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Will's Rockie Way

Page 5

by Peggy Hunter

  As he began to walk away, Blake said, “Joanne's off this evening too. She's meeting me at the bar for a couple drinks before dinner."

  "That's great,” Will said over his shoulder. “Have a nice evening."

  "And so is Rockie."

  Will stopped in midstride. Rockie was going to be there? He turned and smiled at Blake. “In that case, lead the way."

  Blake grinned as he walked into the hotel. “Figured you'd change your mind."

  "Shut up,” Will said as he followed Blake inside.

  * * * *

  Roxanne smiled at the waitress when she delivered the second round of screwdrivers. At least she didn't have to pretend she wasn't drinking this time. Since she and Joanne watched over the teens at the beach all day, they had the evening to themselves while the other chaperones attended a closed beach function, this time a barbeque.

  Seeing Will at close range was inevitable, she knew. But after their last close encounter, Roxanne wished she could hide for the rest of spring break.

  If only he'd said he was sorry for what happened to her in college. If only he'd shown just the slightest bit of remorse. Instead, he stood before her as defiant as ever and, worse than that, all but suggested she asked for the humiliation.

  His words echoed in her mind over and over in the last two days. You could have left.

  Yes, she could have. She could have stayed away from his apartment that night. She could have waited for him in his room without fulfilling his request to get naked and cover herself in whipped cream.

  But Will had no idea just how anxious she was to please him, to have him to herself that night. He'd played her for a fool and she did not regret the stunt she pulled on him. Sure, there was a difference. Will was tied up and couldn't leave.

  What he didn't know was that Roxanne was tied too ... by her heart. The pain of humiliation he'd felt when Blake found him couldn't touch what she'd gone through, especially the incredible heartache of knowing he'd seen her as an opportunity for a few laughs.

  "Did you hear a word I said?” Joanne said, cutting into her thoughts.

  Roxanne blinked and looked across the table at her friend. She offered a sad smile. “I'm sorry, Jo,” she said sincerely. “I'm a bit distracted today. What were you saying?"

  Joanne peered over her shoulder and smiled. “Never mind what I was saying,” she said. “Looks like our men have just arrived."

  Our men. Roxanne's heart sank just a little deeper. How she wished Joanne's statement was accurate. She wished she could be happy to see Will. Instead, her heart thundered with anxiety. She kept her eyes focused on her drink as shadows appeared over the table.

  Joanne lifted her face to receive her husband's kiss. “How was your day at the wax museum?"

  Roxanne heard a chair scrape the floor beside her; her body prickled; her senses filled with Will's spicy aroma. She didn't have to look to know he sat close to her, sexual energy oozed from his pores, making her body quake with need. And then she heard his liquid silver voice; it washed over her, drenched her in awareness.

  Amazing, if a person stared at a screwdriver long enough, the orange could take on a bleary ginger hue.

  "Earth to Rockie.” The voice came from across the table.

  Roxanne raised her eyes and looked at Blake. “What?"

  "Will just asked how your day went."

  Oh God! Did that mean she'd have to look at him? Her eyes went back to the drink in front of her. “Fine,” she said. “It was fine."

  When the strains of a country song filled the air, she heard Joanne exclaim how she loved the song. “Let's dance."

  Please don't!

  "Ah hell,” Blake complained. “I just sat down."

  Good answer.

  "But I love this song,” Joanne countered. “Please, Blake, let's dance."

  Please, Blake, don't!

  "Okay, just one dance."


  The air seemed to crackle over the table when Joanne and Blake left her alone with Will. No amount of staring at her drink would erase the fact that Will sat so close to her. Her throat went dry. She lifted her glass to her parched lips.

  "Stop it."

  Roxanne blinked at the words. She looked straight ahead of her as she responded. “Stop what?"

  "Don't be coy,” Will said, his voice tight with anger. “We both know what you're trying to do."

  "What I'm trying to do?” Roxanne replaced her glass on the table without taking a sip. She peered at him. “Since I have no idea what you're talking about, why not clue me in?"

