Claiming the Little Vampire

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Claiming the Little Vampire Page 2

by CR Guiliano

  “I will come tomorrow, and for a while, just to make sure my pack remembers their manners. Being around this environment is going to trigger certain…uh…needs, and we obviously don’t want them fucking their way through your clientele. I’ll be here to remind them they are to have fun, yes, but are looking for mates, not rutting fodder.”

  Thayne nodded, agreeing. The last thing he needed was for the humans, and vampires who frequented his establishment to be accosted. And any human feeders, who might be ripe, or laetus vampires, would end up pregnant with hybrids, and both Garron, and Thayne knew that could spell disaster. He was still wondering how someone like Kelle had even been born. Of course, he had several children of his own, all but one hybrids with humans. His eldest son was full vampire, his carrier a vampire laetus, and extremely fertile, which was why he’d only seeded the male once. But Garron didn’t need to know that, and wolf hybrids were rare, and could be quite dangerous if they went feral. Not so with vampire hybrids.

  Chapter 2

  Kelle stood at the top of the stairs, guarding the private upper level that was now his new duty. He surveyed the club proper from his high vantage point, watching for any threats, and trying to deny he was looking out for a certain small man. He was exhausted, having slept very little in the last few days. And when he did get some sleep, it was to have the little man’s dark, amber eyes haunting his dreams. He’d wake up either covered in spunk, or have a raging hard-on he had to take care of just to get out of bed. And the root of his shaft continued to tingle every time he thought of the hurt man.

  He didn’t expect to see him again. Who would want to come back to a place where they had been attacked? Kelle shook his head, trying to focus on his job. The last thing he needed was to displease Thayne, when the man had given him such a prestigious position. He scanned the dance floor, watched as men came, and went from the curtained off areas, and noted a lot of new clientele. They were hard to miss, all of them large, and burly. He saw the man who had met with Thayne a few nights ago sitting in the VIP section, watching everything as sharply as Kelle was.

  Occasionally, the large, stunningly handsome man would get up, stalk down one of the large men in the club, place his hand on their neck, and lean in to whisper to them. Every time the recipient would cringe, and nod. He wondered what that was about, but tried to ignore it, since it wasn’t his business. As long as he didn’t see any violence, and no one tried to make their way up to Thayne’s private level, Kelle didn’t need to worry.

  It was nearly six hours into his shift, and he’d just come back from his break when he saw him. The small man from the alley. Much to Kelle’s surprise, there were no healing bruises on his beautiful face, and he moved languidly, as if he was no longer in any pain. How was that possible? Kelle had seen the injuries. The man should still be healing. Those thoughts took a back seat when he noticed two of the large, brawny men sandwiching the smaller one. They were slowly herding him towards the curtained off areas, and it was obvious, even from here, the man who made Kelle’s body react was flirting.

  He was running his small hands over both of the other men’s chests, smiling up at them. Something snapped in Kelle, and he had started down the stairs before he stopped himself. It wasn’t his business, but something primal reared its head inside him, and the need to protect the small man was roaring through him.


  Kelle swiveled around to see Thayne standing behind him, two of the small, pretty men by his side, his boss watching him intently. Kelle’s body was shaking, and he was scared. Scared the little guy downstairs would get hurt again, scared he’d let Thayne down with his unusual behavior. Kelle wasn’t used to such emotions, and could feel his cheeks heating with embarrassment.

  “What’s bothering you?”

  Thayne’s tone was authoritative, and had a compelling power to it that Kelle couldn’t ignore. “There’s a man downstairs who might be in trouble.” Kelle had pointed to the small man, and the two subtly pushing him closer to the curtains. Thayne followed where his finger pointed, and narrowed his eyes.

  “Then, perhaps you should save him, and bring him to me.”

  Kelle didn’t even acknowledge Thayne as he tore down the stairs, and wrestled his way through the crowd. He had permission, and one goal in mind—grabbing the pretty man, and racing back up the stairs to his boss. When he finally got to them, they were nearly behind one of the curtained areas. Kelle had never gone in one of these, had never been curious as to what was hidden away. Now, he got a good look, as one of the taller men pulled the drapes aside.

