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No Dress Required

Page 2

by Quinn, Cari

  God, listen to her. How long had she been waiting for a chance at him? Years. By the time she’d finally started coming into her own, he’d hooked up with saintly, perfect Maureen. The woman with pin-straight hair that never frizzed and saucer-sized blue eyes she loved to bat at Jake. They never argued and had seemed to exist in a state of synchronistic couple harmony.

  Until they’d broken up early this year.

  Noelle had done her best to be a good friend to him. A platonic friend. She’d bought lots of extra buttered popcorn and selected action movies for their occasional Friday nights together, only too happy to be his sounding board if he felt like talking. He’d said surprisingly little. Whether that was because he didn’t consider her an appropriate outlet or because he still viewed her as his kid sister’s pal, she didn’t know.

  Then there was the other possibility, that he actually saw her as a woman. That she hadn’t imagined the kiss she’d been sure he’d been about to plant on her before he’d taken off last summer. He had zoomed left at the very last second, when she’d finally been able to taste his breath on her lips.

  Giving up wasn’t her style. Not when she finally had the opportunity to go after what she wanted.

  “Why aren’t you going to Alexa’s?” she asked, pressing her cold hands against her hips. Soon, the tips of her fingers would be turning blue.

  “Have stuff to do around the house.” He shrugged and tugged at the lapels of the coat. His fingers almost brushed the curve of her breasts. Almost. “Your teeth are practically chattering. Why don’t you put your arms in the jacket?”

  She sighed and shook her head. The Jake she knew wasn’t distant and didn’t avoid his friends and family like this. He also didn’t resist answering questions. Late last year, shortly after he and Maureen had called it quits, he’d taken a leave of absence from his pharmaceutical sales job and taken an extended trip up north. As soon as he’d returned earlier this month, he’d gone right back to work. He hadn’t called her or stopped by to say hi, and tonight, he’d barely touched her. Maybe his breakup with Maureen changed him? Normally he gave the best hugs ever.

  Well, that didn’t have to stop her from touching him.

  “Well, I think you should go,” she murmured, gripping the lapels of his coat together with one hand and using the other to stroke his forearm. Crisp hair and hot skin singed her palm, eliciting a shudder. “It’s a tradition. You’ve been going forever. We both have.”

  He glanced from her hand to her face as if he couldn’t quite make the connection between them. Her fingers continued their playful path as if there was nothing the least bit strange about her caressing his arm.

  “Uh, yeah, but that’s because Mo loved it. I like staying home to watch the ball drop and going to bed. After, I mean. You know, when I’m tired.”

  Inwardly, she giggled. His drooping eyelids proved he at least enjoyed her touch. A good start, indeed.

  “You sure that’s what you meant?” she teased. She tipped back her head and hoped he didn’t hear her self-conscious hiss of breath. “It’s okay. We’re both adults. I know what usually happens on New Year’s. First comes merrymaking, then comes lovemaking. With or without the usage of noisemakers and sparkly hats.”

  A long moment passed before he cleared his throat and asked, “Are those used during the revelry or the sex?”


  His trademark grin made her hand falter, but she quickly took up the beat again.

  “Wow, I think your New Year’s celebrations have been way more fun than mine.” He stepped toward her, erasing the distance between them, and murmured, “Put your arms in.”

  Yes, sir. If that was the only way she’d get him wrapped around her, she’d definitely comply. So, why was she trembling?

  As soon as she’d pushed her arms through the roomy sleeves, he chucked her chin in that cute kid way of his that made her want to knee him in the groin. “I’ll give you a ride home,” he said.

  Damn it. Why was he being so stubborn? It wasn’t as if she was asking for forever. She knew he wasn’t in the place for that, even if he could consider her more than buddy material. But they could give each other one unforgettable night. It was the holiday season, after all.

  She took a bolstering breath. Time to jump in with both freezing feet.

