Book Read Free

Montana's Way

Page 2

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Yes, you do that.”

  Sean would do anything to erase the frustration from Montana’s face. She followed the officer out of the kitchen. Sean glanced at the flash drive in the palm of his hand. He debated whether to tell Montana what he’d discovered.

  “Losing your concentration already,” Mike said from behind him.

  Sean turned around and saw that Mike wasn’t by himself. Asia, who now wore her hair in a cropped hair style, reminding him of a younger version of Halle Berry, walked right behind Mike.

  “You remember Asia?” Mike asked.

  “I sure do. The woman who got a bull’s eye on the moving target ten times in a row.”

  Asia pointed her finger and blew the tip. “And don’t you ever forget it either.”

  They all laughed, although it was tense.

  “I’m glad you all can find something funny because if we have to rely on Barney Fife and his sidekick, we’re in some deep trouble,” Asia said.

  Sean made his decision then. “Follow me.”

  They all followed Sean to Troy’s office. Sean turned the computer on and typed in his login and password. He inserted the flash drive. “Okay, ladies, what you see here might not be pretty but you need to see this so you’ll know how serious this is.”

  Sean moved and let Montana sit in the leather chair behind the computer. He watched the shocked expressions on their faces as they heard the scuffle going on in the bedroom. He saw the relieved look when they saw Savannah walking out unharmed.

  Mike was the first to speak. “You two have a decision to make. We can turn over this information to the police and let them handle it—”

  Sean interrupted, “Or you can trust us.” He looked at Mike and then at Montana and Asia. “And let us handle this. I promise you, I will risk my life to save my brother Troy’s and Savannah’s lives.”

  Montana looked at Asia and then back at Sean. “Let us discuss and we’ll let you know.”

  “Montana, you saw the detective. My toy poodle would be more capable of finding Troy than him.”

  “Man, you have a toy poodle?” Mike asked.

  Sean ignored him. “Trust me. Trust Mike.”

  “Give us ten minutes,” Montana said.


  As soon as Mike and Sean were out of the room, Asia said, “What is there to think about? I sure in the hell trust Mike more than I trust that cop trying to play detective. He didn’t even ask if there were any security cameras. A house this big . . . that’s the first thing I would have asked.”

  “But, what can they do? Troy was the one with the connections. Mike and Sean just work for him.”

  “Sis, you don’t know anything. Sean is Troy’s silent partner. Sean is the one who sets up a lot of the operations in the field. Sean’s risked his life to retrieve kidnap victims all over the world.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “Because Mike told me. If anyone can get Vanna back safe, it’s Sean.”

  Montana scratched her head. “Asia, I don’t know about this. The police have teams in place to handle situations like this. We can show them the tape and then see what happens.”

  “Look. I’m going to say this once. You can go work with the police but for me, I’m with Mike and Sean. I’m not taking any chances. You saw how they brushed our dad’s case to the side.”

  “I know, but still, Asia, Troy was the one who was instrumental in finding out who killed our dad.”

  “I’m not going to keep going back and forth with you on this . . . don’t have time . . . time that could be better used on Sean and Mike discovering where Troy and Vanna are.”

  Montana rushed out of the room behind Asia. “Wait. I’m not going to let you do this without me.”

  “Then I suggest you come aboard because I’m going to work with them to find our sister, with or without you.”

  As much as Montana didn’t really want to go along with Asia, she refused to let her go about it alone. She had lost one sister, she wasn’t about to lose another. They needed to stick together now more than ever. “Fine. I’m with you. Tell them to do whatever they need to do.”

  “No, we’re going to do whatever we need to do. If I have to go undercover, we’re getting them back.”

  That’s exactly what Montana was afraid of. Asia could be hotheaded. She needed to be around to make sure Asia didn’t do anything stupid.

  Sean and Mike were found upstairs going through the bedroom. They each had a forensic kit. They dusted for fingerprints and took blood samples. Sean looked up in Montana’s direction. “I doubt if we’ll find any fingerprints. The assailants wore gloves, but because the cameras weren’t in this room, we can never be so sure.”

  “Did you happen to find Savannah’s cell phone?” Asia asked.

  “No, it’s missing, but we found Troy’s still on the floor near the nightstand,” Mike responded.

  “I know you got tracking devices. Vanna’s number is 972-555-2567,” Asia blurted out.

  Mike said, “See why I like her? She’s not just a pretty face.”

  Asia rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Use your device and we might be able to track where they are.”

  Sean said, “Mike, you finish up here and I’ll go log on the computer downstairs and see what I can make happen.”

  “I’m going with you,” Asia stated.

  Montana stayed behind with Mike. “So, how well do you know this Sean?”

  Mike continued to log things into his handheld device. “Me, Sean, and Troy all started off at the agency together. You could say we all got tired of working for the SNA when too many of our comrades started getting killed and no one seemed to give a damn about it.”

  “I heard Troy talking about it.”

  “Sean’s one of the good guys. Troy and Sean are like brothers. Troy and Sean’s been knowing each other since college. Both have similar backgrounds. Put it like this, I would rather work with Sean than against him.”

