Montana's Way

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Montana's Way Page 4

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Everybody, this is Red. She’s here because her sister is the one abducted with Troy. She’s also here because, as you can tell, she was able to transform my look, and just in case we need to send some people in, she can assist in doing that.” Sean hadn’t asked Montana if she would do it and he hated putting her on the spot, but he needed to get her involved somehow so she could feel useful in the dire situation.

  A woman in her early twenties entered and handed each person, excluding Montana, a manila folder. Sean opened it up and glanced through it. Inside were pictures of Troy and Savannah being placed in the Hummer. The folder also had pictures and a long bio on each assailant, including the dead ones.

  Sean skimmed through the information before addressing his team. “We need to handle this like any other abduction so that we won’t make any more mistakes. We’ve lost two comrades. Jimmy, thanks for letting Harold’s parents know. I don’t think I could have handled doing both right now.”

  Jimmy shook his head. He said, “I got several cases of money ready to make the exchange.”

  “We’re not giving them ten million dollars. If we do that, they are as good as dead,” Sean said. Sean did his best not to look in Montana’s direction. The way she tilted her head and licked her lips had him thinking erotic thoughts instead of what he should have been concentrating on.

  Jimmy said, “But I got it together just in case.”

  Sean looked back at them all. “Giving them that money is the last resort. Does anyone disagree with me?”

  Mumblings were heard but everyone agreed with Sean.

  “How y’all going to have a meeting without me?” Mike said after bursting in the room with Asia fast on his heels.

  “Sis, we need to talk,” Asia mouthed to Montana.

  Sean noticed. He said to Montana, “There’s a room next door if you two need to talk.” He looked back at his comrades. “Someone get Mike a seat. Where was I?”

  Sean continued going through the profiles as Montana and Asia left the room.


  Montana would have rather stayed with Sean so she could stay abreast on what was going on, but instead she followed Asia to the next room. “Do you know the insurance rep told me they might not pay? They said it’s a special circumstance and my policy might not cover it.”

  Montana tuned Asia out as she ranted on and on about the insurance company. Montana’s mind was in the next room. She needed to know what Sean was planning next.

  Asia pouted, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

  “Give me your phone,” Montana said. “What’s their number?”

  “It’s the last one dialed,” Asia said as she handed Montana her purple diamond-studded phone.

  “I need to speak with a supervisor,” Montana said as soon as someone answered. “I don’t care. I need to speak with a supervisor.” Montana tapped her foot. She looked at Asia. “Don’t worry. They will replace your car.”

  After going back and forth with the supervisor for fifteen minutes, Montana got off the phone. “Your check should be ready by the end of the week.”

  Asia cried. “I can’t believe I’m so emotional over this.”

  Montana wrapped her arms around her. “Sis, it’s going to be okay.”

  “Here I am worried about replacing a car. If something happens to Vanna, she can’t be replaced,” Asia managed to say in between sobs.

  Montana dried the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Asia was the baby of the family and she sometimes forgot that. They normally sparred and, admittedly, over some silly things. Right now, Savannah wasn’t around to break the squabbles up. Montana would be more careful so as not to give Asia a hard time. She didn’t realize how fragile Asia was right now. She rocked her sister in her arms until Asia pulled away.

  Asia wiped her face with the back of her hand. “Look at me, crying like a little girl.”

  “It’s okay. This has been a stressful day.” Montana tried to make light of the situation.

  “Mike said that the people who have Savannah won’t do anything to her as long as Sean cooperates.”

  “I don’t know if Mike told you, but they want ten million dollars. Sean doesn’t want to give them the money.”

  Asia stormed out of the room. Montana tried to stop her but to no avail. Asia stormed into the room where everybody else was. “If you have it, you need to give it to them. That’s my sister’s life you’re playing with.”

  Montana said, “I tried to explain to her why.”

  Mike stood up. “Asia, let us handle this. We’re the experts.”

  “Well, if you were such an expert, you would have rescued her and we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?” Asia took her stance with folded arms and pouted.

  Sean addressed the group. “We’re through here. Waiting on the call at eighteen hundred. Everybody be prepared to move at that time.”

  Everyone left the room except for Mike, Asia, Sean, and Montana. Montana said, “Asia, Sean knows what he’s doing.”

  “Oh, so now you’re on his side. It was you who wanted the police to handle it in the first place.”

  “I know, but I was wrong. Let Sean and Mike do their jobs.”

  Asia plopped down in one of the chairs. “I need to know everything you have planned, and I do mean everything, or else I’m calling the police.”

  Montana looked at Sean. “She’s serious, so I suggest you comply.”

  Sean held a chair out. “Have a seat.”

  Montana took a seat. Sean remained standing. He handed Montana and Asia each a manila folder.

  Sean said, “These are the people who we know have Troy and Savannah.”

  “I’m reading this, but who are these people? Why are they targeting you?” Montana asked.

  “One of our comrades went undercover and became a part of their elite group. They are dangerous men and women whose sole purpose is to destroy the government by any means necessary,” Mike said.

