Jacob (Exposed Marco's MMA Boys #5)

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Jacob (Exposed Marco's MMA Boys #5) Page 12

by S. M. Donaldson

“Yes, the children were, unfortunately, collateral damage. As far as your father, Frank here slipped it into the bottle of scotch he gave him for his birthday. Although your father’s death was immediate and more humane, your death will not be that way. I have a point to prove with you. You made an ass out of yourself in the courtroom trying to embarrass me.” I can feel the spit on my face from his anger. “I’ll have no remorse for you. All of the rest of your family died instantly but you, however, will suffer.” He reaches over to me. “Undress now.”

  I look at him. “Excuse me?”

  “I want you to feel the ultimate humiliation before you die.” Grabbing a knife, he cuts my shirt and bra off around my hands being tied. “Now you can do the rest, or I’d be happy to do it for you.”

  Shit. I carefully remove my feet from the boots so that the phone, my gun and my knife stay in them. Then I remove my jeans and socks without falling, which is a miracle. He points to me. “Panties, too.”

  I let out an aggravated breath and slide my panties down my legs, kicking them over to the pile of clothes.

  Wes Lowe walks over to me and runs his hand down my body. “Nice. Although I hate my women shaved, it reminds me of a juvenile girl. Don’t get me wrong, many of my business associates have sold the young girls so I know they’re useful, but not so much for my tastes.” He glances to my clothes. Fuck, I hope they don’t mess with my boots. I need the attention away from my clothes.

  “Okay, if this is going to be my last moments, share this with me.” I turn to Frank, making Lowe turn his attention there, too. “Why?”

  “Why what?” he asks as Lowe walks back over to him.

  “Why did you turn on me? On the agency? On everyone? Why make your family think you’re dead? Why stab me and my father in the back? Why kill Mitch, Jenn and the girls? Just why?” I look to Lowe. “I know he’s a soulless, heartless spawn from the devil, but you had an actual life. So why?”

  “You call being your father’s bitch boy a life? You call moving up only to be your fucking caretaker a life? It comes down to money and pride. I was tired of taking the scraps the agency gave me. Lowe also offers a lot more money. I get to be the lead dog, call the shots. As far as my wife and kids, they were fucking ungrateful anyway. My wife probably really enjoys my life insurance money, more than she enjoyed me.”

  I shake my head and start laughing. “You’re fucking pathetic. You say you were my dad’s bitch boy, but now you’re just Lowe’s bitch. Just a pussy who would gladly drop and suck his cock. You think he would give two shits if you died right now? Nope. But I cried at your funeral, because I thought I lost my friend, my partner.” Frank’s fist slams into me so hard, it knocks me off of my feet.

  “Shut your fucking mouth!” he yells and Lowe actually starts to laugh. I climb back up to my feet and stand there. If they think I’m humiliated by being naked, they’ve lost their minds. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not my favorite past time, but I’ve had to do it before. Although, if Lowe touches me again, I may throw up.

  “I’ve never seen Frank get so upset. You are truly a force to deal with, Ms. Gilliland. But, as entertaining as this has been, we have other business to deal with. Bring him in.”

  One of the men standing around walks through a doorway, bringing out another guy that’s had the hell beat out of him. They drop him on the floor at my feet. “This is the fighter who went up against Mr. Foster. It seems he has trouble understanding what alliances are. It didn’t take me long to figure out he’s an agent, like you and Mr. Foster. Yes, I knew Mr. Foster, too. I intend to deal with him after I deal with you, although by having you in hand, he may come to me. I’d prefer that much better than having to chase him, possibly hurting some of those he cares about in the process. Too many deaths get nasty. You know, I hadn’t been out of prison a day when I figured it out. How it took the rest of these dumb fucks so long, I can’t understand.” He looks over at Frank with disgust.

  Frank turns to him. “I told you I never really trusted him, but he was working okay as a fighter and bringing in money. He never got any information. What was the harm in letting him get the hell beat out of him?”

  Lowe starts to pace. “What was the harm? What was the harm? Really? The harm was letting anyone that you had any remote feeling was not trustworthy near MY organization. Because in case you’ve forgotten, this is MY organization. I know you like the fact that you’ve ran things for the past little bit, but I’m back and you are no longer in charge.” As Frank and Lowe start to have words, I watch the rest of the goons in the room. They are interested in the argument between the two old fucks. I nudge the guy on the floor with my foot. He looks up to me.

