Home > Other > TEASED, TIED AND TORMENTED > Page 17

by Teased, Tied

  His hand crept down across her back and to the gentle swell of her buttocks. He pushed her delightfully against him, his cock twitching in excitement, able to feel her mound beneath the thin dress. Even in the five-inch heels, she moved so graciously, her body undulating as if they were making love. She didn’t even flinch when his hand grabbed one buttock, feeling the muscles move beneath his touch, guiding her along the floor. The music lasted a long time; it was programmed to be that way, so the men could enjoy their moments with the lovely girls.

  She felt his large hand engulf her buttock, but he wasn’t vulgar or groping, more as if he was caressing and guiding. Cherry could only imagine what it would feel like if he were on her and in her, both of them naked as they matched each other’s thrusts. She would be impaled on his giant cock. She let her body go, letting him lead her, not even caring that her pussy was slowly masturbating him. The music lasted a long time, but Cherry didn’t care. She was enjoying the attention she was getting and felt safe in his arms.

  Louis finally had to pull away from her, the music stopped. “Can I get you a drink, Cherry?”

  “Yes, that would be nice. I enjoyed the dance.” They walked to the other end of the boat, where it was quieter, Louis seemed to know where he was going, his hand around her waist so reassuring as he guided her. She looked at him as they walked, dressed flawlessly, his clothes tailored to his body, handsome and strong. He must be around late forties, but that seemed to matter little to her any longer. She was finding the excitement in an older man that knew how to treat a woman.

  “Yes, Sir,” the bartender said to him.

  “Two champagnes.” He dropped a tip in the glass, the bartender’s eyes lighting up when he saw it.

  “Thank you, Sir. If you need anything else, just tell me.”

  He leaned over to the bartender so Cherry couldn’t hear him, waiting for him to put it in the drink when she wasn’t looking. He found them a small, intimate table on the edge so they could see out onto the bay. He watched as she sat down, her legs revealed even more when her dress slid up higher. She looked so sexy in the thigh-high boots, imagining what she would look like naked except for them. He handed her the glass. “A toast to a beautiful woman.”

  They clicked glasses, Cherry taking a sip of the champagne. It wasn’t anything cheap. The party was lush and nothing was spared for the guests’ enjoyment. The cool champagne went down easily, her mouth parched from dancing fast and Louis taking her breath away. “You are so kind. What brings you to this party?”

  “My son is here. You will see many fathers here. We don’t interfere with them, but you must remember, we are the ones that pay for these gatherings so we like to make sure they are not too out of control.”

  Cherry suddenly realized that one if the boys she came to meet could be his son. It was strange; she came to meet a boy and ended up with a man. “Yes, I noticed a number of men here, though you don’t seem to mind the girls.”

  “I leave the girls to my son; I only want the women like you. Do you mind if I have your cherry?”

  She was suddenly shocked by his words then she saw him pointing to her drink. In it were two cherries. “Sorry, I thought you were asking for something else. Please, have one, but I need my other cherry.” She smiled when she said that.

  He put his fingers in the champagne glass and took out one of the cherries, putting it in his mouth. He didn’t say anything until he finished eating it. “Let’s hope I can be successful at getting your other cherry, too.”

  She took the lone cherry in her glass, laying it on her lips as she slowly sucked it in her mouth. She could only imagine how it looked as her lips slowly parted wider as the large, red cherry passed into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed in when she suddenly sucked it deep into her mouth. She had never sucked a boy’s cock before, but she had a good idea of the basics and hoped that her performance was realistic. By the look on Louis’ face, it was. “It will take more than a glass of champagne to get the other one.”

  “I hope so, I do love a challenge. And to be first.” His cock grew thicker at the thought of her lips doing the same thing to it that she did with the cherry.

  She changed the subject, her pussy growing wet at the sexual banter. They talked for over an hour, the low, pounding beat of the music beginning again. She found out that Louis knew Derek at the hospital, but she wasn’t surprised. Louis seemed to be wealthy and influential. She also found out he was married with one son, but Cherry already knew that most men that could afford it had mistresses. He made no excuse or explanation of his wife to her, and she didn’t ask for any. She knew most of the men that she saw every day had a wife at home. He was a businessman, imports and exports, but he didn’t say what. His family had owned the business for over a hundred years.

