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Page 12

by Teased, Tied

  There was a knock on the door this time, Lola making sure that she locked it, though she didn’t need to. “Hi.” As much as Lola tried to find something better to wear, it was still pale in comparison to Joselin. They walked down the hallway and back to the first floor. There were a lot more people now, lots more girls. She saw her first man, a professor she suspected. She smiled at him, but he just looked at her.

  The cafeteria was almost like a mid-range restaurant, not completely fancy, but was a far cry from what a cafeteria in the United States was. More of a dining hall, but that gave the impression that it was huge. Even with Joselin, it seemed that the din of the conversation stopped as soon as she walked in, all eyes on her. She was glad to get in line to get food, taking a salad, more nervous than hungry. They sat at a table, no one else at it.

  “They’ll warm up to you. You’re new and from another country.” Lola loved to talk, almost too much. Joselin knew more than she wanted to know before lunch was through. Eighteen and not very experienced with boys, sure that she never had an experience with men. Her father had died, no men in her life. She might just find something to fill that void here. “We better get going; you don’t want to be late for Professor Vicente.”

  Lola rushed after Joselin, not sure how she could move so fast in four-inch heels, but she did. Lola would struggle just to walk in them. They got to the classroom and walked in. There were only ten desks in the class, two rows of five each. Professor Vicente stood behind a lectern, Lola staring at him. He was so handsome. She was going to like Latin men, that’s for sure if they were all like him and the captain. He was mid-forties, but he had the body of a man much younger. Lola could see his large arms, but it was his large hands that she was drawn to. She blushed when her gaze went to the front of his pants, his eyes catching her.

  Vicente had heard about the new American girl, but he was expecting something better than this. I guess I watch too much American television and movies and expected all the girls to look like them. It’s not that she was ugly, she wasn’t, and she was a blonde, but she looked like she didn’t have a drop of sex appeal in her body. “Come up here, Lola.”

  Her heart was pounding as she stood next to him. He even smelled good.

  “Tell the class about yourself.”

  She hated having to do this, but she managed to get out a brief history of herself without sounding too bad. She fumbled her words at one point, but it wasn’t her fault. Professor Vicente’s hand slid over to her back, her body trembling as she felt it. It didn’t move, but it drove her crazy. She finally finished, feeling the hand move down as he said it.

  “Take a seat in the last row, Lola.” He pushed her away but not before his hand slid down and ran over her ass. Beneath the dumpy clothes was a nice, firm butt. Maybe there is hope for this one.

  She thought she would have a heart attack by the time she sat down. She could still feel his hands burning up her skin. He had pushed her away, but his hand touched her ass. Was it an accident? He began to teach, but all she could do was think about his hand on her.

  * * *

  It was three days since she came to school. Joselin and she were becoming friends, though not good friends. They were still a world apart. Joselin was so much worldlier. Even Professor Vicente looked at her differently than he looked at Lola. He barely looked at her. She met some of the other students, but it was as though they had no connection.

  She had three classes a day with Professor Vicente, the first one in the morning, the next at one P.M. and the last class of the day. She could still feel his hand on her ass. She masturbated the night before thinking about it, thinking that he did it on purpose. They called them professor, but they used their first names with it, Vicente being his first name. She liked the sound of it. The classes were great, Lola learning a lot, but she was waiting for the weekend. She was going home to visit her mother. Maybe Cherry would be there too and she could talk her into going out and seeing if they could meet any boys. Class was finally over, Lola rushing to the door.

  “Lola, may I see you for a moment.” Vicente finally had to do something with the American ugly duckling. He got her mother’s phone number, impressed that she was Vice President of Petrolera Ameriven and that she had worked for the company for five years in the United States before moving here. He found a picture of her in the file on Lola, the school very detailed when accepting candidates. There was even a picture of her sister, Cherry. They were all beautiful women, but her mother was more sophisticated than the girls were. She must have learned how to dress at Petrolera Ameriven. She had a lovely body and the clothes showed it off to the best advantage. Maybe Lola had potential; she just needed some training. The conversation with her mother wasn’t very long but productive.

  * * *

  “Collette, this is Professor Vicente at International University of Barcelona.”

  “Is Lola okay?”

  He heard her worried voice. “She’s fine, nothing wrong with her. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She was very protective of her girl.

  “Sorry, it’s just that we just moved here, and I worry if she is fitting in okay.”

  “That’s why I was calling. She is doing very well with her studies. It’s just her, not sure how to put it, dress is not up to our standards. You work for Petrolera Ameriven so I am sure you know what is required.”

  Collette was almost ashamed of her. “I’m sorry; she is at the difficult age. She is still dressing as if she is in the United States. She didn’t wear shorts to class, did she?” She could only imagine how she stood out from the other students. Collette should have done something, knowing that Lola would do that, but she was so busy with the new job and trying to fit in, the only female executive in an all-male-dominated company. “Tell her to come home this weekend, and I will take her shopping.”

