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Play With Me

Page 9

by Marian Tee

  She was in love with him.

  And since she was in love with him, it was easy to forgive her on the spot. He had to. He didn’t take girls he hated to bed, after all.

  That was his next objective, right after he figured out how to get Lace to come with him quietly.

  “Are you okay with leaving with him?” Silver heard Gabriel ask.

  And that. Getting Gabriel out of the picture was of top priority, too.

  When he saw Lace turn to the other man in question, Silver gritted out, “Over my dead body.”

  She glared at him. “Why do you care?”

  “Of course I damn care,” he roared back. He tugged her towards him again, his fury mounting when she still insisted on resisting. Like fuck he’d let her go. She was the one who came to him. Now, she had to bear the fucking consequences.

  “Why?” Lace spat. “Why would you care when you already have that?” She turned to Gabriel again. “Please—”

  “Leave us alone, Gabriel.” Silver’s gaze collided with Gabriel’s, both men sizing each other up.

  “Who is this girl to you?” Gabriel asked him in Dutch.

  “The woman I love,” he said shortly.

  Gabriel blinked. “Ah.” He gazed down at Lace with regret. “I’m afraid this is not a battle I can fight for you.”

  Silver gritted his teeth when Lace tried to hold on to the European prince. “No, no, whatever he said, it’s a lie.”

  “It’s not.”

  “What did you say anyway?” she cried out, still trying to hold on to Gabriel.

  Watching her, he said simply, “I told him you’re the woman I love.”

  Lace’s hands fell from Gabriel’s arm.

  This time, when he took her hand, she didn’t protest. Behind them, Eva was still screeching, but one nod from him and his guards prevented her from even reaching him.

  “You fucking bastard, you just used me, didn’t you?”

  Silver flinched.

  He had.

  When he glanced down at Lace, she had a sick look on her face. Tightening his hold on her hand, he walked more swiftly, heading to the closest exit. Outside the ballroom, he took her to the powder room, knowing his guards would ensure they would not be interrupted.

  When he turned to her, his little lamb asked in a halting voice, “You really…did it with her?”

  It was clear in her eyes she wanted him to say ‘no’. That she would rather he even lied.

  Silver let out a ragged sigh. She really was young, his little lamb. But…even so, she was the one who owned his heart, and because of that, Silver knew he owed her the truth, even if it hurt.


  Lace stumbled back.

  He reached for her, but when she stiffened, he stilled. “Lace—”

  She was blinking her eyes furiously. “I’m just trying to understand…”

  “What did you expect?” he demanded savagely. “I practically begged you to love me, and you threw it back in my face.”

  “I know!”

  She was crying now, and he couldn’t bear it.

  He pulled her into his arms, tightening his hold when she tried to get out of his embrace. “I’m sorry,” Silver said hoarsely against her hair.

  “You’re. Such. An. Asshole.”

  “I know that, too.”

  “I can’t…I can’t even think of doing it with any other guy,” she sobbed against his shirt.

  “I know.” He stroked her hair away from her face. “I’m sorry.” He looked into her eyes, wanting her to see he meant it, would rather slit his wrist than hurt her like that again. “I wish I could say the same, but…I wanted to hurt you back.”

  Lace sobbed, “Such. An. Asshole.”

  He winced, but then he felt her moving, her hands cupping his face.

  She told him shakily, “But…I…I love you anyway.”

  First Secret

  One month later

  Silver March, you asshole. She glared at him even as she bit her lip hard, doing her best not to make a sound while he bounced her up and down on his cock. Restroom sex was hard, and it wasn’t just because of the cramped space. It was even harder when at any moment, her boys could barge in and figure out why it was taking her ten minutes – and counting – to pee.

  Silver only grinned, and the wicked glint in his eyes told her he was in the mood to torture her even more.

  A second later, he was flipping her around, her back against his. She let out a silent moan as he impaled her on his cock once more, but that wasn’t the end. As he lifted her up and down, Lace could also feel his hand moving, fingers grazing her tender skin—

  Oh. My. Gaaaaaaaaaaawd—

  Pushing her legs wide open, leaving them dangling over his on each side, Silver reached for her clit from behind and started to flick it in tandem with his fingers tweaking her aching nipple and his cock pounding in and out of her pussy.

  She twisted around to look at him, and he took advantage by covering her mouth with his. It was the most unbelievable sensation, being kissed, fondled, and fucked. In moments, she was coming, her moans and his groans swallowed in their kiss as she writhed and jerked while his cock continued to ram into her soaking flesh.

  “Finally.” Ivan shook his head resignedly when she emerged from the restroom six minutes later, not a single strand of hair out of place.

  Before she could answer, the other players were calling out greetings to Silver, who was entering the complex from the main doors. Her cheeks flushed at the sight of him, but she did her best to sound surprised as she said, “March.”

  His smile was angelic. “Wyndham.” He took a seat at the first row of bleachers. Even though her team always invited him to sit on the bench, Silver never did sit with them. It was as if he knew without being told that there were lines which were best left uncrossed.