  Cherry opened up easier than Louis thought she would, even though he knew a lot about her. She was enjoying Venezuela more than she thought she would and loved her job and the attention she was getting. No one ever treated her this way before. She wasn’t intrusive into his private affairs, stopping when he put up roadblocks to further discussions. They were on their third glass of champagne when he sat back down, this time one hand sliding under the table to sit on her naked leg. She made no attempt to move it away, not even looking down to acknowledge that he did it. He moved his hand slowly, not more than an inch, but with increasing pressure until he felt the gentle parting of her legs so he could touch her inner thighs.

  She held her breath when his hand touched her leg, staring into his eyes as if she didn’t feel it, but her heart was racing a mile a minute. It felt so good, even when it began to push between her legs. She let him have his way, her legs parting until his hand slid between her thighs. Her pussy flooded her panties, his hand so close, yet so far away.

  “Excuse me, Sir. May I have a word with you?”

  It was the man that was on the boarding ramp that had searched her. Louis stood up and they talked softly.

  “I’m sorry, Cherry. I must take care of some business. I hope to see you later.”

  “Go ahead, Louis. I have to find my friend Noely; she is probably worried about me.” She hated to see him go, still able to feel his hand on her leg and his cock rubbing on her pussy. She had a little too much champagne and needed some fresh air to clear her head before she did something rash.

  “She is over there, Cherry. In the stern on the port side.” The guard remembered her. Who wouldn’t after feeling up that lovely body?

  “Thank you. I hope I will see you later also, Louis. I enjoyed your company.” She started to walk away, but his hand slid around her waist and pulled her toward him. He didn’t stop until she felt his lips against hers, not a hard, demanding kiss that she would have expected, but so light that she could feel sparks flying across their wet lips. Not even his tongue parting her lips and slipping into her mouth could break the softness of the kiss. He sucked up all her air, her lungs emptied by the passion in his kiss. He finally pulled away, Cherry unable to say a word as Louis walked off.

  It took her a while to find Noely, the party getting wilder and more crowded. Fabien and his friends were still holding court in the corner, the young girl’s still naked or new ones naked, Cherry not sure. It was getting later and some of the boys and girls were starting to pair off, Cherry watching them as they entered one of the passageways into the boat, probably where the staterooms were.

  “Enjoying yourself?”

  It was Noely’s voice, Cherry turning to see her walking over. She was alone.

  “Yes, how about you? I see you haven’t got your boy yet. As naked and easy as those girls are, I doubt you will.”

  “Yes, it’s like this every time I come here, but I do end up enjoying myself. Want to dance again?”

  Cherry needed to work some of the champagne in her system off, so she agreed. They danced for ages, both of them eying the ship, Cherry looking to see if she saw Louis, Noely looking as though she was trying to find someone also. Cherry didn’t ask, afraid
she might ask the same thing of her. They found a booth nearby, Cherry finding two glasses of champagne brought over without asking, hers with two cherries in it.

  “How come you get such good service?” Noely was surprised, the bartender dropping off the drinks without them even ordering them.

  “I guess he just loves American women,” Cherry bragged, trying to change the subject as she scanned the crowd for Louis. They talked for another hour, Noely turning her head quickly, a smile on her face as if she found what she was looking for.

  Noely handed the limo business card to Cherry. “Don’t wait up for me. All you have to do is call the number, and they will pick you up. I’ll get home later.”

  Cherry knew better than to ask where and with whom she was going home with. “Lucky girl, enjoy yourself. I’ll be okay.”

  “I will thanks. See you tomorrow.”

