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Jacob (Exposed Marco's MMA Boys #5)

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by S. M. Donaldson

  “Do you? Because you seem pretty hell bent on throwing yourself into the damn lion’s den,” I retort.

  She finishes her beer in one long swallow. I watch her neck as she swallows. I know something else she could be swallowing. Once she puts the beer bottle down, she saunters over to me. “I know I can handle myself. I’ve put some big men away in a short time.” She grinds her ass against my legs. “Do you want me to show you what I’ve got? See if you think I can pull it off?”

  I don’t answer her, she just takes her time giving me a tease as I sit back and drink my beer.

  A few hours later, we are both sweaty and panting as I slam into her from behind. I think we both needed a stress relief and this was it. “Fuck!” she cries out.

  “You like that?” I slam into her harder and slap her ass.

  “Fuck yes.”

  “I’m about to come. Are you coming with me?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yeah.” My hand is tangled in her hair as I snatch back on it.

  Grabbing her hips even harder with my free hand, I slam us into each other over and over until we’re both crying out. I have fucked her three times in these few short hours. It was simply fucking amazing. The way we are together is like a damn sex explosion.

  Tumbling onto the bed, I pull off my condom. “Fuck. Damn, that was just what I needed,” I say, panting.

  “Me, too. You should come around more often. I could use a stress reliever like you.” She rubs herself. “Maybe just not so many times in a few hours.”

  I shake my head. “Nope, sorry. Done with this life and all of its fucked up agents and agencies.”

  “You don’t have to be an asshole about it,” she defends.

  “I’m not. Just done with all of it.”

  She shrugs, standing up to put her clothes back on. I sit up. “Hey, you don’t have to leave. We could go another round here soon.”

  She glares at me. “No, thanks.”

  What the fuck? “Look, from what they’ve told me, you’re a hard ass. I wouldn’t expect you to think this is something more than a friendly fuck.”

  “It’s not, but you act like my work is shit and for your information, I don’t need you to get laid. You happen to be good at it and I was trying to make conversation, asshole, not get you to put a ring on my finger after less than twenty-four hours.”

  “I didn’t say your work is shit. I just can’t be that involved with it anymore, I’m out of that life.”

  She laces up her boots. “Fine. That’s good.”

  She grabs the couple of items she had with her and starts for the door. “Just for the record, you’re a really good analyst and a really good fuck, but that’s all I see you have going for you.” She stops and turns back. “You never truly leave this life. Just remember that. Well, you’re here so you already know that,” she finishes before slamming the door.

  I flop back on to the bed. “What in the hell just happened?” I mumble to myself.




  Pensacola, FL

  Fuck, this guy has some kind of stamina. I feel like I’m going to be a whole lot relaxed after this weekend. I almost lost my shit when those cuffs fell out. I can’t believe that happened. What if it would have been my badge or my gun? Fucking-A.

  I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

  I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

  Fuck, that’s my phone. That’s my alert ringtone. My body goes ramrod straight. Poor Storm, he’s trying to figure out why I’ve stopped. Reaching over, I grab my phone and pull up the text.

  BIG PAPA: Get out now. You’ve been compromised.

  ME: I’m busy.

  BIG PAPA: Quit riding the damn fighter if you don’t want him fucked up too. Get the hell out of his room now!

  ME: Roger.

  “Storm, I hate to say this, but I gotta go. Something came up.”

  “Fuck,” he groans out. “Can I help? I’ll go with—”

  I cut him off, “You can’t.” Shit, he’s going to follow me because that’s the kind of fucking good guy he is. If those fucks from Mike’s ask him, I need to be a bitch. Shit. Fuck. Damn it! I’m really gonna have to do this.

  Snatching my clothes up off the floor, I quickly dress and grab the overnight bag I brought. I look at him with sad eyes. “Sorry.”

  I can hear him calling me. I fucking hate this shit. I just left a great guy handcuffed to a fucking hotel bed.

