Montana's Way

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Montana's Way Page 5

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Water would be better,” Montana said.

  “Coke would be fine,” Mike responded.

  “You and Sean can be so stubborn.”

  “It’s a man thing.” Mike laughed.

  Montana didn’t. After she cut the pill in half and handed it to Mike and she saw him swallow it, she got up and went back to the bedroom. Asia’s and Sean’s backs were toward the door and they were engrossed in whatever was on his laptop screen.

  Montana cleared her throat. “Good thing I came back to join the party,” Montana said.

  “Sis, he was just showing me the pictures from inside the compound. Based on the pictures sent to his cell phone, he knows exactly which room Savannah is in.”

  Sean interjected, “She’s kept in a room near the back, so some of us will attack from that end.”

  “What about Troy?” Montana asked.

  “He’s in the middle and will be harder to get to.”

  Sean must have noticed the frown that swept across Montana’s face because he continued, to say, “Don’t worry. It’ll be challenging but it’s not impossible.”

  Montana sighed. “I’ll just be glad when all of this is over with.”

  Sean stood up. “Well, rest up, ladies. We’ll be headed out shortly.” He left Asia and Montana alone.

  As soon as the door closed, Asia blurted out, “He’s crazy about you.”

  “Excuse me,” Montana responded, as she sat on the bed and crossed her legs.

  Asia and Montana sat around doing their best to keep their mind off the danger Savannah was in. Montana picked up the remote control to turn up the volume on the television with hopes of tuning out Asia.

  “Don’t you see how his eyes light up every time you enter the room?”

  “No. I don’t pay him that much attention.” Montana turned the volume back down since it was obvious Asia wasn’t going to stop talking.

  “Whatever. I see how you be checking him out on the sly.” Asia took a seat on the bed next to her.

  “Okay, he’s fine, but he’s in the wrong occupation for me. I want a man with a nine-to-five job. Not one who gets off on adventures. I hated worrying about whether or not our dad would make it back home safely. I don’t know if I could deal with my man doing what our father did.

  “You’re so boring at times,” Asia said.

  “You’re one to talk.” Montana felt an attitude coming on.

  “You are. You’ve always tried to play things by the book. Look what that got you. You’re almost thirty. Single and alone.”

  “But I’m not lonely and I’m not desperate for a man,” Montana responded.

  “Still. I think you should give Sean a chance.”

  “He hasn’t made a pass at me,” Montana lied. She failed to admit the two kisses they’d shared.


  Sean flipped his car lights off. The other vehicles in the convoy did the same. The cars parked in an open field not too far from the road.“Ladies, shoot first and don’t worry about asking questions if anyone besides one of us approaches this vehicle,” Sean said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

  Montana gripped her handgun.

  “I’m going to be in the other car watching the monitors that we’ve tapped into,” Mike said as he exited the door as soon as it came to a standstill.

  “The compound is about a mile ahead. Be prepared for anything. The radio is here so you can keep up with what’s going on. Try not to be alarmed by the sounds you might hear.” Sean knew that there would be some bullets flying and possibly bloodshed so he didn’t want them to be freaked out about it.

  “Just bring my sister out,” Montana said as their eyes locked.

  Sean broke the trance and eased out of the car. He and the rest of the team were dressed in army fatigues. Their faces were now all covered with paint so they could blend in with the surroundings. All eight of the men were in top physical condition and had been on many rescue missions. They just hated being on one that involved rescuing one of their own. They were all heavily armed with assault rifles, hand grenades and other artillery they may need to make the rescue a successful operation, as they made their way silently through the wooded area. Sean’s sources had given them all the information they needed to do the rescue mission.

  “Mike, we’re almost there. Do you have control of their cameras?”

  “Give me about five and I will,” Mike responded.

  Sean’s heart rate increased. It seemed as if the sound of his beating heart was getting louder and louder as he and his team waited for Mike to give them the word that the security system and security cameras had been deactivated. Mike was a master behind the computer and could infiltrate any security system. They stood outside of the wired ten-foot fence.