  I mouth to him. Right boot knife. He gives me a small nod and starts to pretend like he’s pulling himself up by my leg, blocking the boot and reaching inside. He is actually really weak. He’ll never be able to walk out of here. God, I hope the cavalry comes soon. He finds the knife and slips it into my hand before falling back to the floor.

  They notice him fall back to the floor and laugh. One of the goons kick him. “Trying to use a woman to pull you up?” He shakes his head and turns back to where Lowe and Frank are still in a heated discussion. I flip open the small knife and rub the restraint on my wrists. I’ve got to fucking get this rope loose. Watching Lowe and Frank, they’re really getting into it. Frank is an idiot if he thinks Lowe is going to keep him around since he’s out of prison. Lowe is going to take him out the first chance he gets. Lowe is a narcissistic asshole. It’s all about him. Where in the fuck are Jacob and Raines?



  After the awkward meeting with Lowe and Frank, I’ve been on edge. I’ve checked with one of the directors and Luke Kyle was scheduled to fight tonight but was pulled by his manager at the last minute. I try his cell phone and get nothing.

  During my fight, I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She showed little emotion, which was a good thing. I know from Huck she’s stayed out there for the rest of the fights. Maybe we can get in and out of here without anything happening tonight. Well, to us. I have a feeling something is going on with Lucas already. Once all of the matches have ended, I gather my things to leave the arena. Just as I’m stepping outside, my phone rings. “Foster.”

  “She sent me the text. I started tracking her, she went with someone to a warehouse. Her vehicle is still at the arena. It’s only been about thirty minutes, but I don’t like it.”

  “Yeah. Can you get into the surveillance cameras to see who she left with?”

  “Tech guy has already been working on it. I see a black SUV and what could be Frank Weeks, not positive though.”

  “Get me an address, I’m going there now.”

  “No, let me get some back up. We don’t know how many men are in there, what kind of weapons they have or anything. You go charging in there now, you could all end up dead. So just chill, it hasn’t been an hour yet. I’ll go ahead and get the troops lined up. Meet me in fifteen minutes at Jefferson and Fifteenth.”


  He ends the call and I jump into my truck, driving to our meeting spot.

  Once I arrive, I see that Raines is already there. I follow him behind a building where what I’m sure is an unmarked SWAT van is already set up. Grabbing my Glock, I jump out and jog over to meet him at the van. Once we’re inside, he looks to the team inside. “Thanks for joining us tonight, boys.”

  We spend a few minutes going over who we think is in this warehouse. The main reason for going in there is Frank Weeks staging his death. Technically Wes Lowe hasn’t done anything wrong at the moment because we really can’t even prove that he sent the letter to Roxanne. That could’ve been anyone pretending to be him. So the warrant we have is for Frank Weeks’ arrest. That’s our key to the door. When we find Wes Lowe neck deep in whatever is going on, we can arrest him, too.

  Grabbing my phone, I call the number Lucas called me from the other day. No answer.

  “Raines, I’ve go
t no contact with the inside man.” I briefly remind him of the phone call I got earlier from Lucas.

  He nods. “Okay, let’s get ready to move in.”

  They move the van closer to the warehouse. We’ve all geared up with vests and guns. Here we go. Before we can leave the van, there’s movement. “Shit, they’re on the move. Send units to tail them. Don’t lose them. We have to check the warehouse.” Raines looks at the computer screen. “Her tracker isn’t moving, so either she’s still in there or she had to leave the tracker.”

  Stacking up outside the doors of the warehouse, we kick in the door and clear the rooms. I find her clothes are lying on the floor with her boots in a pile. Wherever she is, she’s naked. Checking the boots, I find her backup weapon, a small handgun, and her phone. It appears some of her clothes have been cut off, but some weren’t. I see some blood on the floor but not mass amounts. That’s a good sign that no one is dead yet. Although, looking around at the cinder blocks and the chains hanging out of them, they could’ve intended to torture her here.

  “Come on, Foster, let’s move,” Raines says, pulling me away from her clothes.

  We jump back into the van and start to get coordinates from the unmarked cars following the van.

  Raines looks at me. “This is going to get messy I’m afraid.”

