Jacob (Exposed Marco's MMA Boys #5)

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Jacob (Exposed Marco's MMA Boys #5) Page 11

by S. M. Donaldson

  “Roxanne, you can’t say shit like that.” He tries to calm me, which only irritates me more.

  “Oh, I can and I did. I said it in a court of law. Hell, he’s threatened to kill me numerous times. He’s killed everyone I love, even alluded to killing my father, so I’m over it. I’ve sat here for a damn week thinking about it and I’m tired of running or hiding. I want to face him head on. I want to see the look in his eyes when the fucking lights go out of them.” I don’t even realize that my fists are balled and I’m clenching my teeth.

  He throws his hands in the air. “You’re the one who ran when you got the note!”

  “Yes, I know. That was more of a reactive thing. That’s what I was trained to do, go into seclusion, not blow my cover. Well, I’m not undercover this time and I’m over it. I just want it done. If me being home will draw that fucker out in the open so he can fuck up and me kill him or you guys send him back to prison once more,” I shrug, “then so fucking be it. He can bring it.”

  An hour later, I’m in the SUV with Raines. The burner phone I have rings and I see it’s Jacob. “Hello?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”


  “No. You have Raines turn around and take you back to the fucking safe house.”

  “No! I’m over it. I’ll explain more once I get home.”

  I hear him cussing just before I hang up.

  Once we pull up in my driveway, Raines shuts the SUV off. “You know he cares about you, right?”

  I shrug, “And I care about him. But I also don’t feel like me living in seclusion is going to solve any of this. Wes Lowe needs to be drawn out and so does Frank Weeks. Me hiding isn’t going to make it happen.”

  He takes a deep breath and lets it go. “All right. Let me at least go in and check the house with you.”

  I shrug. “Fine.”

  Once we’re inside, I can see everything is still intact. Not like the movies where someone has come in and ransacked the place. I check the couple of places where I hide things, including the cabinet in the back of my closet, and it’s all fine. Raines sweeps through and agrees all is fine. “Okay, I’m going. Set the alarm, but look for Jacob to be over here showing his ass soon.”

  “Yeah, I figure he will, but oh well.”

  He’s right. I’ve had just enough time to change out of my jeans and into shorts and a lounge shirt when I hear a key in the front door and I stand with my pistol aimed at the door. I figure with the noise of the key it’s Jacob, but I can’t be too careful. He steps in and sees me. I lower my weapon and he quickly deactivates the alarm.

  He slams the door and points to the couch. “We need to talk.”

  “No, you need to listen to me. My job is no longer an undercover agent. I work at the college. I’m not going to rot away in some safe house while you guys gather enough shit to send that asshole back to prison along with Frank Weeks. If me being out in the open will draw his ass out to do something stupid, then he can fucking go ahead. I’m tired of dealing with him. I’ve been doing it for over ten years now. They want to show up on my doorstep, I’ll be more than happy to shoot them. Wes Lowe has threatened me many times and Frank Weeks should be dead anyway.” I turn away from him. “So no, we do not need to talk.”

  I hear him stomp over behind me, picking me up and slamming me down on the couch. “Oh yes, we do. First, you go off on Raines, then you make the stupid decision to come out of hiding, all without consulting me, and now you’re talking about killing people. I haven’t even shared with you the things I’ve found out over the past week.”

  I shove him away from me on the couch. “Fine, what have you found out?”

  “There is another agent involved from ATF. He’s going by the name Luke Kyle. I’ve fought him twice now. We communicated and met after the match last week. He’s inside, but he doesn’t know much.”

  “When is your next fight?”

  “Wednesday in Oakbrook, so close to here. Well, in the same county anyway. Raines is pretty much staying in the area right now until it’s all sorted.”

  “I’m going to the fight.”


  “Yes, it’ll be a way for him to show us his hand. He thinks that I’ll do just what I did last week when I got the letter and I ran. He doesn’t think I’ll show up at his fucking door step.” I turn to face him. “With or without you, I’m going.”