  Revealed was a small, dim alcove with what appeared to be a dentist chair, of all things. However, embedded in the top, and bottom corners were cuffs, like the ones used at the BDSM club he occasionally frequented. There were two comfortable chairs on either side of the reclined one. No other adornments could be seen. The walls were bare, nothing but rich, red carpet on the floor. Tucked in the corner was a sink, and next to it a shelf that went from floor to ceiling, filled with towels, and washcloths, and on the bottom shelf a first-aid kit, along with several bottles of lube. Kelle had always assumed sex happened in these cordoned off areas, but no sex he’d ever heard of happened here, despite the ledge full of slick.

  His brief perusal was cut short when one of the bigger guys shoved him back. He scowled at the man, intent on getting to the small one who caused his blood to thicken with arousal. Already, his body was reacting to being close. Before he could retaliate, and get his hands on the man he’d come for, the tall stranger who’d been here before came up next to him.

  “Is there a problem?”

  The man’s deep, rumbling voice caused an unfamiliar reaction in Kelle, his instincts telling him to back away, but there was no way he was doing that, with the man he’d come to get in danger. Kelle was a bit confused, wondering where the protectiveness was coming from, but he didn’t fight it. His disposition had gotten him out of a lot of tight spots, and he’d learned to trust it.

  “This here hu…”

  The stranger cleared his throat, sounding more like a growl, interrupting the other man.

  “This guy is trying to interfere with our…pleasure.”

  “This guy is a bouncer who works here, and is here to take that man to the boss.” Kelle pointed at the small man. He didn’t care much for these newcomers, and reached around the large man to grab the smaller one’s arm. The moment he touched him, he felt a tingle travel up his arm, making his heart beat faster, and blood roar in his ears. He didn’t understand it, but pulled the man to him, nonetheless.

  The stranger who had visited before looked back, and up, and Kelle followed his line of sight. Thayne was at the top of the stairs, and gave subtle nod.

  “It appears you are going to have find your pleasure somewhere else. Come with me.”

  The words were a clear order, and both men who had tried to pull the smaller man into the alcove did the oddest thing. They tilted their heads, exposing their throats, and shuffled off with the newcomer, ignoring Kelle, and the man he held. Weird people. Kelle pulled the smaller man along, but had to stop when he started struggling. He looked down to see himself being glared at…again.

  “Let go of me!”

  “No, the boss wants to see you.” The man continued to struggle, so Kelle used his free hand to grab the man’s nape, holding him tight. “Knock it off.” Finally, the stranger stopped fighting him, and Kelle could have sworn he heard a low hiss under the loud music, but when he looked down, he didn’t see any fangs this time. He was pretty sure his mind had tricked him last time, so mentally shrugged as he guided his quarry through the crowd, and up the stairs. Thayne had disappeared into his study, and Kelle went to knock on the door. When he let go of the man’s neck, he tried to bolt, but Kelle grabbed him around the waist, and flipped him over his shoulder.


  Kelle opened the door, to see Thayne sitting on the couch, the pretty, young men he usually had around him hovering near
by, with one sitting in his lap. When Kelle walked in, it looked like Thayne was kissing the man’s neck, and from the sounds, the guy really liked it. Embarrassed, Kelle turned his gaze away. Minutes later, there was a loud groan, and when Kelle looked back, it was to see the object of Thayne’s attention lying on the couch, a dazed look on his face, and a large wet spot on the front of his pants.

  The guy in Kelle’s arms had continued to wiggle, and Kelle finally slapped his tight ass to get him to stop. The man froze, and Kelle wondered if he’d hit him too hard.

  “Kindly put him down, Kelle.”

  Kelle pulled the man over his shoulder, letting him slide down his much taller body, holding in a groan of his own, as his skin grew hot, and cock grew impossibly harder. He didn’t know what it was about this stranger, but Kelle wanted him—desperately.