  “You don’t have to do that. We have a nice shop that most of the students go to, Jacques. She has made friends with Joselin, I am sure that she would take her. They know what is proper for young ladies at our school. It’s just that you would have to set up an account with them for her. It’s just a matter of a phone call. They are expensive, but I am sure that you want the best for you daughter.” He also saw how much she made. She could afford it.

  “Not a problem, Professor Vicente. I don’t know how to thank you for taking such an interest in my daughter. I hope we will have a chance to meet soon, so I can thank you personally. Just give me the phone number, and I will take care of it now.”

  “281-555-5555. Ask for Jacque, he is a good friend of mine. You might try the shop sometime for yourself. From your voice, I am sure that your daughter gets her beauty from you. I look forward to meeting you.”

  “Goodbye, Professor Vicente.” Her heart was beating. He sounded so sexy and suave. She hoped that they had lots of parent-teacher meeting at her school.

  The class emptied until only Professor Vicente was there with her. The last girl even closed the door behind her. “Yes, Professor Vicente.”

  “Lola, I am disturbed by your behavior. It’s been three days and you have made no attempt to change. That is very troubling to me.”

  Lola was shocked. What did I do? “I-I-I d-don’t understand.”

  “It is your dress. It is deplorable for a young lady at this school to dress the way you do. I would have expected you to come to me with problems since I am also your counselor, but you chose to ignore asking for my advice. I take that as an insult.” He gave her his angry look.

  “I’m ssssoorry. I noticed, but I didn’t think it was so strict here. I didn’t mean to offend you. I will talk to my mother this weekend and have her take me shopping.” He was angry with her. That was not a good thing to have one of your professor’s angry with you after only three days.

  “There you go insulting my abilities again. I have already contacted and talked to your mother. A very intelligent woman, beautiful and she obviously knows how to dress. You have just chosen to ignore her advice, also. She has set up an acco
unt at Jacque’s for you. Most of the students shop there and Jacque has exquisite taste in women’s clothing. It takes a man to appreciate a woman’s body. Joselin will take you now, and I expect to see a changed person tomorrow morning.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you enough, Professor Vicente. I will do whatever Jacque says. I am truly sorry for offending you, and it will not happen again. If I have a problem, you will be the first person I see.” He still looked angry.

  “You are dismissed, Lola. See me after the last class tomorrow, and we will discuss your punishment.”

  She heard the word punishment, but she dared not say another word, afraid of making him angrier. She walked out and Joselin was waiting for her.

  “It’s about time you decided to change your look. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you. I’d look too bitchy. Let’s go.”

  “Thanks for taking me.” They got out into the parking lot, Joselin walking over to a two-seater sports car, the top down. “I didn’t know that students could have cars on campus.”

  “They can’t. This is Professor Vicente’s ride.” The car started up with a deep rumble, Joselin put it into gear and threw Lola back against the seat as it accelerated rapidly. “This mother’s hot.”

  It took only a few minutes for them to pull up to Jacques. It was on a small, quiet street, the shop unobtrusive from the front. It wasn’t what she expected.

  She could see the look on Lola’s face. “Don’t worry; Jacque knows what he is doing. Let him do the picking, all you have to do is try them on and buy them. Professor Vicente will be giving you a second look tomorrow.”

  Lola was sure she was going to get more than a second look tomorrow from Professor Vicente; that is what worried her. She was even afraid to ask Joselin what it meant. She was sure she was the only one that had made him mad enough to punish her. She would probably have to do extra work for the class, but it would be worth it.

  “Who is your friend, Joselin? I don’t think you got here in time. The fashion police just left and they are after her.”

  “This is Lola.”

  “What is a Lola and what planet did you come from?” Jacque looked her over; she really needed help. “I hope your mother has tons of money.”

  Jacque was a real Frenchmen. The shop had racks of clothes; so many that Lola didn’t even know where to start.

  “I suppose you have nothing worthy to wear.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Lingerie. Do you have any?”

  “I have lots of bras and panties. And pantyhose.”

  “Just as I suspected. Throw them all out. For one thing, you are a young girl with nice firm tits. Why do you need a bra? Have you ever seen a girl at International University of Barcelona with a bra? Wait until you’re forty and gravity takes over. Until then, let men see them in all their splendor.”

  “But they’ll see my nipples,” she protested.

  “You don’t like your nipples? Don’t they get big and hard for you?”

  “Yes,” though she was starting to blush. She only hoped that he was gay.

  “The men like them better than you. It will make their cock nice and hard when they see your nipples. You can be proud that you can do that to a man.”

  “Panties should be the finest material, soft and silky. Just like your pussy. AND NO PANTYHOSE!” His voice rose up. “It must have been an ugly woman that invented them; no man would have done it. You’ll wear a garter belt and real silk stockings, just like the other girls. I bet you’ve never even seen one before.”

  “No, not really.” Pantyhose were convenient, but he was right, they were not attractive.

  “Here,” he threw a lacy white garter belt to her and a pair of white silk stockings with the hem up the back. He picked up a pair of white heels. “Size five?” He saw her nod.

  She took them, looking at the heels. They had to be four inches high with two sets of straps that would secure them to her legs. She didn’t know if she could even walk in them.

