Claiming the Little Vampire

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by CR Guiliano

  Claiming the Little Vampire

  Published by CR Guiliano

  Copyright © 2017 CR Guiliano

  All Rights Reserved.

  Digital Edition

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  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination, and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places, is purely coincidental.

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  Warning: This book contains material that is only suitable for mature readers.

  Chapter 1

  Kelle watched as a sleek, black limousine drew up to the front of the club, knowing it was his boss. He gave a nod when Thayne emerged from the vehicle, the tall man dressed immaculately, as always. Thayne was the best boss Kelle had ever had, though the man was a mystery. He was followed by his entourage, a bunch of young, pretty men, who climbed out of the limousine after him, and the body guards who exited from the front. Thayne tucked one small man under each arm, the others following in his wake, and strode towards Kelle. “Good evening, sir.” Thayne gave a small smile. Kelle had never seen the man grin.

  “How’s the night so far, Kelle?”

  “Hopping as usual, sir. No issues so far.” Kelle was a bouncer at Bent, and had door duty tonight. He much preferred being inside, where he could keep an eye on the clientele, but once every week, he had to stand at the door, making sure those in line didn’t cause any trouble, or try to sneak in. And .they did try, since Bent was one of the most popular clubs in downtown West Baybridge. It was a high class gay nightclub, and Thayne did not tolerate any kind of violence. Which meant the bouncers, such as himself, had to keep things in order. As far as Kelle knew, Thayne was happy with his work, because the man didn’t hesitate to fire anyone who let him down.

  Occasionally, Kelle had Brogan—the other bouncer just inside the door checking ID’s, and Kelle’s best friend—hold his position when there was a disturbance in the line. It didn’t happen often, most people knowing if they misbehaved, they would not be allowed in. Tonight, it seemed everyone was in a fairly good mood, with no one trying to cut in line, or start anything. Just as well, since Kelle was tired. He’d not slept well today. Lately, he’d been restless, and unsatisfied with his life. He worked out during the day, worked at Bent during the night, and slept, and ate in between. There were the occasionally hook-ups, but even those weren’t satisfying anymore.

  Kelle realized, his life was damn boring. And lonely. Growing up in group homes, Kelle had never made any lasting friendships, or had the opportunity to learn any real skills. He was a bouncer, because he had the large frame, and hard face to be intimidating. At 6’4”, and muscles he worked hard for, he stood above most others. His black hair, and light blue eyes didn’t soften his sharp, angular face, with its perpetual beard shadow. The only other person taller than him at the club was Thayne himself, except his boss had a much thinner body. Thayne was built more like a swimmer, long and lithe, while Kelle was just short of body builder shape. A shape that attracted a lot of the men at the club. Except Kelle didn’t believe in mixing pleasure with work. He never hooked-up with the clientele. Something Brogan was always ragging him about. But Kelle stuck to his number one rule.

  If Kelle wanted to get laid, he went to the local BDSM club, Whips, about five miles from the town center. There he could find the men he preferred. Small, meek, and willing to do what Kelle needed them to do, which consisted mostly of presenting their ass, or mouth. He was no Dom, but he liked control. He’d had very little of that in is life, and relished the need to direct his partners, to dominate them. He also had a small biting fetish, and those who came to Thayne’s club would not be the kind of people to appreciate such a kink. Submissives tended to take it in stride, as if biting turned them on. That worked for Kelle. Kelle blinked, pulled from his thoughts when Thayne spoke.

  “I have a guest arriving in an hour. Please have him escorted to my private entrance.”

  “Of course, sir.” Whoa, Thayne had never had someone come in that entrance, which led up a set of stairs to his private suite above the club. Must be an important guest. About forty-five minutes after Thayne went inside, Chichi came out to stand next to Kelle.

  “The master…Thayne wishes me to relieve you, so you can take care of his guest.”

