Book Read Free


Page 17

by Nikki Wild

“Crap. Where are we?” Haley asked.

  “Follow me.”

  I stepped past her, stopping at the first door to the left.

  “Are we headed to the field? That’s where I can get the best shots.”

  “Not yet,” I said. “This is the warehouse for supplies.”

  “Um, okay. And why are we here?”

  I grinned and opened the door.

  “Step inside, and you’ll find out.”

  Her green eyes twinkled as she slipped through the doorway. I followed, taking her hand as we walked between tall racks stacked with boxes full of all sorts of essentials to keep the stadium going.

  I led her to the back and turned on the lights for that section. She glanced around the area, stacked with boxes against the walls.

  “Where do you want me?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. You’ve got me all confused. I thought we would be on the field, and…”

  She stopped talking as I stripped off my shirt and flexed my arms, causing my pecs to pop.

  “I don’t want to do naked ones outside. We’ll get to the field, but I want you to know I trust you.”

  As she set her bag down, I kicked my shoes off, sending them flying.

  “Hold on,” she said. “Slow down. Let’s make this good.”

  “Tell me what to do.”

  “Act casual.”

  I dropped my hands to my side. The camera flash went off repeatedly.

  “That’s it,” she said.

  “I feel like I’m in a porn shoot or something.”

  “Well, you kinda are.”

  I tried on a few poses, stopping to give her time to take a photo of each one. She continued snapping photos as I put my thumbs in the waist band of my pants and pulled them down.

  “Damn,” she said, moving closer.

  “Don’t you have a zoom lens?”

  She lowered her camera, exposing her brilliant eyes.

  “That day on the field, when you swerved to avoid hitting me…”


  “You were behind the lens and far away. We’ve come so far now, and I want to be close to you.”

  She lifted the camera, the strap lifting above her head. I stepped forward as she set it on the floor. Our bodies pressed together as our lips touched. Her moans filled the air.

  “Shh. Not too loud,” I whispered.

  I watched as she stepped back, taking off her clothes.

  “We should hurry too.”

  “I love you’re as horny as me.”

  “Shh,” she said, nodding toward my crotch. “Get those off.”

  I slid my pants down as she got out of hers. Dressed only in panties and a bra, she embraced me again, our lips touching, tempting and teasing.

  As she stuck her hand down the front of my boxer-briefs, I reached around and undid her bra. It slipped away, exposing her beautiful breasts, her nipples hardening before my eyes.

  I sucked at one, never able to get enough of the taste or texture, the way she moaned as I nibbled and licked. She stroked my cock as I got my fill of her left breast and moved to the other.

  My kisses made their way back to her face, those soft, full lips. I stepped back and slipped her panties down. She stared at me, her eyes open so wide as she took it all in.

  I stepped forward, my arms wrapping around her naked body. I kissed her again, harder, urgently. She grabbed my cock, and I slid my hand between her legs, feeling her wetness.

  I picked her up in my arms and took a few steps. Leaning her back against a stack of boxes, I readjusted my grip after tossing her up a few inches in the air.

  Her arms resting on my shoulders, she stared into my eyes. Our heads bent as we kissed again, my cock rubbing against her pussy.

  She wrapped her thighs around me as my cock stiffened, throbbing against her softness.

  I lifted her higher. The tip of my dick slipped into her tightness and she moaned and pressed her head against mine, nibbling on my ear lobe as my cock slid in even deeper.

  “Yes,” she whispered, as I pressed deeper inside of her, shuddering in pleasure as she quivered around me. I lifted her up, my cock sliding out again. The friction left me breathless, as I fucked her faster, harder, deeper.

  “Yes,” she purred encouragingly in my ear.

  “Fuck me,” she groaned. I glanced around and saw a box closer to the ground. She squealed as I stepped over to the box, hoping it was sturdy enough to hold our weight.

  Here goes nothing, I thought, sitting down with her still inside me. The cardboard gave away underneath us. She screamed, hanging onto me as we tumbled backward.

  “It’s full of jerseys or something, I think.”

  “I don’t care,” she said, grinding against me.

  I threw my arms around her back, squeezing tight as she rode me. My dick got even harder as I got closer to the edge. The sensation of being buried inside of her drove me wild, threatening to send me crashing and exploding.

  The thought of getting caught also turned me on, making each moment even more intense. She kissed my neck, her breasts rubbing against my chest, my body on fire with each thrust inside of her.

  “That’s it,” I cooed, trying to hold back.

  She rocked harder, faster, and with more ferocity. I placed my hands on the side of her head, staring into her eyes as our bodies moved as one.

  After everything we’d been through together in such a short time, I loved her even more than I ever could have imagined when we were kids.

  What were the odds of us even meeting again? It was as if fate wasn’t done with us.

  She slowed down, grinding against me, her palms on my chest. Her eyes squinted, and she cried out.

  “Toby!” she panted, her pussy squeezing around me, her hips flailing wildly.