  “Oh and why is that?”

  “’Cause, when he sets his mind on something, he usually gets it.” Mike winked his eye.

  Montana felt a little uncomfortable but didn’t say anything. She looked under the bed to see if they overlooked finding Savannah’s cell phone. Still nothing.

  “Well, I’m through up here. Let’s go see if they were able to track Savannah’s phone.”

  Montana responded, “Give me a minute. I’ll be down.”

  Montana did something she should have done the moment she realized Savannah was missing. She dropped to her knees and prayed. “God, please put your arm of protection around Savannah and Troy and deliver them safely back to us.”

  Shortly thereafter, she walked downstairs to see if there was any good news.

  “Good. I won’t have to repeat myself,” Sean said. “I just got a call from one of our workers. It’s been confirmed who has Troy and Savannah. I wasn’t able to locate Savannah’s phone from this computer so I’m waiting to hear from the office.”

  “Who has them?” Asia asked.

  Sean looked at Mike. Montana didn’t like the intense looks shared between the two of them. “Spill it out,” Montana said.

  “It’s an underground organization that has infiltrated several businesses, some look legit but are financed with money made from the sale of illegal drugs and weapons. I was instrumental in taking one of their key men out. They kidnapped Troy to get to me.”

  “But, I don’t understand. You’re not blood brothers, so why Troy?”

  “People like this know how to find out information. Anyone who knows me knows there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Troy. Troy is closer to me than a blood brother. That’s why it’s so important to me to find out where he is so I can get him out safely.”

  Montana thought she saw his eyes water. She wanted to reach out to him and hug him.

  “What’s next? I feel like we’re just sitting around wasting time,” Asia blurted.

  “Calm down,” Mike said.

  “Y’all have
to excuse Asia. I’m the calm one.”

  “Montana, please, let’s not go there. You’re the biggest drama queen.”

  Sean’s cell phone ringing interrupted the sister banter. “It’s a blocked number.” Sean held his hand up, motioning for them to be quiet.

  Montana mouthed words to Asia. Asia shifted in her seat, sat back, and crossed her arms.

  Sean wrote something down on a piece of paper and hung up the phone. “They’ve been located. Savannah must have her phone on her. Good thing you thought of it before her battery went dead,” Sean said.

  “Well, what are y’all sitting around for? Go get my sister,” Montana shouted.

  “I’m going to need your help. I understand you can transform a person’s look.”

  “Yes, but how is that going to help?” Montana asked.

  “I need to be transformed, because if I go in looking like this Troy and Savannah are as good as dead.”

  Montana looked at Sean. “Making over someone is my specialty. I used to work on movie sets. Everything I need is at my place.”

  “Can I hitch a ride? I rode with Mike.”

  “Come on,” Montana said as she got up and rushed out the door.


  Sean leaned to the side, thankful that he had his seatbelt on as Montana dodged in and out of traffic toward her house. She lived thirty minutes away in normal time but she got them there in less than twenty minutes.

  “This is the house we grew up in,” Montana said as she unlocked the door.


  “I like it. I got it when Savannah decided to move in with Troy. Now I’m not so sure it was a good idea.”

  “Trust me, Troy would risk his life to save Savannah’s. So, no worries.”

  “But what if Troy’s already dead? What’s going to happen to her?”

  “I like to focus on the positive.”

  “Sure. Have a seat at the table. I’ll be right back,” Montana responded.

  Sean scanned the den and admired the African motif. He was sure some of the paintings and hand carvings were probably authentic and not duplicates. Being in this house made Sean recall memories of Montana’s dad, Major. Everything he learned about serving and protecting his country and those he loved he learned from Major. Major was the ultimate super soldier.

  “I know you like those dreads, but in order to transform your look, those are going to have to go.” Montana pulled her hand from behind her back and held some clippers.

  “These are my strength,” Sean stated. “Do you know how long it took me to grow these out?”

  “No, but if you want me to transform you into someone else, you must trust me.”

  Sean grunted. “Trust you. Do you trust me?”

  Montana remained silent.

  Sean said, “That’s what I thought.”

  Montana plugged in the clippers. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. I don’t really know you. Mike trusts you and apparently Troy trusted you, so I’m going to take my chances.”

  “So what you’re saying is I should take my chances on you?”

  Montana turned the clippers on. The roaring sound of the clippers filled the air. “Exactly. Now, sit back and watch me work.”

  Sean cringed with each fall of one of his locks. “I can’t believe I’m letting you do this.”

  “Believe it and you’ll like it. I can already see the difference.”

  “So what are you saying? You don’t like a man with locks?”

  “I’m not saying a word,” Montana playfully teased.

  “Can you hurry up? We don’t want them to move from that location.”

  “Do you want me to do this or should I let you finish it up.”

  “Okay. I’ll be quiet,” Sean said.


  Montana handed Sean a mirror when she finished. “Wow. I don’t even look like myself.”

  Sean ran his hand over his now close cut hair. He felt completely naked with all of his hair now on the floor beside him.

