Home > Other > TEASED, TIED AND TORMENTED > Page 16

by Teased, Tied

  Her face was heated, her skin flushed when she dropped her skirt. Derek stood up and went behind his desk. “Sit down, Cherry. Relax, that wasn’t so bad was it,” knowing she was probably more aroused than embarrassed.

  “No, Derek,” though her crackling voice wasn’t very convincing.

  “You will be our receptionist to begin with. You are the first contact our clients and visitors will have with our facility, so it is important that you handle yourself in the most delicate manner. You will be sitting behind a desk when they come in, and they will be standing over you. Any red-blooded man would be staring at your lovely cleavage. What would you do?”

  “I would sit up straight and welcome them.” She smiled at her answer.

  “That would be insulting to any man, Cherry. They are paying you a compliment and you become offensive. You are here to please our clients and visitors. You should look up at them, welcoming them with a big smile. At the same time, you would lean forward more until the front of your blouse opens up and they will have a nice glimpse of a young girl’s firm breasts. You are here to please them, and with a lovely body like you have, that is how you please them. Do I make myself understood? It is very important that you use your sexuality to your advantage. God gave you a lovely body, not to hide it, but to flaunt it to all, not just boys that want to get into your pants.”

  “Yes, Derek, I understand.” It was as Noely had said, pleasing is our mission.

  “Just follow the other girl’s lead and always be considerate to the men that visit us. I hope that you find that you can fit into our culture, Cherry. It is different from the United States. Young girls aren’t just for the boys; they are for the older men that know how to appreciate all that they have to offer.” The knock on the door ended the discussion, Noely here to take her to the reception desk.

  Cherry thought it would be boring, sitting behind a desk and waiting for someone to come in and break up the boredom, but it was different. The lobby was bustling with people all day. They all engaged her, talking to her, asking her questions, which she was learning to answer. They all took an interest in what she had to say, though she couldn’t fail to notice that they all eyed her body hungrily. She began to take that as a compliment, enjoying the feelings that passed through her body when they looked at her, proud that she could provoke such a response in them. Especially the men, most of them having bulges in the front of their pants by the time they left her, and it was she that was causing their erections. She never realized the potent force of her body to older men, her life previously confined only to the young boys that hungered for her.

  * * *

  Derek checked up on Cherry often, finding that she seemed to have found her place and was fitting in. It was the middle of the second week when he was assured of her new desires for her job. He was watching as she sat behind the desk. A potential new client came in, an older man, almost sixty, but dressed impeccably, obviously a man of means.

  “Good morning, Sir. I’m Cherry, how may I serve you?”

  “I was wondering if you have some literature on your hospital. I am interested for my wife.” He looked at the young girl, American by her looks and her blonde hair. She was different, but not out of place.

  “Yes, Sir, let me get it for you.” Cherry stood up, smothering her skirt down over her ass, making sure that he saw it. She turned her back to him, swaying her hips sensuously as she walked to the cabinet, her heels clicking erotically on the stone floor. She opened the cabinet and took out the gilt-edged brochure, turning to look at the man staring at her with such interest. It wasn’t the brochure that was capturing his attention but her body. She walked back over to him, feeling the way her naked breasts swayed beneath her blouse, unable to stop her nipples from turning into rigid points by the time she stood in front of him. She was enjoying displaying her body to men that appreciated it. “Here you are, Sir. You will find that we are a well-renowned hospital that would take excellent care of your wife’s needs, as well as yours.” She felt a shiver of excitement run through her hand as he touched her.

  “Thank you. I can’t help to notice that you are wearing black silk stockings. It has been a long time since I have seen such a lovely girl wearing them, especially the ones with the black seam running up the back. It makes me feel so virile when I see that.” He felt an erection he hadn’t felt in many years.

  “May I get your name, Sir?”

  “Juan Avellones.” He took her hand in his; feeling the soft, supple flesh. He kissed it.