  Jumping in my car, I race to the warehouse. As I skid inside, Frank and Mitch are waiting for me. They’ve already gathered everything up to move out. Jumping out of the car, I raise my hands. “What the fuck?” Snatching a cigarette out of my pack, I light it.

  Mitch is throwing shit in the trunk of his car. “The important shit from your apartment is in that box.” He points to a cardboard box. I see my suitcase next to it. “We figured out tonight there’s a damn leak at the State Attorney’s office. Some little bitch there is dating one of the fighters from Mike’s. Once we put a little pressure on her, she admitted to recently giving the fighter, Mike and Wes your information.”

  “How long?” I stand with my hands on my hips and my foot tapping.

  Frank looks up to me with sad eyes.

  I grit my teeth and exhale smoke. “How fucking long?! How fucking long have they known?! Tell me now, damn it!”

  Mitch sighs. “At least a week. I think they hoped you’d get clipped in that shooting at the club the other night.”

  I walk over and kick an empty box. “FUCK! I’ve worked on this case for almost a fucking year! A year of my goddamn life is gone. I haven’t talked to my mother in two fucking months. My nieces won’t even know who in the hell I am.” I throw my hands in the air. “And it’s all over because some fucking cunt that works for the state has a taste for bad boys and can’t keep her legs or mouth shut.” I slam my hand into the hood of the piece of shit Honda. “Where is that bitch now? I’m going to kick her fucking ass! I just left an innocent guy handcuffed to a fucking bed for crying out loud!”

  Mitch shakes his head. “She’s in protective custody. She’s going to testify, but we have to get you out of here now.”

  Grabbing my box and suitcase with my cigarette held firmly between my lips, I walk over to my personal vehicle that’s been covered in here the entire time. Setting my things down, I grab the cover and pull it off. There she is, my dark blue sixty-nine Chevelle. My dad and I restored her together. I shake my head and open the trunk to put my cover and other things in it. Taking a long draw off of my cigarette, I look over at Frank and Mitch.

  “Where to?”

  Frank shakes his head. “For now, you’re going to the safe house in Holmes County. It’s a small town but it’s still in the panhandle, so if we need you for statements or something, you’re close enough by. I’m sending the address to your agency phone. The sheriff there knows you’re coming. He’s the only one though. His name is John Baker, you talk to him and only to him if you need something. If you need to contact him, you tell them that you’re his niece.”

  I nod and finish my cigarette. “Can you go to the hotel and get Storm for me? He knew something was wrong, but I didn’t want him to follow me. He has no clue, he just thinks I’m fucking kinky.”

  They both shake their heads. “No. I’m sure his friends will be along soon enough. Hell, he’s strong enough to break the damn cuffs off of a hotel bed,” Mitch says, chuckling.

  I sigh, “Yeah, but he won’t. He wouldn’t tear up something like that.”

  Frank puts his hand on my arm. “Kid, I know it’s tough, but you have a job to do. Now get the hell out of this town. It should only take you about an hour and a half to get to the safe house. No one should recognize your personal car. Now get out of here.”

  I nod and slide into my beautiful car and crank it up. It purrs, it really fucking purrs. I pull out of the warehouse and as I’m cruising down the alley, I look in my rearview mir
ror to see dark colored SUVs pulling up to the warehouse. Then I hear the gunshots. Automatic weapons are going off at a rapid rate. I’m just about to spin my car around when a text chimes to my agency phone.

  MITCH LAYTON: Don’t you dare turn the car around. Help is coming for us, back up is almost here. Get the hell out of this town!

  Fuck, I have to keep going. Just as I’m pulling out to head for the interstate, a large truck comes from nowhere and slams into my car. It rolls a few times before it settles.

  I see the guys who jump out. Fuck, they’re going to kill me. I lay my head against the steering wheel like I’m knocked out. Maybe they’ll think I am. I also grab my gun that’s at my feet.

  “Come on, man, she’s probably dead. See the blood all over her face?”

  “No, man, Mike said to bring her back dead or alive.”


  Beep Beep Beep.

