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The Seducer (Men of the North Book 4)

Page 24

by Elin Peer

  “I swear.” I pointed to Khan and Pearl with a grin. “You two are so alike that it’s scary. Do you ever say anything without having an agenda?”

  They smiled at each other and something passed between them, too private to share.

  “There is no way the Motherlands can give you everything on that list,” Laura pointed out and moved in her seat.

  “They’d better, if they don’t want us to invade,” Magni stated.

  “I’m sorry to break this to you,” Laura said and looked straight at him. “But the women in the Motherlands aren’t submissive by nature, and they’ll have no problem standing up to you.” The way she raised her chin with defiance had me almost gaping. Before Laura ran away to the Motherlands, she had been a prime example of a quiet, sweet, submissive Northlander wife. The woman who had returned was showing teeth.

  Magni’s scowl deepened and he leaned across the table, pinning her with his eyes. “Don’t worry, honey, I love a good challenge.” The air was sizzling with electricity and Athena looked at me with large eyes, expressing concern.

  I knew Laura had practiced martial arts in the Motherlands and that she was stronger and more confident than ever, but provoking the best warrior in the world was never wise. Especially when that warrior had a lot of built-up anger toward her.

  “Ahem.” Clearing his throat, Khan brought the attention back to him. “Okay, let me summarize the top priorities on my list then.” He read from the list that hung projected above the table for everyone to see.

  “1: Complete equality on the Council of the Motherlands within the next ten years. If we land on twenty-five percent that’s a good start.

  “2: Permanent residency in the Motherlands for one thousand Nmen over the next five years.”

  “Remember the meat and alcohol,” I interjected.

  Khan looked at me, signaling that he had heard me, before he moved on.

  “3: Free entry to the Northlands for every female who wishes to live here.”

  “Yes,” Pearl nodded her head. “This is where you should be willing to compromise. The Council is going to want the women to have rights. Tell them that you’re willing to let the women work, and that they will be allowed to choose their own partners.”

  “I still say we should have tournaments,” Magni exclaimed, but Pearl ignored him.

  “Offer to create a system where every male looking for a female can register. That way the women can make an informed choice.”

  “That would never work,” Magni objected. “What if the women choose some weaklings that can’t protect them? With tournaments, at least we know that the husband is strong and capable.”

  Athena coughed.

  “What?” Magni asked her as if she had argued against him.

  “Nothing, I’m just excited that the Motlander women might nurture some of the less violent traits in you Nmen. It should be interesting to see the men impress women with more than just their muscles.”

  Magni narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure you’d like to see us write love poems and jump around and do ballet and shit, but if I were you, I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

  “Love poems sound nice,” Laura said. “An Nman expressing his feelings would be very refreshing.”

  Magni’s foot was tapping under the table and he looked like he wanted to drag Laura to their room and discipline her for speaking against him.

  “What about the males that are looking for a male?” Athena asked, resulting in all heads turning to look at her.

  “Ehm…” Khan looked at me, Boulder, and Magni.

  “Love is love,” Athena stated. “And surely with so many males living together, homosexuality must flourish here.”

  Khan looked down and took time before he answered. “It’s not something we usually discuss.”

  “Is there some kind of rule against homosexuality?”

  “No, it happens, but most men would rather be with female sex-bots than…” Khan trailed off. “It’s hard to imagine that anyone would want to be with a man if they had access to women.”

  Athena smiled and folded her hands in front of her. “Statistics show that about ten percent of men are gay. It’s probably always been that way. In the Motherlands, it’s not unusual for our men to choose male sex-bots in the pleasure parlors, even when they could be with a female one.”

  “We don’t have any male sex-bots.” Boulder looked at Khan. “Do we?”

  “No, not from what I know.” He made a dismissive hand signal toward Athena. “If it makes you happy, we can add the option of choosing a male to the system, but I doubt anyone will use it. Nmen prefer women.”

  Athena’s smile hinted at doubt, but she didn’t pursue the subject further.

  “4: Ten more mixed schools with children from both sides of the border,” Khan read from the list.

  “Yes.” Pearl closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Now with this one, it will give you goodwill if you mention that it’s also an opportunity for the Northlander girls to attend school instead of being homeschooled. The Council will like that detail.”

  “Got it!” Khan said. “I have another ten points on the list, but those four are the major ones.”

  “Who will do the negotiations alongside you?” I asked Khan.

  “I will,” Pearl said and gave Magni a challenging glance when he scowled at her. “It’s better that way, Magni, because I speak their language.”

  Magni threw his hands in the air. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? They speak English just like we do.”

  “Yes, but a loud, angry voice, or the use of curse words, can be very distracting to a Motlander. They will focus on that instead of hearing your actual words.”

  “There’s going to be a whole bunch of them,” Boulder said. “Didn’t you say you were meeting with a delegation? Maybe you should bring me or Finn.”

  Crossing his arms, and leaning back in his chair, Khan tapped his fingers on his arm, looking thoughtful. “I want Magni there.”

