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Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6)

Page 13

by Hannah Davenport

  “Tell me?”

  His laughter continued. “You drank two mugs of moonshine straight down. After you left, they tried to do the same. I thought their eyes would pop out of their heads. You’ve never heard such coughing and sputtering. They find it difficult to believe a female can outdrink them.” He kissed her forehead. “Oh, and Kavvan wants to know how to make it.”

  She laughed with him. Not once did she consider it rude or amazing to have a drink of moonshine. Growing up, they used homemade moonshine for everything. Antiseptic, pain killer, cold medicine. It cured everything, at least her dad believed it did. “Sorry if I embarrassed you.”

  “You didn’t. I am a little worried about how intoxicated you are.”

  “I’m not. Maybe a little dizzy, but that will pass soon.”

  “Good.” He gently stoked her hair, running his fingers through the silky strands. “I haven’t let you rest much.”

  Her eyes closed with the feeling of his hand stroking her hair. She smiled. “That’s okay. I haven’t wanted to rest.”

  “Sleep for a while. I will wake you when we arrive.”

  He brushed her hair from her forehead, stroking her face with one finger; it all relaxed her. With that and the moonshine, she barely remembered saying okay before sleep claimed her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  A bundle of nerves accounted for why her hands shook and her heart hammered away in her chest; even her palms felt sweaty.

  They had arrived at their destination, and the Victory orbited Azziar, their new home. Belle and Cassidy gaped at the sight of the lavender-colored planet.

  “Why is it that color?” Cassidy asked without taking her eyes off the view screen.

  Aydan smiled and squeezed Riley’s hand. “That’s the color of our water.”


  “Yes.” Aydan grinned down at her wide, innocent eyes as she stared in amazement. “Ready to see your new home?”

  Cassidy gave them a wide smile, one of the first one Riley had seen since her return. Maybe this would be good for all of them.

  “Let’s go.” Aydan carried Kaley and held Cassidy’s hand, leaving Riley to carry Haley. Belle followed.

  “Nikkul,” Aydan said as they all boarded the shuttlecraft, “take it easy.”

  “What does that mean?” Riley already hated shuttlecrafts.

  “We tend to… descend quickly.”

  “Fall straight down?”

  Aydan shrugged, but Riley saw the truth in his sparkling eyes. “Nikkul?” Riley called to the pilot. “Take it easy, smooth. No sudden drops.” She glanced around and then remembered, “Oh, and if anyone catches Whiskers, just send him down.”

  One side of his mouth lifted in response. Riley blew out a breath. With the twins on the craft, she knew he wouldn’t do anything to frighten them.

  When they safely landed, tendrils of fear skirted her arms, making the hair stand up. What if she’d made a huge mistake? What if the Azziarins didn’t want them on their planet? She tapped her foot and shifted Haley to the other hip, fighting her anxiety. She couldn’t demand he take her back, not with him this close to seeing his mother. Maybe they could wait on the ship.

  The door hissed open.

  Her heart thundered.

  Sweat beaded her forehead.

  The room spun around her.

  “Riley, you ready?” She looked up at Aydan’s smiling face, and the world righted around her. The sound of his voice centered her, brought everything into focus. She loved him, and they were a family.

  “I think so.” He placed a hand on her back before he grabbed Cassidy’s hand. The way he treated her sisters only made her love him more.

  Riley didn’t know what she’d find as she stepped out on the ramp, but a huge Azziarin holding a human’s hand was not what she expected.

  They descended steps, but Riley’s eyes never left the human. She had a Snow White look about her. Long wavy black hair, white creamy skin, dark eyes, beautiful.

  When they reached the bottom, Aydan bowed his head. “Prince.”

  Oh, shit! A prince? Was she supposed to bow her head? The panic that had abated rushed back full force. Why didn’t he tell her?

  “It’s okay. I didn’t know what to do when I first arrived, either.” Riley looked up to see the smiling human. “I’m Sydney, Jakke’s mate.” She turned her head and smiled up at her mate, the prince.

  “Welcome home, Aydan.” Jakke and Aydan clasped forearms.

