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Unbounded Fury

Page 9

by Jaden Sinclair

  Reaching down between them, he once more touched her clit and began to rub it with each thrust inside her. He kissed her throat, licked and sucked on her shoulder and fought the urge to mark her.

  He knew the second the pain was gone. She started to relax under him, her hands once more at his arms, nails digging in. Logan moaned against her throat, still thrusting steadily into her, still rubbing at her clit. He wanted her to come once before he did and prayed that he could hold off long enough for that to happen.

  It had been two years since he’d had sex for pleasure—two long years. Instead of rushing it, or silently wishing that it would end now, he begged inwardly for it to last as long as it could. He didn’t mind not being in heat right now, strangely enough. He just wished that they could’ve come together under a different circumstance.

  “Dannie, please,” he begged with a groan. “I can’t hold off much longer.”

  One hand left his arm and grabbed hold of his wrist between her legs. In a split second, he knew it was coming and opened his mouth and bit down on her shoulder. Dannie screamed and at the same time, her body contracted around him, the orgasm hitting powerfully. Logan closed his eyes, held onto her shoulder. He climaxed hard, thrust one last time and stilled. The hand between her legs he moved around to cup her ass and held her tight against him. With the spasms of their bodies, he whimpered. Never with any past lover had he ever had this powerful of an orgasm or experience this overall intense pleasure before. Never did he think that he might be dying for it, either, or that he couldn’t move.

  After he released her shoulder, Dannie pushed him away and Logan moved away, but not far. He rolled to his side and quickly took hold of her, wrapping both arms around her body and draping one leg over both of her own. He worked to get his breathing back to normal and kissed, licked and sucked on the fresh mark upon her shoulder. She stiffened in his arms once more.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured against her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you.” She said nothing and didn’t move. “Dannie, please say something.”

  She didn’t say a thing. What she did do was jab her elbow into his gut so hard he released her. Logan stayed put as she jumped from the bed and ran naked to the bathroom. He heard the door slam shut and the lock turn. He rolled back over to his back and sighed, wishing like hell he was somewhere else for the moment and that he could go back in time.

  With a groan, he sat up, swung his legs over the side, and stood. Walking to the bathroom naked, he tried to think up something to say to her that might help things. Nothing came to mind.

  Reaching the door, he heard the sound of water running. Closing his eyes, he groaned. The thought of her in water, drips running down her naked body had him slowly getting hard again. He told himself that now wasn’t the time for this. If he was in his heat then he could understand the why, but he wasn’t.

  “Dannie?” He knocked a couple times on the door. “Open up.” Nothing. “Dannie!” Again, he knocked. “Come on, open the door.”

  He could hear sniffing from the other side and swore under his breath. Thinking that shit couldn’t get any worse, Logan turned the knob and twisted until the lock on it broke. Walking in he saw her sitting in the tub, curled up in a ball, the water running over her body, her long hair draped around her like a cloak. She didn’t even jump or flinch when he broke the lock and went in.

  Logan walked up to the tub and knelt down. He wanted to get in with her, but didn’t. Instead, he kneeled down on the bath rug and reached out, brushing hair away from her face. Sure enough, she was crying softly.

  “Shit, I’m sorry,” he whispered, moving more hair away from her face.

  “I don’t want to do this,” she said low. “I want to go home.”

  “There is no going home.” She turned her head and looked at him. Logan reached over and brushed a tear away. “You know there isn’t any going back.”


  “You know why.”

  She sniffed and shook her head. “She’s my mother. She’d never hurt me or Kaz.”

  “Are you sure about that?” She opened her mouth to speak again, but he cut her off. “Look what she made your sister do. And you said yourself that you were next. Dannie, a mother who cares for her children doesn’t do that to them.”

  “I don’t want to do this,” she sobbed again as she broke down, closing her eyes, tears falling down her face. It broke his heart to see her like this.

  “I vow with my life that I’ll always protect you,” he promised. That had her opening her eyes and looking right at him.

  “Why?” she breathed out, frowning slightly at him.

  “Because you’re my mate.” He touched her cheek again, brushing the fresh tears away. “And in our world that means that you mean more to me than my own life. You’re everything to me.”

  She sighed, clearly frustrated again. “You know I don’t understand most of what you say. Why can’t you explain it better?”

  Logan couldn’t help it. He smiled at her. “How about you soak for a few while I clean things up and then we try to get some sleep. Been a hell of a few days.”

  She sniffed back tears and nodded. He leaned in, kissed her on the top of the head and stood back up, leaving her to soak in the tub for a bit. Back in the room, Logan cleaned up the bed and threw her new ripped panties in the trash. Finding his own shorts, he slipped back into them and dug once more into the bags for something she could sleep in.

  It took some working to get her to come back out, as well as a promise to not, as she called it, ‘do that again’. They settled in bed and he snuggled close to her back, wrapping both arms around her body and even sliding one leg between both of her own. That had her stiffening.

  “You said you wouldn’t do that again,” she breathed out.

  “And I’m not.” Using his face, he moved hair from her shoulder and kissed the mark he left. One of the reasons he put her back in a tank top to sleep in was to be able to see the mark. It filled him with pride. Finally, he had his mate. “But I never said anything about not snuggling with you.”