  “I’m not going home. I’m going to Alexa’s. With you.” And without her dress. She and her best friend wore about the same size, so maybe she could swipe something from Lex’s closet. Or she could wrap herself in a blanket and try the toga look. There were always options.

  “I already told you,” he said. “I’m not going. Maybe you should just head home. You can party next weekend. You’ve had a trying day and it’s supposed to snow all night. We could get six inches.”

  “Oh no! Six whole inches?” She slapped her hands to her cold-stung cheeks and he scowled. “If it’s snowing, I’d better hide inside. Because snow is so scary. I could get trapped somewhere without milk or bread! Or I suppose I could plan ahead and invite a guy over. He could stop by the store on the way. But what if he forgets condoms? Then we’d have to try the cling wrap and butter method.”

  Okay, she didn’t know where that had come from. Cling wrap? Butter? Ick. But Jake’s horrified expression made it all worthwhile.

  “You seriously better be joking. If you’ve been taking chances with protection…”

  Noelle shook her head. Jake not only thought she was a child, he considered her really stupid. And possibly weird.

  “You’re unreal, you know that? Ever heard of a joke? Besides, I don’t think that’s even possible. Eww.” She turned and stalked away, only to realize she had no car to stalk toward.

  Figured. She couldn’t even have a proper temper tantrum.

  “Noelle, wait.”

  She stopped and slid her hands into his coat pockets. The left one was empty. But the right held a small disk, something that felt awfully like—

  She pulled out the foil packet and whirled to face him. Hell, if he could say dumb things, so could she. “Glad I found this.” She held out the offending item. “Now I know who to ask if I need a spare condom.”

  chapter three

  Jake’s gut knotted. Between the bright whiteness of the steadily falling snow and the glow of the streetlights flashing in her eyes, he could read Noelle’s emotions with no trouble.

  She was pissed.

  “I was just kidding about the protection thing,” he said hastily. Maybe he should worry about his own protection. As in cupping his hands over his suddenly shriveling manhood. “I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “I’m always safe.”

  Always safe? Did that mean she was having a lot of sex? Like maybe monthly or even weekly? With whom? He hadn’t heard she was seeing anyone lately, but Alexa didn’t tell him much. Especially since his breakup with Maureen. In fact, she’d avoided everything relationship related, probably thinking he couldn’t bear to hear about anyone else’s happy love lives.

  But Nellie was different. He needed to know who she was seeing.

  Because you want her for yourself? There’s a dream come true, huh? Noelle Gregory with her lips glossy and wet and her golden eyes shimmering while she waves a condom in your face and then reaches down to—

  Not going there. Besides, there couldn’t be an endless string of nameless men. She wasn’t like that. A woman who loved it when Goldman’s got in new shipments of tacky shirts wouldn’t be indiscriminate with her bed partners. Nor would one who’d gotten all A’s in the interior design classes she’d been taking since last year. She was conscientious and responsible and determined to be a success—

  She stomped over and kneed him soundly in the thigh.

  “Christ, you almost clipped my dick!” If he hadn’t moved when he did… “What the hell’s your problem?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Nothing wrong with you acting like my parent while you’re strolling around with rubbers stuffed in your pockets. Who is she?”
She slapped both hands on his chest and knocked him back a full step. “Who are you sleeping with now? Is that why you couldn’t be bothered to tell me you were back in town? Too busy for old friends?” She punctuated every question with a shove.

  Jake let her push him around, mostly because he had no idea who he was looking at. He’d only been gone five months. How had Nellie turned from a sweet, cheerful, predictable young woman into this sexy-as-fuck Loch Ness monster? Even her wildly coiling hair resembled the sinuous arms of a sea serpent. And she definitely had the swallow-you-whole expression going.

  “I’m not sleeping with anyone,” he said. She clenched her jaw and folded her arms across her chest. His too-large jacket dwarfed her, but hell if it didn’t give him a charge to see her wearing his clothes.

  “Then why do you have this?” She waved the shiny silver disk through the air.