  “Set,” Mike responded. “I was able to deactivate the security system and cameras for ten minutes. I’ll try to make it fifteen.”

  “Rock and roll,” Sean said barely above a whisper.

  Jason used the wire cutters to get through the fence. He motioned for them to crawl through. They did, one at a time. Sean was the first one to go through as he scouted the area. Everyone listened to Mike in their earpieces as he informed them of the location of the guards.

  Sean snuck up behind one, twisted his neck and he immediately died. Jason and the other guys got the other three guards and killed them without any retaliation.

  Mike’s voice rang in his ear. “Eight minutes.”

  Sean held up his hand. He used his fingers to count down. One finger came out, then two, and when the third finger extended, they all scattered toward the building. Sean peaked through the windows as they walked outside of the warehouse. He held his hand up in a ball to indicate he’d located one of the captives. Savannah head was drooped over so he hoped she was okay. He held one finger up to indicate that there was one person guarding.

  Mike said in his ear, “You have a better chance going through the back. No one’s there.”

  Sean pointed to his right. He eased past his men.

  Mike gave out instructions. “Jason, need you to stay near the window where Savannah is. Douglas and Ray, make sure you cover the other side. Everybody else, you know what to do.”

  Sean pulled out some tools from his waistband. He eased the window off. After making sure the coast was clear, he climbed through, followed by four other team members.

  Mike said in the earpiece, “I haven’t been able to locate Troy. The cameras have scanned each room.”

  Sean stuck the mirror out in the hallway to double-check to see if anyone was there. The hallway was empty. He eased down the hallway toward the place Troy was originally supposed to be. The room was empty.

  “Coming your way at six o’clock angle,” Mike said.

  Sean ducked back in the room, barely missing being detected. When Mike informed him the coast was clear, he eased back in the hallway. He headed toward the room where Savannah was being held prisoner.

  Mike told him the guard wasn’t budging from his spot near the door. Sean pulled a red-tipped dart from his waistband and knocked on the door, easing to the side of it. The guard opened the door. Sean threw the dart and it struck the other man in the side of his neck. Sean rushed up and caught him before he dropped to the floor.

  Savannah was tied and bound and had a scared look in her eyes.

  “It’s okay, I’m here to rescue you. I work with Troy, remember?”

  Savannah shook her head up and down as Sean untied her hands and her legs. He removed the gag over her mouth.

  She started coughing. “There’s a bomb under my chair. If I move, it’ll explode.”

  Mike’s voice sounded through his earpiece. “Four minutes.”

  Sean clicked a button on his waist. “We got a problem. There’s a bomb under her chair. I’m going to have to deactivate it.”

  Sweat started pouring down Savannah’s face. “Tell my sisters I love them.”

  Sean responded, “I need you to stay calm. You’re going to be able to tell them yours
elf. So don’t freak out on me.”

  “I’m worried about Troy. They keep telling me that he’s dead.”

  “He’s alive.”

  “You’re not just telling me that are you?” Savannah asked in a weak breath.

  “I need you to be my lookout. I locked the door, but let me know if you see the doorknob move while I’m concentrating on deactivating this bomb.”

  Mike said, “Three minutes. Troy’s been located.”

  “Good news. Troy’s been located,” Sean said as he slid on his back under the chair. He said a prayer and used the small wire cutters and clipped the wires in order of color. “One more and then you’re free.”

  “Hurry up because I have to pee,” Savannah said.

  “I’m not R. Kelly so I don’t want you to pee on me so I better hurry,” Sean jokingly said to ease the tension.

  He clicked the red wire and closed his eyes hoping his memory of disarming this type of bomb was correct.

  “One minute,” Mike said.

  Sean said, “We don’t have time to go out the way I came in.”

  Sean opened the window and helped Savannah out, while Jason kept her from falling on the ground. “Let’s go.”