  Magni squared his shoulders, and Khan continued. “His presence will feel threatening to them and he’ll be a reminder to the Council members about everything they want to keep out of the Motherlands.”

  “And why they should accept our terms,” Magni added.

  “Yes,” Khan agreed and looked at the rest of us, his eyes resting on Athena. “Tell me why you are here?”

  Athena looked to me. “Because I was hurt, and Finn came to check up on me and…”

  Khan interrupted her. “That’s not what I meant. I’m trying to determine what your interest in this is.” He angled his head as if trying to read her mind.

  I placed my hand on top of Athena’s on the table. “Athena and I love each other and we’re going to be together. With her position in the Motherlands the best solution for us would be to live there. You can trust that she’s interested in making the Council consent to that part.”

  Khan thought about it before consulting Pearl. “What do you think?”

  Pearl skewed her mouth to one side and looked thoughtful as well. “Athena’s presence will calm them down. She represents peace and wisdom to them, and in my assessment her words will matter in a way yours never can.” Again, Pearl and Khan exchanged a long look that made me think they were having a silent conversation.

  Khan pointed to Athena. “You will come with us, and when I ask for the seventy-five percent men on the Council you will speak against me. It will make them feel like you’re on their side and that you’re not being controlled by me.” He leaned forward. “However, when I ask for the thousand Nmen living in the Motherlands over the next five years, you’ll support the idea. Do you understand?”

  Pearl followed up with a soft smile. “Remember, Athena, we’re not doing this to trick the Council, but to push the integration process along faster, and avoid a potential war. This way everything will happen in a controlled way with support from both sides of the border, and no one has to die.” Pearl paused a moment. “I know it soun
ds scary with men on the Council, but if they are chosen for their pacifistic nature and high integrity like I was, then history shouldn’t repeat itself.

  Athena sighed. “I know, and I’ll do as you ask.”


  Bad Men


  After the meeting we stood in the grand foyer of the Gray Mansion. Finn was engaged in a conversation with Alexander, Magni, and Khan.

  Six months ago I had been brought here as a hostage. I could still remember everything from that night. Looking around the foyer I took in all the details, from the beautiful curved staircase to the chandeliers and paintings on the walls. The Gray Mansion was like something out of a movie from the old days.

  “I thought you said all the men who had tried to cross the border had been captured,” Finn said, and that caught my attention.

  “Of course I would say that in public.” Khan frowned. “I was trying to stop others from doing the same.”

  “Wait, what was that?” Laura, who had been talking to Pearl, asked and took a step closer to the men. “I thought I heard you say that some men crossed the border without being captured.”

  Khan drew in a long breath. “I’m afraid so. The Motherlands has provided photos from the border drones, asking us to identify the men.”

  Laura’s voice was hard when she spoke. “How many are we talking about?”

  “Not many. If the latest numbers that we received this morning are accurate, they caught two hundred and thirty-five men who tried to cross the border unauthorized.”

  “And how many didn’t they catch?” Laura asked again.

  “Nineteen got away from them, and twelve of them have us concerned.”

  By now Pearl had joined our group, and everyone was looking at Khan when he spoke. “It’ll be all right. I’m going to offer the Council to send in some of my best men to locate and arrest the Nmen. We’ll bring them back here before they do any harm and bring shame to our name.”

  “I told you,” Pearl said and brushed her hair back in frustration, "the Council will never allow you to send in soldiers or warriors. They will insist on solving this problem themselves.”

  Magni spoke up in his deep voice. “Your mediators aren’t equipped to deal with people like that. They could be armed, and I’ve seen their profiles. At least five of them are dangerous criminals with violent back grounds.”

  Athena gasped. “Why would you allow anyone who is dangerous to walk around?”

  “These men took their punishment already. Unless they’re given a life sentence they’re allowed back out when they’ve served their time.”

  Pearl and I exchanged worried glances, while Laura flicked her long ginger-red hair back and squared her shoulders. “If the Motherlands won’t allow any of our male warriors to go, then I’ll do it. I’m the best female warrior that we have.”

  Boulder snorted. “A female warrior – ha, that’s a good one.”

  Laura pushed her chest out further and narrowed her eyes. “You won’t be laughing when I track those fuckers down and bring them back here.”

  All of us grew silent as if waiting for her to laugh and say that she was just joking, but Laura didn’t break a smile.

  “You’re serious?” Pearl’s question woke us all from the initial shock.

  “Why not? I’m not letting the Motherlands deal with those twisted Nmen by themselves. I’m the perfect person for the job since I can blend in and get close to the men. They’ll think I’m a helpless Motlander.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Magni told his wife. “You’re staying right here where I can keep you safe.”

  “That’s not up to you!” Laura hardened her jaw. “None of your soldiers will be allowed in, and…”

  Magni cut her off “The fuck you are. You just got back and the two of us have things to discuss.”

  “I know, but you’re too busy cleaning up this mayhem for us to talk anyway. You deal with it on this side and I’ll track down and bring those men back before they hurt innocent people.”