  I smiled, still stuffing my cock into her even deeper. My entire body abuzz, I let myself go. As she stopped shaking, moaning quieter, I came, thrusting deep inside her.

  “Yes, baby,” she purred, her voice shooting right through me.

  My body bucked of its own accord as I came down, gently floating back to earth as she stared into my eyes and smiled larger than Christmas morning.

  “We destroyed this box,” she said, giggling.

  I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt.

  She carefully climbed off me.

  “I love you, Toby.”

  “I love you, too, Haley,” I said, peering deeply into her beautiful eyes. I wanted to reach into her soul and drown her with my love everyday. She smiled up at me, her eyes twinkling with joy.

  “So, can I see the photos and decide if I want you to keep them?” I asked, reality crashing back around us.

  “The photos? Oh, yeah, those.”

  I slipped out of her and stood up, walking over to the camera on the floor and picking it up.

  “You want to take any more?” I asked, handing her the camera as I stood over her, my cock dangling between my legs.

  “No, but I appreciate why you did this tonight,” she said, smiling.


  She nodded.

  “I think so.”

  “Well, I wanted you to take more naked photos of me to let you know I still trust you. Just keep a closer eye on them this time, okay?”

  “I will,” she said, grabbing her panties. “I promise.”

  I gathered my clothes and put them on, wanting to get home and take a shower or sleep. The week ahead would be difficult with no practice, but I’d get to spend more time with Haley.

  “I wish you would have kept a copy of those other ones,” I said, after putting on my shirt.

  “Photos like those I don’t make copies. These new ones are never leaving my sight. Ever.”

  She pressed her body against mine. I kissed her as if we would never see each other again.

  “You coming back to my house?” I asked.

  “I’d love to,” she said.

  “Should we go find Billy?” I asked.

  She shook her head.
  “He’ll be busy with Brett. Let’s go.”

  “Stop and buy a car on the way home?”

  “This late?” she laughed.

  “I have connections.”

  “Maybe tomorrow,” she said, smiling.

  We went outside to her car. As she drove toward my house, I stared out the passenger window, wondering what the next week would bring for us. Only good, I hoped. We deserved it.



  Back at his house, we went inside.

  I frowned as I sat down on his couch, still feeling bad about what had happened to him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sad. Why won’t your coach let you back on the team? I feel like it’s all my fault, and there’s nothing I can do.”

  “It’s complicated, but I’ll figure it out. I have options.”

  “You want to play, though, right?”

  He nodded.

  “More than you know. You coming up to bed?”

  “I’m going to look through some old photos for a bit. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. You’ve got me tuckered out.”

  “You did not just say you were tuckered out.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

  He winked at me. I kissed him, pressing my palms against his rock hard chest.

  “You’re going to start the launch sequence if we’re not careful,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Launch sequence?”

  He glanced down, between my legs.

  “Oh. Funny. I’ll crawl into bed soon and see if you’re still up. Get it?”

  “I got it. Have fun.”

  As I removed my laptop from my bag, he turned and went upstairs. The physical and emotional explosions from earlier that evening were affecting me in a big way.

  In the bottom of my bag, I noticed a flash drive with the Kent State logo on the side. My eyes widened in joy as I reached in and snatched it out. Holding it up in front of my face, I smiled.

  When I had told Toby I didn’t keep copies of all my files, I had forgotten the files had at one time been on my spare flash drive. They were deleted, but I might be able to get them back.

  If I did, I would be able to prove Jessica had stolen them from me in order to make Toby look bad and ruin his career. Publishing the information, with proof, might sway public opinion.

  And if that happened, his coach and the team owners might rethink letting him go when his contract ran out at the end of the season. They might even let him play again.

  I set my laptop down on his dining room table and pulled out a chair. A moment later, the computer was reading the flash drive. The newspaper supplied all their employees with RecoverIT.

  The software allowed the retrieval – most of the time – of deleted files. As the program loaded up, I took a deep breath. Should I wake Toby up? No, I’ll let him sleep.

  When RecoverIT finally loaded, I pointed it to the flash drive. Magically, I saw a list of all the files Jessica had stolen from my computer. Immediately, I took a screenshot.

  I felt bad for not thinking of it sooner, but if it helped Toby get back on the team, I’d learn to forgive myself. After a few clicks, the software began to recover the files.

  While it worked in the background, I opened my email to compose a new message. Scott was the main recipient with the publisher as a CC. I breathed deeply then began typing.

  I started the email with why and how I’d gotten a job at the newspaper. Five hundred words later, I got to the point. In the memo, I admitted making a mistake of leaving personal photos on my computer.

  The next paragraph, I outlined why doing a story on Jessica stealing the photos and pressing charges against her would be a good thing for the newspaper. Well, the corporation that owned the local paper.

  By the time I signed off with “Sincerely, Haley Harrison, Photographer,” I had myself convinced it would all work out. At least the first step of my plan to save Toby’s career. His coach had to get on board too.

  While staring at the message on the screen, inspiration struck me. Toby had told me Coach Harris might be retiring. If I convinced the publisher to name the coach a local hero, he might change his mind.