  Tobih was thoroughly annoyed. He’d come so close, so close to tapping a vein, and satisfying the hunger within him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew some damn rough sex was going to be involved, but he didn’t care. He’d take the bruises, and humiliation to quench his thirst. The two guys he’d been flirting with smelled—off, like they weren’t entirely human, but he was a newly turned vampire, so what did he know?

  But, once again, he’d been cut off from his meal, by the same bouncer who’d scared off the guy who had knocked him around in the alley a few nights ago. He didn’t understand why he was a target for the violence, and didn’t really care when all he wanted to do was sink his fangs into some flesh, and fill his aching belly with warm blood. He’d bought a few rabbits, and cats from a pet store, but their blood wasn’t satisfying, like he thought it might be. He’d killed the pets with his desperate hunger, drinking way too much, and regretted it. He didn’t want to kill, he just wanted to feel full for once.

  He pulled at the bouncer, trying to get free, but the man wasn’t letting go. So much for vampires having super human strength. He hissed under his breath, knowing flashing his fangs inside the club was a bad, very bad idea. There were nothing but humans here, and he didn’t relish being a science experiment, if they figured out he wasn’t one of them.

  And why did the owner of the club want to see him? He didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. For that matter, he’d just danced, and flirted like everyone else here. No one knew what he planned on doing behind that curtain. He wanted to rage when the bouncer had picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder like Tobih was a sack of flour, or something. He struggled again, when they entered the boss’s office, Tobih humiliated at finding himself in such a position, ass up, and facing the man who owned the club.

  He ignored the way his cooler body heated when he was slid down the bouncer’s tall length, and turned quickly to confront the club owner. He nearly swallowed his tongue at the gorgeous man. His gaze took in the man’s flushed face, the pretty twinks around him, and the one reclining on the couch, acting as if he was drugged. Even in the dim light, Tobih saw the tiny pinpricks on the man’s neck, and his gaze jerked back to the owner, who was smirking at him. Wow, apparently, the owner was a vampire. The first Tobih had encountered.

  “Kelle, could we have a moment alone?”

  Tobih glanced over to the man standing next to him, noting the frown, but he only nodded at his boss, turned, and left, closing the door behind him. Tobih returned his attention to the man sitting at the desk. “So, you’re a vampire?”

  “No, I am a master vampire, and am surprised to find a fledgling in my territory. Care to explain how you ended up here?”

  Tobih shrugged. He didn’t know what the difference was between himself, and a master vampire, but he really didn’t feel like dredging up the mistake who had bitten him.

  “Shrugging your shoulders, and refusing to answer me is not a good idea. I can make your life very…uncomfortable.”

  “Is that a threat?” Tobih couldn’t believe some guy he’d never met before was bullying him. Lord knows he’d had enough of that in his life, what with the few hook-ups he’d had who, thanks to his small size, thought it gave them carte blanche to be rough, not to mention his alcoholic mother who like to use her fists, and incestuous father who thought Tobih’s ass was fair game. It had taken him a few years, but he’d finally gotten out of his parent’s house, and he was never, ever going back. Everything had been going well, until the one-night stand he’d brought home had gotten all fangy on him.

  He’d originally thought the man just had a thing for biting. Until he’d kicked the man out after their fucking, then gone through the worst night of his life, the agony so bad, he thought he was going to die. Except, he did. And come morning, was reborn as a vampire. That had been a couple of weeks ago. Now, because going out in sunlight was painful, he’d lost his job. He’d eventually found another, thank God, so hadn’t lost his loft, but it had been a close call. Now, he worked the early evenings, then trolled for veins to satisfy his thirst late in the night, and slept during the day.

  “No, that is not a threat, but you need to understand, you are in my territory, and I expect a certain amount of respect from vampires in my coven.”

  “I’m not in your coven. A one-night stand bit me, turned me into a monster, and my loft is only about six blocks from here. So, you see, no need to worry about me. If you want, I won’t come into your club anymore. Plenty of other places to find a neck, or two.” Tobih wasn’t sure about that, at least not nice clubs like this one. Sure, there were lots of bars around, but it wasn’t hard to figure out Tobih was gay, and he highly doubted he’d be welcome in any of them.