  “Her numbers are looking really good today. I honestly look for her to wake up anytime now,” a male voice I don’t recognize says.

  “She’s been out for three days though. Will everything still be okay? You know, with her brain and all?” That’s my sister. Leave it to her to sound like the most stupid smart person I know. “Her brain and all.” Jeez. She sounds like a damn blonde.

  “She should be fine. All of the scans we’ve done appear to be normal. We’ll still keep a watch for a few days, but besides…” I don’t hear the rest that obviously a doctor is telling her because I’m out again.

  Finally waking up for real, I look around the room to see my sister, Jennifer, folded up. My movement startles her. “Oh thank God, Roxanne. You’re awake.”

  I nod because my mouth is stuck together. She grabs some ice chips from the table and starts to rub my lips. “Here, maybe this will help,” she says as she rubs it back and forth.

  She hits the button on the side of the bed. “Yes, can we help you?”

  “Will you let Dr. Martin know my sister is awake?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She keeps rubbing ice on my lips, finally putting a chip or two in my mouth before the doctor arrives.

  “Ms. Gilliland, I have to say you’re very lucky. You’re going to have to do some physical therapy for that arm and your leg, you took a bullet to the shoulder and leg. You are really lucky nothing got broken or you didn’t get killed. You wacked your head pretty good though, that’s the reason you’ve been out for a few days.”

  “Thank you,” I croak out.

  He nods. “Okay. Well, I’ll let you rest and I’ll have the nurse bring you a little something for pain.”

  I shake my head. “No-fine.”

  After he leaves, I look to my sister and motion for her to explain. My sister is the only person in my family that knows my job, considering her husband and I work together. Also, I’m the reason they met. Her husband, who at this moment I have several questions about. Is he okay? Is Frank okay?

  “Do you remember the wreck?” she asks.

  I nod as I suck on ice.

  “Well, back up had arrived at the warehouse within seconds after the shooting started. The guys who got out of the truck that hit you started shooting at your car, you got shot in the shoulder and leg. You shot two of them, but there were two others that ran because units pulled up. You passed out after you shot the other two. Frank took a bullet to the leg and Mitch got grazed on the arm. He called me, I took the girls to the neighbor and came straight here, and I’ve been here ever since.” She finally takes a breath. “They had the equipment to take you,” she says with a gulp.

  “How long have I been here?” I manage to get out.

  She sighs. “Three days. Mitch has the girls at home. I didn’t tell them what’s going on.”


  She shakes her head. “She’d ask too many questions and I can’t keep making up stories for yours and Mitch’s job. The girls freaked out when they saw the bandage around his arm. We told them he got a big cut at work.” She sits down in her chair and gives me a deep sigh. “I can’t keep this up anymore, Rox.” She drops her head into her hands. “I’ve told Mitch the same thing. The other night could’ve been the end for both of you.” She lets out a small sob. “Your car is totaled, it looks like it got in a fight with a can opener.”

  There is a knock on the door and I see my boss. Jennifer looks back at me. “Anyway, you’re awake so I’m going home to see my girls and get a shower. Think about what I’ve said.”

  She leaves the room and Dick walks in and takes the seat beside my bed. “Rox, the other night was a colossal cluster fuck. I’m sorry. To top off all of you getting injured, the girl from the State Attorney’s office killed herself. I know your sister has laid out an ultimatum for Mitch. Don’t know what’s happening there, but I’m keeping guards on your room 24/7. When you’re done here, I’m taking you to the safe house we’ve already talked about. As pissed as Jenn is going to be, she, Mitch and the girls are going to have to go underground for a little bit, too. We’ve got to try to get a handle on this before it goes much further. The plan for those guys the other night was to take you to Wes. I’m sure he had some fucked up shit he planned to do to you. What we saw in the warehouse of his we raided,” he shakes his head. “It’s the kinda shit nightmares are made of.”

  I nod. “Yeah,” I croak a little easier.

  “You know I need to get your statement.” I nod. “How did it happen the other night?” he asks.

