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Alpha Defenders_Fury

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by Lyzie Carlisle

  Alpha Defenders: Fury

  Millionaire undercover agents Roger Masterson and Travis Savage are shape-shifters who work for a secret organization pledged to protect those threatened by evil. Their new assignment in Texas is to catch and arrest the evil shape-shifter who has plagued the towns of Heat Springs and Wolf's Crossing. But their mission becomes dangerous to them and their fellow agent Jen McClain when their hunt heats up.

  Jen joined the secret agency while looking for something that would help her forget a college romance that fell apart when her boyfriend left her for a rich woman. An old friend of Roger and Travis, she was put with them by the secret agency to work on cases, some of which have been gut-wrenching.

  Although they support each other through their friendship, which has grown to include hot sex-play, Jen is afraid of their relationship becoming more serious. But when they're threatened with deadly harm, Jen realizes how important Roger and Travis are to her.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 36,198 words


  Lyzie Carlisle


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Lyzie Carlisle

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-686-4

  First Publication: October 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  I can always count on my daughter to cheer me on. Thanks so much for your belief and support.

  To my amazing editor, Devin, again, I can’t thank you enough for your insight, your great editing, and for your fun encouragement.

  Thanks to everyone at Siren. I appreciate your generous help so much.


  Teachers once remarked, “Lyzie’s grades would be higher if she spent less time daydreaming and looking out the window.”

  But daydreaming and historical research fueled her imagination and creation of the Alpha Defenders.

  Her readers keep her asking, “What if…?”

  For all titles by Lyzie Carlisle, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen





  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Headquarters wants us to protect Jeff and Ry, no matter what.” Roger Masterson leaned against the doorway to the spacious bedroom and gazed at Jennifer McClain and Travis Savage, his fellow agents and good friends. Trav lounged on the bed watching Jen while she stood in front of the dresser looking in the mirror as she finished brushing her long silky hair. Her straight, red-streaked brunette strands glistened in the light. “Someone, probably that demon, Wra, has caused accidents to happen too many times in that big cave in the red rock area.”

  Trav glanced from Roger to Jen, doubt in his expression. “When Tom fell and injured himself, it could have been an accident. But the dangerous fall Jeff had in the same area of the cave didn’t appear accidental. Someone had obviously rearranged the path to cause his fall.”

  Jen met their determined gazes with her angry-looking blue eyes. “Wra and his gang won’t have another opportunity to hurt any of our agents. We’ll see to that.” Not even her obvious anger at the thought of their agents being hurt by Wra could hide the low, husky sound of her voice.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder, finished with smoothing the brush through that exotic mane, which reached almost to her waist in back. Roger loved the caress of her hair gliding over any part of his body when they enjoyed sex together. Just thinking about it aroused him, but he’d have to wait until later.

  With breakfast finished and the dishes in the dishwasher, they were ready to begin their day. They’d had a good night’s sleep in the comfortable, furnished home they were renting from Mike Adams’ family. The small town of Wolf’s Crossing had been quiet last night with most of the late-night revelers at the local restaurant in town on their way home soon after midnight.

  The local bar was a different story. When they’d stopped there for a late-night drink to check out the customers, they’d discovered the place still hopping. They’d recognized quite a few couples who had been at the masquerade party Jeff Yates and Ry Garret had held at their home a while back, as suggested by C.P.O., the Citizen Protection Organization. The wild bunch had been dirty dancing just like at the masquerade. The half-naked dancers seemed like a rough bunch of guys. They were probably gang members, dancing with women working as prostitutes, whom they must have found locally.

  The masquerade party was a ploy Jeff and Ry had used before with the help of Roger, Trav, and Jen while searching out hoodlums wanted by C.P.O. They’d been successfully working together off and on since they’d met at the country club during the formation of C.P.O.

  “From our previous experience, I figure those guys we saw dancing at the bar last night merit investigating. We need to find out what gang, or gangs, they belong to, and if they’re part of Wra’s pack of shape-shifters.” Roger paused and looked from Jen to Trav.

  “If they are, they had nerve attending the masquerade party Jeff and Ry set up,” Trav said. “Even so, the masquerade had been planned to draw them out as part of C.P.O.’s investigation into gangs and shifters that aid Wra.”

  Roger nodded in agreement. “Right. It was successful with word being spread by agents of C.P.O. through the local bars, hoping to entice some of those miscreants.”