  “You are a fledgling vampire, and from what you just said, turned within my territory. That automatically makes you a member of my coven. You should have presented yourself immediately, so we could have helped with your transition. And, you are no more a monster, than I am.”

  Tobih ignored the titters of laughter around him from the little twinks. “That’s all well, and fine, but I don’t know how to identify a vampire, didn’t know there was a master around, and all I really care about it finding a vein to tap.”


  Tobih took a step back, when one of the pretty men approached him. He stood directly in front of Tobih, well within his personal space, and Tobih was about to tell him to back off, when the small man—though not much smaller than Tobih—tilted his head, exposing the gently pulsing vein in his neck. Tobih’s mouth watered, and his fangs throbbed.

  “Drink, and then we can continue our discussion.”

  Tobih was shaking all over at holding himself back. “I’m not sure…I’ve never…I don’t know…” God, he was a dweeb, unable to get out he’d never fed from a human before.

  “Is Kib not to your liking? I can provide another.”

  “NO! No, that’s not it. I’ve…uh…never actually…um, I’ve never drank from a human before.” Tobih hung his head, no matter how aware he was of the warm body in front of him. A warm body he wanted to grab, and sink his fangs into.

  “You what? Wait, you’ve never had human blood?”

  Tobih nearly pissed himself when the boss man stood up, coming around the desk to stand near him. Holy mother of…he was so fucking tall! “No?” Tobih barely got that out, and wasn’t sure why he’d said the word like a question. He stepped back until his back hit the wall, and took a deep breath, infuriated the other vampire was rattling him. “Look, I’ve tried, but it’s not easy. It’s only been a couple of weeks.”

  “Dear Gods, no wonder you are starving. Kib, come here.”

  Tobih watched suspiciously as the twink approached the boss. He gasped when the owner leaned down, and bit into the guy’s neck. Half a second later, he lifted his head, and Tobih’s eyes were glued to the trickle of blood seeping from the wounds. He licked his lips, then groaned when the twink came up to him, wrapped his arms around his waist, and presented his neck. Tobih couldn’t help it, he struck, sinking his fangs in where the master had bitten. The first gulp, and Tobih’s cock twitched. Three draws of the warm, sweet bloo
d, and Tobih was in danger of coming in his pants. It tasted so damn good, and he could feel energy thrumming through him.

  Only minutes later, the master tried to pull Tobih from his first decent meal, and he growled at him. He then hissed when the taller vampire forced a finger between Tobih’s mouth, and the human’s neck, breaking the suction he had developed. Angry, Tobih ignored the way the owner had to help the human to the couch to lie down.

  “You mustn’t take too much. Not only will it make you sick, but Kib will be in danger, and need to replenish his strength.”

  Tobih licked his lips, making sure not to waste a drop of the precious blood. His stomach felt comfortably warm, and satisfied, and not too full since the club owner stopped him from gorging himself.

  “Now, why don’t you have a seat, and we’ll continue our conversation.”

  The tall vampire waved at a chair in front of his desk, and Tobih was feeling languid enough to glide over, and sit. He was sleepy now, and only wished for the night to be over so he could go home, and climb into bed.

  “Can you tell me the name of the vampire who bit you?”

  Tobih shook his head. “No, I told you, it was a one-night stand. I don’t get names. We fucked, and he bit me. After that, things are a blur, and I didn’t become aware of anything until hours later.”

  “Can you, at least, tell me what he looked like?”

  Tobih blinked slowly, trying to get his sluggish brain to cooperate. “He was tallish, pretty skinny. He had white hair, and pale blue eyes. Nice sized dick, and an ass to die for.” Tobih giggled. He had died for that ass. Well, he’d been the one fucked, but still. When he glanced at the master, there was a frown on his finely sculpted face. “Do you know who he is?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “Well?” Tobih didn’t have the patience right now to pull answers from the tall vampire. “Who was he?”


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