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Alpha Class: A Kurtherian Universe Series (The Etheric Academy Book 1)

Page 4

by TS Paul

  Yana watched the two for a while and sighed. “Geeks.” She looked over at the two Wechselbalg boys. “What do you two do?”

  “Oruzhiye, Batya…”

  Yana raised an eyebrow, “English. We are among new people, and English is what they speak here. We must adapt to the new situation. Now, what were you saying?” Yana looked at the taller of the two Weres.

  “Weapons is what I study. My father, Nikolay, stayed behind with Boris to fight those that would kill us. Uncle Leonid has received no word as to what happened to him.”

  “It is a fine thing Maxim Nikolayevich that you have joined the Academy. Much to learn here I think. Your father would be proud.” She turned toward Nestor.

  “And you Nestor Leonidovich, what is it you prefer?”

  “I like to drive and fix things. Back home I repaired cars, trucks, snow machines, and whatever the town needed. Here? I just want to learn more. The past is gone, along with the town.” The shorter Were scratched his head.

  “That it is my friends. I have seen the pictures of what is left. What we didn’t destroy, the Cheka did for us. Better to stay here in space and start over.” Yana looked, and the two science geeks were still at it.

  “Hey, the sorting is almost finished.” Yana had to wave her hand in front of Ronnie and Tina to get their attention.

  Up on stage, Diane finished reading the last name. “Everyone has a new group now. These will be your brothers and sisters for the duration of your time here. Learn from each other and grow stronger because of it. Your tablets contain class schedules, school rules, maps, books, and other learning materials. I encourage all of you to study and interact with your fellow students. The locator beacon is a necessary function here and is non-negotiable. We understand that for a few of you having outside forces locate you is a major issue. You don’t need to worry about that anymore. The Etheric Realm protects its citizens. I will protect you.”

  “As will I.” Captain Thomas stepped forward.

  “And I.” All of the others on stage followed him.

  “This is what your goal is,” she paused, “learn all you can.”

  With a tear in her eye, Diane turned toward the others on stage. “Thank you for your service and support.”

  Turning back to the six groups Diane replied. “Now, no more lamentations. Go check out the dorms and the rest of the school if you like. Take the right-hand stairs for the dorms and the left for everything else. Maps in your tablets will get you home.” She waved them off.

  Five groups ran past the Alpha group at full gallop. Many wished to get the best bunk or check out the flight simulator marked on the map.

  Yana stood, hands on her hips watching the two younger group members talk genetics and chemical reactions along with spatial geometry and orbital mechanics. Maxim and Nestor were staring at them too, but only to decipher what in the hell they were talking about.

  “Hey!” The Wechselbalg students looked at her but not the other two. She motioned at them and glared at Maxim. Sighing loudly Maxim nudged his cousin, and they each grabbed one of the smaller students and lifted them away from each other.

  “What’s the big idea?” Tina yelled, twisting in Maxim’s arms.

  “No fair!” Ronnie added as he glared at Nestor.

  Yana shrugged her shoulders, “I thought you wanted to check out the school? My mistake. Put them back, and we will go see if they have any snacks around here, Maxim.” The two Wolves started to set Tina and Ronnie back down.

  “Wait! What did you say?” Ronnie looked puzzled.

  Yana answered, “Didn’t you hear? They turned us loose to explore the school. We can follow the map and see some of what they have to offer or go find a good bunk.”

  Ronnie whipped out his tablet and started searching for information. Yana sighed again.


  Tina moved a stray hair out of her eyes, “My mom brought me here when they were building the place. It’s pretty cool. They have flight simulators as well as a nice audio-visual library. Mom said they went all out to make it special for us.”

  Yana looked closer at Tina. “Who is your mother to gain you such access?”

  Tina looked around at the mostly empty auditorium, “Cheryl Lynn Grimes. She’s the Queen’s assistant and acts as her press secretary sometimes. My uncle is John Grimes, one of the Queen’s bodyguards, he was the one up there with her on the stage.”

  Ronnie’s mouth dropped open, and the two Wechselbalg perked up. Yana only nodded. “Good. Connections will take you far in any situation. Don’t be afraid to use them if needed.”

  Ronnie asked, “Tina, can you get me John’s autograph?”

  Tina looked at Ronnie like he was crazy, “His signature? What for?”

  Ronnie mumbled, “I collect stuff that’s all.”

  Tina scrunched up her face a moment, “Ronnie that doesn’t make sense to me. He’s here on the base with us all the time. I’ll introduce you to him. OK?”

  The younger boy nodded his head, but now gazed at Tina with a look of awe.

  Yana looked towards the exits, “Let’s all go check out the library and the simulators. Then we should try and find good bunks.”

  Tina held up a small electronic device, “That sounds great. The library is supposed to have copies of every movie and music track in existence. I want to get some new songs to study by.”

