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Jed Hunter's Reluctant Bride

Page 9

by James, Susanne

  ‘Um, well, not too late, I suppose, Jed. Though I did say I didn’t know when we’d be back,’ she said.

  He smiled to himself. ‘Good, then we’ll go back to the flat and maybe get Renaldo to send us up a meal later—unless you’d rather go out somewhere? There are plenty of smart restaurants I could show you.’

  Cryssie looked up at him quickly. ‘No—I’m happy to stay in,’ she said. ‘I’m feeling quite tired.’

  The rain had caught them by surprise, and Cryssie’s hair hung in wet curls on her shoulders, while Jed’s was plastered thickly to his forehead. He ran his fingers through it, shaking his head like a dog, and Cryssie couldn’t help laughing. ‘Hurrah for English weather,’ she said, and Jed grinned down at her.

  He knew she couldn’t care less about having her appearance mucked up, and he was beginning to realise that her total lack of vanity was a very appealing trait. He was not used to that kind of female!

  They arrived back at the flat, and Cryssie flopped down on the sofa, half closing her eyes for a second or two. ‘Wow,’ she murmured. ‘London’s terrific—but tiring.’

  Jed switched on several table-lamps, which gave the room a distinctly cosy glow, and glanced across at her. ‘Do you want to lie down for a bit? There are a couple of phone calls I need to make, then I’ll fix us a drink before we order our supper.’

  Cryssie thought of that comfortable-looking bed, and succumbed! ‘Just for five minutes, then,’ she said, thinking that he probably wanted to phone in private.

  In the bedroom, she slipped off her jacket, skirt and shoes, and stretched out on the soft covers. It was heaven! Letting her thoughts drift for a moment, Cryssie found herself wondering just how many women had shared this bed with Jeremy Hunter. He said he usually used the place for business purposes, but it was obviously also ideal for bringing home whichever female took his fancy at the time.

  She opened her eyes lazily, letting her gaze wander around the room. Strangely, it had a more feminine feel than the rest of the flat, with satin cushions dotted about, and some dainty pictures on the wall. Without really thinking what she was doing, Cryssie slid off the bed and went noiselessly across to the adjoining small dressing room. Carefully, she opened the door to one of the fitted wardrobes—and her suspicions were confirmed! Hanging there was a beautiful pink satin dressing gown, and a pair of soft, fluffy mules, decorated with sequins, lay carelessly on the shelf beneath.

  Shrugging, Cryssie quietly clicked the door shut and climbed back onto the bed. Jeremy Hunter had other reasons for acquiring this place—so what? she thought. He was a free man, and anyway—she had no reason to care one way or the other!

  She closed her eyes for a second, trying not to think about the man at all. But with him just a few feet away it was easier said than done, and she knew she was restless. But presently her thoughts settled down and she began to relax…

  On the other side of the wall Jed lounged in the chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. He’d ordered their supper to arrive in an hour. He fingered the glass of whisky he’d poured himself thoughtfully. Only time would tell whether their association could reach a different level which would be acceptable to them both. Because he was coming to realise that he wanted that—more than anything he’d wanted for a long time. But could he change the mind of this woman who’d emphasised that she was not in the market? He ran a finger across his lip, then poured himself another whisky.

  There was no sound from the bedroom and, putting down his glass, he quietly went across and opened the door—just wide enough to see Cryssie, fast asleep, curled up on his bed. Lying there in just her shirt and underwear, with her hair loosened in careless fronds on the pillow, she reminded Jed of that other occasion. But this time he had to admit to feelings of a different nature…He knew so much more about her now, and he sensed that there was much more to discover. Yet it came as a major shock to realise that she was actually capable of arousing him, and he cursed under his breath at his disturbed emotions as he let his gaze linger on her sleeping form.

  He went right into the room then, and stood by the side of the bed. Suddenly her eyes flickered open and she sat up, automatically drawing the cover over her shoulders.

  ‘Heavens! Did I fall asleep?’ she asked.

  ‘You did. And our meal will be up in about ten minutes. Do you feel like it?’

  ‘Of course!’ Cryssie slid off the bed, picking up her clothes. ‘I’ll be quick,’ she said.

  She went past him into the bathroom, her heart racing. As she’d opened her eyes she’d thought for a breathless moment that he was going to try and seduce her. Because there had been something in his expression, something in those smoulderingly black eyes, that had made her tingle with apprehension—or with something else! It was essential for both of them that she got fully dressed now, and back to official mode! This was the perfect setting for a romantic liaison. She shuddered as she allowed her mind to run along these forbidden lines, then quickly completed what she was doing and went back into the sitting room to join him—just as the doorbell rang to announce the arrival of their supper.

  He’d already set a table in front of one of the sofas, with cutlery and a couple of napkins and two wine glasses, and Cryssie stood watching as Jed allowed the waiter to bring in the covered dishes. It all smelt fabulous as the man placed everything in front of them, and Cryssie realised that she was actually starving!

