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Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1)

Page 2

by Mertz, L.

  “Ouch,” she says quietly and starts to apologize.

  “It’s okay. I probably shouldn’t have been standing so close to the door anyway,” I say to her.

  “Oh, Kelsey, I see that you have met Johnathan Myles,” Butch all but announces from across the room. That is one slick man, and now I know who I was supposed to be meeting. Nicely played, Butch. Nicely played. I don’t fully know what he is trying to do, except maybe he’s playing matchmaker. I don’t see him as a man that does that. His wife is a matchmaker, definitely. Him, not so much.

  She introduces herself as Kelsey Smyth. I let go of her shoulders and shake her hand. I feel something weird pass between us and I’m not too sure what it is, but I’m willing to find out.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” I hear the tall girl ask her.

  She says her name is Lauren something, but I can’t stop looking at Kelsey. Kelsey excuses herself and walks over to her mother, Evie; I met her earlier this week.

  “Hope to see you again soon.” I begin following Kelsey with my eyes over to her mother. I swear they could be sisters and I’m not just being polite. Her mother is on the young side. I see Kelsey twirl in a circle for her mother and I finally get a good look at her. She looked great in her cut offs and tank top, but in this dress... WOW.

  “You might want to close your mouth before you catch a fly, buddy,” her friend Lauren tells me with an amused smile on her face.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I begin shaking my head to clear it.

  “I know what you’re thinking. She is off limits. One hundred percent.” Lauren crosses her arms and I can’t help but notice how it pushes up her chest, but I immediately look at her face and if looks could kill, I’d be six feet under in no time flat.

  “Okay, everyone, time to head down to the field,” Butch announces.

  Shit. I should have been down in the locker room and dressed thirty minutes ago.

  “Nice to meet you, Lauren, but I have to go or Skip is going to have my ass.” I start to leave and Butch grabs me.

  “Just ride down with us.” He is smiling at me and there is a twinkle in his eye. I don’t know the man that well but I can sense that something is going on in his head.

  “Of course, Sir,” I say and nod at him.

  I get to the elevator first and step in once the doors open. I turn around and there she is, the little ball of red. I don’t know what I’m doing— especially with her family in the elevator with us— but I can’t help it and grab her waist with my left hand to pull her back to my front. I lower my head and say to her that she looks pretty in the dress. I feel her breath hitch and I know that she can feel this energy between us.

  The elevator dings and everyone starts to step out but Kelsey is still stuck to me and I let her go and she still doesn’t move too much so I push her a bit to get her moving. Once the elevator stops everyone starts to get off but I keep my hand on her waist until it’s time for us to step out. I have to give her a small push so she walks ahead of me. She almost stumbles but catches herself. I can see her turning bright red, almost the exact shade of her dress so I wink at her. She turns even redder, if that is possible.

  “Butch, it’s been a pleasure meeting your family. I’ll do my best today on the field and now I should go and get ready with the rest of the team. I’m running late as is and on my first day too.”

  “Good luck, my boy. Don’t worry about being late I’ll talk to Hank for you if he gives you any trouble.” Butch grabs my hand and gives it a good hard shake with a smile.

  I look back at Kelsey one more time and wink at her again. I see her breath catch and I know that this is going to be fun. Fun for both of us.


  “Well, Evelyn, what do you think?”

  “Oh, honey, I hope you know what you’re doing. It’s not nice to mettle in other people’s business.” She is looking up at me, shaking her head and smiling.

  “I just want Kelsey to be happy and have what we have.” Squeezing her to my side, I add, “And I know that he will give her everything and more.”

  “I know that your heart is in the right place, but be careful. If she finds out I will not be there to save you. I know my granddaughter.”

  “I know her too and I will make sure that she doesn’t find out.” I kiss the top of my wife’s head and we walk out on to the field. It’s opening day; the sky is blue, and the sun is shining. Nothing can go wrong this year and I feel it in my bones that the October post season is in our future this year.


  After the opening ceremony is over I go back to the suite and change back into my tank and cut offs and find to my seat to watch the game. I get to my seat to find Lauren waiting for me with a beer in hand.

  “Hey, girl, you looked good out there on the Jumbo Tron,” Lauren says while winking at me.

  I take a swig of my beer while rolling my eyes.

  “Hello, Ms. Smyth. Would you like me to get you something to eat?”

  “Oh, sure, Stanley. I’ll take my usual hot dog, pretzel, and another beer, please. Thank you.” Stanley has been working at the stadium as an usher for way longer than I have been alive. He leaves to get my goodies as we stand for the National Anthem and the first pitch. Jonathan is the third player in the lineup so it’s not too long before he is up to bat. The first two players hit some pop flies and are both out when the outfielders catch the ball. Johnathan comes up to bat and his walk up song blasts over the stadium speakers.

  “Oh my God! Do you hear what they are playing?” I say to Lauren.