  I sit back and sigh. “Me, too.” Every part of me wants to lose my shit right now, but I know I can’t. I’ve been trained to keep calm, keep a level head. I can only hope at the end of tonight, Roxanne is safe and I get to lock Wes Lowe and Frank Weeks up for good.

  I grab my phone and dial my brother-in-law. “Jacob, man. How did the fight go?”

  “Good. I need you to set the alarm on the highest setting. I don’t think you have anything to worry over but just do it. Stay alert.”

  I hear him moving. “What about your parents?”

  “They’re camping in the mountains so they should be good. I’m going to call and check in.”

  “You good, man?”

  “Nope. Not at the moment. They have Roxanne. I’ll check back in tomorrow. Just keep my sister and the kids safe.”

  He hangs up and I quickly dial my parents with the ruse of seeing how their trip is going. Once I hang up with them, the unit we have tailing them calls back to report they’ve stopped between here and Ocala at an old meat packing plant. Having some local leos on scene to keep it clean, we move out, bringing a few of them with us for back up. We may be going into the edge of the next county but the more back up, the better at this moment.



  One of the goons steps over to Lowe and Frank. “We need to move out. I think we have company.”

  Lowe looks irritated but then concedes. Shit, I really hope they’re close by or no one will find me.

  Two of the goons snatch the guy up off the floor and start dragging him. One of the others grabs me by the arm. I have to link my hands together so the knife doesn’t fall and my hands don’t come apart. Fuck, this is about to get messy.

  I follow them to a van. They shove me inside and I land on top of the ATF agent, causing me to land with my ass in the air. Lowe laughs behind me. “Oh, the things I could push inside of you right now if I had the time, but we’ll save that for later.”

  The door slams and the van pulls off quickly, causing me to roll. “Are you going to be okay?” I whisper to the other guy.

  “Don’t know,” he whispers back.

  “They’ve been tracking me. Hopefully we’ll have back up soon.”

  I get a kick to my side by one of the goons. “Shut up.”

  I’m naked in a van full of men. Men who want to hurt me. My survival instincts are trying to kick into overdrive, but I keep tamping them down. I need to wait on Jacob and the backup to get here. I know he will, but every part of me wants to fight my way out of this van.

  After what feels like forever, the van comes to a halt. The doors are thrown open and we’re drug out. Now we’re inside yet another abandoned building. From the inside it looks like an old meat plant. There are hooks hanging from the ceiling. This place looks like something straight out of a fucking Stephen King novel. It has a smell that I can’t identify, but it’s disgusting. I keep glancing around the room for anything that may help me more than the small knife I still have clasped in my hands. I see some old chairs and a stainless steel table. That’s it. I’m fucking screwed if Jacob and Raines don’t come for me.

  “Put her on the table,” Lowe tells the goons. The other agent is dropped in the corner of the room. I think he’s unconscious.

  They grab me up and toss me onto an old stainless steel table with my back flat against the cold metal. “Restrain her legs on each side.” They snatch my legs, tying my ankles to the poles at the sides of the table.

  What in the fuck are they about to do to me? I keep my hands clenched together. They can’t see this knife, it’s the only thing that may save me, but now isn’t the time.

  Lowe laughs. “You look a little nervous, Ms. Gilliland.”

  I have to push back the fear. “Well, I have to say me being the only one naked in the room, eh, it makes me a little self-conscious. I mean I know I’m nice to look at, but I kinda feel bad. You know, like you guys have self-doubt about the size of your dicks.”

  He looks to the guy standing next to me, his eyes darken and he gives him an evil grin. “Charles, why don’t you have some fun with her? You can do everything but stick your dick in her pussy. That’s mine for just before I kill her. You can have her ass. As much as she thinks I would like it from my prison time, that’s not part of my pleasure. Don’t make a mess of it though.”

  The guy I’m guessing is Charles turns to me and gives me an evil grin. He leans down, licking and biting at my breast. I cry out from the pain. He slaps me. “Shut up, whore.”

  I hear Lowe with his evil laugh. “You know what, Burgan? You can go ahead, too. Keep her busy, same rules though.”

  Suddenly, there are fingers inside of my crotch and my body tenses, trying to stop the assault. My instincts are kicking in when I’d really just love to zone out; this isn’t something I want to remember or feel. He’s rough and he spits on me for lubrication. Soon, another man is standing beside me stroking his cock.