  “Glad to meet you, Juan. Thank you for the compliment. I love the feeling of the silk against my skin, but the seams are hard to judge. I never know when they are straight and hate to disappoint my boss. Would you be so kind as to help me?” She gave him her sexy smile, but it was easy, she was feeling it deep inside her.

  “Anything to help a lovely woman. What would you like me to do?”

  “Just tell me if they are straight.” She didn’t wait for a response; she knew what it would be. She turned her back to him, but then she peered over her shoulder and smiled at him.

  Derek never saw anything like it. She bent over at the waist, almost perfectly; all the while, she didn’t bend her legs at all. Her back was to him, but all he saw where two long legs encased in black stockings, but as he gazed higher, her skirt had ridden almost up to her waist, a wide expanse of white, naked thighs revealed above where the garter belt attached to the top of the stockings. Then, it was the black panties that pulled over her lovely ass. Her legs were together modestly, not a speck of light shined between her thighs or legs, but it was the most erotic sight he had ever seen.

  “Just a little bit crooked,” Juan responded, his cock rising up higher to the occasion.

  “Would you mind? It’s so hard for me to do in this position.” She peered back over at him, her hair falling to the floor in front of her as she posed so graphically for him. She never felt so excited as she waited to feel his touch on her legs.

  Juan walked up to the girl that was bent over so submissively. He wanted to take out his cock and rip off her panties, but he controlled his emotions, his hands running down the back of her legs, over the smooth, silky white skin until he reached the top of her stockings. He pulled up on one; his hand running down her leg to straighten the seam until it was almost perfect, rising up like an arrow to point at her tightly clenched buttocks beneath the tightly pulled panties. He took his time, straightening out the other with such care, touching the back of her naked leg again before he moved away. He took one final gaze at the girl before he responded. “Now you are perfect, Cherry.”

  Cherry stood up, her face flushed, but it wasn’t from bending over. She felt so shameful the way she posed for him and let him run his hands up her legs. She enjoyed his touch on her naked legs, wishing he had moved up higher and touched her ass. “Thank you, Juan. It’s so nice to have an experienced man to help me. Now, can I show you to our counselor’s office so he can talk to you about your wife and how we can help you both?”

  “Yes, Cherry. I hadn’t planned on doing that, but you have been so helpful that I feel comfortable here already.”

  “This way, Juan.” She let him follow her down the hallway, sure that his eyes never left her ass.

  When she came back, she saw Derek in the lobby.

  “You are fitting in quite well, Cherry. I am very happy with your progress. Keep up the good work, and you will go far.”

  “Thank you, Derek.” She felt proud of herself for the first time. This wasn’t one of her dead-end jobs like she had back home, feeling a self-worth for the first time in her life.

  * * *

  Cherry visited her mother and Lola last weekend but not this weekend. Noely had promised to take her to one of the parties down at the marina where all the rich boys hung out.

  “I can’t wait,” Cherry excitedly replied at the thought of a party with rich boys. She got a new dress, Noely helping her pick it out. Noely told her no silk stockings and garter belt this t
ime. Cherry finally decided on a black, V-neck, knotted front, cocktail ruched dress. The V went all the way to the waist and opened up wide, leaving a wide expanse of naked flesh revealed, Cherry enjoying showing off her breasts to men. It was short, the back pulled tight over her ass. There would be no one having any illusion that a curvaceous woman didn’t lay beneath the dress. To show off her long legs, she bought a pair of thigh-high black boots with five-inch heels. Even as high as they were, they still revealed a lot of white thighs. She bought a colorful silk scarf for around her neck, pushing it to the side so as not to distract from her breasts. Noely’s dress was even shorter but fuller. When she danced, it would pull away from her body, and she had that in her mind when she bought it. They both wore the briefest of French bikini panties and nothing else.

  Derek had a limo take them down to the marina. “Derek takes care of us girls, and we take care of Derek,” Noely told Cherry when she was surprised by the limo.

