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Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel Book 6)

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by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  And so was I – because Bailey was going to be a more or less permanent fixture and I honestly couldn’t have been happier about that...

  All too soon it was time for me to get going. I had to work at my second job tonight. I’d thought about asking Bailey to come and join me but I didn’t want him thinking that I couldn’t be bothered to take him on a proper date and I wasn’t really sure how I’d explain that I’d been to see Seth either.

  The relationship we all shared at Studs was difficult to explain. Most people kind of assumed that we were all sleeping together, which was absurd but it was a common misconception.

  I really didn’t want to get into any sort of disagreement with Bailey over my friendship with Seth – not that I thought we would but I wasn’t one for confrontation, so I chose to just not tell him that I was visiting him in the hospital. I should have done so from the outset – of course I should – but I’m a right nob when it comes to matters of the heart and I thought it would be better not to mention it. Yeah, yeah – call me a dick and let’s move on...

  Chapter 10 – Fun...


  Working at Studs was, honest to God, the most fun I’d ever had.

  The place had an amazing vibe. Full of young men all looking to find that special someone in their life – some of them were looking just for that night, others for a life-partner but all of them looking...

  The bar was absolutely stunning since the renovations had been completed – in less than two weeks the place had been transformed – and now there were usually three of us behind our own little station along the entire wall. The cocktail bar, which would eventually be managed by the infamous Seth again, was currently being manned by the very beautiful and very deaf Jaime. He grinned and signed hello, at the same time as he said the words perfectly, as I approached and slid behind the bar to my own workstation, which catered more for beers and soft drinks.

  I signed a hello back to him – we were all learning bits and pieces off him but we were nowhere near as fluent at it as his best friend, Fernando. Apparently, Fernando was straight but for a straight guy, he was sure as hell touchy-feely around his best friend – and it was obvious to anyone with eyes that Jaime was head-over-heels in love with him – not that we were crass enough to mention it. I guess things would work out or not...

  I wasn’t about to criticise him for it – hell, I wasn’t much different. I was falling head-over-heels for Simon. The only trouble there was, I really couldn’t work out what he was really feeling for me. He seemed to really like me when we were together – and we’d had some really delicious, toe-curling kisses. When we were together everything felt absolutely right but that was the problem – moments together were kind of few and far between. I couldn’t really complain. I saw him every time I was working – so it was totally win-win. I got paid and I saw the guy I was very definitely falling for but I wanted to go on another date with him – only he never asked and I was becoming increasingly concerned that he felt more for this injured Seth guy than he’d ever feel for me. He talked about him so much and I can’t deny that I was fucking jealous. Seth seemed to be universally adored at Studs – and yet the guy was apparently straight and had lost his girlfriend in the accident. What the fuck was so special about him? I had to know... but who the fuck was I supposed to ask? I couldn’t very well ask Simon. That would just piss him off. To say our relationship was fledging was an understatement – it was barely getting off the ground...

  And the downside of working together all of the time was that we got very few days off together – and every time we did get one together, he always seemed to have something else that he had to do other than to see me – like going to see Seth...

  I kept telling myself that I had nothing to worry about – that Seth had been in love with a woman who died in the accident, so it was actually pretty unlikely that he’d ever want to have a relationship with my beautiful Simon – and I felt kind of ashamed of myself for jumping to conclusions...

  But that wasn’t the only issue. The other thing that bugged me was that he never seemed to want to take me home. It might have been my imagination – and to begin with I really did think that I was just being paranoid. But the longer it went on – the more I began to think that although he’d met and gotten on really well with my family – he really didn’t want me to meet his...

  “Hey, Simon – my folks are having a party on Saturday night – it’s kind of a barbeque but if the weather is really bad we’ll be eating indoors – we’ll just have to nip outside to get food from the barn.”

  He frowned, “The barn? Do you live on a farm or something?”