  Not only had the lure worked, but when Roger and Trav had danced sensually with Jen to blend in, and more importantly to reveal possible gang members, the three of them had gotten a good look at the guys’ faces. The rough-looking couples, who were obviously used to dancing in an even more sexually provocative manner, had taken the bait, their ill-mannered sides revealed. Following the suggestive dancing of Roger, Jen, and Trav, the rough-looking guys had taken their dancing to a more daring sexual level.

  Since that night, they’d been on the lookout for that questionable pack of mongrels, hoping they would lead them to Wra’s hideout.

  Roger believed the town of Wolf’s Cro
ssing had become important as a new meeting place for underground shifter gangs.

  Jen opened a drawer in the dresser in front of her and took out some silky-looking pieces of clothing. She untied the sash of her plush white bathrobe. The edges of it parted, offering Roger and Trav tantalizing glimpses of her full, luscious breasts, her trim waist and flat abdomen, and the soft folds between her shapely thighs. Just watching her dress made Roger hard and ready to play. He wished they could all three go back to bed for more sex.

  Trav left the bed and strode across the room to lean against the opposite side of the bedroom doorway. Obviously aroused, he crossed one ankle in front of the other as he also watched Jen. She slipped into lacy panties, shrugged out of her bathrobe, and tossed it onto the plush armchair nearby. Smoothing her long, tapered fingers along the edges of her bra, she draped it over her breasts and fastened the closing. She opened another drawer and removed a cotton knit top that buttoned in front and a pair of jeans. After sliding on each piece of clothing, she fastened the openings.

  Roger wished he could unfasten her clothing and taste her. “It feels like a long time has passed since we first started working with C.P.O.,” he commented.

  “Yeah, it does,” Trav agreed.

  Roger met his friend’s serious gaze. They had worked on too many cases to count. He hoped they had made a difference in the lives of the people they had protected. He and Trav had joined when they’d been at loose ends after college. Their parents had gotten them involved with the C.P.O. foundation that had been set up originally to aid people who needed monetary help with health issues. Roger and Trav had become more involved and had made friends with many of the people who attended the foundation’s meetings.

  While they’d been at the meetings, which were more like huge casual dinner parties held in the large dining room of the local country club, they’d met some people who were interested in a more expanded help effort. They had plans to investigate various things, ranging from criminal cases involving innocent people being targeted by immoral bastards to research into minerals important to science.

  Roger and Trav had known each other since they’d grown up in the same country club area in Dallas. They’d attended the same schools and gravitated toward each other with the same hobbies and interests. They had also learned that they were wolf shape-shifters when they were thirteen. Their close friendship had helped them deal with the shifting and accept it as part of who they would always be.

  Working for C.P.O. helped get their minds off their disappointment with the girl they’d had a crush on in college.

  A couple years later, Jen, their longtime friend and their childhood crush, had come home from college with a master of fine arts degree. She’d been broken-hearted that her boyfriend had dumped her. She’d also found out he’d been cheating on her. Wanting to help her get over the scumbag, Roger and Trav suggested she join C.P.O., just as they had, and become involved in helping others. Because she had suffered a heartbreaking end to her college romance, they thought that she might enjoy working for C.P.O. They’d talked her into it. She had known since they were thirteen that he and Trav were shape-shifters.

  The wise leaders of C.P.O. knew her and her family from their past attendance and support at country club dinners for the foundation, and they’d put the three of them together on a case soon after she’d indicated an interest in joining. Since then, they had worked on cases together and found they enjoyed that very much.

  Because of Trav and Roger’s experience in the past, they understood something of what Jen felt when she broke up with her boyfriend after she found out he was cheating on her with another woman. So far, she had shied away from serious relationships or ever falling in love again after that experience with the cheating boyfriend.

  Roger knew their work with C.P.O. had given Jen the sense of purpose she had needed badly at that time. “With the three of us working as partners, we solved our first case together in record time.” Roger grinned at Jen. She had been working with them on cases for a couple of years since she’d graduated from college.

  “It’s obvious that you needed me to help you with the cases we’ve worked,” she said, a teasing grin enhancing her beautiful face.

  Their work with C.P.O. was more important and satisfying when the jobs worked out well, of course. When the jobs were gritty, they focused all their mental talent, energy, and strength to solve the problem and take care of the innocent. When their jobs were successful, they felt a huge sense of satisfaction and of time well spent with a good ending for the people with the serious problems facing them.