  Mike repeated it in his ear so the entire team could hear. “Time’s up.”

  Sean said, “Savannah, I know you might be a little weak, but I need you to run as fast as you can. Don’t look back. Follow Jason. I’m right behind you.”

  “Where’s Troy?”Savannah asked.

  “Troy will be fine. I got other men looking for him,” Sean responded.

  Even in the dark, Sean could see Savannah’s fear, but time was no longer on their side. They jetted through the field. Gunshots were heard from behind them. The men with Sean fired back shooting and killing some of the men after them.

  Savannah wasn’t a track star but was physically fit so she ran fast enough to keep up with Jason. Sean looked back just in time to see part of the building blow up. He hoped and prayed the rest of his team were able to get out before the explosion and he hoped Troy was with them.

  “Mike, we’re a half mile away.”

  Mike said, “I’m sending Asia with the car. My foot’s swollen.”

  “Tell her to keep the lights off. Meet her on the road,” Sean responded. “There’s a car coming for us. We need to meet them on the road, but we might have company so let’s stay along the edges of the trees.”

  Savannah responded, “Okay. “ She started coughing.

  “Are you okay?” Sean asked.

  “Just thirsty but other than that I’m fine,” she responded, as they continued along the path.

  Before Sean could blink, Asia had pulled the SUV near them. Sean jumped out to flag her down to let her know their location. She jumped on the brakes, barely missing Sean.

  “Scoot over,” he said as he swung the driver’s side door open.

  Asia did as instructed. Jason opened the passenger door and helped Savannah in before getting in behind her.

  “Vanna, it’s you,” Asia screamed.

  Sean saw in his rearview mirror Montana and Savannah hug. The sisters’ reunion was short-lived because out of nowhere bullets started flying.

  Sean quickly turned the SUV around and gassed it. “Mike, we got company. Saddle up.”

  “I’m already on it.”

  Sean said, “Everybody buckle up . . . This is going to be a bumpy ride.”


  Montana held on to Savannah as Sean sped down the roadway. Tears stained her face. It all seemed surreal. “You sure you’re okay?” Montana asked over and over.

  “I’m fine. Thirsty, but I’m fine.”

  Jason reached into the back of the SUV and handed her a bottle of water.

  Savannah gulped it down as if she hadn’t had anything to drink in days. Savannah was the older sister but, right now, she needed to be nurtured. Montana held Savannah’s hand to comfort her and so that they both would know this wasn’t a dream. Savannah was free and had been reunited with her family.

  Montana said a silent prayer of thanks to God. She looked back to see if the car was still behind them. It appeared that Sean had lost them, but that’s when she noticed the car speed past an eighteen-wheeler. What she saw extended from the car scared her.

  “Oh my God. Looks like they have a missile,” she screamed.

  “Hold on.”

  “Hold on? You save Vanna just for us all to get blown up?” Asia shouted from the front seat.

  “Calm down, Asia. Sean knows what he’s doing,” Montana said in Sean’s defense.

  When Sean said he was going to gun it, he meant it. He went so fast that everybody’s backs were glued to the seats. He took an exit near Plano. Even at night, traffic was heavy on the popular road. “Out now,” Sean said as he zipped the vehicle behind a building.

  Everybody jumped out and ran behind Sean as they went into a residential neighborhood.

  “I have a friend who stays on the next street. We just need to make it there in one piece,” Jason said.

  “Call him and let him know to expect us,” Sean ordered.

  Savannah stopped and started coughing. “I’m okay. Just a little weak,” she said.

  Sean threw Savannah up around his shoulders and they ran behind Jason.

  Jason’s friend didn’t seem to be fazed by the sight of them as they quickly entered what looked like a normal one-story brick suburban home.

  But once they entered, Montana realized there wasn’t anything normal behind the doors. It looked like she had stepped into an army barrack with all of the arsenal she saw sprawled across the table where they were now.