  When they were alone, Jed brought over a bottle of wine from the drinks cabinet and poured some into their glasses. ‘It’s been good today, Cryssie, even if the meeting didn’t go ahead.’ He looked at her broodingly for a second. ‘Let’s drink to the next time.’

  Cryssie lowered her eyes as she drank, knowing that she had enjoyed every minute being with Jeremy Hunter.

  The meal was fantastic, and they both ate hungrily. ‘I’d love to know what this sauce is made of,’ Cryssie said, scraping around the plate with her fork.

  ‘Mmm—it’s a firm favourite here. I’ve ordered it more than once for people I’m entertaining,’ Jed said, pouring some more wine. ‘And no one’s complained yet.’

  Cryssie leaned back and gazed across at him, feeling warm and comfortable, all her inhibitions deserting her.

  ‘Who does the gorgeous dressing gown in the wardrobe belong to?’ she asked casually. ‘Or is it just meant for the woman of the moment?’

  Jed looked at her blankly for a second. ‘I didn’t know there was one there,’ he said.

  ‘Oh, come on! This is your place! You must know what’s in it! There is a beautiful pink lady’s dressing gown, complete with fancy mules. She must be very high-maintenance, Jed! It’s fortunate you’re so successful in business!’

  Jed’s face had hardened as she spoke, and Cryssie was suddenly afraid that she’d said too much—overstepped the recommended mark, let her barriers down. It was none of her business!

  He strode out of the room, and she heard him open the wardrobe door in the bedroom, then bang it shut angrily. When he came back, the knitted brows were drawn fiercely together, and for a moment Cryssie felt startled. She’d upset him this time, and he was angry! And she knew what might happen when he became angry!

  ‘I had no idea that thing was still there—’ he began, but Cryssie interrupted.

  ‘I’m sorry, Jed. It’s nothing to do with me what you keep in your bedroom—or anywhere else for that matter,’ she said.

  He shrugged. ‘I haven’t opened that particular door for two years,’ he said. He paused. ‘It was my wife’s wardrobe—mine’s the other one. I didn’t realise she’d left anything there. She obviously hasn’t missed it,’ he said sarcastically. ‘She had about a dozen others to choose from, I seem to remember.’

  Cryssie was staggered! His wife, had he said? That was news to her! Why had she opened that wardrobe! She should mind her own business and leave her boss to his! She cringed at her crass behaviour!

  By now she had stood up, and he came across to look down at her. Sh
e could see a pulse beating strongly in his neck, and he thrust a hand through his hair in an agitated gesture. He moved over to pour himself some more wine. ‘I was married to Ella for just over a year. Just long enough for us to really get to know each other,’ he added savagely. ‘But I’m afraid our terms and conditions didn’t exactly tally.’ He drank from his glass, his face becoming a picture of anger and regret as he spoke. ‘I’ve not seen or spoken to her since the divorce, and it’ll stay that way. The remaining contents of that wardrobe will be given to a local charity shop tomorrow. I’ll leave a note for the cleaner.’

  When she could find her voice, Cryssie said, ‘Life would be so much simpler if we could look into the future—see the way ahead.’

  On that point they would surely agree, she thought. How many times she’d wished she could turn the clock back!

  He looked down at her for a long, thoughtful moment, and then, almost in slow motion, he reached out to draw her towards him, circling her waist with his arm and pulling her close. She didn’t protest, or try to resist him, because she knew instinctively that he was going to kiss her—and, yes, yes, yes, she wanted him to! What harm could there be in one sympathetic, empathetic fusing of their lips?

  And then she was totally helpless, under his control, and he was pressing his mouth on hers in a way that was both tender and yet fiercely passionate. Not like that other time, she thought, her head swimming with desire. This was a dream moment like none other she’d ever experienced, and she found herself drifting into a state of near semi-consciousness, letting him take her over, his breath fanning her flaming cheeks.

  ‘Cryssie,’ he murmured in her ear. ‘I want you. I need you…’ And, almost lifting her from her feet, he half carried her towards the bedroom.

  Suddenly, as if a wake-up call had sounded, and remembering the last time he’d held her like this, Cryssie stopped and dragged herself away from him. ‘No!’ She gasped out the word as if it hurt her, and he stared down at her, his eyes blazing like hot coals of incandescent fire.

  ‘Why, Cryssie?’ He paused, realising at once that he’d jumped the gun, been in too much of a hurry. ‘Don’t spoil the day! It would be the perfect ending…’ he murmured.

  ‘You need to know, Jed, that I don’t engage in short-term affairs—let alone one-night stands!’ She paused, listening to her own heart thudding in her ears. How close she had come to repeating the past!

  He reached for her again, and she knew he was going to use all his persuasive powers to make her change her mind. But for once she had the upper hand.

  ‘I haven’t forgotten another occasion, Jed, when you—’ she began, and he interrupted breathily.