  Sean interjected, “I was on the team instrumental in taking out one of their leaders. I also ended up killing a few people, and one happened to be the son of the head leader of this organization. Until this happened, I thought my identity was unknown, but I underestimated them.”

  “But did they have to take Savannah?” Asia asked.

  “It’s fortunate for Savannah that she’s still alive, because groups like this normally take their intended victim and kill everyone else.”

  Montana sighed. “Thanks. I guess we should be happy about that.”

  “So, what’s next? Why not give them the money?” Asia stared at Sean.

  “If we give them the money they will kill Troy and Savannah. If we don’t give it to them, we will buy ourselves some time.”

  Mike said, “We tried to track Savannah’s phone and we were able to but we lost track.”

  “Her battery probably went out,” Montana said.

  “Exactly, so we do know they are now north of Dallas. Our sources tell us there’s an area of land north of McKinney that this group is known to use so we got people checking it out now. This time, when we make our move, they will not see us coming.” Sean did his best to assure Montana.

  “I heard you mention eighteen hundred. So at six o’clock the drop is supposed to take place?”

  “No, at six I will get further instructions. Everyone just needs to be prepared to make a move just in case. We got everybody on this.” Sean’s eyes seemed to pierce right through Montana.

  “What can me and Asia do? This waiting is really getting to us.”

  “Try staying out of our way,” Mike said.

  Asia rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re already hurt, or I would . . .”

  “Or you would what?” Mike dared her.

  “Never mind,” Asia responded.

  “Hmm. That’s a first. Asia backing down to you. Is there something you two aren’t telling me?” Montana asked as she looked back and forth between Mike and Asia.

�There’s nothing to tell,” Asia said.

  “You got that right,” Mike responded.

  “Well, while you two are trying to figure out your relationship, Red, I need you to come with me.”

  Montana eyed Asia and Mike, but followed Sean out of the room and down the hall to another office. As soon as the doors were closed, Sean pulled her into his arms and planted a long, juicy kiss on her.

  Sean exhaled. “Now, I can concentrate.” Sean walked to his desk and picked up the phone.

  Montana’s hand lightly brushed her lips where Sean’s lips had just been. She asked herself, What just happened here? She didn’t have time to dwell on it, because Sean said, “Come on. We got a solid lead.”

  Montana pushed the thoughts of the kiss out of her mind and followed him.


  By the time Sean made it to the garage, his ten-man team was in place. Sean, Montana, Asia, and Mike rode in one black SUV, while others piled into the remaining vehicles. Each was fully loaded with weapons.

  Sean jumped on Central Expressway and headed north. The convoy of cars was right behind him. He took a quick glance at Montana. “We need you and Asia to stay in the car. Only reason why I’m allowing you to come is so that we won’t have an incident like the last time.”

  “Don’t worry. We can handle ourselves,” Montana said as she pulled out her small handgun.

  “Glad to see you’re packing. Let’s just hope you won’t have to use it. But, if you do, aim to kill,” Sean said. His cell phone rang. He hit the speaker button.

  “Patterson, you got our money?” a computer-generated voice asked from the other end.

  “When you can stop hiding behind an electronic device, then we can talk.”

  A sinister laugh filled the car from the phone. “The clock is ticking. Small bills, please, and they better not be marked.”

  “How do I know they are still alive?” Sean asked.

  “You have to trust me.” The sinister laugh started back up.

  “Send me a picture to my phone of both parties and then maybe we can negotiate.” Sean hit the end button. He handed Mike his phone.

  Ten minutes later, Mike checked the text messages. “They sent them. Troy’s beat up badly but Savannah looks fine under the circumstances. She looks tired but that’s it.”

  “Are they together or separate?”

  The picture showed a battered Troy sitting on a hard concrete floor in one room and Savannah was tied up to a chair in aother small room. She wasn’t bruised but her eyes looked weary.

  “Looks like they are keeping them in two different rooms,” Mike responded.

  “Send them to Chad,” Sean directed.

  Sean’s phone rang. Mike hit the speaker button.

  “Are you satisfied?” the mysterious caller asked.

  “I need time to come up with that type of money,” Sean responded, although he didn’t have any intention of giving them the $10 million they requested.

  “I will give you twenty-four hours. If you don’t have it, the deal is off. You’ll have two lives on your head.” The caller hung up.

  “So, are you giving them the money?” Montana asked.

  “Not if I can help it,” Sean assured her. Sean took the next exit.

  “This isn’t McKinney,” Asia said.

  “We need to wait until nightfall. In the meantime, I’ll go get us some rooms.” Sean pulled up in front of the hotel. “Come on, Montana. I need you.”

  Sean held the back door open. Montana eased her five-eight, medium frame out the vehicle. He reached for her hand. She didn’t resist.

  “So are we newlyweds, or an old married couple?” Montana jokingly asked.

  “Let’s be newlyweds because that comes with benefits.”

  “Don’t even go there. You gets none of this.”

  “One day I will. Mark my words,” Sean said as the automatic door of the hotel opened.

  The eager hotel clerk took his credit card and gave him the room keys. “You can get to your room through the side door down that hall. Just park on the side.”

