat against the far wall. Two windows, one on either side of the bed, had heavy brown curtains tied back. With the white walls, it looked desolate. The only color in the room came from the flowered bed covering and the smile on Riley’s face.

  When she started speaking, Aydan slid his eyes away from the bed only to catch her gaze. “It’s only a full-size bed, but it’s the biggest one in the house.” She glanced at him and then grimaced. He wanted to tell her it was fine, even though at seven feet tall he wondered how he would sleep on it.

  His thumb moved over her cheek, sensuous, stroking the delicate line of her jaw, tracing her lower lip.

  The moment his skin touched her face, a bolt of electricity shot down his arm and raced through his body, igniting a fire in his loins. His cock sprang to life, demanding he take her right then and there.

  Riley’s breath hitched as she held deathly still. Aydan’s eyes zeroed in on the pulse beating wildly in her neck. He wanted to sink his teeth and cock deep within her body. A low growl escaped his throat as he took a step closer, looming over her. With one swift movement, he pressed her tight against his body. Just as he lowered his face to her neck, he raked his tongue across his teeth and knew they had elongated. What the sish? That was enough to break his lust-induced trance.

  The feel of her soft, creamy skin and her amazing scent were an unstoppable addiction. There was no doubt he wanted her, wanted to be inside her, to run his hands over every inch of her small, delicate body.

  Aydan swallowed hard and with regret, he let his hand fall away as he took a step back. Not understanding these feelings, he couldn’t do that to either of them. It was obvious he didn’t belong here. Until he regained his memories, he would not take Riley as his own.

  Confusion shadowed her face. The smell of relief and disappointment mingled together in equal amounts.

  “Umm...” she started and then stopped. Clearing her throat, she said with a shaky voice, “I’ve got to help Belle and Cassidy with the kitchen.” Glancing at the bed, she hesitated before looking back at him. “You can rest there.” She forced a smile and fled the room. A grin spread across his face as he watched her leave. He affected her as much as she affected him.

  As he fully entered the room, he sat on the bed and tested its strength. It seemed sturdy enough. Just before he lay down, he caught his reflection in the looking glass. Shock marred his features as he studied the one who stared back at him. He knew he didn’t belong here, and now he had proof. His eyes looked nothing like the others here. As he curled his upper lip, even his teeth were different. What other notable differences did he have? He turned his head one way and then the other as he examined himself. Everything seemed normal until he got to his hands. They had one more digit than the others here. How strange, he thought as he held his hand up in front of his face, his appearance leaving him with more questions than answers.

  Shaking his head in irritation over the loss of his memory, he lay back in bed and closed his eyes. The bed was short but very soft. The smell of Riley sent him into a peaceful sleep.

  “Aydan, get your sword. We’ve got to practice,” a youngling yelled as he stood ready with his own sword in hand.

  “But I don’t want to, Jakke.” Aydan whined.

  “Please. Kavvan can’t practice with me, so you have to.”

  “That’s all you ever want to do. Let’s go have fun,” Aydan pleaded as they stood on the edge of the grassy training field. The sounds of the soldiers practicing filled the air with metal clangs and grunts. They weren’t allowed on the field, but they always pretended as they stood on the edge. One day that would be them, they just had to wait until they were older.

  “How about we practice first and then go have some fun?” Jakke stood with his sword raised.

  “Fine,” Aydan grumbled as he bent over and picked up the other sword, the extra one Jakke had brought. Facing his friend, Aydan lifted his sword and faced his opponent. “I don’t know why you have to practice so much.”

  Jakke advanced, swung his sword, and Aydan blocked. “So when they let me out there,” he nodded to the field, “I will be the best.”

  Jakke swung his sword with all his might, and as Aydan blocked, he felt the vibration down his arms from the force.

  After ten standard minutes and with sweat dripping from his brow, Aydan threw his sword down on the ground. “I’m done!”

  “Come on, just a few more standard minutes,” Jakke pleaded as he stood there ready to practice some more.

  As Aydan walked away, he looked back over his shoulder and said, “No. I’m going to find Kavvan and see if he wants to play.”

  “Fine.” Jakke carefully laid his sword beside the one that Aydan had used and ran to catch his friend. “I’ll go with you.”

  Something startled him awake even though he lay with his eyes closed. Someone was in there with him. Had Riley came back?

  He slowly rolled up his eyelids only to growl in surprise and snarl, exposing his teeth. Standard inches away, angry green eyes shaped like his stared back. It hissed, all the hairs on its back stood up, and then someone shoved it at him. Aydan had no choice but to catch the creature.

  “Izza kiddy, like wou.” One of the little females grinned as Aydan tossed the kiddy away from him. With a loud mewl, it landed on its feet. With one last glance, the ‘kiddy’ sauntered from the room like it owned the joint.

  That beast almost gave him a heart attack. What was up with these little females? This was worse than sleeping with his sword, expecting the enemy to attack.

