Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)
Page 13
I divert my eyes to him as he grabs me by the arm and pulls me in front of him, wrapping himself around me, his mouth just outside my ear. "She knows...doesn't she?"
"Uh...yeah." There is no need to lie.
"And it's kind of hot..."
"Meredith, put a cork in it."
"This could work out in my favor..."
"It already is," she replies.
Bryant grabs her hand and starts tugging her toward a door. "Hey, bro, can you watch the front for a few? I was on my way to the office to..." He looks at Meredith and back at Saxton. "Take care of something when I saw you."
He nods, but doesn’t really acknowledge Bryant otherwise. "How so," Saxton asks louder as the distance between Meredith and him grows.
I narrow my eyes at her, daring her to say something. "Meredith..."
Her grin changes and that's when I know. "Just check the bag labeled SINcerely Yours in the car and you'll know."
That bitch.
She disappears through the door and it shuts. Don't ask. Please don't ask.
"So you did go to a sex store..."
He asked.
I can feel him smile against my ear as he hugs me into him. I really don't even want to admit this. I just want to lie. I go with sarcasm. It always has a better effect. "What can I say, my curiosity got the best of me."
"Oh yeah," he whispers, then grinds himself against my butt, making me nervous yet again. "What did you find?"
"Awkward things."
"Show me."
"Will you give up if I say no?"
"Figures. Let's go. Your autograph is needed anyway."
I grab his hands and move them off of me, but he only releases his hold to grab my fingertips as if I'm going to try and run off. "My autograph?" He laughs. "Why?"
"Because Meredith has a big mouth, kind of. Long story."
I walk in a hurry to the car, pulling free from his grasp. I get there and pull the handle. It's locked. Turning, I place my hands on my hips. "Well, I guess you won't be seeing it after all. Oh well."
He presents a set of keys. "Looking for these?"
The small glass bottle keychain filled with sand from an Alabama beach that she got to bring a piece of home with us confirms they are Meredith's. "Where did you get those?"
"Off the counter."
He presses the unlock button on the remote, before walking toward me and grabbing the handle of the door, opening it for me. I sit on the passenger seat sideways, my feet remaining on the pavement, and grab the bag, digging through it hurriedly to give him the DVDs and nothing more. He leans into the car, hovering over me as I extend them for him to take. I lean back against the center console. "So...I'm guessing you like blondes?"
We both look down at the one on top, the one about twins. "I don't have a preference," he retorts.
He smirks. "I have to like whatever they cast for me. That's how I get paid... But, I am swaying towards a particular blonde that has piqued my interest, if I can get her to read the damn contract."
I prop one leg on the doorframe, trying to back up some, but that only makes him put his hand on my thigh. Backfire for sure, because now his hand is close to my area and it feels friggin' amazing. "Why do you even want me to do this? It makes absolutely no sense to me. Even if I agreed, there is no way this is going to be interesting with me knowing a camera is there watching my every move, especially if you want me to get naked. I'm nervous enough being naked in front of you."
Oops. I want to crawl in a hole and die now. Good job, Kambry!
He grabs the DVDs and tosses them onto the back seat, before leaning closer to me, invading my personal space. He holds his weight with one arm as the other migrates up my thigh, sending my dress north, my panties becoming visible. He lifts my buttocks to work the fabric over it, before setting me back down, my dress sitting at my waist.
My breathing is coming out in short bursts, unable to breathe through my nostrils. "I make you nervous, huh?"
"I didn't mean that. I was just rambling." I lie.
He places his lips at the point of my V-shaped neckline, on the roundness of my breast cleavage, kissing it. My eyes become heavy, but I fight to keep them open. His hand detours south, tracing the seam between my leg and torso, before inching to the top of my panty line and slipping beneath it. "That's the funny thing about questions. If you would read the instruction manual, most of them get answered."
"Why don't you just tell me what's in it?"
"Because I want you to read it for yourself."
He slips his finger inside, slowly tormenting me. My other leg pulls into the car, also resting on the frame beside the seat. One hand pushes against the back of the seat, the other on the bottom beside my thigh. "Someone is going to see."
"No they won't. My body is blocking you. Even if they did... Who cares? This is between me and you." He slides his finger in and out, twisting it each time he's fully inside.
"Stop teasing me."
"Stop denying me."
"I'm not."
"But you are."
"Ugh. You're so frustrating."
"Not having you fully is as well. I want your body, Kambry, in the most selfish way."
He runs his finger up my slit and begins rubbing my clit with his middle finger. It feels so good I can't stand it. Reflexively my body wants to buck forward. "I've offered it to you."
"You know the stipulations, Kambry. It has to be this way. Just read the contract."
"I'll think about it."
We stare at each other, but it's getting harder for me to focus on him while he does that. He squats and changes the position of his hand. "What are you doing?"
"I'm just going to have to persuade you some more."
His thumb hooks around my panties between my legs and he moves them to the side, before leaning in, and touches the tip of his tongue to my entrance. "Shit," I say inching upward.
He grabs my waist and pulls me to the edge of the seat. "Be still."