  Will shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You're making a feeble attempt to freeze me out; make me think you don't want me.” He smiled at her, a smug smile that made her want to slap him again. “Give it up, Rockie. I know what you need."

  Roxanne swallowed a huge, dry lump in her throat. “You know what I need? And what, pray tell, might that be?"

  Will's eyes pierced her. She felt as though they dug into her soul, could read her like a large-print book. “You want me to fuck you again."

  Roxanne snorted. “Excuse me?"

  She wanted to wipe that fucking grin off his face. Her fingers wrapped around her glass and tipped it to her lips. This time, she took a long swallow of her screwdriver.

  Will's gaze slid across the bar and focused on the crowd on the dance floor. He didn't make eye contact with her as he continued. “You want me to own you; to show you what it is to be possessed by your lover."

  "Exactly how did you arrive at that idea?” Roxanne asked, her body humming in spite of herself. “The last time we were together, I thought I'd proved that you'd never own me."

  Will's gaze landed on her. “As a matter of fact, you only proved to show me just how much you wanted to be dominated.” His grin widened. “You were begging for me to discipline you and I fully intend to do just that."

  Discipline? What rock had he recently crawled out from under?

  Roxanne tipped her glass to her lips and drained the last of her drink. The glass slapped onto the table before she rose and stared down at him. “You son of a bitch,” she said, her body quaking with anger.

  "No need to bring my mother into it,” Will quipped.

  "Hey, we ordered another round of drinks on our way back from the dance floor.” She heard Joanne's words in the distance and was vaguely aware of her return to the table.

  She didn't care what her friend heard as she stared down at Will. “Save your knuckle-dragging for some bimbo who will appreciate it,” she said. “As far as I'm concerned, you can drop dead!"

  "Hey, calm down.” Blake's words only served to anger her further. When the waitress turned up with drinks on her tray, Roxanne grabbed a glass and threw the contents in Will's face. She didn't wait to see his reaction as she turned tail and ran out of the bar.

  Her heart thundered as she reached the elevators. She didn't bother to check what floor they were at before she dashed down the hall to the stairs. She pushed through the doors and vaulted up the steps. She didn't stop until she reached the seventh floor.

  She sighed with relief as she pushed through the doors on her floor and gasped for breath as she walked down the hall to her room. Since she'd heard no one pursuing her, she knew she was safe.

  In her heart, she knew Will wouldn't let her get away with it. She fully expected she'd pay a price for her latest stunt, but at least for tonight, she had escaped his wrath.

  She pulled her key from the pocket of her skirt as she made her way down the hall to her hotel room. Yes! She'd made it to the safety of her room. This time, she wasn't going to be fooled by room service either!

  As Roxanne lifted the key to the lock, she felt a hand close over her shoulder and draw her away. In the moment she blinked, she felt herself propelled into the closet across from her room.

  When the door slammed shut enveloping her in darkness, Roxanne felt no fear. In fact, she only felt anger.

  She struggled against the strong hands that held her against th
e closet wall. “Let me go, you bastard!"

  "Go ahead, fight me,” he said. “The harder you fight, the more I want you."

  Roxanne sighed when his mouth closed over hers. Will made no bones about what he wanted. His hands quickly skimmed under her skirt and pushed the crotch of her panties aside. She moaned when his fingers slid against her damp core and slipped inside her, pulsing against her sensitive flesh.

  Her body closed around his fingers, gripped them as he pressed inside her, cried for more when he pulled away. Only Will could make her feel this way. Only Will could make her body sing.

  He tore his mouth from hers and pressed his lips on the soft skin of her neck. “Do you like that, Rockie? Do you like my fingers inside you?"

  Roxanne tossed her head back to receive his kisses on her throat. “Yes,” she hissed.

  Will pressed her harder against the wall. He slid his hands under her arms and pulled her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as his hands pushed under her shirt and pushed her bra up. She gasped when his hands cupped her breasts and squeezed. She buried her fingers in his hair as he pressed kisses down her throat to her breasts.