  “No!” Magni said in a nonnegotiable way, his brows lowered and his stance intimidating.

  “Yes!” Laura exclaimed and placed her hands on her hips. “

  “Laura dear,” Pearl said with a small frown. “This is a job for the most skilled mediators in the Motherlands; I doubt they will let you put yourself in danger.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Laura said and crossed her arms. “I want to give back after everything the Motherlands have done for me, and they’ll be fools not to take my offer.” Laura held out her hand to Khan. “Give me every file you have on those shitheads, and I’ll find them.”

  Magni grabbed her outstretched hand and a loud argument erupted between them when he pulled her aside, hissing at her that she’d lost her damn mind. Neither of them would give in and when Magni couldn’t talk her out of it with his words, he threatened to lock her in their room for her own protection.

  Both Pearl and I objected when Magni pulled Laura onto his shoulder and walked up the stairs. We pleaded for the other men to help her, but Laura was resourceful and planted her teeth in Magni’s neck, making him growl and smack her behind hard.

  “Put her down,” Khan commanded in a loud booming voice and the distraction that it caused gave Laura a chance to get out of Magni’s hold.

  With fury on his face, Magni stood halfway up the staircase looking at Laura running back down to our group again.

  I stroked her back in a gesture of sympathy, and Pearl moved forward, shielding Laura from Magni’s vision.

  “Argh,” he snarled from the stairs, turned around, and ran up three steps at a time.

  My shoulders relaxed again when he was gone.

  “Laura, Magni is right,” Khan said and rocked back on his heels with a deep frown. “Chasing down criminals is no job for a woman.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Laura,” Pearl said and shook her head at Khan. “When will you accept that women are as capable as men?”

  “When will you accept that when it comes to handling violent Nmen, they aren’t?” he said in a sharp tone.

  Pearl wasn’t intimidated. “You’re forgetting that women were police officers and soldiers before the Toxic War.”

  “And you’re forgetting that they had training,” Khan pointed out. “Laura doesn’t.”

  “I’m the best qualified person for the task,” Laura said with confidence. “I’m not afraid of Nmen and I have fight training now.”

  Khan took a step closer, pinning Laura with his eyes. “If you aren’t afraid of those men, then you’re the least qualified person for the task. I’m not sending a fool on a suicide mission.”

  “I’ll be cautious,” she said quickly. “I’m not stupid.”

  “If Laura wants to do this, we should respect her choice,” Pearl said and sighed when Khan pivoted around and dragged his hands through his hair.

  “Laura.” Taking her hand, I looked into her eyes. “You have the strength to do this, but I wonder if you’re doing it for the right reasons.”

  “I want to help!” she said.

  “Yes, but if you’re trying to prove the point that women are strong, there are better ways.”

  The sound of running footsteps had us all looking up the stairs to see Magni return.

  The sight of him carrying weapons made me burst out a warning in a high pitch, “He’s going to kill Laura.”

  Magni stopped cold, and then his face distorted in a grimace of anger. “What the fuck are you talking about, priestess? I took a vow to protect Laura with my life,” he snarled. “And just for the record, I don’t need no fucking weapons to kill a person.”

  He took the last five steps, and with the combination of Magni’s being already huge and his being higher up than us, he looked imposing and intimidating, like an ancient Viking warrior descending to fight us all. On instinct, I moved closer to Finn and he pulled me under his arm in a protective way.

  “If you’re determined to chase those m
otherfuckers, then I’m going with you,” Magni said to Laura.

  “That’s impossible,” Pearl exclaimed. “After you crossed the border, unauthorized, twice and kidnapped Athena, you have become public enemy number one. They would never allow you to pass the border.”

  “They just did,” Magni argued. “I was at the ceremony when the earth quake happened.”

  Khan spoke up. “You have no idea how long it took for Pearl to convince them to let you come. Both she and I had to make solemn promises that we guaranteed you would return with us to the Northlands and that you wouldn’t be trouble while we were there.”

  “Public enemy number one, huh!” Magni scrunched up his mouth.

  “I understand your frustration, brother, I know it’s against your nature to leave Laura unprotected, but you can’t leave your post now,” Khan said. “There’s too much going on here and I need you to stay.”

  Magni groaned and then he turned to Laura. “If I can’t stop you, then at least I can make sure that you’re wearing the right protection, and that you bring solid weapons.” He held out a piece of fabric that looked like nothing I had ever seen before. It had the shape of a small human, but was made in a see-through material. “Remember the video that I made for you?” he asked in a gruff voice. “The one where I promised you that I would teach you to fight if you came home?”

  Laura nodded.

  “Well, I had this made for you, so you wouldn’t get hurt while training,” Magni said. “There’s no better protective gear than this and you can wear it under your clothes.”

  Laura took the one-piece and looked it over. “I’ve seen vests and gloves, but never a full body suit. This must have cost you a fortune.”

  “As I said,” Magni mumbled, “I had it especially made for you.”

  I softened a little toward Magni. The concern on his face and the thoughtfulness of wanting to protect Laura was touching.


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