  Cherry watched as she walked away with a difference in her walk. She was going to get laid, that was for sure. You could tell from the way her body moved. Cherry drank the champagne, watching the carnival atmosphere of the party, the young girls getting drunker and more daring. One girl was naked and on her knees, two boys with their cocks out, wagging them in her face. She didn’t hesitate, taking one in her mouth, the other in her hand. She might be young, but she wasn’t innocent or inexperienced. She handled them both with skill and expertise. Cherry watched as Fabien grabbed one of the girls, not one that was naked, this one young and shyer. You could tell by the way she moved away from his groping hands, but that failed to stop Fabien. He was determined. Cherry was curious as they walked off toward the staterooms. She looked around for Louis but didn’t see him, so she decided to follow Fabien and spy on his tryst with the young girl. It was something that she could tell Noely tomorrow. She waited as they entered the hallway, the door having glass on it so Cherry could see when they were far enough away. She opened the door softly and slowly, sneaking in and hiding along one wall. There was an adjoining hallway at a right angle to the main one. She waited a few minutes before she peered out again, this time sneaking halfway down the hallway until she got to another adjoining hallway. She stepped out of sight, waiting before she peered around the corner again. She was surprised, a large room at the end, like a living room, not sure what they would call it on a boat. The girl and Fabien were in the center of the room, the large room empty except for them. It was furnished with couches, chairs and tables, even a large television on one wall, a bar to the side. Fabien went over and mixed a drink. The girl wasn’t as shy as Cherry thought. When Fabien turned around to bring the drinks back, she pulled the loose fitting tunic over her head, naked beneath it, a lovely pair of dark-colored breasts with dark brown areolas and large, swollen nipples that stood out prominently revealed. There wasn’t a hint of sag in her breasts, not large, but more than ample. Cherry could see the pleased look on Fabien’s face as he brought her a drink.

  Cherry felt like a voyeur, a perverse excitement at seeing a seduction as it happened. She had never seen another couple making love, not even a porn movie, so it was exciting to see it live. Fabien surprised the girl, Cherry could see her lips quiver as she bit them when he took her cold glass and pressed it up against one of her warm breasts. Cherry could almost feel the ache in her nipple as if he had done it to her, yet the girl didn’t back away, just crying out softly. When Fabien pulled the glass away, her nipple was almost purple and swollen twice as big as the other. Fabien didn’t deny her other nipple, taking the glass and rubbing it over the other until they both stood out hard and an angry red.

  They both took a sip of the drink, but they were there for passion, not drinking. They kissed, Fabien’s hands fondling and caressing her firm breasts, teasing the frozen nipples until the girl was moaning in his arms. He laid her down on the couch, his mouth following his fingers, sucking a hard nipple with his mouth, the other kept hard and ready with his fingers. The girl arched her back and shoved her breast into his hot, demanding mouth. The girl soon reciprocated, taking off Fabien’s shirt, flesh rubbing against flesh as their tongues danced in each other’s mouth.

  Their passion increased, hands sliding below the waist, the girl not shy about touching his cock, Fabien slipping his hand between her legs, the girl willingly spreading them so he could slide under her short skirt. Fingers went to work stroking the fires of passion until hips began to move in rhythm to the stroking fingers. Cherry was not immune to the lust, her hand sliding down over her belly and finding her mound, though she kept them from under her dress. At least for now.

  Cherry was surprised that she could see so well. It was as though the couch was placed there for all to see a couple in the throes of pleasure in all of its splendor. The girl’s skirt was pushed up out of the way, but she stopped Fabien, but only long enough for her to stand up and take it off and fold it neatly on another chair. She laid back down on the couch, spreading her legs wide, her panties the only protection she had, and they wouldn’t last long. Fabien was not to be outdone by the young girl, standing up, slowly taking off his pants until his cock jutted out the front of his shorts, his hands stroking it beneath his shorts as it grew and jerked in pleasure. Cherry could see the girl eagerly waiting to touch it, her fingers curling around the shaft even before he lay down next to her. They began to rub up against each other, their hands and bodies masturbating for their pleasure. Fabien spread the girl’s legs wide, his hand gripping her pussy as her ass arched up from the couch in unexpected pleasure, her hips moving from side to side. Cherry’s fingers became more active, pushing her dress and panties into her slit, her hips rocking back and forth as she began to enjoy her own fingers.