  “Put them on and come out.”

  “What about a dress?”

  “We have to start with the basics. And when you’re in there, throw your bra in the trash can. Now hurry, I haven’t all day to tend to you.” He clapped his hands.

  She went into the dressing room, sitting down after taking off her clothes. She did as he said, throwing the bra in the trash. He was right, her breasts stood up high and firm, and she loved the way her nipples were already turning hard. It took her a long time to figure out the garter belt, but she finally did. She eased on the stockings, never feeling anything like it before. She snapped them into the bottom of the garter belt. She was ready to put on the heels when she realized that he didn’t give her any panties. It was bad enough she was going to walk in there with her breasts bare, not her pussy. She was praying he was gay. “Jacque, you forgot panties.”

  “You don’t need them yet. I’m going to show you sexy first. Now get your ass out here, so I can see how you look.” He saw the curtain open slowly, almost as if she were peeking out first. Is she that bashful? She better get over that quick or men would use it to humiliate her.

  She finally got enough nerve to walk out after making sure that no one else was there. At least the windows were filled with the display and had a background that blocked the view into the store. Still, it was so bright in there. Just like in customs, her mind continually reliving that experience. She struggled to walk in the heels, paying more attention to make sure that she didn’t fall over that she didn’t realize that she was standing in front of Jacque. She finally got enough nerve to look in his face. He had a look of astonishment on his face. Even Joselin had the same look.

  “Look in the mirror. Now that is sexy.”

  She turned and was confronted with her own naked image. It even shocked her. With the white stockings, garter belt and heels, the rest of her body was highlighted. From her big, brown nipples that were so hard they ached to be touched, down to her pussy, her blonde hairs barely visible, but her slit and pink inner lips were so profound.

  “The garter belt frames your pussy so deliciously, Lola. I didn’t think I could make you look this good. “

  Even Joselin was a bit jealous, her bush was dark so she shaved it, but there was always a little stubble unless she was just shorn. Not like the fine hairs of Lola’s blonde bush, sure that men wanted to touch them and see how soft and silky they were.

  “Turn around, Lola, look at that ass.” She was getting into it now, turning around and showing her naked ass to him. “Yes, that is nice. Real nice, Lola. Now we have to ruin it by getting you some clothes to put over that lovely body, but I’ll make sure that you tease them so much that they will be begging at your feet.” The boys would, but not the men. They would take what they wanted, but at least they would want to do it to her now.

  They could barely get all the clothes in the trunk of the small car. Lola saw the bill. She would have to explain a lot this weekend to her mother, but it was worth it. She walked out of Jacques with the same white stockings and heels, though he did give her a pair of white panties. They barely concealed anything, more like highlighted every curve, bump and slit in her body, clinging to her flesh like a second skin. She wore a white cashmere sweater that clung to her breasts, her nipples in a constant state of erection. The short skirt was tight in the hips, but it flared out after her hips, but it was so short that it barely covered her garter belt. When she sat down, the top of her stockings showed and some naked skin, but it just looked plain sexy. If she could, she would have fucked herself, she was looking that good. She couldn’t wait to see Professor Vicente’s face tomorrow.

  * * *

  All the other professors noticed her change as she walked into the main entrance. Lola even smiled when she was sure that she saw one of the professor’s cock growing in his pants when his eyes devoured her. She was walking down the hall to reach her first class with Professor Vicente. Her heels clicked and her hips swayed in rhythm. It didn’t ta
ke her long to learn how to walk in them. She saw the way they made her muscles taut and her legs so long and lean; never mind that her skirt barely went below her waist. It was a black skirt, tight all the way down to the top of her thighs where it stopped. The sweater was black cashmere, but it was a button down, the top three pearl buttons left open to reveal her naked white skin and her deep cleavage. The stockings were black with the seam up the back like a pointer to her firm ass. She almost came from just walking.

  She threw open the door as if she owned the place, Professor Vicente smiling at her, but she was disappointed. She expected more, almost expecting his cock to get hard. She sat in her seat, but she didn’t pay much attention to what he was saying.

  She ate lunch with Joselin, trying to hide her disappointment. The next class with the professor was the same. It was finally time for the last class. She took her same seat in the back; Professor Vicente didn’t even look up this time. It was finally over, depressed as she tried to slink out of the room.

  “Lola, may I speak to you?”

  The room cleared out. The door closed behind the last girl. The halls would be empty soon. She walked up.

  He sat in the chair behind the lectern. He watched the way she walked over, so sexy now. Her hips swayed with such sensuality. His cock got hard as he saw her long, lean legs perched on the high heels, the black stocking swishing against her thighs.

  She stood in front of him, her body trembling. She looked down as his hands moved out and touched her hips. She almost came from his touch. She could feel them press into her flesh, not a soft caress, but holding her so he could shape her next movement.

  “You are very beautiful, Lola. I would say that Jacque turned you into a woman, but you were already there, he just brought it out. How do you like the new Lola?”

  “If you’re pleased, that is enough for me.” It felt like his hands were burning her flesh.


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