  Wait… he remembered… sish, it’s right there, but elusive as he tried to recall. Why can’t I remember?

  The little female climbed on the bed. “Wou no like kiddy?” Her little pouty lips looked so adorable.

  “Not really,” he replied, knowing she couldn’t understand.

  “Want to see me dog?” Her big blue eyes blinked while she actually waited for an answer.

  His chuckle started low before turning into a big boisterous genuine laugh as the little female waited for him to say something. “I’d rather see it now and not be surprised the next time I wake up. You scared the sish out of me.”

  “Me no understand.” She blinked with the most serious expression plastered on her tiny face.

  Aydan raked a hand across his face, then grabbed the little female and placed her on his lap. In such a short time, she and the other one had captured his heart, and he couldn’t even tell them apart.

  She didn’t stay long. With a toothless grin, she said, “Me get dog,” and then slid from the bed and ran out of the room.

  He didn’t know what to expect, but standard minutes later a big black animal came crashing through the door. Aydan braced for impact as the animal took one f
lying leap and landed on the bed, knocking him over. Before he had time to react, it started licking his entire face while standing on top of him. He felt the bed give just a little. “Stop dat!” a little voice ordered.

  The dog whipped its head around and moved over to the little youngling, licking her face. Aydan started to grab the dog, intending to throw the beast against the wall, but when the little female broke out in laughter, he let out a shaky breath.

  When the dog finished licking the youngling, he plopped down beside Aydan’s leg and rested his chin on one thigh. Big brown eyes stared up at him. The youngling crawled over and plopped down on his other thigh and rested her head on his chest. Aydan raked a shaky hand through his hair and then encircled the youngling with his strong arm, gathering her close.

  Chapter Seven


  A shaken Riley hurried into the kitchen to help her sisters with breakfast cleanup.

  Belle stood at the sink diligently washing the dirty dishes and then handing them to Cassidy for drying. The rays from the sun caught her attention as Riley’s eyes focused on the light. Old, thin curtains hung over the small window above the sink. Even though it wasn’t very big, it let plenty of sunlight bounce and sparkle from the glass in Cassidy’s hand. As Cassidy turned the glass, the light danced around the room.

  “What do you think?” Cassidy asked her older sister, Belle. Neither one knew Riley stood behind them listening.

  “He seems all right.” Belle never looked at Cassidy, she just kept washing.

  “I guess.” She dried the glass and placed it on the rack. “Have you noticed how odd Riley acts when she is around him?”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” Belle grinned as she shoulder-bumped her little sister, easing the tension wrinkled on her forehead.


  As the two sisters turned in her direction, Riley quickly busied her hands, setting everything back in its place. She didn’t want them to think she was eavesdropping. She raked the crumbs from the table into her hand and tried to process what just happened.

  When he brought his hand to her cheek, her knees grew weak, and she almost wobbled. A well-placed hand on the wall kept her from collapsing into a heap of pudding. How could he entice that kind of reaction from her? She’d known all along that something was different about him. The way her heart skipped a beat when he leaned close to her… That wasn’t a normal reaction, and it worried Riley. She didn’t know anything about him, couldn’t even talk to him. Maybe he had some sort of superman power, a way to bend her to his will.

  “Someone’s far away.” Belle wiped her wet hands on a dish towel.

  Looking around the neatly cleaned kitchen, Riley wondered, when did Cassidy leave?

  “What?” She glanced at her sister and then hurried to the trash can.

  “What were you thinking about?” Belle tilted her head to the side and grinned. “I’ll bet it’s the alien man.”

  “What? No! Why would you think that?” She busied her hands while avoiding eye contact with her younger sister.

  “Maybe the way your eyes linger on him longer than necessary, and you fumble your words when he’s in the room.” She arched an eyebrow. “You have on lip gloss.” Heat rushed to Riley’s cheeks. She had put on lip gloss that morning. “You deny you think he’s handsome?” Belle crossed her arms as the smile widened.

  Riley didn’t like the way Belle looked at her. Her all-knowing eyes danced with humor while Riley squirmed a little, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Seriously, Belle, he’s an alien.” Finally looking at her sister, she finished, “Don’t you have something you should be doing?”

  “Ah ha! You do think he’s attractive!”

  “Shhh…keep your voice down.” Riley’s eyes darted to the open doorway as she prayed no one stood there listening. Broadcasting her feelings was the last thing Riley wanted. Belle’s loud, excited voice could easily carry down the hallway, reach the alien’s ears, even Cassidy’s if she were still in the house.

  “Fine. Fine,” Belle grinned, “but admit it, you do like him, don’t you?”

  Riley’s eyes darted everywhere but at her sister. “I like him, okay?” After a short pause, she quickly added, “But I don’t want to like him.”

  “Why not?”

  Riley studied her teenaged sister who stood, young and innocent, wearing an old blue sweatshirt and faded jeans. Living in the middle of nowhere hadn’t left Belle with any opportunities to date. Riley half smiled when she mentally decided to confide in her sister.