  “Thank you, Prince Jakke.”

  Riley held Sydney’s gaze and smiled. “I’m Riley.”

  Aydan and Jakke both turned in her direction. “This is my mate, Riley. And this one,” he looked at Kaley as he held her in his left arm, “this is Kaley. That one,” he nodded to Riley, who held the other one, “that’s Haley.

  “Me, down. Me, down.” Kaley squirmed in his arms.

  “It’s okay. Let her down.” Sydney smiled at the restless little girl.

  When Aydan put Kaley down, then Haley wanted to get down to play with her sister.

  “Wook, Mama!” Kaley bounced on the springy ground. Before Riley could say anything, Haley joined the fun. The two girls held hands as they jumped and jumped.

  “They are fine. My son loves to play on the springy ground.” Sydney smiled. Her eyes darted to her other sisters, a question on her face.

  “This is Cassidy, and this one,” she pointed, “is Belle.” Riley felt compelled to add, “They are all my sisters.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “Aydan.” Riley turned to the sound of Jakke’s deep authoritative voice. “My mate wanted to have a welcome banquet, but I know you are anxious to get home.”

  “How is my mother?”

  “I had to inform her of the shuttle crash, that you were missing. When I received word that you had been located, she was… relieved.” Jakke softened his tone. “I don’t think she will fully believe that you live until she sees you with her own eyes. It’s been difficult for her.”

  Aydan swallowed hard. “I assumed as much.”

  “I have a hover car waiting.”

  They clasped forearms one last time. “Thank you, dear friend.”

  They scooped the twins up before everyone piled into the hover car. Riley calmed enough to look at the new world she’d landed on. She stared so long at Sydney that she hadn’t noticed the black castle in the distance. Immaculate. Beautiful. An enigma. The shape spoke of a medieval time, but it was clearly modern. Riley glanced at the sky, half expecting dragons to zoom past with widespread wings.

  The trees put her forest to shame, a miniature compared to this wondrous sight. With two suns shining down, they looked even more vibrant.

  Off in the distance, not far from the castle, a log cabin slowly came into view. It had a porch built with large round posts, obviously made from the great trees of the area. The home looked three times bigger than her house in North Carolina, well cared for. Riley gripped Aydan’s hand the closer they drew.


  With the sight of his mother’s home, Aydan’s body hummed with anticipation. Not only did he need to make sure she was all right, he wanted desperately to introduce her to Riley and the others.

  Riley gripped his hand, which made him smile down at her. He’d never felt so happy coming home before, not after any other mission. This one was different. This one felt different.

  When the hover car stopped in front of the house, he kissed Riley’s cheek. “Wait here.”

  She nodded and bit her lower lip. “Okay.”

  Aydan headed up the grassy path before taking the five steps two at a time. “Mother!” he called through the closed door.

  He grabbed the door handle and twisted, too impatient to wait for her to answer. “Mother,” he called out after stepping inside.

  “Aydan?” She rounded the corner wiping her hands on a dishcloth. When she spotted his grinning face, she dropped the cloth, letting it glide to the floor. “Aydan!” She rush
ed over with outstretched arms. He engulfed her in his, lifting her feet off the floor.

  “I’m glad you are all right. I was so worried!” he exclaimed.

  She playfully smacked his back. “You were worried? I was the one worried.” He lowered her down so he could look her in the eyes when she spoke. “I am glad you are home safely. They told me you were fine, but I wanted to see for myself.”

  “What else did Jakke tell you?” Did she already know he had a mate? Young whom he called his own?

  “Nothing. Just that you would be home soon.”

  “I see.” He couldn’t hide the grin that split his face, the twinkle in his eye.

  “Aydan, what are you not telling me?” His mother cocked her head to the side and studied his face.

  “Would you like to meet my mate?”

  Her eyes widened in shocked surprise. “Please tell me you did not leave her outside! Yes! Yes! I want to meet her.”

  “There’s something….” He spoke to her back as she ran for the door, leaving him to trail after her.

  She stood on the porch and stared at several faces plastered to the window, staring back at them. “How many mates do you have?”