  He’s ill about all of this but truth be told, I am, too. “Look, I’ve been gone a week and in that time, I’ve developed carpal tunnel from the last image you left me with of you, so you wanna help handle that situation?”

  He gives me an evil smirk. “Oh, so you were taking care of business by yourself? Didn’t I tell you to stop that?” He stands up and pulls me to my feet, throwing me over his shoulder and smacking my ass. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  Entering the bedroom, he tosses me on the bed and covers my body with his. “You think it’s cute to bark orders at me and not care about your safety?” I smile as he raises up, pulling my shirt over my head and flipping me over onto my knees. He drags my shorts and panties down just below my ass. I feel the sting when he slaps my ass with his palm. “That’s one.” I feel the sting to the other side. “That’s two.” He leans down by my ear, “I owe you several more but I’m saving them. Right now, I just need to feel my dick in your pussy.”

  I hear his jeans rustling behind me and feel the head of his cock trying to line up. I start to spread my legs a little, but realize I can’t. “Nope, no spreading, sweetheart, this is going to be rough.”

  Suddenly, I’m full of him, and luckily I was already drenched, but I still cry out. He slams into me over and over again. It’s rough, but exhilarating at the same time. I feel my body starting to quiver and the ball of nerves getting closer and closer to letting go. He slaps my ass again, causing me to yelp. “That’s it, baby. Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I say close to a whimper.

  He picks up his pace and I can’t take it anymore. I come hard and at the same time he gives me two very hard thrusts, filling me with his warm release.

  We both collapse onto our sides. “You’re a pain in my ass, Roxanne.”

  “Yeah, well you slapped mine.”



  How am I supposed to concentrate on the fight when I know she’s putting herself out there as bait?

  Huck pops me upside the head. “Get your head in the game. Roxanne handled herself just fine for years.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know what I’m so worked up about.”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “It’s because you care about her, dumbass.”

  Fuck, I really do care about her. I thought this would pass, I thought it was just about sex. Well, more like I’ve tried to convince myself it was just about sex.

  He nods. “So get your head in the game. You’re going to be no good to her if you get your ass kicked.”

  “How did you know with Chelsea?”

  “If I’m honest, I’d always felt something with Chelsea, but it was way too fucked up. When she came back here, it just all fell into place. We had our obstacles and she fought me, but eventually it all came together.”

  We go back to training and I work to keep my mind on the match. I have no clue who I’m fighting, but Huck says it’s that way sometimes with quick matches. I’m just hoping that Roxanne showing up doesn’t throw a huge shit storm our way.

  After I finish my workout, my phone rings. I don’t know the number.


  “Jackie, babe. Tonight is going to be crazy. Not sure I’m going to make it to dinner. You may have to start without me. I’ve been held up at work.”

  “Yeah. Got it.” I hear the click of his phone.

  Okay, so he’s trying to tell me something is going on tonight. Not sure if it’s him or me. At least I know to be on the lookout when I’m there. Shit, one more thing for me to be paying attention

  Once I’m back at Roxanne’s, we sit on her couch. “Okay, so I got an alert call from the ATF agent. He was warning me. I’m not sure what about, but we have to be on alert this evening.”

  “All right. Well, Raines says he’s going to be on standby so we’ll have some sort of backup.”

  That piques my curiosity. “When did you talk to him?”

  “He checked in today to make sure I was still alive and that I hadn’t killed anyone.” My face must say something because she laughs. “Are you jealous?”

  “Well, since it’s my cock in your pussy on a regular basis, yes, it concerns me as to why another guy is calling you.”

  “Another guy? What is this, high school? Might I remind you, he’s who you left seeing to my safety. I also happen to know how to keep my legs together and it’s my pussy, not yours or anyone else’s. I’ll talk to whoever the fuck I want to.”

  “Look, I’m not jealous. I was just curious.”