  “Sean, heard good things about you,” the stranger with the long white beard said.

  “Mack. You’re a legend.”

  “And the good thing is I’ve lived through it,” Mack stated nonchalantly.

  Sean said, “Thanks for letting us camp out here until we can regroup.”

  “Man, I haven’t had this much excitement since my wife told me she was leaving me.”

  Montana asked, “I hate to bother you, but do you have a bathroom?”

  “Pretty lady, I have anything you want. It’s down the hall to the right.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Sir. You hear that, Jason? She’s out of my league, man.”

  “You’ll have to fight Sean for her,” Jason responded.

  The sisters walked to the bathroom. Montana noticed the sad look on Savannah’s face.

  “Vanna, everything will be okay. Sean is doing everything he can.” Montana said

  “No one has said anything about Troy. Where is Troy is all I want to know,” Savannah said.

  “Asia, finish helping her get cleaned up. I’ll go check with Sean and see what’s going on.”

  Montana eased back in the room and remained quiet as she listened from the doorway to Sean and Jason talking.

  “Have a seat,” Sean said without once looking in her direction.

  She should have known he knew she was there. She did as instructed and continued to listen.

  Sean said, “Mike said a few of our men are hurt and one is missing.”

  “Troy? What about Troy?” Montana blurted out.

  “We didn’t get him,” Sean said disappointedly.

  “What am I going to tell Vanna?”

  “Tell me what?” she asked as she walked back in the living room area with Asia.

  Montana patted the seat next to her. Savannah took a seat. “They were not able to get to Troy.”

  Savannah wailed. “No, please not Troy. Sean, tell me she’s wrong.”

  Sean confirmed what Montana said. “We weren’t able to get to him. We tried.”

  “Nooo.” Savannah’s voice trailed off as Montana rocked her back and forth in her arms.

  Sean’s phone rang. He answered and then said, “Our rides are here.”

  He thanked the old guy for his hospitality and they exited. Two SUVs were waiting for them.

“Ladies, I’m going to have the driver take you to a safe house until we can be sure that your homes are safe.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear. I’m tired, sweaty, and sticky,” Asia complained.

  Mike said, “There’s some clothes there. Might not be the exact sizes you all wear, but they’ll do. We would rather be safe than have something happen to you ladies.”

  Montana agreed. “Right. Come on, Asia.”

  Sean held the door open as Asia and Savannah eased in the back seat of the SUV. Sean hugged Montana tight and whispered in her ear, “Everything is going to be okay. I’ll call you.”

  Sean kissed Montana quickly on the lips right before she eased in her seat next to Savannah. He shut the door. Montana’s hand grazed her lips. She pushed her feelings for Sean to the backburner. She placed her hand on top of Savannah’s and squeezed it. She would do her best to comfort Savannah as she dealt with the possibility of having lost Troy.


  Sean was running on pure adrenaline. He took the moment of being in the passenger seat to exhale. They were headed to the office so the team could debrief. With the way things were going, they would have to figure out their next move. Troy’s abductors would be upset and there was no telling how they would retaliate.

  “Mike, you’re looking a little pale, man,” Sean said.

  “I’ll be all right,” Mike responded.

  Mike, Sean, and Jason heard loud talking as they walked toward the conference room. “What is going on?” Sean asked as he opened the door to the conference room.

  “Sean, I’ve been waiting for you,” a familiar voice said.

  The crowd of people moved away. The sight of Troy, bruised and in torn clothing, was a sigh of relief. Sean didn’t expect to get so emotional, but he was just happy to see his friend, his brother, safe and back among them.

  He rushed over to him and they gave each other a brotherly hug. “Man, we thought they had got you.”

  Troy patted Victor on the back. “Your man here got me out.”

  “Vic, we thought you were a goner. Man, why didn’t you radio in?”

  “I dropped my radio. I was about to go back for it when the explosion happened,” Victor responded.


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