  Aydan laughed while shaking his head. He headed to the car, where he helped Riley, Belle, and Cassidy out before scooping up the twins. Facing his mother, he smiled down at Riley. “Mother, this is my mate, Riley.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Riley said. “Aydan’s told me so many wonderful things about you.” He heard the slight tremor in her voice.

  His mother just stared at Riley. The air thickened with tension. Even the twins held their breath in anticipation. Aydan opened his mouth to say something when his mother threw her arms around Riley and pulled her in for a hug. “I am so glad to meet you.”

  He heard a collective sigh, or maybe relief, from the two older sisters. When his mother released Riley, Aydan smiled and introduced the others. With a nod, he said, “That is Belle, Cassidy, and these two are Kaley and Haley.” He then nodded to his mother, “And this is my mother, Nia.”

  “Oh, my, I can’t tell those two apart.” Everyone laughed. Nia looked to Riley, “Are they all your young?”

  Aydan laughed at Riley’s shocked face. With the sun cycles being different, Azziarins aged much slower than humans. His mother didn’t look much older than Aydan with her flowing, silky, white hair, her flawless skin. In her mind, Riley could easily be their mother, even Belle’s.

  “Mother, Riley is only twenty-three Earth years…” When she opened her mouth, he said, “Wait, don’t say anything. Let me finish. Eighteen is considered an adult on her world. These four are her sisters. She’s been raising them.”

  Nia reached for Kaley, who happily accepted. “Wook, Mama, nudder kiddy.”

  Nia smiled down at Kaley with love in her eyes. When she looked back up, her gaze touched on everyone before she said, “Well, now she has plenty of help. Welcome home.”



  It had been six months since Riley and her sisters arrived on Azziar with Aydan. How her life had changed, her sisters’ lives had changed!

  Belle and Cassidy attended school with the rest of the Azziarin kids, while Haley and Kaley loved helping their Nana fix desserts in the kitchen. Everything worked out well, and Riley was finally able to give her sisters the childhood they deserved.

  Not that it was easy. The other kids at school asked lots of questions about Earth, wanting to know if they’d attended school there. They asked everything that popped into their heads. Neither Belle nor Cassidy minded the attention. Reading the language was the only big obstacle they’d encountered so far, but plenty of boys were willing to jump in and help.

  “Are you finished?”

  Riley turned at the sound of Sydney’s voice. “Yep, all done.”

  They had become great friends, Riley and all the other human females. Even with Kattlyn, who loved to play with the twins. Everyone on Azziar was fascinated with human babies and children. Probably because they grew so slowly.

  “Let’s go sit in the garden. The others are waiting.”

  “Okay. I have a few minutes before I have to get back.”

  Riley followed Sydney to the royal gardens. Everything stayed in full bloom; at least that’s what Sydney told her. Kattlyn rested on the ground, her legs stretched out in front. Chloe and Krista sat on a bench. “I had them add another bench after you arrived.” Sydney grinned as she headed on over.

  Everyone called out a greeting. “Hi Riley,” “I didn’t know you were coming today,” and “Hey.” They always made her feel welcome. With so few humans on Azziar, they were like family.

  Riley looked around. “No kids today?”

  “Nope, girl time,” Chloe chimed in. “Mara couldn’t make it. She and Risshi are at the beach house. Ava’s with Zekke doing god knows what.” Everyone chuckled. Riley knew that Ava and Zekke were military-minded, two peas in the same pod.

  Sitting down beside Sydney, she leaned back and crossed her ankles.

  “So, Kattlyn,” Krista drawled out. “What’s going on between you and my brother?” she wriggled her eyebrows.

  “Nothing, why?” Kattlyn wouldn’t look at Krista.

  “I don’t know,” she teased, “I’ve just seen the way you two look at each other. When I ask him about you, he’s very tight lipped.”

  When Kattlyn clamped her jaw tight, the mood changed instantly. Riley didn’t know her as well as the others did, but even she could tell that something bothered her.

  Sydney leaned forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Kattlyn, you can tell us anything. It’s just between us. What’s wrong?”

