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Pypin, A. N.
quasi-double, motif of the:
in The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
The Double
Notes from Underground. See also split personalities
Racine, Jean
Works: Phèdre
Radcliffe, Ann
radicalism: assassination of the tsar and
era of proclamations and
of FMD
FMD’s reactions against
individualism and
materialism and
in Petrashevsky Circle
of Populism
rational egoism and
revolutionary dictatorships and
self-interest and
of students. See also intelligentsia
Radischev, Alexander, Works: Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow
Raskol. See also Old Believers
raskolniki. See also Old Believers
rational egoism. See also reason; self-interest
Raw Youth, A (Dostoevsky)
atheism in
children in
confession in
European culture in
faith in
familial chaos in
generational tensions in
idea-feelings in
immortality of the soul in
innocence in
irrationalism in
love-hate emotions in
narrative technique in
Populism and
reception of
self-assertion in
sources for/connections to
split personalities in
suicide in
vanity/egoism in
writing/publication of
Razin, A. E.
Razin, Stenka: and peasant revolts
raznochintsy. See also social classes
reason: faith and
moral conscience vs.
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in The Idiot
in Notes from Underground. See also rational egoism
religious schismatics. See Old Believers; Raskol; raskolniki
Revelation, Book of
revolutionary dictatorships
Revolutions: (1848)
Revue Indépendante
Richardson, Samuel, Works: Clarissa
Riesenkampf, Igor
Roman Catholicism
romance novel (genre)
Roman Empire
roman-feuilleton. See feuilleton (genre)
Byronic figures and
Christian ideals and
ennui and
French social
Ronsard, Pierre de
Rosenblyum, L. M.
Rosenshield, Gary
Rostovtsev, Ya. I.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Works: Confessions
Rozanov, V. V.
Rubinshtein, Nikolay
Rubinstein, Anton
Rückert, Friedrich, Works: The Orphaned Child’s Christmas
Ruge, Arnold
Rusanov, N. S.
Russian Archives (periodical)
Russian Messenger, The (periodical Russkii Vestnik): contributors to
criticisms of FMD in
ideology of
owners/editors of
publication of FMD’s works in
Russian Orthodoxy: European culture and
FMD and
in Demons
in “The Landlady”
imperfection of man in
Nihilism and
opposition to
schism in
symbolism/festivals of
Russian Realism,. See also French social Romanticism; Natural School (Naturalism); social realism
Russian Socialism
Russian Thought (periodical Russkaya Mysl’)
Russian Word, The (periodical Russkoe Slovo)
Russo-Turkish War
Sade, Marquis de
Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, comte de, Works: Le nouveau Christianisme
St. Petersburg Gazette
St. Petersburg News
Saltykov-Shchedrin, M. E. Works: Provincial Sketches. See also Notes of the Fatherland
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
Samarin, Yuri
Sand, George
Works: Consuelo La dernière Aldini
Sardou, Victorien
FMD and
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Demons
in The Gambler
in Netotchka Nezvanova
in Notes from Underground
in Poor Folk
in Uncle’s Dream
in The Village of Stepanchikovo
in Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
Savelyev, A. I.
Scheler, Max
Schelling, Friedrich
Schiller, Friedrich von
Works: “An die Freude”
Don Carlos
“The Eleusinian Feast”
Louise Millerin
The Robbers
schismatics. See Old Believers; Raskol; raskolniki
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schweitzer, Albert
scientific materialism
Scott, Sir Walter
Works: Ivanhoe
Scribe, Eugene
secret societies
sectarians. See Old Believers; Raskol; raskolniki
self-deification. See also egoism
self-image. See also self-deception
self-interest. See also egoism
FMD and
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in Uncle’s Dream
Populism and
rational egoism and
Semenov, Peter
Semevsky, V. I.
“Sentence, The” (Dostoevsky)
sentimental epistolary novel (genre)
sentimental naturalism. See also Naturalism (Natural School)
serfs. See peasants/serfs
Sergey, Grand Duke
Sergey (Sergius), Saint
Serno-Solovievich, Alexander
Serno-Solovievich, Nikolay. See also Land and Liberty
Shakespeare, William
Shalikova, Princess
Shchapov, Afanasy Prokofievich, Works: The Land and the Schism
Shelgunov, N. V.: as author of To the Young Generation
Shestov, Lev
Shidlovsky, Ivan Nikolaevich: FMD’s relationship with
Shirinsky-Shakhmatov, Prince
Shklovsky, Victor
Shtakenshneider, Elena
short story (genre)
Siberian Notebooks (Dostoevsky)
Skaftymov, A.