  “It’s not mine,” he began, holding up his hands when she started forward again. In spite of the insanity of the situation, he started to laugh. Damn, she was cute. “Seriously, it’s not. I went to a bachelor party last week and someone shoved one in my pocket, just messing around.”

  “While you were getting a lap dance?”

  “Hardly. We didn’t go to a strip club. Just hung out at Kelsey’s downtown.”

  “And they gave you a condom, just for the heck of it.” Noelle tapped the package against her cheek, frowning. “Sure you’re not seeing anyone?”

  “No. I’m not.” Why was he explaining this to her? She wasn’t his girlfriend. That couldn’t happen. She might as well have had an off-limits sign stretched across the glorious twin beauties that had tortured him since college when he’d made the mistake of checking out Nellie in her prom dress. She’d been a knockout then and if anything, had only become more beautiful in the years since.

  It wasn’t fair. The one woman who’d stirred his interest—and other parts of him—since Mo wasn’t a possibility. Not because she wasn’t perfect, but because she was. She’d grown up into a smart, stunning woman, exactly like he’d always known she would, and he couldn’t have her.

  Fuck, but what if he could? She was acting possessive. Demanding.

  Almost jealous.

  “Shit,” he muttered, rocking back on his heels. No way. She didn’t want him. They weren’t about that.

  Were they?

  She frowned. “What?”

  He was just going to say it. If she thought he was a complete loser then, well, he’d take her to her house—or to Alexa’s, since she seemed determined to go to the party—and he’d head home to soothe his wounded pride in private. But he had to know.

  Jake speared his fingers through his hair and clutched a handful of it against his head, searching for the right words. Surely he had some finesse somewhere.


  “You want me, don’t you, Nellie?” At her stricken gasp, he groaned inside and wished he’d bitten his tongue off instead of asking. At least, not like that. “I mean, you’re interested in me?” Interested sounded better. Less threatening. “You have to be,” he continued, a little desperately.

  She stared at him. Why wasn’t she saying anything? Putting him out of his misery?

  “You think I want you? Like sexually?”

  She spat out the words with such vehemence, he immediately froze. Even his knees locked.

  She didn’t want him. Of course not. She probably considered the guy in the brown suit a better candidate for bed boogying.

  He shuddered. Damn, a year ago a thought like that wouldn’t have even crossed his mind. He and Maureen had been happy—or so he’d thought. When she’d left him, he’d reassessed a lot of things. Apparently his sense of self hadn’t come out of the situation unscathed.

  “Maybe not,” he muttered, his grip tightening on his hair. In a minute, he’d be ripping out a handful. He’d need to dig deep and find some of his missing swagger. “But…is it so out of the realm of possibility?”

  She tossed the condom at him. It slapped against his chest before flopping like a dead trout on the snow-encrusted sidewalk. “Yes, I want you. I have for a long time. There, does that make you happy? Now you can feel bad for me next time you’re with your friends.”

  He let his hand drop from the back of his skull to hang limply at his side. Shock raced through his veins, firing them with enough heat that his cold skin warmed from the inside out.

  She wanted him? She didn’t sound particularly happy about it but he could work with this. Could show her he would never toss aside her feelings the way she apparently expected. He wasn’t that guy. If he was, why would she want him?

  His gut clenched. For sex, dolt. She’s attracted to you. Sexually. Not because she thinks you’re a stand-up guy. Your ex turned to the convent rather than spend her life with you.

  “Say something, Jake. I’m getting tired of standing around out here.”

  Yeah, this was ridiculous. They’d been standing outside having this insane conversation for who knew how long in the freezing cold. They could be inside discussing this. Preferably without their clothes.

  “You haven’t been watching late-night cable or something, have you?” he asked. She glared at him and he took a preventative step back. Tonight he didn’t trust her reactions. “Isn’t this something girls get into their heads when they want to sow their wild oats? Doing their best friend’s older brothers, I mean.”