  The guy named Charles backs away from my breasts, while the guy who had previously been stroking himself assaults my other breast. I think he’s still stroking himself, but my head is snatched to the side and I’m faced with Charles’ cock. “Open, bitch.” Those are the only words from his mouth. He’s hairy and disgusting. He smells like smoke and body odor.

  I refuse but he forces my mouth open and shoves his nasty cock in my mouth. “Oh yeah. Tight little mouth.” He grabs a fist full of my hair, slamming into my mouth and causing me to gag. “Eat my cock, bitch. You know you like it, whore.” I close my eyes tight and try not to puke, they’d probably just let me choke to death. I should stab him in the balls so he’d bleed out, but they’ll kill me. I only have a knife no bigger than a damn fingernail file. If I’m going to die killing someone in this room, it’s going to be Wes Lowe. I just have to endure whatever they do to me. I can do that for my sister, for my mom, for all of the people he’s responsible for taking from me.

  I hear the evil voice of Lowe still laughing. “You boys having fun?”

  “Oh yeah, boss. Although I wish it wasn’t just my fingers in her pussy.” He’s still just jabbing into my crotch roughly. I’m trying to clench to keep him from going very deep. But the rougher he is, the harder it is. It’s hard to concentrate on that when I have a nasty cock in my mouth and some guy biting the hell out of my breasts. I feel like my body is drawn tight, I’d give anything for relief. Please, Jacob, be close.

  “Well, be grateful for what I’m sharing with you,” Lowe’s voice booms.

  I feel movement behind me. The guy between my legs laps at my pussy with his tongue as his fingers savagely dive in and out of me.

  I catch a momentary break as he p
ulls away. Before I can inhale, I feel two fingers shoved roughly into my ass. The scrape of the assault has tears pricking the back of my eyes, but they will not break me. Without backing off, the man in front of me grabs my head, shoving his cock further down my throat as suddenly there are three fingers in my ass.

  I cry out only to choke on cock. “Oh yeah, bitch, we heard you like it rough,” one of them says in a tone laced with lust.

  Hands move and I feel one, then two, three, and four fingers penetrate me as I fight back the emotions and pain I feel run through me.

  It’s not long before I swear it feels like he’s using his entire fist as my body revolts, tightening from the inside out as I feel my stomach twist into knots.

  In my head, I still hear Lowe laughing somewhere from the room. “Force the bitch to get off. She knows she likes it like this.”

  The man with his cock in my mouth laughs. Then he starts to move faster and more violently, grabbing the back of my head harder and snatching some of my hair out just before my mouth is filled with nasty cum. I gag as he pulls out, trying to spit out what’s in my mouth. He slaps me across the face. “Swallow, cunt.”

  The person between my legs is suddenly gone and my ass is slid down the table so my knees are bent. A new man snatches my head to the side again, stuffing his foul smelling cock in my mouth. “Oh yeah, she does have a nice mouth. Suck my cock, bitch.” Again, I want to vomit. I have to convince myself to stay strong and wait for the right time to attack. I could attack but hell, my legs are tied to the table.

  I hear the man between my legs spit again, putting his hand back in my crotch. He lifts me up, “Fuck, that’s a tight ass. I’m gonna enjoy tearing you in two,” he says just as he shoves his dick into my ass. He is right, I do feel like I’m being ripped apart. My body is still trying to push him out, but the fight is useless.

  Tears roll from my eyes as I choke and gag. A wetness spatters on my chest and I feel dirty.

  The guy who is between my legs repeatedly slams into me. His motions are getting faster and I feel his hot release inside of me. “Fuck yeah!” He finally pulls out of me and slaps my pussy. I think I’ll feel relief but I don’t get the opportunity. The guy fucking my mouth slams into my face hard enough it jars my teeth, just before he shoots his load off in my mouth. I gag and choke again. “Choke on that, slut.” They’ve finally all backed away. I have their semen all over my body and in my body. I hurt, physically and mentally, but I can’t show it. I can break later, if I live through this, just not right now. I’m starting to feel like Jacob isn’t going to make it in time. If he doesn’t and I have to die, I’m taking Wes Lowe with me for everything he’s done. I picture my sister the day she had the twins, her smile, and I know what I have to do.


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