  Silver never interrupted either when she was coaching, but she could always feel his gaze on her, whatever she was doing.

  When she came back to him, he patted his lap.

  She froze. And then she shook her head very quickly. “Are you kidding?” she hissed.

  But Silver was a very patient man. He looked at her and then patted his lap again. “We’re going to do this until you agree.”

  Shit. Since she knew by now he wasn’t the type to bluff, she reluctantly headed towards him, dragging her feet and finally lowering herself on his lap, her back stiff.

  “I want you again,” he whispered into her ear.

  Lace turned red. “Will you please not talk about—”


  She tried to get off Silver’s lap, but he didn’t let her, his arm around her waist locking her to him. Shit. He was clearly in asshole mode again. She turned towards Vasyl. “What is it?”

  “You think we can go for that alley oop play?”

  She frowned. “No.”

  Her point guard grimaced. “Why not?”

  “It’s too soon, plus there’s the fact that your ankle still hasn’t fully healed—”

  “It’s okay now,” Vasyl said, stiffening at the mention of his injury.

  “No. It’s not.” When he opened his mouth to argue, she scowled. “No, and that’s final. I’m only thinking about what’s best for you so stop glaring at me, you ungrateful jerk. If you want your career to last beyond college, then you need to listen to your elders. If I say you need to rest, then you need to fucking rest—”


  Her tirade came to a huffing stop. “What?” she snapped. It was so exhausting to get mad. Damn these boys for being so stubborn.

  “I get what you’re saying, but…” Vasyl smirked. “It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re sitting on a guy’s lap like you’re about to be his dessert.”

  Lace turned red. “Y-you—”

  In the middle of dribbling his way to the back court, Alexio paused in front of them, grinning. “Coach?”

  That grin…did she even want to hear what this little punk had to say?
  “You were really good earlier at pretending you didn’t know March was coming. You almost had us convinced, but…” He looked at her shirt pointedly. “Since I don’t think you need to take your shirt off just to pee…”

  Lace slowly looked down at her shirt.

  Ah, fuck.

  She had worn it inside out.

  Silver laughed with the rest of the team, and this time he let her go as she jumped off his lap.

  “It’s not fucking funny, ASSHOLES!”

  “Yes, it is, Coach,” her boys chorused even as they swiftly ran in the opposite direction.

  Hands suddenly clasped her waist, and before she knew it, Silver was stealing a kiss from behind. “Yes,” he averred solemnly. “It is.”

  She stepped on his shoe, hard. “Hate you.” She tried to keep him from dragging her away, but it was impossible. “Where are we going? It’s the middle of practice—”

  “No, little lamb. It’s ten minutes before practice ends,” he corrected Lace without looking her way.

  She tried to dig her heels in but it was pointless. He was too strong, managing to take her with him. “Where are we going?” she demanded again.

  “To have sex of course. Now that they know what we’ve been doing and they don’t seem to mind, why bother hiding the fact?”


  Silver glanced at her team over his shoulders. “Yo, boys?”

  They looked at him in unison, freezing mid-play.


  “Don’t say it,” she hissed. “Don’t you dare—”

  “Can I have the last ten minutes of practice time with your Coach?”

  “Oh. Thought it was something important,” Drew muttered before turning away.

  “Sure, sure,” Ivan said. “Take her away. Coach needs to learn to have fun.”

  Silver smiled at her. “See?”


  He started walking faster. “You can get mad at me when we’re fucking. I find it hot anyway.”



  Thank you for reading Play With Me. I hope you’ll be delighted to know that Silver and Lace has another book coming out, This Round I’m Yours.

  As always, I’d appreciate a review if you enjoyed reading the book. And if you do write one, please let me know by emailing me or dropping me a line on my website, Facebook page, or Twitter. I’d love to thank you personally for it!

  If you’d like to know more about my upcoming books, please consider subscribing to my newsletter.

  Meanwhile, you might want to check out this excerpt of my other standalone book Kellion. It’s part of my Heart Racers series (New Adult College Biker Romance), but it’s set in the same world as Play With Me (which is why Lace plays a minor role in this book!).

  Enjoy reading!

  His name is Kellion. Beautiful. Wicked. Dashing. Alive. That’s what attracted me the most about him – that he’s so full of life, it makes me feel like I’m not dead inside.

  I thought he was just like all the other bikers of the Afxisi, America’s most popular and exclusive underground racing club. Someone too rich, too gorgeous for his own good, someone too full of himself to be human.

  But then I saw a secret side of him. Realized that he had just been pretending all along. Realized that he needed me, and that broken part of him drew me in, like a moth to a flame.

  Now, I want to be the one to make him smile. Really smile, and not like all those fake smiles he used to make the girls around him fall in love.

  I want to make him think of me, just me. I want to belong to him, just him. But most of all, I want him to know I love him. Not the biker, not the billionaire’s son, not the hot guy. But him. Kellion.

  Even if his smile tells me he’ll end up tearing me apart, I need him to know he’s not alone. I’m his to love or destroy. Whatever he wants – I’m his.