  Chichi was another tall, lithe, and gorgeous man, much like Thayne, with the same long black hair, and silver-blue eyes. Kelle would have thought they were related, except their faces were different, and well, Kelle had asked once. Chichi had laughed, and said ‘in a way’. Kelle never did make sense of that answer, and let it go. It wasn’t as if it was any of his business anyway, and he wanted to keep his job. He did wonder why Chichi, and a few others in the club, would obviously slip, and call Thayne “master”. Again, it wasn’t his business, and being curious about his boss, and other employees wasn’t a good idea. Not in a club like this. His thoughts were interrupted when another sleek, black limousine parked in front of the club. It could be anyone, since Bent catered to a lot of well to do aristocrats, but Kelle didn’t think so. The night was well into the late evening, and those who were coming, had already arrived. Which meant whoever got out of the opulent vehicle would be Thayne’s guest.

  Kelle stood taller, waiting, as the driver came around to open the door. Kelle didn’t know what to think, as the driver was quite—wild looking—despite the suit he was wearing. He had dark brown hair, shaggy, and almost to the middle of his back. He had a short beard growth, and was built solid, and intimidating. But none of that compared to the man who stepped out of the vehicle. He had white blonde hair, just as long, and shaggy as the driver, but where the driver’s eyes were a muddy brown, this man’s eyes were a stunning amber green. They almost had an inner light glowing from them, if that was something Kelle believed in. And he was huge, taller than Kelle by a good few inches, and much bigger.

  Kelle had never met anyone bigger than himself, and was somewhat awed by the stranger. The man was dressed as immaculately as his driver, but where the driver was plain, this man had a gold collar around his neck. It looked a lot like what a submissive who was owned would wear, but there was no way this man was owned by anyone. Two more large men exited the vehicle, looking around suspiciously. Guards, Kelle figured. After making sure the coast was clear, one turned, and held out his hand. Kelle was fascinated by the man who emerged. He was much smaller than the others, and if Kelle didn’t know better, he would have thought the man was, well, pregnant. Only, everyone knew men couldn’t have babies.

  Pushing his curiosity to the back of his mind, he cleared his throat, and stepped forward. He suddenly took a step back again, when one of the men growled. Like, a very animalistic growl.

  “Chanley, stand down.”

  Well, huh, seems the gorgeous man was owned. “If you will follow me, I’ll take you to Thayne’s.” All the strangers’ eyes widened, and Kelle could swear the biggest one leaned forward, and…sniffed. Was he smelling Kelle? A lightning fast sneer crossed the man’s lips, before he schooled his face back into an impassive mas
k. Kelle felt like he should be offended, but had no clue why. He just turned, and headed to the alleyway that would lead to Thayne’s private entrance. They passed the back door to the club, the bass of the music inside vibrating it. Down another few feet was another lead door, and Kelle wrapped his knuckles on it quickly. Kelle was allergic to lead, and could already feel the itching begin. All of Thayne’s doors were made of lead, and Kelle usually kept his touch to the doorknobs.

  Pauless opened the door, giving Kelle a nod, before ushering the newcomers in, and shutting the door behind them. What strange people. Kelle shook his head, and turned to head to the back door, but before he could enter the club, he heard a whimper, and a string of low curse words near the dumpster. He approached cautiously, to see a small man crumpled on the other side. Kelle could see pretty well in the dark, had always been able to, and could see the man was hurt. “Hey, can I help you?”

  The man’s head jerked up, and Kelle saw the bruises on his jaw, and temple. The man was steadily licking at his split bottom lip, and had an arm curled around his right side. When Kelle moved to come closer, the man’s dark amber eyes turned red, and he opened his mouth, hissing, with long, white fangs showing. Kelle closed his eyes, and shook his head. No way was he seeing this. It wasn’t possible. When he opened his eyes again, the man was struggling to stand, and watching him suspiciously. When Kelle, again, moved to help, the man put up his free hand, and started limping backwards.

  “Just, stay away from me.”