  “Uh, does that mean we aren’t going to the kitchen?” Maxim along with Nestor towered over the two younger students.

  Yana’s eyebrows came together, “Hungry?”

  “We are. Last meal was early morning. Uncle Leonid had Guardian duty.” Yana nodded. From what her father had told her, Wechselbalg needed to eat rather frequently.

  “Then we check out the cafeteria first. Come along.” Taking charge, Yana grabbed the other two humans and nudged the Weres in the proper direction. They went up the ramp and through the doors leading back out to the entrance hall. According to Yana’s tablet, the cafeteria should be directly across from the auditorium.

  Above the new doors was another quote. “Starve the Ego and Feed the Soul.”

  Tina stared up at the quote as she passed through the doors. None of this had been in place when she was here during construction. “I’m starting to like this place.”

  Yana also read the quote and agreed with Tina. She nodded her head as she took in the cafeteria. It was big, bigger than what would be needed for thirty students. This fact told her one thing: these people planned big and intended for the school to grow.

  The heaviest looking man she had seen yet on this asteroid peeked around the corner as the doors opened. “Hello, welcome to The End of the Line.”

  Line? What line? Yana looked around the nearly empty room. Only her group was here. “Excuse me?”

  The man answered, “Sorry. My little joke. Some acquaintances of mine have an adult drinking establishment on the other side of the base called All Guns Blazing. I figured I needed a name for this place too. Does it work? I can change it.”

  Ronnie spoke up. “You could call it Grub and Stuff.”

  The now obvious Chef said the name a few times and smiled. “Not quite what I’m looking for. I’m sure something will leap out at me. Forgive my manners.” He held out a slightly chocolate covered hand. “I’m Chef Norman, but you can call me Van.”

  Yana took his hand and introduced everyone. “Chef, I mean Van, can we get some snacks or something for my two friends here?”

  Chef Norman eyed the two Wechselbalg boys before commenting. “If you check your tablets you will see the times for all meals as well as the fact we are open twenty-four-seven for any Wechselbalg that is hungry. Trust me when I say that I have seen some of them eat. I can make you something, or you can hit the vending machines.” Van pointed to the opposite wall. Faintly lit machines lined the wall as well as Coke machines.

  “They are free to use but contain mostly healthy snacks. The Cokes aren’t really good for you, but I was ordered by the Queen hers
elf to provide them. Once we leave Earth, we may not be able to fill them so enjoy while you can.”

  Maxim thought he caught a stray scent he liked and began to sniff the air. After a moment Nestor joined him. Yana and Tina could only stare as the two larger boys started sniffing at tables and all over the dining room.

  “What’cha looking for boys?” Van had a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Something I have not smelled since leaving Romonavka.” Maxim looked up at Van and almost growled. “How?”

  The Chef chuckled. “The Guardians all love it and say it’s the best they have ever had. Believe it or not, I got the recipe from a distant aunt in my family who loved to cook. Where she got it? No idea. Want some?”

  Tina and the other two humans blinked and looked around. Ronnie asked Yana, “What were they talking about?”

  Maxim’s cousin practically begged. “Da, Yes! Please, if the taste is anything like the smell…” He pushed past Maxim and almost leaned over the counter.

  “Let me get you some bowls.” The Chef stepped back into the kitchen.

  “What is it you smell?” Yana almost demanded of the two Wolves.

  “Heaven and home.” The Chef reappeared and slid two bowls under the noses of the Wechselbalg. To Tina, it looked like some sort of soup until Yana almost grabbed Nestor’s bowl to see.

  “Did you want some too? All of you?” At Yana’s nod, he went back into the kitchen. Maxim and Nestor were staring at the bowls like they were figments of their imagination.

  “What is it?” Ronnie peered at the bowls.

  “It’s Borscht. It smells like something my Mama would have made.” Maxim took another deep sniff and carefully took a small bite. Tears began to run down his face as he took another bite.

  “Should I be upset if my food brings you to tears?” The Chef slid three more bowls out.

  “Nyet. This is a taste of home. You made this?” Nestor savored another bite.

  “I did. It will be added to the rotating menu and available at least once a week from now on. Is that good for you guys?”

  He didn’t get an answer right away. All five students were nose down in their bowls.

  Yana finally came up for air and stared at Van. “How did you get it right? I have had this since leaving home, but it never tastes ‘right.'”

  “I listened to my clients. The secret of Siberian Borscht is the salt cabbage and amount of pepper used. Making what people like to eat is my secret.”

  Maxim and Nestor barely looked up from their bowls except to mumble out an “is good” before eating more.

  “Is good secret. My mother… “ Yana bowed her head. “The cook at my father’s house made this. But, THIS is so very much better tasting. Thank you, Van. Thank you for reminding me of home and for feeding the hungry Wolves!” She patted the backs of the two Wechselbalg.