  I chuckled, “Nah, but Richard has a big old barn – it’s totally his man-cave – in the back garden and it’s got a brick oven built into it along with his massive barbequing area – you’ll love it.”

  He grinned, “That sounds amazing.” He said, “What time do you want me to swing by?”

  I grinned, “About seven?”

  He nodded and headed back to his podium while I went back to serving cocktails with a big sappy grin on my face. I couldn’t wait for him to meet everyone.

  After his dance session ended, Simon came back over to the bar and sat down on one of the empty barstools at the bar.

  I grinned at him and put a bottle of water down in front of him. He’d probably want a beer later on in the evening, but I knew he preferred to hydrate before he went onto having an alcoholic drink.

  “You look fantastic tonight.” He said as he placed his bottle back on the bar, “Have you done something different to your hair?”

  I blushed, happy that he’d noticed. I’d had it cut and highlighted and my stylist – a really lovely guy called Jules – had done the most amazing job of straightening it and making it look awesome – until I next went to get it cut, in eight weeks time because between then and now, believe you me, I wouldn’t even get my straighteners out of the box... “Thanks,” I said, “I uh, yeah – I went to the barbers this afternoon.”

  His look of appreciation made my dick start to harden. Fuck I fancied the pants off him.

  He grinned, “Have you had your break yet?”

  I shook my head, “No, I’m due half an hour in ten minutes.”

  He nodded, “Cool, shall we, uh, go and get a little fresh air together?”

  I nodded again, my dick feeling definitely hard now.


  “Fuuuuuckkkk!” I groaned as Simon’s mouth closed around my cock.

  I was sat on the roof of the building, my jeans and boxer shorts round my ankles as Simon bent over me, sucking my cock for all he was worth.

  He moaned as he sucked me, little sexy noises in the back of his throat as he lapped and sucked and teased with his tongue until I thought I would lose my mind. Oh, my God! I’d never experienced anything like it.

  “Is that good,” he panted as he pulled off me, his lips shiny and swollen with passion.

  I nodded, “More than good – I wanna come all over you.”

  He smiled, “That could be arranged,” he smirked as he pulled his tee shirt over his head, “But not on the tee shirt – the punters might go crazy if they see jizz stains on the clothes...”

  Fuck. He was actually serious. Seriously? I could come on his chest? Oh, my God...

  He sucked harder, pumping me as he did so. I watched him in fascination, just allowing him to suck my cock as I sat there. I was doing nothing for him – not that I didn’t want to. The ideas that were whizzing through my brain of all the things I could be doing to him as he sucked were getting me closer and closer to the edge...

  “Oh, my God!” I yelled, “I’m really gonna fucking come!

  He pulled off me just in time for me to come all over his neck and chest.

  He smiled as he swiped his finger through a stream of come and licked it off his fingertip. “Mm.” He said, “Next time I get to swallow.”

  I nodded dumbly, “Sure.” I agreed.

  “And then I get to
come on you too – and then maybe I’ll let you fuck me.”

  My jaw dropped. Had he really just said that? I was so sure he’d be a top, “You bottom?” I asked.

  He shrugged, looking a little embarrassed, “Sure,” he said, “Why not?”

  Holy fucking shit...

  Chapter 11 – Meeting the parents...


  I couldn’t really tell how Bailey had taken my admission that I bottomed. He went a little quiet about it and that made me feel a little like I’d lost him along the way.

  “You okay?” I asked a little later when we were back in the club.

  He looked up, startled, “Uh?”

  I smiled, my heart stuttering in my chest at his beauty, “I said, are you okay?”

  He smiled back at me and relief flooded through me at his genuine warmth, “I’m more than okay.” He said, “I’m still totally buzzing – and I can’t wait to return the compliment.” He winked.

  I chuckled, “Phew,” I said as I sat down. “I thought I’d freaked you out.”

  Bailey blinked, “Why?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes, “With what I said about...” I stopped talking as a punter came to the bar for a drink.

