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Montana's Way

Page 14

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Mmm. Not so fast. Meet me in my bedroom in about ten minutes.” Montana seemed to glide up the stairs.

  Sean locked the doors and made sure the house was secure. He wasn’t sure if ten minutes had passed and he didn’t care. He didn’t want to wait a minute more so he made his way up the stairs. He saw the glimmer of the light reflected by the candles that filled the bedroom. Sean smiled.

  Montana met him at the door with a sexy black lingerie. She pulled him inside of the room. Instead of waiting for him to respond, she pushed him gently and he fell down on the bed. Montana leaned down and kissed him and that’s when Sean took control. He fell back on the bed with her on top of him.

  Their lips locked and his manhood was in a tight position. He needed some relief. With his free hand, he unbuckled his pants. Montana saw what he was doing and assisted him. She helped him remove his pants and his shirt. In less than a minute, Sean was naked.

  Sean slowly removed the black straps from Montana’s shoulders. He planted kisses in each spot. “I’ve been thinking about this moment all day,” he admitted.

  “I love you, Sean,” Montana said as she stared into his eyes.

  Instead of responding with words, Sean wanted to respond with his actions. The lingerie fell to the side of the bed. He kissed Montana from head to toe and then back up again, stopping at the opening of her thighs.

  He took her in his mouth and savored her flavor. Montana’s thighs gripped him around his neck, but he didn’t stop. He wanted to pleasure her until she experienced several orgasms. Satisfied that she had, Sean then devoured her mouth and entered her body with a nice and slow thrust.

  Their bodies rocked and were in sync. He tried to control his body but Montana’s wetness and moans pushed him over the edge and he came with a force that had him howling like a wolf. He held on to Montana for dear life as they climaxed together.

  Sean held Montana in his arms and felt like now was the perfect time to approach her about their future. “Baby, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. How do you feel about us?”

  Montana responded, “Things have moved fast, but I know what I know and I know that I love you, Sean. And from your performance tonight, I know you love me.”

  Sean used one of his hands and wiped the hair from in front of her eyes. “Montana, you complete me. I don’t want my life to go back to how it was before.”

  “Sean, I don’t plan on going anywhere. I plan on being right by your side.”

  “So you’re my ride-or-die chick?” he teased.

  “Well, I guess you can say that,” she responded.

  “Will you be my wife?” he asked.

  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” Montana responded.

  “So that’s a yes.”

  “Wait, did you say wife?”

  “Montana Elaine Blake, will you marry me?”

  “All of this is moving so fast. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  Sean had reached over and removed the black velvet box from his pants pocket, but hesitated as he waited for Montana’s response.

  She continued, “Yes. Sean, I will take a chance and commit to you. But I don’t want to rush. There’s still things we need to learn about each other.”

  Sean held the black velvet box in front of her. “Montana, we’ll do it your way, baby. Now, if it was up to me, we could go down to the justice of the peace tomorrow.”

  Montana propped herself up on her elbow. She opened up the box he had been holding. She stared at the princess-cut diamond. “It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  Sean took it out of the box and slipped it on her finger. “Perfect.”

  “Perfect,” Montana repeated what he said. She then kissed him.

  They made love throughout the night.

  Over breakfast the next morning, Sean said, “I’m serious, Montana. I would marry you today, if you wanted to.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Sean wasn’t sure he heard her correctly. “Are you sure? I thought all women wanted big, lavish weddings.”

  “I’m normally not one to do things on the impulse, but in light of everything that’s happened, I’ve learned to stop worrying about what everyone else will think and do things my way. I love you, so why wait? Give me time to find something nice to wear and we can head downtown.”

  Sean’s mouth dropped open when he saw the vision of loveliness staring right back at him. “Montana, you look absolutely beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you approve,” Montana twirled around once showing off the white chiffon ruffled dress that seemed to accent each one of her curves. Her hair was pinned up and the light make-up displayed her natural glow and beauty of her face.