  Cherry sat back in the long limo, the two of them barely filling a corner. The driver eyed them as they got in, but there was no way they could do it demurely. The boys would be getting more of an eyeful soon enough. The limo pulled into the marina, the parking lot filled, a lot of people milling around, all of them dressed for a night of dancing and partying, no sailing on these yachts tonight. “Where’s the party we are going to?”

  “Anywhere we want. You think they are going to turn away two girls looking as good as we do?” They could go wherever they wanted, but Noely was going to one in particular. She was looking for Fabien and his friends. Their parents were the wealthiest and they partied the hardest. All of the girls flocked to them, but Noely would show Cherry what the competition would be like, especially for an American. She might think she was different and special, but the boys would barely notice her. The girls had to work hard to be noticed and the boys made sure they did.

  Cherry had never seen boats this big. They were bigger than many homes, one-hundred, two-hundred feet, the bigger ones moored out in the harbor, small launches shuttling people back and forth. Noely took her to the largest one, a wooden sailboat that took up one end of the dock. It was packed with people, many of them milling around on the deck. They walked up to the man dressed in a suit that was stopping each one before they walked up the boardwalk, Cherry afraid they wouldn’t get onboard.

  “Hello, Noely, welcome aboard. Who is your new friend?” He looked at Noely but turned his attention to the other girl.

  “Cherry,” she responded.

  “A lovely name.” Louis had told him to be on the lookout for an American blonde named Cherry. She was a fine-looking woman, a beautiful body beneath that dress and such lovely boots. “I’ll just have to check you for weapons. You can never be sure here.”

  She stood still as he moved next to her. His hand slid up over her waist and cupped one of her breasts, squeezing it gently. He reached over and pushed one hand inside her dress to cup her other breast, this time his hand finding it naked, his fingers curling around one nipple and teasing it erect before he deserted it.

  He turned her around, his hand sliding over her ass, pausing long enough to squeeze one luscious cheek. He was rewarded when she clenched her muscles in response. He turned her around to face him, staring into her eyes as his hand reached down between her legs and under her skirt to cup her pussy. He squeezed; she spread her legs. He pulled his hand out, her eyes never leaving his.

  “You really weren’t looking for weapons, were you?” Cherry smiled at him when she said it.

  “No, I just couldn’t pass up a lovely body like that.”

  “Are you finished?”

  “Only if you want me to be.”

  “We have to go,” Cherry walking off with Noely, leaving him to think about what he was missing. She felt good on how she had handled that. If she was in the United States, she would have slapped him, but here it was just the usual. It was funny how fast she was changing. The music got louder, real loud as they walked on the deck. They went to the stern, big enough to hold a large party, which is what they were doing. There was a live DJ, the music blaring deep, pounding dance music, Cherry already feeling the urge to dance.

  “There’s Fabien; he’s mine. You can have the rest.” Noely laid her claim.

  Cherry saw them instantly. They acted as if they owned the place and one of their father’s probably did. The girls noticed them also, twice as many girls as boys around them, all of the girls vying for their affections. The boys looked about Cherry’s age, but the girls didn’t. They looked younger, but you couldn’t tell it by their bodies. They had the bodies of women, but the faces of young girls. She didn’t say anything to Noely about their age; maybe Venezuelan girls looked younger. “Let’s dance, let them see what real women look like.”

  Noely didn’t mind dancing with Cherry, a lot of the girls dancing with other girls, too many girls, not enough boys. It was always that way with the rich. You had to be rich for a boy to get invited, but the only requirements for girls were beautiful and eager. Noely was surprised that she could dance so well, though she shouldn’t have been. She learned quickly since she started working on how to use her body to her advantage with men, dancing was the same thing. Noely liked her new dress, sure that she gave many boys an interesting look at what she had beneath it as it swirled around.

  Cherry wasn’t even concerned that her breast might pop free of her dress, almost hoping that one might accidently slip out. She was proud of her body and didn’t mind men that appreciated it, yet the two of them couldn’t get the boys to notice them.