  Suddenly both of them stopped, Fabien helping the girl up, his hands drawing her panties down her slender legs, revealing her shorn mound and puffy lips. She reciprocated, her hands sliding into the waistband of his shorts, pulling them over the cock that jutted out, the organ bouncing in front of them as she pulled them down his legs. Both of them naked, their bodies pressed up against each other, Cherry almost able to feel the flesh of a man’s erection against her.

  The girl walked over to one of the large upholstered chairs naked, kneeling on it with her back to Fabien, her knees pushed to the edges. She bent forward, her ass arching up, thrusting it out for Fabien to see. Cherry never saw anything like it before, her young, bald pussy hovering between her widely spaced thighs, her dark skin glowing from the heat of their passion. Even her backside was exposed erotically, her cheeks pulled apart by the wide spread of her knees, a dark brown anus tense and contracting as she waited to be mounted from behind. Cherry had never had a man take her from behind. It was too animalistic, though the young girl didn’t have the same anxiety.

  Fabien stroked his cock as he walked behind the girl, one hand grabbing one of her buttocks and peeling it back to expose the opening of her young pussy further. His cock had to be at least seven inches long but skinnier, not the girth that she would have expected, angled upward like a sword. Cherry could see the hairy ball sack dangling beneath it, his muscled buttocks flexing in anticipation as he stroked the head of his cock up and down the girl’s slit from behind. Cherry could almost see the girl’s wetness coat the head of his cock or was it his cock leaking out precum in anticipation of penetrating the girl.

  Cherry was mesmerized by the obscene spectacle, unable to take her eyes off them, no matter how perverted and shameful it was. Her heart was racing a mile a minute, unable to fill her lungs with air, the wetness between her legs increasing as her fingers moved faster and harder. She held her breath when Fabien pushed his cock against the pink opening of the girl’s pussy, the young girl looking back, panting and moaning with desires.

  “Watch the girl as Fabien trains her.”

  The voice behind her shocked her into reality. It whispered to her, but it broke her secret silence as she observed without taking part in the seduction before her. She didn’t have to turn around, smelling the familiar aftershave and knowing the voice anywhere. It was
Louis. Her fingers froze between her legs, her legs trembling at being caught in such a precarious position. What would he think of me? She was too ashamed to turn around and face him. She felt him move behind her then she felt him pushing his erect cock into her ass.

  “Sometimes it’s just as exciting to watch as it is to take part, Cherry. Don’t let me stop you from enjoying them. Look at Fabien’s cock slip into the girl’s pink pussy. You can see that she is tight, her lips clenched as she is suddenly filled with the rock-hard flesh of a young man’s cock.” Louis began to move his hips, slowly and gently against her ass cheeks.

  Cherry’s lips were dry, licking them as she watched the girl take the cock inside her. The young girl thrust her ass up into the air to straighten out her pussy, the cock easing into her, opening her up until she accepted him, five inches of cock disappearing inside her. She felt Louis’s hands on her shoulders then move along her sides to slip into her dress and slowly pinch her aroused and tender nipples. She pushed her breasts into his demanding fingers until they pinched harder, a soft moan from her lips, a shove of her ass back onto his cock her only acceptance of what he was doing to her.

  Her nipples grew in his fingers, the harder he pinched, the more she squirmed against his cock and her moans increased. He expected that from her, knowing that she loved pain as much as pleasure in her caresses. He would test her further, his fingers undoing the scarf around her neck. “Put your hands together in front of you, Cherry.”

  She turned sideways, not sure why she obeyed so quickly, but she did, seeing him slip her bright-colored scarf from her neck. He took the silk scarf and ran it around her wrists, and then tied it tight, a gush of her juices flowing from her pussy when she felt her hands pinned together, the scarf dangling from them. She helped him by raising her arms over her head until he could tie the scarf to the top of the doorframe. He released the scarf, but Cherry’s arms were pulled high over her head. She was completely helpless and powerless to stop him from doing anything to her. That thought only made her wetter.


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