  Sean reached his hand out and she grabbed it. “Come. I don’t think I can wait a minute longer to make you my wife.”

  Montana followed Sean out of the house. He called in a few favors as they drove to the courthouse. Sean pulled a few strings and they were able to get their marriage license. While Montana was filling out their forms, Sean had called Mike and Troy.

  “Montana, what’s going on?” Savannah asked as she and Troy walked in the courtroom, followed by Asia and Mike.

  Montana looked at Sean. He said, “Well, this is a special day and I know how much you love your sisters so here they are. Now we can make this thing official.”

  The bailiff announced the arrival of the judge.

  Asia stated, “Oh my goodness. I can’t believe these two.”

  Mike placed his hand over Asia’s mouth.

  Sean and Montana stood before the judge and exchanged vows.

  “By the power of the state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Sean’s heart overflowed with love as their lips locked and sealed their union.

  Their friends and family congratulated them afterward. Sean heard Savannah tell Montana, “I can’t believe you beat me to the altar. If I wasn’t so happy for you, I would be jealous.”

  “I know, right. Sean asked me last night. I just felt it was right.”

  Since it was all last minute, they all decided to meet up at a local restaurant to celebrate.

  Troy stood up and did a toast. Sean refilled both his and Montana’s glasses with champagne. He stood up. “This is a new chapter in my life and I’m glad to share it with my brothers.” Sean looked at Troy and Mike. “And, my new sisters.” He looked at Savannah and Asia. “Montana, I’m proud to have you as my wife and I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life.”

  Montana stood up and they clinked their glasses. Sean took Montana’s glass and set it on the table next to his. They tuned out their family and the rest of the restaurant patrons and once again sealed their union with a kiss.


  The breeze from the ocean swept through the open hotel window, causing a chill to run up and down Montana’s spine. The sound of Sean’s snoring was like music to her ears. She was enjoying the fifth day of her marriage to a man who swept through her life like a whirlwind. Here they were enjoying their new lives as husband and wife on one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Paradise Island, Bahamas.

  She closed her eyes with hopes of drifting off but the chirping of the phone put her thoughts of going to sleep on hold. She reached across Sean. He stirred but didn’t wake up. She answered the phone, “Hello.” She repeated it several times without a response from the other end.

  She placed the phone back on the hook. The phone rang again. Montana answered and still there was no response.

  Sean asked, “Who was that?”

  “Must have been a wrong number because they didn’t say anything.”

  Sean’s eyes shot open. “Put your clothes on,” he stated in a firm voice.

  Montana didn’t move immediately. Sean threw some clothes on the bed. “Come on, Montana, we might not have much time.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked, but while putting her clothes on.

  Sean slipped on his jeans and shirt w
hile retrieving a weapon from one of his bags: a gun that Montana had no idea he had with him. He threw some items and her purse that held their important documents in a duffle bag.

  Sean grabbed a duffle bag and reached for Montana’s hand. “Come on, baby, we need to get out of here.”

  “Baby, what about our bags?” Montana asked.

  “I’ll send someone for them later. Now keep it down.”

  Montana saved her other questions for later. She trusted Sean and slipped out of the patio door of their hotel room at the same time she heard a loud knock at their hotel room door.

  Montana held on to Sean’s hand as they sprinted to the first available cab driver.

  Sean shouted, “Get us to the airport ASAP and I’ll give you an extra one hundred American dollars.”

  The middle-aged cab driver responded, “I got you, mon.”

  Montana shifted in her seat as the cab driver pulled off as if their life depended on it. And from the look on Sean’s face, it just might.

  “Do you have a cell phone?” Sean asked the driver.

  “For you, mon, yes.” The cab driver threw the cell phone to the back while maneuvering the cab around curves.