  "God, I love your breasts,” he whispered. “Almost as much as I love your pussy."

  "I love everything about your body,” she said.

  Will's chest shook softly as he chuckled. “Do you like my lips?” he asked as they closed around one erect nipple.

  "Yes,” she said, gasping.

  "Do you like my tongue?” He slowly laved her nipple.


  "My hands?” he said as his fingers dug into her buttocks and pulled her against his rock-hard erection.

  "Yes, I love your hands,” she replied.

  Will's chest heaved with need. “What about my cock, Rockie? Do you love my cock?"

  "Yes,” she hissed. “You know I do."

  "Tell me what you want me to do with my cock."

  Roxanne pushed her back against the wall as she pivoted her hips closer to his throbbing need. “You know what I want."

  "I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you want,” he demanded.

  "I-I want you inside me,” she said, her fingers delving between them to his fly.

  "You want me to fuck you?"

  "Yes,” she cried.

  "Say it!” His voice was a harsh whisper.

  Roxanne couldn't take any more. She thrashed against his body in desperation. “Fuck me, Will. Please fuck me!"

  Her body sighed with relief when he released his penis from his pants. His fingers bit into the flesh of her hips as he pulled her against him.

  The relief was short-lived as her body opened to accept him. As his cock slid inside her, filling her completely, tension began to build deep inside her. She moaned when he pulled back and pushed forward again in a slow, erotic rhythm.

  "God, Rockie,” he bit out through clenched teeth. “Fucking you is so damn good. You're so hot and tight."

  "That's good to know,” Roxanne said. “But I need you to fuck me harder."

  Will laughed. “Your wish is my command,” he said as he picked up the pace and slammed into her.

  She clung to him, accepting all he had to give. The tension inside her spiraled out of control, her head whirled in sweet ecstasy. Unable to hold on any longer, her body jolted with electricity and convulsed around him.

  The moment her body gave way to the heady rush of orgasm, Will moaned and quickly exploded, filling her with his white-hot semen.

  Hot tears spilled down her cheeks as she shuddered against him. Spent, Will slowly let her legs slip to the floor. He held her against him, rocking her gently as she cried into his chest.

  Chapter 8

  God, will I ever get enough of this woman?

  It didn't seem so as he gripped her hips and drove into her from behind. God, she was so beautiful, so warm and giving. She held nothing back, gave him all that she had.

  Will ran his fingers down her spine and reached around to touch her sweet breasts as they bobbed with each firm thrust. She gasped when his hands slid to where their bodies were joined and pressed against her slick clit. Her pussy tightened around him in response to his touch. Yeah, that was the reaction he wanted. For the third time that night, he filled her with his cum.

  She giggled as they crawled under the covers of the bed and clung to each other. “So much for the shower we took an hour ago,” she said.

  Will chuckled. “Well, you should have put some clothes on afterward.” He smiled as he looked at her. “You were just asking for trouble."

  "Hmm,” Rockie said as she buried her fingers in his chest hair. “That's the kind of trouble I like."

  Will peered at the clock radio beside the bed. “It's two a.m., woman,” he said. “We have chaperone duties in the morning, so shut up and go to sleep."

  Rockie yawned and smiled. “Good night, Will.” Before he could respond, she closed her eyes and her breathing deepened. She was already fast asleep.

  God, he was tired. After their encounter in the closet across the hall, they went to her room where she'd suggested a shower. He fucked her a second time as hot water sluiced over them. And then she refused to cover up her delectable body when they crawled into bed. She'd snuggled against him, her fingers delicately roving over his chest and down to his cock. What man could have resisted her?

  Will stared up at the ceiling. So now what?

  There wasn't much of their spring break left and what little there was, it was going to be damn hard to find time to be alone with Rockie. Both of them would be busy with the kids all day. Their last night in the Florida resort would find them celebrating with the kids in one last bash before they left for home the next morning.