  Sean was happy about that. “Dear, I’ll bring the car around. Just meet me at the side door.”

  Montana took one of the room keys and walked away toward the hallway. Sean walked back out and alerted the team to follow him. There weren’t too many parking places on the side so four of the cars had to park in other areas.

  Sean waited until everybody was at the doorway and they all entered at the same time. All twelve of them convened in the hotel suite.

  “I’m going to order pizza and drinks. Anybody feels the need to take a nap, now is the time. We need to be in our positions by twenty-three hundred,” Sean said.

  Asia yawned. “I can’t believe all of this has happened in less than twenty-four hours. I feel like I’ve run a marathon.”

  “Me too,” Montana added.

  “Ladies, you two can have the bedroom to relax and us guys will stay out here,” Sean said.

  “That’s so generous of you.” Montana flashed a quick smile. “Sean, can I talk to you in private?”

  Sean followed Montana to the bedroom. She closed the door. “I would have gotten them another room if I knew you wanted to consummate our fake marriage.” Sean couldn’t resist teasing her.

  “You got jokes. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all that you’re doing. I know this hasn’t been easy on you. Forgive Asia and me for some of our actions, but I do trust that you’ll get my sister back safely.”

  Sean reached for Montana. “Come here.”

  Surprisingly, Montana allowed him to embrace her. Montana’s head fell on his chest. Sean thought this was better than sex. Having Montana in his arms and this close after nights of dreaming of her was a dream come true.

  Montana gently pushed away. “I didn’t mean to get so mushy. Wake me up when the pizza comes. I think I’m going to take you up on that offer and take a nap. This has been a very trying day.”

  Sean left to give Montana peace. Asia wouldn’t let Mike out of her sight. Sean retrieved several twenties out of his pocket and handed them to one of his workers. “Here’s the money for the pizza. I’ll be in the room if anyone needs me. I need to think.”

  “I hope that’s all you’re doing,” Asia said.

  “Montana’s sleeping,” Sean assured her.

  “Um huh,” Asia responded.

  Mike said, “Asia, get out of their business.”

  Sean listened to Mike and Asia’s back-and-forth banter as he picked up his laptop from the table and headed to the bedroom.

  He watched Montana’s chest rise up and fall down as she slept. It took all of his control not to go lie down in the bed beside her. Instead, he placed the laptop down on the nearby table, and reached for the bedspread and pulled it up until it reached her shoulders. She looked to be at peace but he knew she wasn’t.

  Sean sat in the chair and turned his computer on. He studied the photos he had of the compound on the other side of McKinney. He went over the plans he and his team had discussed to make sure there were no loopholes. They couldn’t afford any because if they moved again, they might not be able to track them down and that would be the demise of Troy and Savannah.


  Montana blinked her eyes a few times. She felt disoriented. It took her a moment or two to realize she wasn’t at home but in a strange hotel. His back was to her, but she could see Sean’s head nod off.

  She slipped out of the bed and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “You’re up,” Sean said in between yawns.

  “I think you need to take a nap. You were asleep at the computer.”

  “I’m fine. I just dozed off.”

  Montana reached for his hand and he allowed her to pull him up, and followed her to the bed. “Lie down.”

  “I don’t have time.”

  “One hour. Give yourself one hour and I promise you, you’ll be rejuvenated. Me, I dozed off for, what, about fifteen minutes and I feel a little better al

  “Twenty minutes,” Sean responded.

  “I’ll be sure no one disturbs you.”

  Sean sat on the bed. “You’re going to be my bodyguard.”

  “And a good one at that,” Montana responded.

  Sean placed his hands behind his head and lay on the pillow.

  Montana lay next to him.

  They both were awakened when they heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Montana responded as she sat up.

  Asia peeped in with a pizza box. “The pizza finally arrived. Had to call because it took them an entire hour to get here.”

  Sean was the first to speak. “Lay it on the table. I’m not really hungry.”

  “Well, you need to eat something,” Montana said.

  Sean looked at Asia. “Is she always like this?”

  “Yes. So I suggest you do what she says or she will nag you to death.”

  Montana rolled her eyes. “I’m going to the bathroom. You two can keep talking about me like I’m not in the room.”

  Montana left the bedroom. The men looked at her funny. She didn’t realize why until she saw her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her hair was in disarray. If anyone didn’t know better, they probably think me and Sean . . . No, they wouldn’t think that. Why wouldn’t they? Montana was so embarrassed.

  She used her hand and pulled her hair together and redid her ponytail. Now she looked presentable. She did her best to hold her head up high and reentered the main area of the room. Instead of going back to the bedroom, she took a seat near Mike.

  “So, are you feeling better?” she asked.

  “I would be feeling great if your sister wouldn’t insist that I take these meds. I have to be alert and they make me drowsy,” he responded.

  Montana said, “You must be a glutton for pain.”

  “No, but I need to be alert for what’s about to take place.”

  “Compromise. Take half of a pill. That’ll still help ease some of the pain.”

  Mike appeared to be thinking about it. “Can you pass me a slice of pizza and a Coke?”


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