  “I can’t sleep with you like this.”

  “Like what?” he asked as he purred against her throat, rubbing his face against her flesh.

  “You’re getting hard again.”

  “Am I?” He pressed his hips forward even more.

  “Logan!” she squealed.

  He chuckled. “Just because I’m getting hard again doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything. I promised you that nothing more will happen, but I never said anything about no touching and kissing.” To make his point he kissed her shoulder. The contact to the mark had her sucking air into her lungs, then he felt her shiver. “After tonight, Dannie, everything is going to be different between us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He nuzzled her neck again, enjoying how her hair fell over into his face. “You’ll see,” he murmured then sighed in her ear. “Now go to sleep or I might have to break our deal.”

  He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, or even how long he might’ve slept, but yelling from outside woke Logan from a deep, peaceful sleep. One he hadn’t had in a very long time.

  Dannie was still in his arms, in the same position that apparently they had fallen asleep in. She was dead to the world, so to speak, so when he slowly moved away from her and tucked her in, she didn’t stir one bit.

  The sun was up, but from how low it hung in the sky not long. The sun wasn’t what woke him up but the yelling outside—the kind of yelling that said someone should go out and be witness in case blood was spilled. Logan opened the door and knew hell had just landed.

  Thorn was outside and he was in a very heated argument with Damond. Not only did the cool morning air seem to take away his sleepiness, the way Damond was trying to put some shorts on and still have it out with Thorn, spoke of how much hell just landed.

  Thorn was pissed.

  “She’s my fucking cousin!” Thorn yelled at Damond. “I didn’t s
end you here to fuck her!”

  As Damond stood in hardly anything, outside the front door of the cabin, Thorn was dressed in his usual dark jeans, shit kicker boots, leather jacket that came down over his ass and dark sunglasses on his face. He hardly ever looked like a clean cut man. His hair was shoulder length and parted in the middle, and he always had a good two-day-old beard on his face making him look rugged and very dangerous.

  “What’s going on?” Logan asked closing the door behind him then walked up to the pair.

  “Romeo here just fucked my cousin,” Thorn growled.

  “I didn’t fuck her,” Damond snapped back.

  “Oh, really?” Thorn didn’t move an inch, which meant that could be just as dangerous as if he had. “Then what did you do? Have a nice dinner and watch a fucking movie?” he finished with a yell.

  “No, I mated her.” Damond was now starting to raise his voice.

  Logan whistled. That got Thorn pissed off attention focused on him. “And where the hell were you? Getting laid as well?”

  Logan raised his hand. “Whoa! Don’t start with me. I didn’t do shit here.”

  “Damn right you didn’t,” Thorn stated. “The two of you have just been thinking with your damn dicks. And where are the other two?”

  “Justice went into the woods due to his heat. Stray just left,” Logan said.

  “Left?” Damond remarked. “When did he leave?”

  Logan looked at Damond. “Before the moon. Said he knew who his mate was and planned on going to find her.”

  “So where is she?” Thorn asked Damond.

  Damond shrugged, frowning. “I don’t know who Stray’s mate is.”

  “Not that you dipshit, where’s my cousin,” Thorn growled again and with long strides headed for the cabin that Damond had just left. When he stopped in front of Damond, Thorn sucker punched the male, knocking him down and kept right on going.

  “Think you had that one coming,” Logan stated, following Thorn to the cabin.

  “Yeah, me too.” Damond groaned, with a hand up to his jaw.

  “Where is she?” Thorn yelled from inside.

  “That’s why I came outside,” Damond yelled back, scrambling to his feet. Thorn came storming out of the cabin, the expression on his face enough to have a human backing away, and even a few shifters as well. “I woke up and she was gone.”

  “Gone,” Thorn huffed, walking off the porch slowly. “Gone. Man, if I didn’t like your brother I’d shoot you right now.”

  “Okay, you want to give us some information here?” Logan asked.

  Thorn didn’t look at Logan but went right up to Damond and stood nose to nose with the man. “She’s our information, Damond. Do you know what that means?” Damond opened his mouth and Thorn quickly put his hand over it. “You fucked this up. You now have to find her.” He shoved Damond away. “She’s important, very important and I don’t need others to get their hands on her.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Damond growled back. Clearly from the pissed off expression on his face he was controlling his own temper before starting a damn fight right here with the other male.

  Logan stood there and looked at both for a good long moment, and then it hit him. “She’s your hacker.” Thorn turned his attention to Logan and only nodded. “Shit.”

  “You should’ve said something.” Damond turned and started for the RV.

  “Where you going?” Logan asked him.

  “To get dressed and go find her,” Damond answered over his shoulder. When he reached the door to the RV, he stopped and turned back around. “This isn’t my fault, Thorn. She’s my mate.” That had Thorn snarling. “I’ve marked her as my own and claimed her. I’ll find her and protect her, but you need to also get it into that damned skull of yours that she now belongs to me.”

  “You have my number,” Thorn stated, while walking towards the cabin next to the one that Logan had just left.