  She slid into an open chair at the table and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. Belle followed her lead. How did she tell her sister that she didn’t want to like the alien, and yet she loved that he lay in her bed, leaving his scent on her sheets?

  “I don’t know what to do,” she finally admitted. “I can’t talk to him, and he’s not even human. How can I possibly find him attractive?”

  “Hellooo? Have you seen the muscles on that guy?” Belle fanned her face with her hand.

  Riley’s face turned red. “Belle!”

  “What? He’s hot. Yeah, he’s different, but those eyes are beaauutiiful.” Belle’s eyes turned dreamy as she batted her eyelashes.

  “I know.” Riley mumbled into her hand. “I am so screwed.”

  “Not yet,” Belle replied with a mischievous voice. Riley’s eyes grew as big as saucers before she playfully swatted Belle’s shoulder.

  Steaming water heated on the stove when the sound of masculine laughter floated down the hallway. Pure. Raw. Sexy. Her insides quivered with the sensuous sound. Riley scrunched her face in curious surprise as she dried her hands. “Get the tub ready when the water boils.”

  She and Belle were drawing a bath for the twins. They boiled several pots of water and then slowly added cold water to the oval galvanized wash tub. When the water temp was perfect, the twins enjoyed their much-needed weekly bath.

  “Sure thing.”

  Standing in the doorway of Riley’s bedroom, Aydan snuggled Kaley on his lap as she jabbered away. Of the two, she was the most talkative, but not by much.

  Riley studied the happy expression on his face as he diligently listened to everything Kaley told him. He looked like he understood, but you had to be around toddlers to understand half of what they said.

  Riley stood with her arms crossed, her hip resting against the doorframe as she listened to Kaley explain about Buster, their black Lab. Kaley was the animal-lover, and Riley wondered how long it would take her little girl to introduce every animal to their guest.

  He glanced up and caught her spying, but Riley didn’t care. He held her gaze for a mere moment, melting her insides and endearing him to her even more. The sight of him with Kaley shouldn’t affect her, but the way he treated her little sister only strengthened the way she felt about him. Damn it!

  “Kaley.” Both Kaley and the alien looked up. “It’s bath time.”

  The little girl grinned ear to ear. “Otay, Mama.” Kaley looked at the alien and asked, “Wou want bazs?”

  Riley could see the confusion on his handsome face. “Kaley?” The little girl glanced at her. “He’s too big. He won’t fit.”

  She scrunched her nose as she sized him up. “Otay.” She jumped off the bed and ran for the kitchen.

  Riley looked at the handsome alien sitting on her bed. His black jumpsuit was worn and weathered. Today was bath day for everyone. Maybe he should go first. “I’ll find you some more clothes if you’d like to shower and change. I think Dad’s stuff is still here.”

  His mesmerizing eyes held hers captive until one slight nod answered her. Her tongue darted out to moisten her dry lips. “I’ll get your water ready.” She pushed off the door frame with her hip and headed back toward the kitchen.

  What was happening to her? Every time she stood in the same room, the pull she felt deepened. Her entire focus centered on him. A rock, an anchor in the raging storm.

ey splashed around in the water while Kaley stripped. In seconds, she threw one leg over the side of the wash tub. It was a tight fit, but Riley just couldn’t tell her no. They loved bathing together.

  Belle washed the girls while Riley headed outside to the well, needing more water to warm on the stove.

  When his water finally heated, she poured it into the water bladder that hung over the shower. Just as she finished, she felt him behind her.

  She spun quickly and came nose to chest. Her entire body electrified with his presence; sparks sizzled her skin. Her core tightened as desire curled inside her abdomen. She closed her eyes and willed her body under control. With a quick intake of breath, she squeaked out, “Your shower is ready.”

  He stepped forward, closing the gap, pulling her against his length. Her hand caressed the rippling muscles on his chest. As he loomed over her, the outline of his hard cock pressed against her belly. Moisture soaked through her panties as she stood deathly still, frightened and excited. Sexual desire warred with discipline and control.

  Disappointment washed over her, through her, when he took a step back. She instantly missed the contact, wanting to feel his arms around her again. Wait! No! She shook her head. Her sisters were just down the hall. She shouldn’t… couldn’t do anything with him.

  Clearing her throat, she looked up and caught his desire-filled eyes. “So, just release a little water at a time or you’ll run out. Nothing worse than having soapy body and no water.” Her eyes traveled up and down his length. Images of him standing naked and soapy under water sent embers of fire across her skin, electrifying her body even more.

  He held her eyes, never acknowledging he understood. After a moment of squirming, she blurted out, “Okay, I’ll leave you to it. If you have any problems, just yell.” Riley fled the bathroom as fast as possible, leaving him to look over his shoulder and watch her leave.

  Once outside the door, she leaned up against the wall and heaved as though she’d ran a marathon. When she finally caught her breath, she started to the kitchen but quickly realized she hadn’t told him which bottle held the shampoo.


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