"It's not that sim-"
I breathe out as he begins flicking his tongue back and forth over my clit. My hand goes for his hair and my back arches, the top of my head skimming the center console. He's not letting up, clearly here to work more than play.
My butt muscles tighten, lifting my pelvis slightly. He shoves a finger inside as if he knew that's what I wanted; pumping in and out as his tongue continues the fast-paced motion over my sensitive place. He hooks his finger up as he slides it inside, pressing deep into me. "Dammit. I think I'm about to..." My eyes close and my mouth falls open as I begin to orgasm, my tongue barely moving enough to speak. "Come."
Everything slows down. My legs try to close, but his shoulders block them. I don't know where I am, who's around me, or what I look or sound like, and frankly I don't care, because it feels so good. I can't think or focus on anything but the feeling that is consuming my body and mind. For a brief moment, seconds feel like minutes, but then gradually every ounce of pleasure fades away, and then his touch begins to tickle.
My eyes open and I press back on his head, shoving him backward for me to sit up when I see Meredith looking through the windshield with a big-ass grin on her face. He turns toward my line of vision and removes his finger from my body when he sees her standing there, staring at us, and being completely creepy right now. He readjusts my panties back into their original position.
My hands go for the bottom of my dress, quickly working it down as he stands enough to lean in the car, wiping his wet fingers on his jeans. I clear my throat as I gather myself, still completely mortified. Why can I not have a moment without people walking up on me? Her lips purse and her hands go on her hips. "Nothing better than topping off an office quickie with an oral show. That was hot, Kambry," she says, peeking her head between the open car door and the frame.
I cover my face, unable to look at her. My face probably looks like a tomato. "Meredith, can you give us ab
out two minutes?"
His voice is close. He's clearly hovering over me like when we first came out here. "Sure," she says in a singsong voice. "I'll just be getting that wine now. Someone is going to need it."
I can't see, but I can hear her walking away by the sound of her shoe soles shuffling on the pavement, also reminding me of what I just did in a public location! "Oh, God," I mumble against my hands.
Hands wrap around my wrists; big, strong ones. Those same hands pry mine away from my face. I stare into those beautiful eyes; so deep and bold. The corner of his mouth pulls upward, and then he leans in and places his lips over mine. I moan as he slips his tongue into my mouth, just moments after going down on me. I should find this gross, but something about my taste being mixed with his makes this hard to turn away from.
I should make him stop. This is crazy. I'm letting a guy I barely know do totally inappropriate things to me in a parking lot in California at midday. I press my palms into his chest, trying to create some space. "We have to stop this," I mumble against his lips, finally pulling away. "We are going to get arrested for indecency."
"Promise me you'll read the contract."
"We're already back to that?"
"Promise me."
"Give me one reason why I should."
He places his hand on my upper thigh and my skin jumps. "Because of this." He kisses my cheek that is currently heated. "And because of that." His finger barely grazes beneath the edging of my panties. "But mostly because of the way I leave you here. We want this, Kambry. You don't think I know this is insane?"
His eyes command me to listen, to hear him out.
"Generally, I'm not turned on by a girl. Not anymore. When you've spent hours a day for days on end over the period of years fucking and sucking and doing everything imaginable, it just loses its appeal; so much so that at twenty-five I take a fucking pill made for erectile dysfunction to get up and stay up."
"Why are you telling me this?"
He grabs my hand and wraps it around his jean-covered erection. "Because you're the first girl in years that has done this with no pills, no prep, nothing. I want to see this play out, Kambry, but this is also my job. This is the only way I can ensure I don't have to touch another woman while I do. Sometimes the best things come in the most abnormal of forms, so promise me."
Without a thought..."I promise."
He smiles. My heart falters. "Where's your phone?"
I feel around in my purse until it's enclosed in my hand. I hand it to him, unlocked. He starts touching around on the screen for no more than a few moments and hands it back to me, showing his name and number added to my contact list. "If you have any questions call me. I'll explain. Any time of day."
I nod and he places his lips to mine, lingering until the driver's side door opens. "Am I too early?"
I hear a thud as she places something in the back on the floorboard, but I can't look away. "No, you're just in time."
He winks.
I can't breathe. I can't speak. I just watch, as he backs out of the car and grabs the door. I push up, forcing myself to correctly position myself in the car and then he shuts the door, before backing away. My lips tingle. My fingertips instantly touch my lips in the exact location his mouth just was.
"Do I get juicy gossip on what just happened? That boy wants you...some kind of bad."
I never look away as he walks backward, toward a truck that I just now noticed parked in the lot. Our eyes never part. "Meredith, right now I just need you to drive. I'm going to need that wine, and lots of it, because I have a feeling I'm about to do something that's going to change my entire life."
For good or bad I'm not sure...
I stand from the couch and walk toward the refrigerator with my now empty wine glass - the third one at that. The DVDs sitting idle on the counter catch my attention as they have each time I've refilled my glass. My glass clinks against the counter as I set it down.
The slightest hint of a buzz is occurring, loosening me up a bit. I drag my gaze away from the cover and turn for the refrigerator. I open it and remove the large bottle of wine, pulling out the cork and pouring yet another glass half full. I return the bottle and place the rim to my lips, before allowing the sweet liquid to pour into my mouth, holding it on my tongue to savor before swallowing in a gulp. It’s sweet up front with the mildest of a bitter bite at the end: the perfect combination to avoid an upset stomach.