  “They let me know I’d been made,” I whisper. “I made it to the warehouse. They explained shit. I jumped in the car and hauled ass. As I made it down the alleyway, I saw the SUV pull up in my rearview mirror. I heard the shooting. As I was about to turn around, Mitch texted me and told me not to, that back up was almost there. I sped toward I-10, a large truck came out of nowhere and smashed into my beautiful damn car. I’m told I killed two of them.” He nods, studying me. Dick has always been almost creepily observant of people.

  “And this guy, Loxley Storm, you left handcuffed in a hotel room?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing to do with it at all. Good guy, I feel like shit for leaving him there.”

  He nods again. “Look, your dad was a great agent, he had a gut like nothing I’ve ever seen before. You’ve got that gut so I’m gonna go with it, too. I know Jenn is upset and I know you guys still haven’t told your mom any of this, but I wish you would. I think she would understand, but I respect your decision.” He stands from his chair. “Two guys will always be on duty outside this door. You got me?”

  I nod. “Yeah. I’ll talk to Jenn.”

  He leaves the room, barking orders to the two cops outside my door. I settle back on the bed and think about the colossal fuck up that is my life.





  Sitting in this small cabin on the creek, it’s quiet but almost too quiet. Anytime I hear something outside, I’m on alert. Since animals are constantly roaming around outside here, I’m never at ease. I have to testify next week, hopefully after that I can go back to my life. It might be a gypsy lifestyle but it’s mine. I have a new life every time I turn around. It’s fake but always a little bit of me. I never live in one place long, so neighbors don’t bother me. It’s never dull. My sister, though, is my exact opposite.

  Jenn is the one who’s always wanted the house, husband and kids. They’re staying up in Alabama until next week. She’s been pissed. Luckily the girls don’t start school until next year, or I’m not sure what she’d have done. As stupid as it would be, I don’t think she would’ve went. I’m not happy that she gave Mitch, or me for that matter, such an ultimatum.

  I’ve heard from Frank and Dick that my sister has been a complete bitch so I know she’s done. She swears this life is what killed my dad. My dad had been an agent for over thirty years and retired, then he had a massive heart attack and died. It was one of those freak things, but you can’t convince her of that. She bl
ames the agency. I asked her why in the hell she married someone in the agency then. She says love is blind and that she’s blind as hell. What the fuck ever. She should’ve married a damn lawyer or something. Some suit with business hours.

  Looking over my notes from the case for the twelve hundredth time, I slam the folder shut. I’m starting to go stir crazy in this damn place. There’s no satellite and the TV here sucks so it doesn’t even pick up local shit. Pacing the floor has become my new past time.

  My phone pings with an incoming text.

  DICK: Pulling down the lane to the cabin don’t shoot.

  ME: 10-4

  They always know to alert me when they’re pulling down the drive. What in the hell is he doing here? He’s not due to come get me until next week. That jackass Lowe did something. Probably fucking jumped bond.

  Seeing the dark blue sedan pull in front and park, Frank gets out of the passenger side. As they both step on the porch, I can tell something is wrong.

  “He got away, didn’t he? Someone helped him skip bail!” I yell. I knew it

  Dick shakes his head. “No, have a seat.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “No, I’d prefer to stand until you tell me what in the hell is going on.”

  “Last night there was a gas leak and an explosion at the house Mitch, Jenn and the girls were staying at.” My breath catches as he shakes his head. “Nobody survived. Your mom has been contacted. Now, please sit down, Roxanne. You need—”

  I jump in his face. “Don’t tell me what the fuck I need! What I need is for that son of a bitch Wes Lowe and his fuck boy, Mike Juarez, to be dead.” I draw back and punch the side of the house. “FUCK!”

  “There’s no evidence that it wasn’t an accident, Rox. However, we had to contact your mother and she knows everything now,” Frank explains.

  I spin around. “You fucking know it wasn’t an accident!”

  “They’re thinking we need to move the trial,” Dick replies with a murmur.


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