  “This is Sean. There’s been a change of plans. We need to get out of here ASAP.” Sean paused and then continued, “Thirty minutes? We don’t have thirty minutes.” Sean went back and forth with the person on the phone.

  “We’re almost there,” the cab driver said, right before his cab got broadsided by a black SUV.

  “Hold on,” were the last words Montana recalled hearing right before their cab flipped over several times.

  “Montana, baby, are you okay?” Sean asked several times.

  Montana had blacked out. She slowly came to and blinked her eyes. Her head felt like it was about to fall off. “Where am I?”

  “Baby, we need to get out of here before the people in the other vehicle come to. I want you to lean on me.”

  Montana eased herself up, and felt herself feel faint. Sean caught her. He held the backpack on one shoulder and held her with his other arm.

  She gathered up enough strength to stand on her own. “The driver. Is he okay?”

  “Baby, he didn’t make it.”

  “Oh, no,” Montana moaned.

  “Come on. We’re not that far from the airport.”

  They eased into the brush so they wouldn’t be able to be seen from the road. All sorts of noises could be heard. If Sean wasn’t with her, Montana would be scared out of her mind. She had to trust him so she pushed her fear to the side as they rushed toward the airport.

  The approaching headlights of an oncoming vehicle must have spooked Sean. “Get down,” he yelled only loud enough for her to hear.

  Montana did as instructed. “Baby, my head. It’s killing me.”

  “Hang on in there. We’re going to be there any minute. We need to wait for this car to pass us by.”

  The sound of the car got closer and closer. Montana’s heart beat faster and faster. The car eased by them.

  “Let’s crawl until I’m sure the car is out of sight,” Sean instructed.

  Montana crawled behind Sean. She didn’t want to imagine what her bare hands were touching. Sean stopped and looked behind them. He stood up and helped ease her on her feet.

  “Come on, baby, we’re almost there.”

  The sight of the lights of the small airport brought Montana relief.

  “Baby, don’t look back. I need you to run. Run as if your life depended on it,” Sean said as he grabbed her hand and started running toward the waiting small airplane.

  Montana made the mistake of looking back and saw the approaching vehicle. Montana ran because her life did depend on it.

  Sean stopped and made sure Montana entered the aircraft first. He then entered and with the help of the steward closed the airplane door. Shots were being fired as soon as the plane started rolling down the runway.

  Montana squeezed Sean’s hand, closed her eyes, and said a silent prayer as the plane ascended in the air.


  Sean watched Montana drift off to sleep. This was not the way he wanted to start off their marriage. He thought after the situation with Norman he could live a semi-normal life. He should have known not to put his guard down. The steward equipped him with a phone. “Mike, this is Sean. I need you to get someone to sweep my hotel room. Someone tried to kill us.”

  Sean gave Mike all of the information he would need to get the ball rolling. Sean dialed Troy’s number. “Don’t want you to alarm Savannah or Asia, but someone tried to kill us. I got Mike working on it now. We’re in the air headed to Miami. I need you to get me a car and some equipment ready because it might be a long drive back to Texas. I want to avoid Miami’s main airport because whoever is after me will probably look for us there.”

  Troy responded, “Consider it done. Do you have your cell?”

  “Yes. Text all instructions there.”

  “How’s Montana?”

  “She’s sleeping now but I’m about to wake her up because she has a slight concussion, I think.”

  “I won’t say anything to the girls just yet, but I know I’ll need to tell them something.”

  “I’ll let you deal with that. Just get me what I need.”

  “I’m about to get with Mike so we can find out what’s going on.”

  “In the meantime, you might want to put some protection around the girls too,” Sean said.

  “I’m already on it, bro. Be safe.”

  Sean and Troy ended their call. Sean shook Montana gently.

  “Baby, we’re almost in Miami,” Sean informed her.

  “Who were those people?” Montana asked.

  “I’m trying to find that out now.” Sean wished he had more to tell her but he didn’t.

  “Our life will never be boring I see,” Montana jokingly said.

