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Page 10

by Liz Bower

  A sense of déjà vu hit me as Marco drove us to the same restaurant as last time. Yet it seemed different somehow too. I guessed because, although we’d known each other for years, we had actually become friends again since he’d moved in. At least that’s how I felt. I liked him, trusted him. And if the little touches and smiles he gave me were anything to go by, I believed he might feel the same way. And the kisses we had shared … well, I wasn’t sure what they meant.

  Marco parked the car and walked around to open my door, then escorted me inside and ordered our drinks as we waited for Alex and Maria to arrive. He slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me in to his side. He turned to face me as he leaned against the bar. When the barman placed our drinks in front of us, Marco paid him. As I anxiously glanced around the restaurant to look for Alex and Maria, I bit down on my lip. For some reason I was more nervous than last time.

  “Stop worrying,” Marco said as he reached up to pull my lip free with his thumb, then wrapped his fingers around the side of my neck. “You’ll be great, just like last time.”

  “Of course she will.”

  I jumped at Alex’s voice behind me.

  “Come on. Our table is ready. Let’s not keep them waiting.”

  We followed Alex to the table. As I took a seat next to Marco, Alex introduced John and his wife, Lynn. John was the IT manager of Rural Retreats.

  “Will Carol be joining us?” John asked.

  I glanced at Alex, not knowing what to say. Carol had been dealing with Rural Retreats, so it was no surprise they wondered why I was there instead.

  “Unfortunately she couldn’t make it tonight, but Jo has been working with Carol and will be able to answer any of your questions.”

  John didn’t look too happy about that, and I took a large gulp of my wine. I dropped my hands into my lap, and Marco grabbed one of them, wrapping his fingers around mine and giving them a gentle squeeze. The tension in my shoulders eased almost immediately.

  Maybe Alex was right about Marco calming me down.

  I gazed up at him, and he gave me a smile and another squeeze of my hand. As I returned his smile, I told myself that I could do this. Had done it before. I turned to face John and asked, “What is it about your current software that you aren’t happy with?”

  And when he started to explain, my worries disappeared as I thought of all the ways our software was better.

  Dinner passed in a blur as John continued to fire questions at me, but I was actually starting to enjoy it. As our dessert plates were cleared, the conversation shifted away from work, and I let Alex take over.

  When Alex stood, I did too, and my fingers slipped from Marco’s hand. Once we’d eaten, he’d taken my hand in his again beneath the table and hadn’t let go.

  “I think a drink is in order to celebrate, don’t you?” Alex said once John and his wife had left.

  Marco stood and twined our fingers together, pulling me close. He leaned down so his lips were next to my ear and his warm, coffee-scented breath blew across my neck.

  “Sorry, but what are we celebrating?”

  With a quiet laugh, I shook my head at him. I stepped aside to let Alex and Maria continue to the bar and turned to face him.

  “You take the role of boyfriend seriously, don’t you?”


  “Pretending to listen,” I said, my head cocked to one side and mock indignation in my voice.

  His smirk threatened to break into a smile. “Yeah, yeah. What did I miss?”

  “They agreed we could pitch against another firm.”

  “And that’s a good thing?”

  “Yes. If we pitch it right, then we could sign them up as a new client. A very big client. So yes, it’s definitely a good thing.”

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me towards the bar.

  “Ahh. You two make such a lovely couple,” Maria said.

  My cheeks flushed, but Marco just aimed a charming smile at Maria. He leaned down to press his lips against my warm cheek and then slipped his hand in mine, giving it a soft squeeze.

  “I think so,” Marco said, ignoring the look I was giving him.


  Marco was quiet on the drive home, but then so was I. When I glanced over at him out of the side of my eye, he seemed fine. I had wondered if it had something to do with Maria’s comment, but it hadn’t seemed to bother him at the time. Sooner or later though, I was going to have to break the news to Alex that we had ‘split up.’ I couldn’t carry on with this charade forever.

  Yet as I glanced over at him again, I had the urge to cover his hand that was resting on the gear stick with my own. Was this what it would be like being in a couple with Marco? Him knowing when I was nervous and trying to reassure me?

  Except we weren’t a couple. An image of Lily flashed through my mind, all blonde hair and attitude. We were nothing alike. I wasn’t Marco’s type just like I wasn’t Dan’s. And then Amy’s words hit me again: “If you think you stand any chance with Dan, then you’re seriously mistaken.” So why would I stand any chance with Marco?

  The house was in darkness when I let us inside.

  “We should have a drink. Celebrate your success tonight. Beer?”

  “Sure. I’m gonna go get changed.”

  When I made my way back downstairs in my black and white checked pyjamas, Marco was sitting on the sofa with two bottles of beer set on the coffee table. I curled up next to him and picked up one of the beers. He grabbed the other and tapped it gently against mine.

  “To a successful night.”

  “To a successful night,” I repeated and took a sip. But with Gabi out and no distractions, the house was quiet and I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  Marco took the beer from my hand, placing both bottles on the coffee table before turning to look at me. I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry.