  “Kick Start My Heart? Motley Crue. Great song.” Lauren is moving in her seat to the song and singing along. Somehow, Johnathan finds me in my seat and winks at me. That damn wink and smirk are going to be the death of me. The music stops as he walks into the batter’s box. The first pitch is called a strike and the following two are called balls. 2-1. I watch him step out of the box to readjust his gloves and helmet. He places the bat between his knees, adjusts his left glove and then the right, settles his batting helmet, grabs the bat again and walks into the batter’s box. There is a focus in his eyes that I didn’t see earlier. The pitcher nods to the catcher, then the pitch is thrown. All I hear is the smack of the ball hitting the bat and then everyone is standing, watching the ball sail through the sky. Johnathan starts running as he watches the ball just soar over the leftfield wall and then it is gone into the stands. The Jumbo Tron screen shows that a young kid has caught the ball. I watch Johnathan run around the bases with his hand in the air. This is his first home run in the Major Leagues and his smile is so huge. I’m jumping up and down in the stands with Lauren and the rest of the fans sitting around us. We high-five some of the other fans that are around us in celebration. He comes to home plate, tags it, and is in the dugout high-fiving the guys. Everyone is acting like he has just scored the winning run and the game is over, but it’s only just started.

  The game is a good one and the Warriors win five to three. Johnathan doesn’t hit another homerun, but he does help the team by having two doubles in the game. The fans are excited for the start of the new season and the commentators are already talking play-offs. October is months away and many things can happen between now and then.


  I’m on a high from the win as I walk from the dugout into the locker room. All the guys slap each other on the back and give high-fives. Coach comes in and while he’s happy with the win, he reminds us that this is only game one of one hundred sixty-two. Once he leaves, I begin rubbing some horse liniment on my right shoulder since it feels sore.

  “Hey, Myles, you want to go out with us?” I’ve been warned about Michael “Shep” Shephard that he’s a party animal. He’s been in the Majors for about five years now and he has a reputation already. I’m not trying to get involved with all of that stuff. I have priorities and I cannot have any negativity thrown my way.

  “Nah, man. I’m tired. Plus, I still have to move all my shit into the condo. Next tim

  “Hey, that’s cool, man. I understand.”


  As I enter the building, I wave a quick hello to the doorman, Mr. Jones, an older African American gentleman. We talked earlier and I found out that he has worked at this building for the past thirty years. He had a wife— she passed last year—and three children. He and his wife were married for fifty years when she passed. His children have all moved on and have given him five grandkids. He seems to be a happy and proud man.

  Entering my new home, a condo in the city, I drop my bag by the door along with my keys. I haven’t had time to really unpack so there are miscellaneous boxes placed throughout the place. I have more stuff coming later in the week. Some of my bigger pieces of furniture were delivered a few days before I arrived. Luckily, I was able to move my smaller possessions personally. My living room has my big brown, leather couch with handmade blanket thrown on the back. The last guy here left some end tables and a coffee table, but it’s not like I’ll be staying here too much. The team has an extensive on-the-road schedule this year. Walking into the kitchen, I open the refrigerator and grab myself a well-deserved beer. I played my heart out tonight like I do at all my games, but today’s game was a great experience. The sold out crowd, the team, the coaching staff… it was amazing. I look at the clock on the microwave and see that I still have a few minutes to call back home to check on my family I left in Texas.

  I played really well today and I need to call home and talk to my girls. I miss them. It was for the best that everyone stayed home in Texas while I came out here and lived my dream of being a Major League baseball player. I know that my mom wants the best for me but sometimes I don’t know if leaving home was the right thing.

  “Hey, Ma, how’s everything going?”

  “Honey, so glad you called. Everything is as it should be. We miss you, superstar.”

  “Mom, I’m not a superstar. How’s Annabelle doing?”

  “She’s good, honey. Misses you, but she’s good.” I hear the sadness in my Mom’s voice but I don’t comment on it. I know how rough of a time she is having with me not being home to help her.

  “Can I talk to her?”

  “Sure. Belle come to the phone, please.”

  I hear her running to the phone. I can just see her and her brown curls bouncing as she runs.


  “Hey, baby, how are you doing?”

  “I’m not a baby. I’m a big girl. I’m three years old,” she says with only an attitude a three-year-old girl can have.

  I’m trying not to laugh. “I know, baby. I’m sorry, but you’ll always be my baby.”

  “What do you want? I was busy trying to finish playing with my dolls before I have to take my bath. I only have five more minutes. I got to stay up late to watch you play. I saw you on the TV.”

  “I’m sorry I just wanted to say good night to ya. Don’t you want to talk to me?”

  “Not really, I’m still mad that you’re gone. G’night.”

  I try not to let my heart break as she says those things. Annabelle doesn’t understand that I’m not with her because I’m trying to better our lives.


  “Yeah, Ma? “

  “She loves you honey, and so do I. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, Ma. Look, I have to go finish unpacking. I’ll call you guys tomorrow before my game. Love you.”

  Mom sighs into the phone, “Okay, honey. Love you and thanks for calling me.”