  The phone chirped. He saw the caller ID and saw Mike’s number displayed. “This is Mike now. Hopefully, he has some news for me,” Sean said as he hit the green button.

  Sean listened as Mike talked. “All of your stuff is being recovered and will be shipped. We’re checking out video now so we can cross-reference and see who these people were.”

  “I asked Troy to get me a car,” Sean said out loud.

  “Once you get to Miami, one of our people will be at the small airport. Jack Daniels will be there to escort you back to Dallas,” Mike said.

  Good ol’ Jack. Sean hadn’t seen him in a few years but Jack could be ruthless and until he knew who was after him and his wife, he needed someone like Jack to have his back.

  Sean responded, “Hit me back when you know something else.”

  Thirty minutes later, the plane landed. Jack, ten years older than Sean and a few inches taller and wider, was waiting for them at the gate in his black SUV.

  “I hear you needed me son,” Jack said in his barri-tone voice.

  Sean and Jack gave each other a brotherly hug. “Now more than ever.”

  Jack looked at Montana. “So this is the woman who got Sean to jump the broom.”

  Montana extended her hand. Jack shook it and then pulled her into a hug. “Missy. We’re family.”

  “Okay,” was all Montana managed to say.

  Sean made sure Montana was secure in the black SUV while he sat up front with Jack.

  “Man, I heard you had gotten married. She’s a beauty, too. Too beautiful for you if you ask me,” Jack teased.

  “I’m a lucky man. Almost a dead man but lucky.”

  “Trouble seems to come when we least expect it,” Jack said.

  “It caught me off guard, but never again,” Sean admitted. Sean noticed Montana was unusually quiet. He wondered what was going on in her mind.

  Sean’s phone chirped, indicating an incoming call.

  Mike’s voice was on the other end. “Remember Raheem?”

  Sean recalled the blast from their past. Raheem was a notorious Texas drug lord. “So Raheem’s in the Ba

  “He’s not but his brother is. Apparently, he’s the one who spotted you and Montana at the airport. They’ve had you under surveillance ever since you guys showed up there.”

  Sean cursed out loud before responding to Mike. “Mike, I suggest you heighten up security. I have a feeling that the Bahamas is just a prelude to things to come.”

  “I knew this day was coming, but I just didn’t know when,” Mike stated. “Looks like Raheem is coming out of retirement.”

  “And, Mike, you know he’s going to come gunning for you.”

  “I don’t fear death but have a lot to live for,” Mike responded.

  “Be careful,” Sean said, having an uneasy feeling about this new revelation. Sean ended the call and said out loud, “We’re safe for now, but something tells me there’s a war brewing and we must be ready.”

  Montana asked, “So you know who tried to kill us?”

  “Yes, and he’s worse than the devil himself. He makes the devil look like an angel.”

  “Why do you say that?” Montana asked.

  “Mike pulled the trigger that ended the life of Raheem’s pregnant wife two years ago. Raheem disappeared off of law enforcement’s radar but now it seems he’s ready to come out of hiding.”

  A chill ran down Sean’s spine as he read a text from an anonymous number. “A life for a life. Tell Mike.”


  Montana felt a dire need to talk to her sisters after hearing about Raheem. “My phone needs charging. Can I use yours?”

  Sean hesitated before responding. “I’m waiting on Troy to call me.”

  “I know how to click over or hand you the phone,” Montana responded.

  Sean reluctantly handed her the phone. “Don’t tell them where we are.”

  “That’ll be easy because I really don’t know where we are.”

  She dialed Savannah’s phone but there was no answer. She clicked the end button and dialed Asia.

  “What’s up, sis? Surprised to hear from you since you’re on your honeymoon,” Asia responded.

  “For once, can you be quiet and listen?” Montana interrupted.

  “Well, excuse me.”

  “I’m on my way home. Someone shot at us and we had to leave the Bahamas.”


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