  She looks at me like she’s going to rip me apart. “Well, rephrase your fucking question next time. And I happen to know your cock has been in my pussy. I happen to enjoy it most of the time, but you keep this shit up and I’ll be doing solo missions and so will you.”

  I have to laugh at her. There is no doubt in my mind that she’s dead serious, too. As much as I like to be in charge in the bedroom and she gets off on it, she’d put my balls in a vice.

  “I’m driving separate to the fight tonight,” she informs me. “We don’t need to draw attention to you by us riding together.”

  She’s right. I know she is. “Yeah. I know. Just be careful and make sure you’re carrying tonight.”

  She looks at me like I’m an idiot. “Do you think I’d go face either of them without packing? If you do, you’re crazy.”

  “I figured you would, but I just wanted to remind you. Now, I have to go get ready. Are you going to join me in the shower or are you going to sit out here and plot how to torture me?”

  She laughs. “Well, even though torture does sound nice, I think I’ll join you in the shower.”


  After a thrilling session in the shower, I’m headed to the fight. Huck and Marco are going to meet me there. I feel bad I’m leaving my sister out of the loop again, but it’s for her own safety, as well as her family’s.

  As I dress in the locker room, Frank Weeks walks in. “You seem to be enjoying these events.”

  I shrug as I look in the mirror. “Yeah.”

  “How long have you been into martial arts?”

  “I’ve dabbled over the years but just recently took an interest in competing.”

  “You seem to be a fairly good match for my newest fighter. I would like to schedule more matches between the two of you. The crowd seems to enjoy it, as well as my boss.”

  I play stupid as I shadow box in the mirror. “Yeah? Who is your boss?”

  “Me.” A man I recognize as Wes Lowe steps in the locker room.

  I tip my head at him. “And who are you?”

  “I’m Wes Lowe. I’ve been out of circulation for a little while but I’m making my way back. Frederick tells me you’re one to watch. Have you signed a contract with Marco’s Gym as of yet?”

  “No. I fight for myself. I wanted the best trainers and I’ve got them.”

  “I’m sure I could offer you a hefty amount to come fight for us. We could also hire a better trainer.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not about the money. Sorry. Also, there is no better trainer.”

  He gives me a cold nod. “I’m used to acquiring the things I want, young man. I hope you’ll reconsider my offer.”

  “Sorry, my ass belonged to Uncle Sam for too many years when I was in the Army. After I got out, I said I’d never sign another contract.”

  “Well enough. We’ll be in touch.”

  After they walk out the door, I take a deep breath in and out. Why do I feel like I just met the devil and his son?



  This is a pretty small arena in comparison to the one Marco uses at home. I take my seat in the front row as the fighters start to enter. I look around and see Frank sitting on the other side of the cage. I try to act like I’m intensely intrigued by the fights. The first couple of matches fly by, then Jacob’s match is up. I have to try not to get overly excited about his fight. They’ll read into that, if they haven’t already.

  We’ve set up with Raines that if one of us sends a single word text, he’s to immediately start tracking our phones and check in with the other. If we don’t check back in within the hour, he’s to send units to our location.

  Jacob’s fight goes well and he wins. Once he’s headed back to the locker room with Marco, I continue to watch the room. I observe the rest of the fights with some enthusiasm, just for show. As the last one finishes, I make my way to the bathroom. Just as I clear the doors, I hear a voice from my past. “Well, well, well. Who do we have here?”

  I turn around to face him. “You know who I am, Frank, considering you were basically my godfather. Too bad you suck at the job.”

  He stands there looking the part of an out-of-work seventies porn star with a smugness about him. “You don’t act surprised to see me.”

  “Why? Should I be?” I turn toward the hall. “You had a lovely funeral. Too bad you weren’t there. By the way, that cheesy fucking Magnum PI mustache makes you look like an out-of-work porn star.”

  He snorts. “Always with the smart mouth. You need to come with me. I have someone who’d like to speak with you.”