  Bailey sorted him out with a couple of beers and then turned back to me, “Hey,” he said, “I’m not gonna deny it – I was a little surprised that that was your preference – but I wasn’t put off – quite the opposite.”

  I smiled, “Seriously?” I asked, “I know I don’t really look the part...”

  He grinned and raised his eyebrows, “You look just fine to me, babe.” He said, “Just fine.”


  It was great meeting Bailey’s foster parents, Richard and Chris – and the formidable Laura wasn’t even as bad as I’d expected her to be...

  “So it was you who rescued Bailey from the evil clutches of Scott, huh?” She sidled up to me in the kitchen.

  I turned to her and frowned, “Scott?” I asked, completely confused. Who the fuck was Scott?

  She nodded, rolling her eyes in a similar fashion to the way Bailey did, making me smile. “The date I set him up on. I honestly thought Scott was a much nicer person than he turned out to be...”

  “Ohhh,” I nodded, as I finally realised who she was referring to, “Yeah,” I agreed, wrinkling my nose, “No, he really was a total dick.”

  She grinned, “Yeah,” she agreed, “But if it hadn’t have been for him being a total sleaze-ball – you and Bailey would never have met. You should thank me really.”

  I smiled, “True.” I agreed, “I should probably thank you...” But there was no fucking way.

  She nearly choked on her drink at my sarcasm, “Maybe.” She said with a laugh, “If you really want to thank me, find me a guy that’s totally straight and reasonably handsome, without the ego of the Hoff.”

  I chuckled, “I don’t think he exists.” I said, “But I’ll keep my ear to the ground – although it’ll be slim pickings where I hang out and work.”

  She laughed again, “I like you.” She said, “And I think you’re good for Bailey – he’s been so much nicer to be around since he’s been seeing you.”

  I smiled. Good to know...

  The only problem with meeting Bailey’s family – and they were all a really lovely bunch – was that it put pressure on me to introduce him to my folks. Something I would have really loved to do – if only they were worthy of him but they weren’t. Buzz and Darcy would be totally cool – Hell, Buzz was totally cool around him – but Mum and Dad were a far cry from Richard and Chris who were the two most welcoming men I’d ever met. My parents were nothing like his. They were pretty awful and I knew they would only make things awkward for him – and for me.

  And I didn’t even know how to explain to Buzz that I couldn’t bring him around because Buzz was under the impression that Mum and Dad were cool with my sexuality and that I was always taking guys back. Fuck. I’d totally spun a massive web of lies and now it was all going to backfire on me in spectacular style...

  I should have just explained things to Bailey. It would totally have been the simplest way out – but I felt embarrassed about my parents and I felt embarrassed about my inability to tell them the truth and so I ignored the problem, which was probably the worst thing I could have done. It just made things so much worse – it made him think that I wasn’t really interested in him, which couldn’t have been farther from the truth – I was very interested in him, in fact I’d fallen for him, hook, line and sinker...


  We were sat in Bailey’s bedroom. His dad’s were totally cool with him having guys in his room, which was completely alien to me. I’d never been allowed to have anyone in my bedroom and neither had Buzz or Darcy. Mum and Dad were kind of old school like that.

  “Are you sure it’s okay for us to be up here?” I asked nervously, “Won’t they keep coming up to check on us?”

  Bailey laughed, “No, babe.” He said, “They trust me to make my own judgements now that I’m an adult.”

  I nodded, feeling completely stupid. My parents hadn’t seemed to notice that all three of their children were becoming adults. There was only Darcy left to turn eighteen next week... “Right, right.” I stammered, “Course.”

  He frowned slightly and looked as if he was going to say something, but he stopped himself and changed the subject, offering for us to play on his games console. Well, I was happy to do that...

  We started to play but I could tell that there was something bothering Bailey. I wasn’t in the slightest bit surprised when he brought up my family.

  “So uh, Buzz doesn’t live at home then?”