I lean forward, resting on my forearms on the counter, my eyes automatically settling back on the DVD cases. "So, are you going to put it in or stare at it all night?"
I work hard not to laugh. "Depends on what it you're referring to. That phrase sounded kind of dirty, Mer."
I glance up at her over the counter. She's standing on her knees on the couch cushions, shifting her weight so that it looks like she's bouncing. "Kambry, I thought we were having a drunken porno party. So far all I've gotten is some girl talk, which I love you for, and a few sips of fruity goodness. You've released the hornball with your stories. Bring out the porn and the party?"
"What if I want to keep him all to myself?"
"The hell you are! You get him in real life. A girl can at least dream and add him to her spank bank. He's fair game in fantasy land¸ you lucky bitch."
My lips begin to tingle again...but not from the wine. My fingertips reflexively brush over them, remembering the way it felt with his lips pressed against mine, especially just after having them pressed between my legs. This is the only way I can do that and ensure that I don’t have to touch another woman... He actually wants to only hook up with me. Why?
"You have no idea," I mumble, agreeing with her prior statement, zoning out once again... I can't seem to concentrate on anything for very long before my mind wanders to off the wall random things that have no purpose navigating through my thought process.
When the two of us left the liquor store we stopped by the local deli and grabbed lunch, and then came back here. Meredith took a nap while I cleaned, since obviously I was too high-strung to do any sleeping myself. Usually once I'm up I can't go back to sleep anyway. For hours all I've done is clean in circles, repeating the same places without even catching myself, because all I've been able to think about is him, the way he makes me feel, and how much I want to see him again.
If I'm being honest...
After cleaning the toilet for the third time and trying to fold dirty clothes, I decided that maybe today wasn't the best day to clean. I haven't even showered because occasionally I get a whiff of the faintest cologne, knowing that it's his, stained on my body, so I tried cooking dinner instead. That didn't work out in my favor either. Let's just say there is a pot soaking in the sink with pasta glued to the bottom and the spaghetti sauce has a scorched flavor.
This is coming from a pretty decent cook. When you have strict conservative parents there isn't a whole lot of other stuff to do than to perfect the role of Betty Homemaker as Meredith so rudely called me on more than one occasion. The nerve. Sometimes I really wonder how we've stayed friends. Not denying that it wasn't said in fair game. Mom did make me take home economics. No one wanted to take that class, and the people that I hung out with didn't, because the cheerleaders and dancers had a practice period just like the athletes.
Drama was my only somewhat fun class, and that was all for Meredith. I didn't have the heart to tell her acting wasn't my thing...and Saxton wants me to be under a camera twenty-four hours a day; the irony. I still have no clue why my mother agreed to that class: maybe because I wasn't any good at it.
My biggest desire and passion...was music, but unless it was singing hymns in church or alongside playing the piano, that was just a waste of a class. I wasn’t allowed to take it. Let's not forget participating in the choir was a must though. My voice was too beautiful not to.
Mom's words not mine. The funny thing - not many people know I can sing. I acted like I hated singing just because it was forced on me. I never got to choose the singing and music tha
t I wanted to.
Music is my thing, my love. It's an art that I'm actually pretty good at. Maybe that goes hand in hand with having it surrounding me at all times. Ear buds are a necessity. Music apps are an absolute must. Spending countless hours scouring YouTube and preset channels for the newest hidden gem is my guilty pleasure. I am very much a music junkie. Also, I'm a mood listener when it comes to genre. It calms my brain. It jump-starts my thought process. It is everything to me and I'd be lost without it. Music has gotten me through some pretty down times.
It's no secret with Meredith that I can sing, but there is one thing no one knows about me. For years I've wanted to learn how to play the guitar, and not for the reason most would think. Fame and glory just isn't something I strive for. The opposite is true really. I hate to be the center of attention. As much as I love people, I also love time alone with my mind and myself. It never stops. I love words. There are so many different ones, yet the combination in which they are used is endless. I've found over the years that standing alone they fall flat.
I've always wanted to be able to strum along to the melodies and words constantly emerging when no one is around. I have notebooks full of words, pages completely filled that I kept hidden between my mattresses, but no music to make them whole. That is the piece that has always been missing to my puzzle, but one day...I will find it.
Snaps sound in my ear, pulling me out of this weird reflective trance I'm in. Don't ask me why I'm going back to days of high school when I'm beyond that period. I honestly couldn't answer. "Kambry! Hello. Are you in there?"
I blink. "What?"
"Oh my gosh, girl. You're making my inner spaz rear her ugly head. Pay attention. What is with you today? You've been super weird since homeboy had his tongue all up in your business." She gives me a once-over and motions her tongue in a crude manner. "That good, huh?"
"Shut up!" I shove at her playfully from across the bar, still slightly embarrassed she witnessed me hooking up with a guy in her car, in a parking lot public enough to be seen, but she jumps back before I can reach her. "What were you saying?"