  “I thought it was the other way around. That their little sister’s friends turned older guys on.” He didn’t miss the alluring note of challenge in her voice.

  “Well, duh.” His feet moved forward without his conscious help. “Especially ones with bunny shirts and,” he slid his finger down one of her brightly colored corkscrew earrings, “holiday-themed jewelry.”

  She bristled and started to step back, but he clamped a hand around her waist, holding her still. “Uh-uh. Stay right there.”


  After her earlier tirade, her quivering lips gratified him more than he could say. “You know I would never laugh at you. I’m honored that you want me, for whatever reason.”

  “Is there more than one reason?” She still wouldn’t meet his eyes, but she also didn’t attempt to put space between them.

  “Sure there is.”

  “What difference would it make? You’ve been home for weeks and haven’t bothered to come see me.”

  “I had my reasons,” he muttered. He’d been afraid he would kiss her like he almost did the last time he’d seen her. Apparently he’d been right to worry. “But I’ll have you know I was on my way to your place when I came upon you out here.” Couldn’t hide anymore.


  “Yes. But if you just want me for sex, I feel honor bound to try to dissuade you.” At least a little.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Why? Because I can’t possibly know my own mind?”

  He breathed deep and hoped he wouldn’t say something he’d regret. With his current level of crotch constriction, he couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t. “Because it’s probably wrong and I, as the older and wiser one” —he grinned at her sniff— “should shut this down before it goes anywhere.”

  Noelle met his gaze with such intensity that the air sizzled and snapped. Surely that much blood flooding his previously frozen member couldn’t be healthy. But he wasn’t about to waste this amazing, absolutely unreal chance.

  To hell with shutting down, his body had decided it was all systems go.

  “We’re standing on a street corner,” she said quietly, snagging her fingers in his T-shirt and pulling him closer. Too close. There wasn’t a way for him to deny what she made him feel when her body fit to his. She boldly rubbed against the obvious proof of his interest, a surprisingly provocative smile flitting over the lips he ached to taste.

  All he needed was one forbidden nibble. A bite. An endless lick that started there and ended up behind her ear. Enough to last him until he could throw her across her bed and bare her body to his hands and his mouth.
Every part of her, his to cherish.

  “It’s snowing,” she added, arching onto her toes. Her heels hit the pavement with a dull thunk.

  “And it’s New Year’s Eve,” he finished, smudging the snowflakes collecting on her reddened cheeks. In the near darkness only the deep hue of her lips stood out against her pale skin. Her eyes shone into his, drawing him nearer until her breaths whispered over his lips.

  “A time for new beginnings.”

  Jake smiled and let his mouth brush hers, the barest of contacts. Cold and sweet, her minty flavor beckoned him to take more. She moaned and gripped his shirt harder, pulling it up until snow snuck into the back of his jeans. He pressed against her, his thumbs framing her face, and closed his eyes, wanting to savor these last seconds before he kissed her for real. There wouldn’t be another moment like this between them again.

  They were standing on the cusp of something huge. If he did this, Noelle would no longer be just his little sister’s friend. She would become his lover. It couldn’t be undone because he wouldn’t let it.

  “Jake,” she whispered, the hot blast of her exhalation making him groan. He gave in and fisted his hands in her hair.

  She opened to him at once, her body melting against his, wilting into his embrace so that it felt like his light pressure on her cheeks was all that held her upright. But her mouth was a hungry thing, her tongue diving in to tangle with his while her arms wound around his shoulders. He slanted his head to plunder her as deeply as he could, ravenous to explore every inch of her mouth.

  Forget kissing. They were eating each other alive.

  Damn, Noelle was like dynamite detonating through his system. If he’d ever thought of her as a kid, he definitely didn’t anymore. Her minty flavor, as cool as the night that surrounded them, consumed his senses. His arms shook with the fierce control he needed to keep his hands on her face and not on her ass where they longed to be. He wanted to rock her up and down his cock to relieve the intense ache. Needed to feel more of her in his palms while he swallowed her moans.


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