  “Where you going now?” Logan asked, as if he really needed an answer.

  “Time to have a talk to the daughter,” Thorn answered. He stopped at the door and glanced over his shoulder at Logan. “Alone.”

  Chapter Eight

  Thorn opened the door, stood in the middle of the doorway and stared down at the figure slumped in the far corner of the room with a chain around her ankle. They had a small stare off, or more like he stared her down and she glared right back. Just for spite, Thorn kicked the door closed, the corner of his lip curling up in a very small grin of pleasure as she jumped up from the floor.

  “Well, well, well, well,” he said, taking a step forward. “Look what the cat has landed in my lap.” He came closer and knelt down, but not close enough that she might be able to lunge at him, not that she could do much harm. “So, little girl.” The name had her eyes narrowed even more upon him. “What should I do with you now?” She said nothing, so he went on by taking a very loud deep breath. “Ah, I can smell your fear.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she finally said.

  “Yes you are, and you’re smart to be scared.” He snickered, sniffing again. “Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with you.”

  She put up a good front—he’d give her that. Slowly her arms crossed over her chest, but she didn’t move from her position. “What do you want, dog?”

  Thorn slowly stood back up and stretched. He moved to the far side of the room where the only chair in the room rested. He took his jacket off, then his sunglasses. He smiled at her, but not one of pleasure. “I should’ve known the moment your mouth touched my dick that it would be nothing but venom. A poison that I’m going to have to deal with whether I want to or not.”

  “Go to hell!” Her eyes narrowed up at him.

  “Baby, I’m already in hell, and so are you.”

  “If you’re trying to scare me, mutt, you’re wasting your damn time. My mother scares me, not you.”

  Thorn went over to her, bent down, and picked up the chain. A hard yank and she went skidding a bit closer to him, which was exactly what he wanted. Moving fast he grabbed hold of her by the throat, moving close to her, meeting her eye to eye, his face nearly touching hers. He growled low and snarled right in her face.

  “That bitch isn’t here, little girl, which means your ass belongs to me.” Both of her hands came up, wrapping around his wrist, trying to free herself. “So get a brain, sweetheart, and be very fucking afraid of me.” He shoved her away harder than what he should have, for she landed on the floor, on her ass. “You and that bitch are not in control here. Here, this is my world and I’m the fucking God, so get that through your thick skull.” He stood back up and turned his back on her, mostly so he could get himself back under control.

  “Why don’t you unchain me and we can see how tough you are, mongrel?”

  Thorn raised one eyebrow at her. Clearly, she had lost her mind to want to go up against him, and clearly, he had to be losing his mind because he reached into his pocket for the keys that Logan gave him. Tossing them at her, she caught them and instantly freed herself and stood up.

  He should’ve been better prepared and not underestimated her just because she was a human. Once she stood up, she rushed him, her knee landing hard in his gut. Thorn lost the air in his lungs from the blow and bent over, which gave her the opening to kick him in the face next with the same knee. She rushed over to the chair, snatched up his jacket and swung it around, slamming it down hard on his back. That dropped him to his knees. She paused a moment to watch him, satisfaction flaring through her, but it was a mistake. She should have kept running. If she had kept going while he was down then she would’ve been able to get far, far away from him. Therefore, when she jerked the door open he was back on his feet and right behind her.

  Thorn wasn’t gentle in taking a fist full of hair and yanking her backwards. She fell to the floor and he slammed the door so hard it cracked. Working to keep some of his anger in check, Thorn went right up to her, bent over, and grabbed hold
of her by the throat. Yanking her to her feet then slamming her against a wall, he snarled in her face. “That shit might work on your fucking humans, little girl, but not on me.”

  She grabbed hold of his wrist with both hands, her eyes blazing at him as she tried twisting out of his hold. “Just kill me and get it over with.”

  Thorn smiled. “Oh I’m not going to kill you. But I promise that you will wish to hell I had.” He stopped speaking, and his smile went away. A strange scent was coming off her; one that he’d never picked up before and strangely enough should have. Jerking her close, turning her head he leaned in and sniffed again. “No fucking way!” he growled right before turning away from the wall, still holding on to her. Walking back to the door Thorn changed position and held her by the back of her neck, making her walk beside him outside. “Logan!” he yelled.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded, twisting in his hold once more.

  “Logan!” he yelled again, instead of answering her.

  “I’m coming!” Logan yelled back from an open doorway. “Can I get my damn pants on?”

  Katrina just about lost it, seeing Logan getting dressed. Thorn could feel her tense up in his hand. “What have you done to her?” she yelled at Logan.

  Logan didn’t answer, just pulled a shirt over his head and started walking towards them. “What?” he snapped at Thorn.

  “Take a sniff,” Thorn just about pushed Katrina into his arms, but didn’t let go of his grip on the back of her neck.

  “Excuse me?” Logan asked.

  “Something ain’t right,” Thorn stated. “I want to know if you can pick up what I just did.”

  Logan sighed. “Fine.” He leaned close and just to make sure that she wouldn’t do anything stupid, Thorn squeezed her neck enough to get his point across to her. “Son of a bitch!” Logan gasped.


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