  Marco had removed his tie and the top buttons of his shirt were undone to reveal the smooth skin over his collarbone. He tangled a hand in my hair and leaned closer. The smell of the beer and Marco filled my senses. Gently he brushed his lips over mine, and I raised my hand, pressing it against his chest. Marco pulled back so our lips were no longer touching but his warm breath still caressed my skin.

  “What are we doing, Marco?”

  He ran his free hand through his hair, leaving it tousled. He looked like he’d stepped straight out of a sexy office fantasy.

  “I know what I’d like to be doing.” With a soft sigh, he dropped his hand from my hair. He twined our fingers together and said, “I meant what I said … at the restaurant. That we’re good together.”

  I chewed on my lip, not entirely sure what he meant. Did he mean we’d be good together in bed? Was that all this was? “I can’t. Gabi’s my best friend. I love being part of your family. I don’t want to lose that for, for …”

  “Why would you lose that?”

  I wasn’t sure why. Couldn’t explain the fear I had that they would treat me differently if anything happened between us.

  “They don’t even have to know yet.”

  He lowered his head, his tongue darting out to lick the corner of my mouth. But as he touched me, those fears receded. He pushed me back until my head was on the arm of the sofa and he was pressed against me from chest to knee. My lips parted, and then my tongue entangled with his. As my eyelids lowered, he sucked my tongue into his mouth and ground his hips against mine. I let out a soft moan and my hand sought out the hem of his shirt, pulling it free of his trousers before I slipped my hands underneath the shirt, my fingers cold against his heated skin.

  His abs clenched as I brushed my fingertips against them, but I didn’t stop until I reached his firm pecs. Already hardened, I rubbed my thumb over one of his nipples, and he tilted his hips in response. He released my tongue and followed as it retreated, licking across my lips before exploring my mouth.

  He lifted one hand up and grabbed the back of his shirt at the neck, broke the kiss, and then y
anked the top off in one go.

  I couldn’t say anything. I was overwhelmed by the need to get closer to him.

  Then he dropped his hand to the top button on my pyjamas and waited. My head moved in the slightest nod, but that was all he needed. Lifting his other hand, he leaned back and unfastened the first button.

  My lip slipped between my teeth when he opened the last one. He gripped each side of the material, slowly slipped the two sides apart and stared until I squirmed uncomfortably beneath his gaze. Then he brushed a finger over my pebbled nipple, making my skin break out in goosebumps. I forgot everything except the arousal he was eliciting in my body.

  He lowered his head and sucked the other hardened tip into his mouth. Releasing it with a pop, he flattened his tongue and dragged it across my nipple before circling the soft skin around it. I moaned, arching my back and writhing beneath him. He placed his left hand back on the cushions and trailed the other down until he reached the waistband of my pyjama bottoms. When I lifted my hips, he slid his hand beneath them and over my short curls, scraping his teeth across my nipple before sucking the sting away.

  He brushed his thumb across my swollen clit and slipped a finger inside me.

  “Oh shit …”

  My hands slid down his chest, fingers trailing across the planes of his pecs until I reached his waistband and popped the button open. He lifted his hips to give me easier access. I slid his zipper slowly down, the noise of it almost drowning out the roaring of my blood through my ears.

  The first gentle touch of my fingers against his cock elicited a moan deep in his throat. I rubbed my whole palm against his hardness before moving back up. He slipped another finger inside me, and I clenched around him. I slid my fingers beneath his boxers and the heat of my hand surrounded him. With a firm grip, I started to drag my hand up and down his length, stroking my thumb over the tip and spreading the beads of liquid along his length.

  He focused on my clit, then crooked his fingers inside me. My muscles fluttered until they clamped tight.

  “Oh God … Marco I’m gonna—”

  I let out a long moan, and he thrust his hips, trying to get more friction, so I tightened my grip on him. He screwed his eyes shut tight as my touch sent him over the edge, coating my hand with his hot release.

  “Oh shit. Yeah,” he groaned.

  As his breaths gentled, he dropped his forehead to mine. My eyes were closed and he pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. When he pulled back, I opened my eyes and gave him a shy smile, and he grinned back at me. He rolled onto his side, his fingers slipping out of me, and pulled me against his chest so I wouldn’t fall off the sofa. He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned my head back against his chest with a soft sigh.

  I heard a soft snore from Marco and smiled.

  As I snuggled closer to him, it felt right to be in his arms.


  The following morning, Marco and Gabi had already left for work by the time I came downstairs. At work I was busy, and busy kept my mind off other things. Things like Marco.

  Things like whether it was wrong that I was enjoying getting to pitch for our potential new client when Carol had only been in the office once that week. But if she hadn’t been absent, then I wouldn’t be working on this. The enjoyment was tinged with guilt though, and the shrill ring of my office phone interrupted my thoughts.

  “Can you come to my office now?”

  “I’ll be right there.” From the tone of Alex’s voice, I guessed he wasn’t about to give me good news. Nicola popped her head up over our desk divider, but I just shrugged at her. With a brief knock, I pushed open the office door to reveal a pale-looking Alex. I closed the door quietly behind me, took a seat opposite him and waited.

  “I know Carol’s not been around much this week, and you must be wondering why.”

  “I assumed she was off sick.”