  The low, vibrating voice traveled down Kelle’s spine, and lodged in his balls, making them ache. His cock went from soft, and unaware, to rigid, and throbbing within seconds. And what was that tingling at the root of it? That was a new sensation. What the fuck? Kelle had never had such a visceral reaction to another man. Certainly not one who was injured. He’d only wanted to assist. Helplessly, Kelle watched the man turn away, and limp down the alley, away from the main road, and the front of the club. A few minutes later, he was gone, and Kelle was left with an empty feeling, like he’d missed something important, but had no clue what it was.

  Sighing, he returned to the back door, and entered the club. Toyston, and Levin were manning the back door, nearly invisible in their dark alcoves on either side of the entrance. These two were another couple of tall, svelte men, who looked a lot like Thayne. They never spoke to him, just watched him with their intense eyes. Kelle ignored them, as the deep beat of the music throbbed around him. He walked down the empty hall, passing the bathrooms, and entered the main part of the club. He inhaled, the mix of sweat, arousal, and beer assaulting his nose. Lights flashed in the dimness, and bodies writhed on the dance floor. On the right was a curve of the wall, with curtained off alcoves. Kelle didn’t know what went on in those private places, but assumed it was sex.

  Kelle made his way past them, and around the dance floor, paying no attention to the ass groping, and hands sliding down his chest, and made his way to the bar.

  “Hey, Kelle.”

  He turned to see Mytro manning the bar, and nodded at him. Mytro was gorgeous, like a lot of the men who worked here. Also tall, he had long black hair, and dark green eyes so bright, they appeared to sparkle like emeralds. He was also a certifiable flirt, giving Kelle’s body a once over, his eyes lingering on the bulge in the front of Kelle’s pants. Once the small man was out of Kelle’s sight, his dick had started to wither, but he was still at half-mast. Kelle shook his head, containing a chuckle. “Never gonna happen, Mytro.” Mytro smiled, his eyes dancing.

  “A man can dream, yea?”

  “Keep dreaming, stud.” Kelle grinned at Mytro, and continued on to the front door. He needed to get back to work. The last thing he needed was for Thayne to get upset with him.

  As the night progressed, and the time for closing the club got nearer, Kelle couldn’t keep his thoughts off the small man in the alley. He was sure his mind had played tricks on him. There was no way that man’s eyes had turned red, and fangs? Kelle knew what vampires were, had watched plenty of movies, but they weren’t real. So, maybe the guy had some vampire kink? He’d heard about some people getting the dental work to look as if they had fangs, and the guy could have been wearing contacts, except that didn’t explain how they went from amber, to red?

  Brogan came out, pulling Kelle from his thoughts. It was time to close, and he and Brogan were tasked with the job of making sure everyone had left before the doors were locked. As Kelle helped clean up, the huge stranger came down the curved stairs from Thayne’s suite, the smaller man with the large belly tucked into his side, Thayne coming down behind him, and alone. Well, he had a couple of his body guards with him, but none of the pretty men who usually swarmed around him.

  They made their way to the front of the club, said a few words too low for Kelle to catch, then the stranger, and his entourage left. Thayne turned, his silver-blue eyes zeroing in on Kelle.

  “Kelle, a moment of your time?”

  Kelle’s heart lurched. Was he in trouble? He didn’t think he’d done anything to upset his boss. He hurried to Thayne’s side, worried he was about to lose his job. “Yes, sir?” Kelle couldn’t look Thayne in the eyes, and kept his head down.

  “I no longer wish you to man the doors, or the club proper.”

  Kelle’s stomach sunk. He’d angered Thayne. He wracked his brain, trying to figure out what he’d done, until Thayne spoke again.

  “From now on, you will be assigned to the door leading to my suite.”

  Kelle finally looked up in shock. He was being…promoted? “Sir?” Thayne smiled at him, and to Kelle’s astonishment, the man raised his hand, his long, thin fingers running through Kelle’s wavy, black hair. The affection was foreign to Kelle. Thayne had never touched him before.