  “I know. And, now, the eyebrows.”

  “Oh. Now see, that’s where I draw the line. You are not going to cut off my eyebrows.”

  “I’m just arching them.” Montana removed a razor from her small handbag. “Now lean back.”

  Sean did as he was told. “Be gentle.”

  “I’ll try,” Montana responded.

  When she was through, Sean stood up.

  Montana said, “I’m not finished. I need to lighten you up. This makeup will not wipe off. It’ll take several different applicators to wipe this off you.”

  “This is enough. I don’t need any makeup.”

  “Who’s the expert, you or me?”

  “You are.”

  “Then I suggest you sit.” Montana was in her zone, Sean could tell.

  When Montana finished with the make-up, she placed some brown contacts in his eyes. He looked at the mirror and he looked like a totally different person. He was several shades lighter than his normal brown complexion. “Good job.”

  “I’ll bill you.”

  “What’s your number? I will call you and let you know when we have them.”

  “Oh no, I’m not staying here. I’m going with you.”

  “Look, I don’t have time to argue with you. This is not a safe mission and if you go with me, I’m going to be too concerned with your safety. I need to concentrate on the task at hand.”

  “So you’re saying you can’t concentrate around me,” Montana said.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Sean said, not having time to deny it. Sean looked at his cell phone. The text message indicated his ride was outside.

  “Why is that?”

  Sean got caught up in the moment and pulled Montana closer to him and kissed her with a passion he didn’t know he possessed. Time stood still between the two of them. He released her. “I’m sorry. I need to go. I didn’t mean to.”

  Montana wrote something down on a piece of paper. “Here’s my number. But I want to be in the car. I promise not to get out.”

  “You’re safer here. I’ll call you. Promise.”

  Without giving Montana time to protest, Sean rushed out of her house into the waiting black sedan with some of his comrades.

  “Man, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Mike said as Sean slipped in the back seat beside him.

  “I almost didn’t recognize myself.”


  Not long after Sean left, Asia appeared. “This waiting is killing me,” Montana, who was normally the calm one, said as she paced back and forth in front of Asia, who sat on the couch using her iPad.

  “I prayed on the way over here. What did Dad teach us? We have to have faith,” Asia said.

  “I prayed too, but I’m still scared. If anything happened to Vanna, I don’t know. . . .” Montana’s voice trailed off.

  “Don’t even go there. Sean’s going to call you, or Mike’s going to call me with good news any minute now.”

  Montana needed to do something to get her mind off things. She had already cleaned up the living room where she had cut Sean’s hair, so she did what she did when she couldn’t rest: she went to the kitchen and started looking through the pantry and refrigerator to cook.

  “I can’t even think about food right now,” Asia said as she wandered in.

  “I need to do something. What do you want? Brownies? A cake?”

  “I don’t care.”

  Montana put on a kitchen apron with her name on it and took out the ingredients she needed to make some brownies. Cooking had always been Montana’s stress relieving mechanism. With everything going on, her sister’s disappearance, the unsuspected feelings for Sean that seemed to come out of nowhere, Montana needed something to calm her nerves.

  Montana’s cell phone rang. “Asia, can you get that for me?” She held her hands up. There was brownie mix on them.

  “Where’s your speaker button?” Asia asked frantically.

  “Top button.”

Vanna, you okay?” Asia yelled.

  “Look, I only have one bar left. I don’t know where I’m at, but try to trace my phone.”

  “Vanna, this is Asia. Montana’s here. Mike and Sean got your location. Help is on the way.”

  “Thank God. They’ve beat up Troy real bad.”

  “And you . . . What about you?” Montana asked. She was glued to her spot.

  “I’m fine . . . for now.”

  Montana didn’t like the sound of that but she tried to stay strong. “Keep your ears open. They will be making their move anytime.”

  “They just took Troy to another room. I’m scared something bad is about to happen to him.”

  Montana could hear the fear in Savannah’s voice. “Hang on in there, sis. We need you, so you got to come back home to us.”

  “I love y’all. Somebody’s coming. Got to go.”

  “Love you too,” Asia and Montana said but the phone had already disconnected.

  Montana spoke out first. “I don’t have Sean’s number. Call Mike and tell him what just happened.”

  Asia was already dialing Mike’s number. Asia sighed. “He’s not picking up.”

  “Do you happen to know where they were going?” Montana asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” Asia responded.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Montana turned the stove off and placed the brownie mix in the refrigerator.

  “Mike said we should stay out of it,” Asia said.

  “And when do you listen to anyone?” Montana responded as she removed the apron. Before Asia could say anything, Montana was upstairs in her closet retrieving two pair of black jeans and black T-shirts.

  Asia walked in. “You know your clothes are too big for me.”

  Montana threw a pair of black jeans at Asia. “These are your size, Ms. Shorty.”

  Asia rolled her eyes. “I’m only a few inches shorter.”

  “I know. That’s why I know these will fit. Hurry up.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going along with this,” Asia said as she took off her clothes and replaced them with the black jeans and T-shirt.


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