Slavic Benevolent Society
anti-Catholic theology of
emancipation of peasants and
FMD and
in Demons
national character/nationality and
synthesis with Westernizer ideas and
Smith, Adam
Snitkin, Ivan (FMD’s brother-in-law)
Snitkina, Anna Grigoryevna. See Dostoevsky, Anna Grigoryevna
social classes. See also intelligentsia; peasants/serfs; raznochintsy
Social Darwinism
social humanitarianism: FMD’s
in C
rime and Punishment
in The Insulted and Injured
in The Village of Stepanchikovo
French social Romanticism and
gentry liberal intelligentsia and
Natural School and
social Realism and
atheism and
communal living and
Europe and
feuilletons and
FMD and
Populism and
revolutionary propaganda and
Roman Catholicism and
social-psychological themes
in The Double
in The Insulted and Injured
in Poor Folk
social Realism. See also French social Romanticism; Natural School (Naturalism); Russian Realism
social satire (genre)
Society for Aid to Needy Writers and Scholars. See Literary Fund
Society of Lovers of Russian Literature
Society of Writers
Sokolov, N. V., Works: The Heretics
“solid” character types (tselny)
Sollogub, F. L.
Solovyev, Alexander
Solovyev, Vladimir
Works: The Crisis in Western Philosophy
Lectures on Godmanhood
Solovyev, Vsevolod
Souchard, Monsieur
Soulié, Frédéric
Works: Mémoires du diable
Souvestre, Émile
Spark, The (periodical Iskra)
Spencer, Herbert
Speshnev, Nikolay
arrest/sentencing/mock execution of
background of
as chronicler
FMD’s relationship with
moral philosophy of
Petrashevsky Circle and
return from exile of
secret society of
social/political philosophy of
spiritual themes. See moral-psychological themes
split personalities: FMD’s advice on
in A Raw Youth. See also quasi-double, motif of the
Stasov, V. V.
Stasyulevich, M. M.
Steiner, George
Stellovsky, F. T.
Stepniak-Kravchinsky, S. M.
Stirner, Max
Works: The Ego and His Own
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strakhov, Nikolay
assessments of FMD by
as chronicler
as biographer of FMD
as critic
European travels of
FMD’s letters to
FMD’s relationship with
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
Meshchersky Circle and
Polish uprising of 1863 and
Pushkin festival and
social/political philosophy of
Works: Letters about Life
“Observations” (unfinished). See also Dawn
Strauss, D. F.
Works: Life of Jesus
Sue, Eugène
Works: Mathilde
Les mystères de Paris
of children
egoism of
FMD and
in Crime and Punishment
in “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
in The Insulted and Injured
in Notes from Underground
kenoticism and
Romanticism and. See also masochism; sadomasochism
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in Diary of a Writer
in “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
Sunday-school movement
superfluous men. See gentry liberal intelligentsia
Suslova, Apollinaria (Polina)
FMD’s letters to
Suslova, Nadezhda
Suvorin, Aleksey
sympathy. See also compassion
Terras, Victor
theodicy problem
in The Brothers Karamazov
Thierry, Augustin
Thiers, Adolphe, Works: Histoire de la révolution en 1789
Tikhon-Zadonsky, Saint
Time (Dostoevsky): censorship and
contributors to
defense of Young Russia in
ideology of
journalistic infighting and
owners/editors of
Polish revolt of 1863 and
publication of FMD’s works in
Timofeyeva, Varvara
Timothy, Epistle to (Bible)
Tkachev, P. N.
Tokarzewski, Szymon
Tolstaya, Countess A. I.