  “You are mated to my brother.” She looked around, “You are all mated to my brothers.”

  “I’m not,” Riley barely lifted her lips, trying to ease the tension.

  “Kattlyn, what’s wrong?” Sydney scooted off the bench, now at eye level with her.

  “You promise to keep it a secret?” Everyone nodded. “I’m serious. You can’t say a word. Not to Jakke, Zekke, Kollin, anyone. Understand?” When everyone nodded, she let out a huge breath. “I do like Alan, more than I should. Every time he’s near, I know without looking.” Her head dropped, “But it will never work.”

  “Why not?” Now Krista moved to the ground and clasped Kattlyn’s hand in hers.

  “My father will never approve…”

  “That’s bullshit!” Sydney blurted, but Kattlyn frantically shook her head.

  “It’s not. He and…” her eyes darted to Sydney’s before staring at the ground again, “…Jakke have told me so. They say he cannot properly mate me, and I could never have his young. They also worry that he is not strong enough to protect me.”

  “That son of a bitch! You wait until I…”

  “You promised!” Kattlyn’s scared eyes dared Sydney to open her mouth.

  “So I did.” Sydney shook her head and tightened her lips.

  Krista patted her hand. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.”

  Riley felt terrible for Kattlyn. She looked sad, heartbroken. Talk about double standards. The king didn’t mind if his sons took human mates, but his daughter could not? She shook her head in disgust.

  Riley listened as they talked for a few more minutes, then stood, dusted herself off and announced, “I’ve got to get home.”

  “Be careful,” “Bye,” “Come visit again soon,” were tossed out.

  Back at the house, Riley reached for a snack when the door burst open. “You’re home late.”

  “Yep.” Belle set her holo-pad on the table. “Takkeo helped me study. He offered to be my tutor.”

  “Takkeo, huh?” Riley quirked an eyebrow.

  “Yep.” She grinned. “He is so handsome.” Belle fanned her face with her hand. “I love being around him.” She grabbed a snack. “I’m going to my room.”

  “Belle,” Riley called.

  She turned, “Yeah?”

  “Aydan and I are
staying at the new house tonight. Watch the kids?”

  Her mischievous smile said everything. “Sure. You two have fun!”

  Riley watched her leave as Nia entered with her other three sisters. “Now let’s see what Nana can find for you.” Nia had taken to the name Nana once Riley had explained its meaning. The kids loved her, especially Cassidy. Nia helped so much, Riley now felt free. Oh, they still called her Mama, but she didn’t bear the burden alone anymore. Between herself, Aydan, and Nia, Riley had freedom to do things for herself, which made her a better mama.

  “Hi, girls.”

  “Mama, look what Nana made for us today.” Kaley held up what the girls considered brownies. They seemed so much older here. They looked older, talked older. They were growing up.

  “That looks good.” Kaley looked so happy.

  “I didn’t see you standing there, Riley,” the older woman said.

  “That’s okay, Nia.” She flashed a smile. “The house is finished, and I hoped Aydan and I could spend the first night there… alone?”

  Nia chuckled. “Of course you can. The kids and I will be fine.” Riley loved to hear her call them girls and kids, instead of young. “I think Aydan is already there.” She quirked a knowing eyebrow.

  Riley bit her lip. “Thanks.”

  “You are welcome. Now go on. We will be fine.”

  Riley hesitated for only a moment before she tore out of the kitchen and ran to her new house.

  They had stayed with Nia until Aydan built them their own home, big enough for all of them with room to expand their family. He didn’t want to live too far away, and neither did Riley. The kids loved to visit their Nana, so they built their house within walking distance.

  When she stepped in the front door, Riley turned around in circles, taking in her new home for the first time. Aydan made her wait, wanting to surprise her, and that he did.

  It had an open floor plan with high, vaulted ceilings. Everything was made from the hardwood of the trees. Huge beams supported the ceiling, and there were polished wooden floors, large floor-to-ceiling windows. Riley shook her head in wonderment as she let her fingers skim the surface of a marble countertop. It was the finest house she’d ever seen.


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