  I chuckle, knowing he’s not going to make a scene in the hallway where people can see him. “Really? Well you’re going to wait for me to take a piss.” I don’t give him time to answer, I just go in the restroom and hit the short text to Raines. I shove the cell into one of my boots and take out the spare. I’m sure they’ll ask for it. I wash my hands and come back out where he is.

  He grabs my elbow. “Don’t make a scene, Roxanne. I don’t want to draw any attention to us. If you make me, a lot of innocent people could get hurt. Including that young man you seem so fond of. That’s right, I recognized him right off. My memory is sharp. I watched you all those years ago. Going to his hotel room, fucking him for hours and then leaving with your usual bitchy self. Now. Hand me your cell phone.” He motions with his hand.

  I give him the throw away phone and follow him out to a SUV. I know I shouldn’t be doing this; I’ve taught the class. Don’t get into the vehicle, fall to the ground, make yourself dead weight. But these people don’t care if people see them snatch me like a common criminal. Nope, and they won’t blink an eye at shooting some innocent person who just came to see a fight. I know Raines and Jacob will find me. I have to believe that. As I climb in the back seat, I’m surprised he hasn’t asked me for my weapon. I have a backup in the boot opposite the one my phone is in, along with a knife, but I also have another gun in the small of my back.

  We pull into an old warehouse that is a couple of blocks from the arena. Once we’re out, I walk in behind Frank, but in front of some other guy. As we enter the building, another man stops me. “Weapon?”

  Frank turns to me. “Roxanne. I know you have one.”

  I pull the one from the small of my back and hand it to him. Frank ties my hands together in front of me and walks me over to a wall along the opposite side. There are some chains bolted to it, but not much else is here. Moments later, Wes Lowe enters the room.

  “Well, Agent Gilliland, I didn’t expect you’d come to see me so soon. I figured I would have to look for you. Thank you for saving me the time and energy. I’m much older now.”

  I shrug. “Well, no one has ever accused you of being the smartest asshole on the block. Also, it’s Ms. Gilliland. I quit the agency a long time ago.”

  “Ha. Forgive me, Ms. Gilliland, I was indisposed for some time thanks to you. You still have that frostbite wit about you. What was that you said to me? Oh yes. You’d dance on my grave. I�
�ve had many men try to cut me with words, but you, Ms. Gilliland, scar me.”

  I give him a go to hell look. “I could always dance on your face right now.” I scan the room. I take in four other guys besides Lowe and Frank.

  He steps closer to me, trying to intimidate me. “You know, all of those years ago, I have to say your father would’ve been terribly disappointed in you for taking off your clothes for a case. Although, I do have to say you have a very, very nice body. I’m tempted to see if it still looks the same.” He steps back a little, pulling over an old chair and taking a seat in it. “I have been in prison a long time. Maybe I could have a use for you before I kill you. I know from watching you and the fake fighter that you like it rough. I’m sure I could give it to you real rough, so rough you’d never forget.”

  “Really? I just want to know whose dick you sucked to get out of prison so early. I mean you must suck like a hoover to get such an early release,” I say with a cocky grin. “Seriously, were you the bottom or the top? Catcher or pitcher? Hmm. In prison you must’ve liked it rough, too. Did some big guy make you call him Sweet Daddy?”

  He jumps up from his seat and storms over to me, slapping me across the face. “The thing I enjoy about my businesses is that women know their place. Which is either under me or with my cock in their mouth, not saying a fucking word.” His hand grasps the bottom of my face, squeezing. I can taste the blood in my mouth when he shoves at my face.

  I spit on the floor. “I can’t wait to see you in hell, you son of a bitch.”

  He looks to Frank. “Has she been this way since she was a child? Such a mouth for a lady.”

  Frank laughs. “Yep. Her father had a hell of a time with her.”

  “Your father.” Lowe chuckles. “The super-agent.”

  “I’m guess you and dipshit over here caused his heart attack. Just tell me how you did it. I want to know. Considering you’ve been responsible for killing my entire family, including two very innocent little girls. Fucking coward.”


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