  Alex shook his head and narrowed his eyes at me. “I thought you should know I received another letter. This time I’ve contacted the police.”

  I sat up straight, clasping my hands together. Alex was still watching me closely, and I tried not to fidget in the seat. “Do the police want to speak to me? Do they think I’m responsible?”

  “I don’t know. I guess they will want to speak to a few of us, me included.”

  I’d never been in trouble with the police, not even so much as a parking ticket. Surely they wouldn’t think I was involved, would they? Fingers clutching the arms of the chair, I leaned forward. “What … Can you tell me what this one said? Did it mention me? Or the job?”

  Alex leaned an elbow on the desk and removed his glasses, rubbing a finger across the bridge of his nose. He let out a sigh and put them back on. “Basically along the same lines. I can’t give you the details, but the threat was targeted at a specific person this time.”

  I fell back against the chair, and Alex’s gaze followed me. “Surely the police know I’m not that stupid. I mean, if I had been involved, why would I send a letter to you saying you should hire me? I’d be better off just keeping my mouth shut and hoping somebody else gets the blame. I’m practically doing Carol’s job at the moment anyway, but I wanted the job because you thought I was the best person for it. I—”

  “Jo,” he said, raising his hand. “You’re rambling. Calm down. I’m sure the police will just want to ask you some questions like the rest of us. I don’t think there’s any proof against you, or unfortunately who actually sent them. Just wait and see what the police say, okay?”

  “Why did you tell me, then?”

  Alex steepled his fingers beneath his chin and stared at me for a long moment. “I wanted to see your reaction.”

  I let out a gasp at his admission. Did Alex think I was guilty?

  “I don’t think you’re capable of sending those letters. But Carol wanted to quit today.”

  “What? Why?”

  “The letter threatened her child.”

  I pressed a hand against my chest. “Oh my God. That’s awful. Who would do something like that? I didn’t even know she had a kid.”

  “I know.” Alex took his glasses off again, resting them on the desk. “You can’t tell anybody that I told you about this, okay?”

  I’d never seen Alex look so … lost. He thought of his employees as family, so it had to hurt. “Of course not. I’m so sorry, Alex.” He waved a hand at me because what else was there to say? “If … Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  Alex gave me a curt nod and put his glasses back on as I stood. I left his office on unsteady legs. There was a very distinct possibility that the police would think it was me sending the threats. I sat back down at my desk and stared at the blank screen. There was nothing I could do except wait for the police to contact me. Oh yes, and carry on doing Carol’s job, except I’d quite happily hand that job over to anybody else right then.

  I was still staring blankly at the screen when I heard murmured voices and the creak of chairs rolling. The noises came from behind me, and I turned to see a group of people gathering. As I followed their gazes, I saw what had caused the fuss through the glass partition to the reception area. Hilary was standing in front of the reception desk, looking flustered across from two men. It took a lot to get Hilary flustered. She was used to dealing with people, obviously, but these men held out what looked like ID badges.

  As I stared at the scene before me, Alex walked towards reception area. This must be about the second threat he’d received. They’ll want to speak to me too soon. Alex led the men back to his office, and I slumped into my chair, letting the buzzing speculation of my co-workers float over me. Clearly I had no reason to worry, but I was anyway. I knew I was innocent, but would it look like that to the police? If I didn’t know I was innocent, my first suspect would be me. But then again, who else would they suspect? I gazed around the office. Amy, maybe? She wasn’t my biggest fan, but I wasn’t sure she’d go that far. Or had the brains to.

  Would th
e police arrest me? Escort me out of the office with my hands cuffed behind me? Okay, maybe I had watched too many detective shows and I was letting my imagination run away with itself.

  The murmur of hushed voices started again, and I turned in their direction. Carol was in reception talking to Hilary. As she entered the office, everyone turned to watch as she walked past the rows of desks, heading for Alex’s office. She looked tired, her hair pulled back and dark circles under her eyes. I guessed sleep was the last thing on her mind if someone had threatened her kid.

  She knocked on Alex’s office door and then disappeared inside. I stared at his office but then Alex closed the blinds. As the voices quieted, I turned back to my desk, shuffled the papers spread over it and wondered if my name had come up.

  Does Carol think I’m responsible?


  I closed the front door behind me with my back and leaned heavily against it, head resting on the hard wood. The officers’ questions had been tumbling around my head since I’d escaped the meeting with them. On hearing Marco’s voice, I pushed off the door and walked into the living room. I had been hoping for some time alone.

  “Do you two ever do any work? You spend more time here than I do, and I have an office here.”

  “Hello to you too, Gabi.”

  “Hi. And bye. I’m going into work to try and get some peace and some work done for a change.”

  “What’s up with her?” I asked once Gabi left.

  “I think she’s had enough of me cramping her style. It’s about time I found my own place, apparently.”

  “Oh, you can’t blame her, really. You have kind of taken over the living room,” I said with a shrug.

  He pulled his bedding to the edge of the sofa and patted the cushion next to him. I slipped off my shoes and curled up on the seat. “Why aren’t you at work?”

  Marco draped his arm along the back of the sofa as his body twisted towards me. “I took the day off to look at some more places to rent.”


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