  Was he ready to let Rockie go? Could he let her get on the plane bound for Toronto and never see her again?

  And what if he did talk her into moving to Calgary? Did he want that? Did he want her around twenty-four/seven? There was also the fact she didn't know the truth about what happened the night they were supposed to meet in his bedroom. She had the right to know if Will wanted her to be a part of his life. How would the truth affect Blake's relationship with his wife?


  Will untangled from Rockie's arms and sat on the side of the bed. The simple truth was it would be easier all around to simply walk away.

  He turned and looked at the sleeping woman. God help him! He didn't want to walk away; he wasn't sure he could.

  * * * *

  "What the fuck do you mean?” Blake almost roared. “You said you were okay with leaving Rockie in the dark."

  "Ssh! Not so damn loud.” Will winced and looked around him, hoping no one had overheard. The chaperones and teens were at the buffet, filling their lunch plates with food.

  He caught sight of Rockie standing near the end of the line. She was chatting with a teenaged girl. She nodded softly as she spoke. Then, as if she knew instinctively he was watching her, Rockie slowly turned her head and peered at him. Her smile broadened, her eyes sparkled. Will's heart skipped a beat. Damn, she was so lovely. She had the right to know the truth.

  Will reluctantly broke the connection with Rockie and turned back to Blake. “I know what I said in the beginning,” he said. “But things have changed. I think Rockie has the right to know."

  Blake's face fell. “And what about me?” he said as he thumped his hand on his chest. “What about the fact that Joanne might never forgive me for being involved?"

  Will shrugged. He'd thought about that but had no clear answer. “Joanne loves you. I can't believe the truth would ruin your marriage."

  Blake's face reddened in anger. “Is that a chance you're willing to take? Man, I thought you were my friend."

  Will frowned. “Of course I'm your friend."

  "Then stop being so damn selfish,” Blake countered. “Rockie's just the chick you never got to fuck six years ago. Good for you that you got to fuck her now. But that doesn't mean you have to wreck a perfectly good marriage."
  Will's gut twisted with anger. He looked around to make sure no one was near before he responded. “You son of a bitch,” he said through clenched teeth. “If you'd been honest with Joanne from the start, I wouldn't be in this situation."

  "You had the chance to tell Rockie the truth a long time ago. You chose your job and left Toronto without talking to her. If you were so damn determined to tell her the truth, you should have done it before you left. Why should I pay for it after all this time?"

  The prick had a good point. He had chosen his career over Rockie. Still, the fact she was never told the truth wasn't right either. For six years, she blamed him. Will had to admit, at the time, it didn't matter as much as it did now. His future took precedence.

  "Did you hear what I said?” Blake said.

  "Yeah,” Will said. “I heard you. And I don't know. I need to think some more."

  As Will rose from the table and began to walk away, he heard Blake say, “Don't worry, Wiley Will, tomorrow, this will all be history."

  Wiley Will. He hadn't realized just how much he'd grown to hate the nickname. He turned to Blake. “I'm going to tell Rockie the truth and I don't give a sweet shit how it affects you."

  Blake blanched. He followed Will out the restaurant door. “Can we talk about this a little more?"

  What the fuck was left to say?

  As the door closed behind them, Blake went on. “Why do you care what Rockie thinks anyway? It's not like you're in love with her or anything. You got what you wanted—you screwed the shit out of her. Just tell her it's over, no harm done."

  Will looked at him. “She needs to know the truth. I didn't use her, in fact, I think there's something more than sex between us."

  "What more can there be? Are you saying you're in love with her?"

  Love? Was he in love with Rockie Way?

  Blake squinted. “You are in love with her."

  Shit! Being in love with Rockie was the last fucking thing he needed! He shrugged. “The fact that I think she deserves to know the truth doesn't mean I'm in love with her,” he said firmly. He shook his head, trying to convince himself as he went on. “Rockie's a damn good fuck and that's all there is to it."


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