  I shook my head, “Uh, no. He uh, left when he was sixteen.”

  Bailey blinked, “Sixteen?” he squawked, “Christ, that was young.”

  I nodded, “Yeah, he uh, he didn’t get on with Dad...” Fuck. This was getting into dangerous territory. I could feel my armpits beginning to prickle. I hated talking about them, hated it...

  Bailey raised an eyebrow, “Oh, right – why is that, then?”

  I shrugged, “They, uh, they just never really saw eye to eye. I guess it’s the way with dads and sons sometimes. He’s my stepdad so we’ve never really had the same sort of dramas.” Because I just rolled over and died and did as I was told to keep the peace...

  “Right.” Bailey seemed to accept what I’d said and carried on playing the game. I bit my lip. It was on the end of my tongue and I could have totally gotten everything off my chest that I wanted to tell him about my shitty double life and my awful situation of pretending to be straight and having to hide everything I did, including my friends and now the most important person of all – him – from my parents. But the moment turned into five minutes and then ten, and then half an hour and the opportunity was lost. Next time. I’d tell him next time...

  Chapter 12 – Clearing my head...


  I needed a walk. I needed fresh air and I needed to get my head on straight about my feelings for Simon versus his feelings for me.

  Oh, I’m sure he liked me well enough – but for the way I was beginning to feel for him that wasn’t really enough.

  I should have listened to Richard when he warned me off guys who were in the closet but I’d brushed off his words of warning as if they were nothing.

  Why was he in the closet? Was it because his parents didn’t approve? Or was it because they didn’t know? What?

  It wasn’t like he’d ever talked about them – even when I’d not-so-subtly tried to start a conversation the other night – he’d been vague and even when he’d mentioned his brother and his dad not getting on, he hadn’t talked about it in any great depth. Then again, he hardly talked about anyone else in his family either, apart from Buzz, his brother...

  I wondered if I maybe should talk to Buzz instead – although that felt a bit like I was going behind his back and snooping on him. God I was in such a state. A walk would really help me – and Cyril...

  Cyril was our neighbour’s dog and I’d been neglecting the poor thing for weeks since getting the job at Studs. It would be fair to say that I’d been leaving it pretty much to Laura – and that wasn’t really very fair of me. Cyril lived with an old gentleman called Ted, and he couldn’t really get out a lot anymore. Between Laura and I, we’d been giving Cyril, who was still a relatively young dog and needed plenty of exercise a run on the park for the best part of the last two years.

  I pulled on my jeans and my hoody and grabbed the lead off the hook in the hallway. “I’m going round to Ted’s,” I shouted to anyone that might be listening, “I’m gonna take Cyril for a walk.”

  I slammed the door behind me and set off for Ted’s.

  Ted was delighted to see me, “Bailey, son!” he beamed at me when he’d finally gotten to the door. Bless him. I really should get a key cut so he could stay in his chair...

  “Hi, Ted.” I grinned back at him, “Long time, no see.”

  He nodded, “Ahh, you’ve got a life to live – fella’s to meet too, no doubt.” He winked at me and chuckled wheezily.

  I grinned at him, “You know me so well.” I teased.

  He nodded, eyeing me beadily, “You haven’t been avoiding them just because of one bad’un have you?” Ted knew all about my disastrous relationship with Joss, since I’d spilled my guts to him over a coffee and some custard creams months ago when it had all kicked off. I always went to Ted to offload – maybe I should talk to him about Simon too – only things with Simon hadn’t even gotten off the ground yet and I felt as if I was just whinging...

  I shrugged. Truth be told I had been put off looking for someone since Joss had humiliated me – not consciously of course but now that I looked back on things – I really hadn’t gone out of my way to look for anyone since. The date from hell that Simon had rescued me from had been Laura’s idea. It was a wonder I even went. “Well, I guess I might have,” I admitted, “But I managed to meet someone regardless of that.”


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