  I dove into the message, adding two paragraphs about tying the Jessica story to Coach Harris retiring at the end of the season. To make it even sweeter, I whipped up a spreadsheet full of revenue projections.

  The stories on Jessica and the coach plus a dedicated website for all things Cleveland Browns would drive a lot of eyeballs and advertising revenue, the only real numbers corporate cared about.

  Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the fact Toby had fucked me so damn good, but I felt inspired. My whole life had been leading up to this moment. If I succeeded, everything would be even better.

  I heard birds chirping outside as I finished the massive message. After reading it through one more time, I hit send. Crap. Am I doing the right thing? Worst case scenario, they would fire me.

  A new job wouldn’t be so bad, I thought as I crept upstairs. Toby slept on his stomach, his body only half-covered. I walked over, slipped out of my clothes, and cuddled up next to him.

  He groaned and rolled over, putting his arm around me. I fell asleep almost instantly, so tired and full of joy and apprehension at the same time. No matter what happened, when I woke, Toby would be with me.

  In some ways, that was all that mattered.

  The next morning, I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. Toby groaned as I reached over to his nightstand and grabbed it. The number was from the newspaper. Uh oh.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Is this Haley Harrison?” a woman asked.

  “Um, yes. May I ask who’s calling?”

  “This is Ms. Nielson, assistant to the publisher at the Cleveland Press.”

  “Yes,” I said, sitting up in bed. “Is everything okay?”

  “Mr. Schmidt would like to see you in his office today before your shift. Can you come in early?”

  “Sure. Is everything okay? What does he want to talk to me about?”

  “You’ll find out when you get here. What time can you make it in?”

  “An hour or two maybe? I work second shifts, so it’s early. What time is it?”

  “Eight o’clock. Can you make it at nine-thirty?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Is this about the email I sent?”

  “I have you down, Ms. Harrison. See you at nine-thirty sharp. Goodbye.”

  She ended the call before I could ask any other questions.

  What the hell? Hazy memories of the crazy email I’d crafted just a few hours earlier flashed through my mind. Did them not saying anything mean it was bad news or good?

  I shook Toby’s shoulder. He groaned again, pulling away.

  “It’s early,” he mumbled.

  “I think I fucked up again,” I said.

  He rolled over and opened his eyes a crack.

  “We’ll be fine. I promise. Can I sleep five more minutes?”

  “My boss wants me to come in early today.”

  “Scott? What’s he want with you?”

  “No, my boss’ boss, the publisher.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, but I wanted to let you know.”

  I crawled out of his massive bed.

  “Love you,” he said, stretching. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to need it, I think.”

  He sat up in bed and stretched again.

  “They didn’t tell you what they want?”

  I shook my head.

  “That’s never a good sign,” he said.

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m kind of freaking out. I kind of sent them this email last night.”

  “Sent them an email? I’m so confused right now. I need coffee.”

  “You sleep, baby. I’ll talk to you when I get back. I may be jobless, so prepare yourself.”

  “I’m here for you,” he said then laid back down and clo
sed his eyes.

  I smiled while staring at his sleeping body. Even if I lost my job, I would still have him in my life. And that was worth much more than some silly newspaper job.

  As my lover and soul mate slept, I showered and got dressed before having breakfast downstairs. He wandered in, yawning, as I finished my toast and jam.

  “Okay, did I dream all that upstairs, or?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m on my way out the door now. I hope the car starts.”

  He bent down and kissed me on the forehead.

  “You go get them. How long is the meeting?”

  “I have no idea. I’ll call you when it’s done, okay?”

  “Sure. Maybe I’ll have a surprise for you.”

  He grinned.

  “I’m not sure if I’m ready for any more surprises in my life.”

  I stood up and left his house.

  My car started up, barely.

  My knee bounced up and down nervously as I sat outside the publisher’s lavish office. A handful of journalists were culled from the staff every year, making all of our jobs more difficult, but he had a great salary and all the trappings of upper management for a huge corporation.

  I stole a glance at Ms. Nielson. All the stories about her being cold and emotionless were true. She worked behind her desk outside the publisher’s office, head down and focused.

  The door opened thirty minutes after I arrived. Mr. Schmidt stood in the doorway, his pants held halfway up his huge belly by a pair of suspenders. He stared at me.


  I nodded nervously, my heart racing.

  “I’ll see you now. Come inside.”

  His assistant gave me no comfort as I walked over and through the doors.

  “Go ahead and shut them,” he said as he lumbered across the huge office to his desk.

  I saw Scott sitting at a chair in front of it, staring at me, his face so serious.

  Neither of the men were helping me read the situation as I wandered over after closing the door.

  “Have a seat, Haley,” Mr. Schmidt said, waving his arm toward the empty chair next to Scott.

  I sat down, hands neatly folded in my lap.

  “We’ve been discussing this email you sent early this morning,” he said, glancing at his computer screen. “That was quite a memo.”


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