  “Don’t be so surprised, Kelle. You have pleased me, and when I’m pleased, I reward.”

  Thayne’s eyes darkened, and Kelle could feel the blood in his veins pumping so fast, it was roaring in his ears. Before he could utter a word, Thayne pulled his hand away, and bid Kelle a good night. His boss made his way back up the stairs, and Kelle was left standing there in shock. What had just happened? Kelle shook his head, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed the exchange. Only Mytro was looking over at him, the man smiling at Kelle, like he knew a secret. Kelle snorted. What a strange, and unusual night. He finished his job, and left, heading back to his empty apartment, and wondering what the hell was going on. It took a long time for sleep to come to him, the sun hitting the horizon before Kelle finally closed his eyes.


  “What the fuck, Thayne? You know you have a hybrid working for you?”

  Thayne stared at Alpha Garron, his mate Rixy plastered to his side, his two betas standing on either side of them. When there had been a knock, announcing Garron’s arrival, Thayne had sent his feeders to his bedroom, especially Eneo, who was ripe right now. The last thing he needed was some mangy wolf fucking his favorite feeder, and seeding him. Thayne was mildly surprised Garron had brought his pregnant omega mate with him, but maybe he didn’t trust his pack. “Of course, Alpha. Kelle has been with me for more than two years. But then, you’d know that if you had bothered to answer my summons before now.” The betas growled at Thayne’s disrespect, but he ignored them. Within seconds, he could have half a dozen of his warriors in here. From the slash of Garron’s hand to silence his wolves, the alpha knew it too.

  “Why would you employ a hybrid? Half-breeds are an abomination, and he could be a danger to your vampires. All it would take is one bite.”

  Thayne rolled his eyes. Kelle was no more a danger to Thayne’s people, than any other shifter, or human. Besides, he knew Kelle did not dabble with any of the employees, or the clientele for that matter. Thayne knew Kelle preferred the Submissives at another club. And if he found his fated mate, be it a vampire, shifter, or human, his bite would be harmless, only causing the mating bond to be created. His employee also didn’t know who he worked for. It was easy to see Kelle believed h
imself to be a human, didn’t know he was half wolf shifter. “I’ll worry about Kelle. Do we have an agreement, Garron?” The alpha looked dubious, then gave a huff, and a sharp nod.

  “Excellent. My people will be thrilled.” Vampires need for blood was a fact, and to have access to shifter blood was a luxury most vampires didn’t have. In exchange for allowing Garron’s people to come to the club, and search for mates, they would allow Thayne’s people to drink from them. It was an unprecedented endeavor, and would be shaky until both species started to trust one another. Thayne was pleased to be in a position to take the first step. Garron, unlike most alphas, was a more reasonable, open-minded male, barring his dislike of hybrids. The first three alphas Thayne had approached with his proposition, had laughed, and thought Thayne insane, or under bloodlust.

  Thayne was neither, and for his people to have the chance at the potent shifter essence, he was willing to look like a fool. He knew the truth, and honestly, he was hoping to find a worthy feeder among Garron’s pack. Humans were fine, but Thayne, being a master, and many centuries old, would benefit greatly from the extra power shifter blood contained. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting Garron to know just how powerful he’s people’s blood would make Thayne’s vampires. He wasn’t stupid enough to give away such an important detail.

  “I need to get Rixy home. I’ll send the first bunch tomorrow night.”

  Thayne nodded, and stood, his guards falling into place behind him. “I’ll walk you to the door.” They exited Thayne’s suite, and made their way down the long, winding stairs that led from the private upper levels, to the club proper. The employees were cleaning up now the club had closed, and Thayne expanded his senses in search of Kelle. He found him with Brogan, one of his full human bouncers, wiping down tables. The idea Garron didn’t like Kelle was intriguing, and Thayne planned on keeping the hybrid close. He didn’t trust Garron’s pack to stay away from Kelle, and not harass him, or worse.


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