  After three songs, they went looking for something to drink, two glasses of champagne put in their hands without asking. They quenched their thirst and went back to the dance floor, giving it all that they had, but except for a few boys that asked them to dance, the others ignored them. As the night went on, the party got wilder, the boys and girls drunker.

  Cherry finally asked Noely. “How old are those girls?”

  “Not old enough. The boys like them young, real young.”

  “How come?”

  “They’ll do anything and the boys make sure they do.”

  Cherry watched one girl that was dancing with Fabien. She was all over him, but he was ignoring her. She said something to him, and then he answered. She was a pretty girl, with a lovely figure, big breasts, long legs and a pert ass. She was wearing a dress that clung to her body like a second skin, but that wasn’t good enough for Fabien. He turned her around, his hand sliding down the zipper. The girl didn’t protest as he pulled the dress from her body, still dancing as he stripped it from her. She danced in heels and a pair of panties, but even the panties didn’t last long, Fabien having this evil grin on his face as he pulled them down her legs. It didn’t seem to bother the girl at all, her hips grinding to the beat of the music, her black bush no longer hidden as she spread her legs and danced hard. Her large breasts bounced, but she was only interested in Fabien’s attention, no matter what.

  “See, the others will join in, all of the young girls dancing naked for the boys. Later they will give more for the boy’s affections, a lot more. The boys will make the girls perform the most degrading acts, and they will love to do it for them.” Noely turned to the other end of the ship. There is where men that are more interesting are, the fathers of some of the boys. They came out to see the girls, but not the young girls, women like us.

  The music suddenly turned slow and soft, the DJ taking a break. The boys sat down, the naked girls in their laps, their bodies devoured by hands that explored them everywhere. Cherry was lulled by the quietness when all of a sudden she felt a powerful hand touching her arm.

  “Come dance with me; let the boys play with their tarts.” Louis didn’t wait for an answer, he never did. He swept Cherry up in his arms and led her to the center of the floor. Other men were already filling the floor, older men with lovely young women in their arms.

  She felt powerless to stop him, even if she wanted to. He overpowered he
r with his presence, his strong arms moving her to the floor. His hand encircled her waist, and she felt his body pressed against her as he began to sway seductively to the slow music. It was as though her body was molded to his, her breasts pushed into his hard chest, her nipples rising to the occasion. His hips moved, swaying from side to side to the slow beat, Cherry feeling the unmistakable presence of a virile man growing harder as they moved. She looked up at him, black hair, brown eyes that burned into her soul and demanding lips. He was at least six feet, large arms and chest, but his body moved as if he weighed less than she did.

  “You may call me Louis.”

  “Hello, Louis, Cherry. You certainly don’t take no for an answer, do you?”

  “I didn’t think I asked a question.” He pulled her tighter against him. “Such a lovely name for a beautiful woman. American?” He asked even though he knew more about her than she did about herself.

  “Yes, American.”

  “You certainly brighten up our country with your beauty.” His hand went up and brushed her blonde hair from the side of her face, feeling her body tremble the first time he touched her skin. “Relax, Cherry. I won’t hurt you...unless you want me to.” His hand went down to her neck, running across the soft, silky skin, Cherry turning her head to the side to give him room to caress her. She was certainly compliant.

  His cock was fully erect now, feeling like a leg pressed against her. She could feel it coming alive, rubbing against her mound, pushing apart her pussy lips as if they were both naked. His hands were touching her so intimately, brushing her skin with the lightest of touches, but she still remembered his words. I won’t hurt you...unless you want me to. What did he mean by that? She let her mind wander as well as her body, Louis guiding her along the floor, making her body move in the way he wanted, finding her pussy rubbing sensuously against his erection. Is he doing that on purpose? Is he deliberately masturbating on me or is it my imagination getting away from me? Cherry finding her breathing began to correspond with his, him inhaling as she exhaled. It was as though they were one on the dance floor


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