  When the three of them began working on harder, grittier cases, with the approval and belief in them from C.P.O. headquarters, they were given a difficult case to handle. It had been so tough mentally and emotionally on the three of them that they found comfort with each other when the case was ended. Comforting each other eventually led to physical pleasure, and they found relief from the mental strain in sexual release with each other. They had taken pleasure and relaxation in sex with each other since then but hadn’t let themselves make it more than that. They wanted to continue to be only good friends working for C.P.O. and to enjoy each other while having great sex.

  Jen had told him and Trav that she never planned to become serious with a guy again and once had been enough. But she was not against sex play for relaxation with Roger and Trav. They had talked her into it and proved to her that it could be beneficial to her, as well as to them.

  Roger and Trav hadn’t had any luck keeping a girlfriend with their erratic, time-consuming work for C.P.O.

  Fortunately, C.P.O. decided to keep the three of them working together on cases. Lifelong friends, they knew what to expect from each other and how each would react to various situations. That knowledge had helped them greatly in their work.

  Roger thought of how their relationship had grown over the past couple of years. He and Trav had become intimate with Jen after that one case that had caused all three of them extreme emotional distress. Calm, cool, and professional in their work for C.P.O., they’d found that sex was a way to relax and forget work for a while.

  They had been informed recently of quite a few other agents working in the same part of Texas. Some lived in Heat Springs and others lived in Wolf’s Crossing. The agents for C.P.O. tended to remain hidden, and not who they seemed to be. They mostly lived away from big cities and tried to be private and reclusive until they were contacted by the agency headquarters when needed to protect someone.

  “We now know that Jeff Yates and Ry Garret are working on locating a mineral that can be used specifically for enhancing the speed of rockets in the search for life on other planets,” Roger commented. “On a particularly dangerous track, we’ve been told that Mark Wolfson and Tom Packson are still working on bringing down the shape-shifter, Wra.”

  “Now that we’ve been asked by C.P.O. to also help in bringing in Wra, working undercover to aid Mark and Tom,” Trav added, “we’ll be able to take a bigger part in that case. It’s imperative that we find and bring him down. His predatory actions in the community have become more frequent and dangerous.”

  Jen nodded in agreement. “From what we’ve learned about him, he seems to be adept at disappearing from battles to avoid being caught.” She looked from Trav to Roger. “Somehow, we must find his weakness and help the local authorities to arrest him.”

  Roger met Jen’s determined gaze. He and Trav, billionaires because of their families’ success in business, like most of the people who had been asked to be part of C.P.O., liked to be generous to those who needed help. To those they valued as close friends, or loved, they would do anything, or give anything, whatever was needed.

  For Roger and Trav, their shape-shifter ability as wolves helped them in dangerous situations. Thankfully, Jen didn’t hold it against them, especially since she was not a shape-shifter. They all needed to stay incognito and use good judgment to find and arrest the evil people, gangs, or organizations that pr
eyed on others.

  Roger and Trav had understood when Jen needed help.

  She had told Roger and Trav that her previous boyfriend hadn’t even explained to her why he cheated. She had later heard that he had married a woman who had lots of money, so he was set. Roger and Trav both knew that she had loved that jerk so much that she was badly hurt when he had proved shallow and left her.

  As her long-time close friend, Roger couldn’t help worrying about her state of mind, and he knew Trav felt the same. They both feared Jen could take chances on the job that she shouldn’t. Sometimes she seemed too careless about her own safety. As a result, he and Trav had continued to look out for her in threatening situations. They were careful to make sure she was safe on the job, and they knew she’d do the same for them. They would protect each other against anything in any way hurtful.

  “What are our plans for today?” she asked.

  “We need to out Wra,” Trav said. “Our other agents suspect that he hangs out around the red rock caves sometimes. We should probably hang out there, as well. Maybe he’ll show up sooner than later.”

  “Why don’t we go for a picnic and swim in the hot springs pool?” Jen suggested.

  “Good idea,” Roger agreed. “Let’s do it.”

  “We could hike a little way up the hill and maybe take a quick look inside the big cave,” Jen said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Trav said. “Let’s get everything together and go. We can hike for a while and then take a swim and have lunch.”

  “Hopefully, if any of the local gang members are lurking nearby, we can get a good look at them,” Roger added.


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