  Maxim grabbed his cousin, “Come along now Nestor. Save some for the others. You heard the man he is open all the time, you can come back for more later.“ He finished as he pulled his cousin away from the counter.

  “Now that their hunger is fixed, at least temporarily, let’s go play some more. You said there were simulators here?” Yana raised an eyebrow at Tina.

  “Yes!” Tina pointed toward the doors, “The map says they’re this way.”

  Yana’s eye’s lit up just a little, “Let’s go then. Pods to fly and aliens to kill!” The group marched out with a purpose.

  Watching from his kitchen, Van smiled to himself, “I better place a bigger order of lamb and beets.” He paused a moment.

  “Because, those five will eat the Empire out of house and home.”


  “By all that is holy, can these men at least learn to write a proper sentence?” Yana stared at the paper in front of her for what seemed like the thousandth time.

  “Let me see that.” Tina pulled the paper over to her and stared at it. “The equations look correct as well as the notation.”

  She looked at the leader of her group and asked. “What has you so upset?”

  “This right here! How does it connect with the equations? You see something I’m not. You have to be!” She pointed at a perfect circle in the middle of the page.

  Tina took the paper back and stared at it. Suddenly it dawned on her what Yana was talking about! “Yana, that is a ring left by someone setting a beer can on the paper. See, I have a bunch of those.” She held up several papers with more circles.

  Yana muttered a few half-heard phrases in Russian and threw up her hands. Again. Much of the past week had been like this.

  It had started so well too.


  One week before…

  Everyone was eating in the cafeteria when the school’s administrators walked in.

  “May we have your attention please?” The room quieted down several levels.

  “Thank you. You all have had several weeks to become acclimated to both the school and the sort of schedule that we keep around here. If you check your tablets, you will notice a new tab has been added to them. Now your assignments begin. Each of your groups will spend six weeks with one of the departments here on the station. Unless told otherwise, you will sleep and eat here at the Academy. Your instructors are focused on the future. They are strong Alpha personalities, so expect the unexpected from them. If you have any questions or concerns, my sister and I are here for you. Max will pick you up out front in an hour, so be ready. The future waits for no one.” Diane and her sister turned and left the cafeteria.

  “The future waits for no one? What the hell was that? That was the cheesiest thing you’ve said yet!” Dorene was staring at her sister.

  Diane blushed, “Sorry? It was all I could think of on the fly.”

  “What about all the speeches you had ME write for you? Did you forget all of them?” Dorene couldn’t believe her sister. She just shook her head.

  “Pretty much, yeah.” Diane waved her hands. “It got the point across. We have an hour before Max gets here with the train, did you want to stay and say hi to him?”

  “To Max? Are you crazy? You know as well as I do that Running Wolf has a thing for him! That would be worse than pinching John again.” Dorene shuddered. “She’s a doctor and has lots of sharp, pointy things. Besides, she knows where we sleep.”

  Dorene looked sideways at her sister, “You’re just trying to get me killed.”

  Diane smirked, “It gets boring around here. I have to find humor somewhere.”

  Dorene blew out a breath. “I’ll give you humor! Come on, let’s get out of the way before we get trampled.”

  The cafeteria doors burst open, and students streamed out heading in multiple directions at once. They acknowledged the bickering sisters but had already witnessed their behavior before.

  Nothing new here, move along, move along.

  Thirty teenagers might not sound like a lot, but when they are charging at you all at once, it can seem that way. Both of the D’s froze in their tracks and watched as the stream of kids parted in the middle and went around them.

  “That was cool! Let’s do it again.” Dorene looked at her sister with wide eyes.

  “Let’s not and say we did.” The two sisters continued walking, “Did you notify the departments they were getting interns today?” Diane looked sternly at her sister.

  “No. I thought that was your job as Administrator.” Dorene replied in a snarky voice.

  “I thought we agreed… Dorene, you’re killing me here. We have a bunch of calls to make and in a hurry too!” The twins scurried off to notify extremely busy people they were about to be invaded.

  Whether they liked it or not.


  “Yana, what should we take with us?” Ronnie looked up at the older girl.

  “The stuff they issued us for sure. This says we have Team BMW as our first class. Why are we being taught by car makers?” Yana held up her tablet.

  Tina spoke up, “BMW? For real? That’s awesome! Marcus h
imself will teach us. Yana you will love it! Team BMW is the one that made the pods and helped design this place. The guys on that team are so cool!” Tina was beside herself.

  “This Marcus, he is the one who introduced you to space? That Marcus?” Maxim stared down at the smaller girl.

  “Yes. He used to work for NASA, Space-X, and a few of the others. He’s brilliant!”

  Nestor piped in, “Maybe this won’t be so boring after all.”


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