  I hang up my phone and try not to dwell on what just happened. I need a beer. I go into the kitchen and grab another Miller Lite out of the six-pack I bought earlier. I’m too tired to even think about unpacking more than I have today. I walk into my bedroom and place the beer on my end table and crash back into the bed. One of the first things I bought myself was my new bed. I’d always had a very lumpy mattress and if I was going to be in a new place I wanted a new bed to go with it. I feel myself slowly sinking into the mattress as my brain continues spinning. Lying there, I look at the ceiling going over my whole day. I hit a homerun and I met Kelsey. Yeah, she’s the granddaughter of the guy that signs my paycheck, but I think that old man is up to something. I’m not too sure what, but I will find out. I’ve never heard of meeting the family before the game when you’re a new player. So something weird is definitely going on. I fall asleep thinking of Butch and Kelsey.

  Game 2


  I wake up to my phone vibrating on my end table. Scrubbing my face with my hands, I try and wake up. . I grab my phone and there are a bunch of text messages. I have three from Kevin, my friend from home, and about ten more from some other friends, but I really only care about the ones from Kevin. We’ve known each other since we were born. My Aunt Cindy is my mother’s best friend since third grade. It was only a matter of time before they popped out a few kids and, well, that’s how Kevin and I became friends. I’m a few months older and I rub that in his face every chance I get.

  Kevin: Hey, man, great game. I caught some highlights online.

  Kevin: Hello!?!?

  Kevin: I see how it is… can’t talk to us ol’ po’ folk from home NEmore.

  Shaking my head I text him back.

  Johnathan: Nope Im big league now man. I dont have time for you. Im living the big life in the big city. j/k

  I drop my phone on the counter and go get in the shower and rinse off yesterday’s grime. I let the water cascade down my neck and back trying to loosen up my stiff muscles from yesterday. I forgot to stretch before I went to bed last night. Dressed in some loose shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt, I grab my plain black baseball hat and a pair of sunglasses trying to hide my identity as best as I can. Leaving to go grab some breakfast. I walk to this little café down the street and get a large black coffee and a breakfast sandwich. While waiting for my order to come up this pretty girl around my age starts staring at me I find myself rethinking my disguise. I put my head down pulling the brim of my hat down too. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It’s Kevin texting me back.

  Kevin: U r so full of shit man! lol So when can I come see ya in the big city?

  Johnathan: ur the one thats full of shit! Idk let me get my schl in my hands and I will get back to you. I miss you man.

  Kevin: yeah ok…miss you too. Be safe!

  The barista yells my order and I grab my coffee and breakfast sandwich as I read his message and then I hear a laugh that sounds familiar. I look around the café and then I see her… Kelsey. She has her hair up in a messy bun and is with her friend from yesterday. I sit at my table and just watch her for a little while. I’m not a creeper, but I’m just mesmerized by her. I’ve never felt this before, not even from my high school sweetheart. I get up to throw away my trash and as if I’m on autopilot I end up walking over to Kelsey. She looks up at me from her chair and jumps back.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I say with a smile and remove my sunglasses.

  “It’s okay, did you follow me here?” she asks while looking around the cafe

  “Uh, no…um I live a few blocks away down by the river. I walked here.” I’m nervous and I don’t know why.

  “Oh. I didn’t know that, sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude, but with how we met and all yesterday…”

  She trails off and I just smile at her. I can tell she’s just as nervous around me as I am around her. I think I kind of like it.

  “Hey Johnathan.”

  “Oh hey, Lauren. Sorry.” I look back at Kelsey. She has the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen right now they’re this light shiny color. “So, Kelsey, what are you doing today?”

  “Um…well, I have to study, but I’ll be at the game later tonight.”


  “Yeah we go to every home game, at least we try to, you know, because I’m family.”

  “Oh, that’s cool. What are you studying?” I’m happy that she’ll be at every home game. I’ll have to play even better now.
/>   “American History at Washington University.”

  “Well I guess you’ve picked the right place to do that. I really need to find some time to go and be a tourist.”

  “Oh Kelsey is a great tour guide!” Lauren says animatedly.

  I see Kelsey give her an “I’m going to kill you” look and I just laugh a little bit. “You know I don’t have time to be guiding anyone around, Lauren.”

  “Oh please, all you do is study and go to class, give me a break. Johnathan give me your phone number.”

  She grabs a pink phone off the table and taps the screen as I give her my phone number before handing the phone to Kelsey. My phone goes off with a text message from what I’m guessing is Kelsey’s number.

  “Great, thanks, Lauren. I guess I’ll see you guys later. So, you’re definitely going to be at the game tonight?”

  Kelsey is still mentally throwing daggers at Lauren’s head. I don’t really understand what her problem is with me. I haven’t known her long enough to have her hate me already.

  “Yeah, we’ll be there. Right, Kelsey?”

  “Yeah.” She grabs her coffee cup to throw away. She’s still not looking at me.

  “Okay, well, see ya later then.” I go to leave and I’m at the door before I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around and it’s Lauren.

  “Just be patient, please? I was wrong yesterday when I said that she was off limits to you.

  I don’t know what to say to her so I just nod and walk back to my condo.


  I did not sleep at all last night. I kept dreaming of Johnathan and his sexy self. I haven’t seen him naked, but I can dream about him, right? Lauren wanted to go out for breakfast at this little café a few blocks away from our condo. As we sit with our coffees and muffins we talk about last night and the fact that she got a few phone numbers from guys when she went out after the game and I just went home.


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