Tolstaya, Countess Alexandra Andreyevna (relation of Lev Tolstoy)
Tolstaya, Countess Sofya Andreyevna (widow of A. K. Tolstoy)
Tolstoy, A. K., Works: The Death of Ivan the Terrible
Tolstoy, Ilya
Tolstoy, Lev
assessments of FMD by
atheism of
background of
and Dawn
FMD’s artistic response to/rivalry with
and isolation from peasant class
letters to
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
moral/religious philosophy of
Pushkin festival and
social/political philosophy of
Turgenev’s visit to
Works: Anna Karenina
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
The Cossacks
An Infected Family
Sevastopol Stories
War and Peace
What is Art?
Torch, The (periodical)
Totleben, E. I.
tragedy (genre)
tragicomic realism (genre)
travel diary (genre)
Tretyakov, Pavel
Troitsky, Dr.
Tsar-Liberator. See Alexander II
tsarism: constitutionalism vs.
father figures and
revolts against
Uglich bell and
Tunimanov, V. A.
Tur, Evgenia (pseud. of Elizaveta Vasilievna Salhias de Tournemir)
Turgenev, Ivan
assassination attempt on tsar and
assessments of
assessments of Crime and Punishment and House of Dead by
background of
Belinsky Pléiade and
career of
caricatures of
as chronicler
FMD’s letters to
FMD’s relationship with
letters to
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
moral/religious philosophy of
Nihilism and
Pushkin festival and
raznochintsy and
return to Russia of
social/political philosophy of
tsarism vs. constitutionalism debate and
meeting with Tolstoy
Works: “Andrey Kolosov”
“The Bailiff”
“Diary of a Superfluous Man”
On the Eve
“The Execution of Troppmann”
Fathers and Children
“Hamlet and Don Quixote”
“Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District”
“The Knight of the Rueful Countenance”
A Nest of Gentlefolk
A Sportsman’s Sketches
Virgin Soil
Tyumenev, I. F.
Tyutchev, Feodor
Uglich bell (Tobolsk)
Uncle’s Dream (Dostoevsky)
unconscious, the
Uspensky, Gleb
abandonment of
sp; art and
rational egoism and
self-interest and
Utopian Socialism
autocratic government and
autonomy and
brotherhood and
Christian ideals and
communal living and
FMD and
national character/nationality and
private property in
progressive revelation in
Russian social problems and
vanity. See also egoism
Veltman, Alexander, Works: Emelya
Heart and Head
Venturi, Franco
Vergunov, Nikolay
Vetlovskaya, V. E.
Vielgorsky, Count
Village of Stepanchikovo, The (Dostoevsky)
compassion in
egoism in
FMD’s life in
FMD on
innocence in
irrationalism in
moral responsibility in
narrative technique in
psychic distress in
reception of
satire in
self-deception/self-delusion in
self-deification in
social-cultural themes and
social humanitarianism in
sources for/connections to
writing/publication of
Vinogradov, V. V.
Vischer, F. T.
Vladislavlev, M. S.
Vogüé, E. M. de
Voice (newspaper)
Volkonsky, Prince M. S.
Works: La Henriade
Von-Voght, N.
Vovchok, Marco, See Marcovich
Vremya. See Time (Dostoevsky)
Walicki, Andrzej
Wallace, David Foster
“wanderer” character types
Warsaw Diary (periodical)
Wasiolek, Edward
Watt, Ian
“weak person” character types
Week, The (periodical Nedelya)
Weinberg, Peter
atheism and
cultural education and
Nihilism of
Russian national character/nationality and
synthesis with Slavophil ideas and. See also European culture
“White Nights” (Dostoevsky)
Wienawski, Henrik
Winter Notes on Summer Impressions (Dostoevsky)
woman question
Woolf, Virginia
Wordsworth, William
Wrangel, A. E.: advocacy for FMD by
background of
as chronicler
FMD’s letters to
FMD’s relationship with
Yakubovich, P. F.
Yakushkin, Evgeny
Yanishev, I. L.
Yanovsky, Stepan
FMD’s letters to
Yastrzhemsky, Ivan
Yids/“Yiddish ideas”
Young Russia (leaflet)
Yunge, Ekaterina
Yuriev, Sergey
yurodivy. See holy fool
Zaichnevsky, P. G.: and Young Russia
Zaitsev, V. A.
Zasulich, Vera
Zemlya i Volya. See Land and Liberty
Zhukovsky, V. A.
Zola, Emile
Works: L’Assomoir
Le ventre de Paris
Zschokke, Heinrich, Works: Die Stunden der Andacht