  Before leaving for class, I peeked through my door’s peephole and saw…no one. The hallway was empty.


  The word sounded forced even to my own ears, but I told myself it was only because I was so used to being stalked. This was just another form of Stockholm syndrome, I told myself.

  So Kellion Argyros had been walking me to school every single day of the entire week. It wasn’t like I had wanted it. Actually, the biker had been the one to force his company on me, not the other way around.

  If he never showed up again—

  I faltered in my footsteps.

  Weird. My chest felt so tight. I glanced down at my blouse. Maybe it had started to shrink? Or maybe I had gotten even curvier?

  Rounding the corner to reach the stairs, I was about to take the first step down when I realized someone was blocking my way.

  “Good morning, terataki.”

  “Aaaaaaah!” Shock at seeing Kellion Argyros had me losing my balance, and his hard arms wrapped around me as I stumbled against his strong, powerful form.

  His body vibrated with laughter against me even as his hands spanned my waist. “You’re throwing yourself at me now?” he teased in a low whisper. “You missed me that much, eh?” Normally, Kellion spoke like any ordinary American guy but when he was with me, his Greek accent seemed to thicken, like he knew how I found it so secretly thrilling.

  Red-faced at his words, I pulled away. Pulling out my board from my jumper’s pocket, I wrote. Go away.

  But he only laughed and, covering my hand, he made me put my board back into my pocket. “You can just look at me, terataki, and I’ll know what you want to say.”

  Weeeeeeird. My chest always felt tight around him. Maybe this was a posthumous symptom of my trauma.

  Kellion was pulling my hand, and I knew by now there was no force on Earth that would make him let me go. He was supposed to be one of the most easygoing members of the Afxisi, so why was he so darn stubborn with me?

  We were still playing tug of war by the time we left my dorm. Everyone still stared at us, but because he – we – had been doing this for days, they were no longer shocked. Now, they were just…puzzled.

  What was Afxisi’s VP doing with a sick person like me?

  Honestly, I wish I knew the answer to that, too.

  Kellion was quiet as he dragged me to school. I would never admit it to anyone, but his silence was refreshing. He was one of the few people who really got me. Just because I couldn’t – didn’t – speak didn’t mean they had to fill the silence for me.

  “I can feel your pretty eyes on me.” Kellion didn’t look at me as he spoke, but I could see the way a grin was tugging at his beautiful thin lips as he did.

  Embarrassment flooded my cheeks with color, and I tried tugging away from him harder.

  Kellion looked at me with a shake of his head. “It was not a complaint. You do know that, don’t you?”

  Tingle, tingle. I hated the way he made my body feel so alive with just a few words. I felt so stupid around him. Those were all just lines, darn it. Why couldn’t I get my body to understand those were all just empty words to get me in his bed?

  When we reached my building, I forced us to a halt by digging my feet.

  Kellion stopped as well, reluctantly. “You don’t want me to go up with you?”

  My eyes bored through him.

  He gave me a hurt look. “You’re embarrassed of me?”

  I nodded profusely.

  Kellion laughed. “Too bad for you, I know you’re lying.” His grip loosened but before I could pull away, he brought my hand to his mouth and pressed a wet, warm kiss against my palm.


  He had done it again.

  He always, always, always managed to take me by surprise with that.

  Kellion released my hand, and I quickly rubbed my palm against the denim of my jumper, wanting to get rid of the feel of his touch. Over my head, I heard Kellion chuckle, the sound low and seductive.

  Tingle, tingle, tingle – so many of them it was impossib
le to count, but I told myself it was because he grossed me out and not for any other reason.

  “See you later?”

  I shook my head without looking up at him.

  “See you later or it’s not your hand I’ll kiss the next time.”

  I quickly looked up at him and nodded firmly. See you later.

  His lips twitched. “That’s my girl.”

  And then he was walking away, like a beautiful elusive dream that I could only have at certain times – but never forever.

  Start reading Kellion today.

  Want More Hot Alpha Billionaire and Biker Romances from Marian Tee?

  Standalone Novels

  His Fair Lady – Prince Julian knows the blind fortune teller Cass is everything he wants in a woman, but she can never be his bride.

  The Greek Billionaire and I – Curvy schoolteacher Velvet says ‘yes’ to a marriage of convenience but is too proud to let her Greek billionaire husband know she’s doing it for love and not for money.

  Greek Billionaire Romance Serials - A young schoolteacher innocently dreams of falling for a Greek billionaire, but the one she meets only wants her as a mistress.

  The Art of Catching a Greek Billionaire (FREE!)

  The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire

  The Art of Loving a Greek Billionaire

  The Art of Forgiving a Greek Billionaire

  The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire

  Warning: Love Moderately (BBW Billionaire New Adult College Romance)

  Derek and Jaike have always hidden the truth about themselves. But when they meet – it’s not just explosive chemistry. One look, and it’s undeniable. Even if they’re too young, they know. He’s meant to be her Master, and she’s meant to be his Sub.


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