  ‘Yes—and you drove me to that, Cryssie! I was so frustrated at your…idiotic stubbornness….’

  ‘Oh, I was in no doubt as to your motives, Jed!’

  ‘You just made me so mad at your refusal to…to see sense!’

  ‘Well, I’m seeing sense now,’ she said, moving right away from him, her legs trembling. ‘And I really must…I want to go home now.’

  As if by magic he asserted himself again. ‘Then that’s what we’ll do,’ he said flatly, as if what had just happened between them had been nothing.

  Cryssie hoped he was fit to drive, because he must be over the legal limit, she thought. But she knew Jeremy Hunter wasn’t likely to endanger either of their lives. That would upset his business plans!

  A chauffeur-driven limo took them home in comparative silence, and she knew he was disappointed at her refusal to allow him to make love to her. But she was glad that she’d not given in to him! She’d proved to herself that she was in total control of her life—of their lives—hers, and Polly’s, and Milo’s.

  Jed’s mouth was firmly set as they sped along the motorway. He’d never been turned down by any female ever before, but somehow it didn’t get to him as much as he’d have thought. Because he knew he’d have his way in the end. The woman had proved that she was no push-over, yet for those timeless moments he knew that she had wanted him as much as he had desired her.

  He glanced across at her covertly, and his gaze softened. This was not going to be easy, he thought—but he enjoyed a challenge. A grim smile edged his mouth. His idea, concocted almost overnight, would suit them both. All he had to do was make her see his point of view!

  Finally, they drew into Birch End Lane, and Cryssie opened her door almost before the driver had stopped the engine.

  ‘Goodnight, Jed,’ she said shakily. ‘And—thanks for the—for the…ride…’ she added enigmatically, getting out and slamming the door.

  Chapter 8

  Jed’s brain had been working overtime as he wondered how he could find a legitimate excuse to be alone with Cryssie without raising any suspicions. He knew she was desperate for the rest of the staff at Hydebound not to know anything at all about her new position in his business life, so when he did call in at the office his attitude with her was always strictly cool and formal.

  Since their day in London a few weeks earlier, he just hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind, and he knew that he was becoming obsessed with the woman—or rather obsessed with the need to put his plan into action as soon as possible. Too much time was passing—valuable time that was being wasted! And all his instincts told him that he was letting things go off the boil. Because, in spite of her insistence that she didn’t want the complication of a man on her scene, he simply didn’t believe it. The heady memory of their few moments of closeness convinced him that she was sexually alive, and vulnerable. She was a sensitive, warm-blooded woman, and he knew enough about the subject to be certain he was right.

  The other factor that was making it almost impossible for him to get her alone was that he knew weekends were a no-go area. She valued her time with the family too much. But he knew he must wangle it somehow, or he’d be back to square one.

  Then, one Saturday morning, something unusual came up which made it essential that he should visit one of their properties—and even though he knew she wouldn’t be too happy about it he was determined that she’d do as he wanted.

  Down in the kitchen, Cryssie was making the first pot of tea of the day when the telephone rang. She heard Jed’s all-too-recognisable voice and her heart leapt automatically. She was being forced to live two lives at the same time, she thought, and it wasn’t easy! Her mind would keep going back to the moment when he’d almost succeeded in seducing her, and when she allowed herself to dwell on it—which she was honest enough to admit she regularly did—she could actually feel his lips burning into hers, could recall the strength of his arms around her. Yet at work she was having to act out another scenario altogether, and every time she had to face him—especially if others were there—her hands actually shook. Between a rock and a hard place seemed an apt description of her position, she thought, though Jed was very good at keeping his thoughts private! No one would ever guess what was going on behind those black mesmerising eyes.

  ‘Cryssie?’ he said now. ‘Sorry to give you such short notice, but could you be spared for the day? I want you to go with me to Wales—I need to visit one of our hotels. There’s a bit of a problem there.’

  Cryssie frowned. Weekends were a time for housework and catching up on everything. And taking Milo out somewhere. ‘Well—it is rather awkward…I’m usually up to my eyes in domesticity on Saturdays—’ she began, but he interrupted.

  ‘I’m sorry—but I need to sort this thing out, and we can’t go on a week day because it would raise a few eyebrows, wouldn’t it, if you left your desk?’

  Cryssie had to admit that that was true, but she had hoped that her new job wouldn’t really begin until after Hydebound had finally closed—which was now a mere two months away.

  She knew straight away that of course she would fall in with the man’s wishes—she had too much to lose if at this early stage she started making excuses. It was not such a big deal, after all. Polly would simply have to be persuaded to venture out and take Milo to th
e cinema that afternoon by herself—Cryssie had already bought the tickets.

  ‘What time do we have to go?’ she asked.

  ‘Nine o’ clock—that gives you a whole hour,’ he added helpfully.

  Swallowing her mug of tea, and grabbing a piece of toast, Cryssie quickly prepared a breakfast tray for Polly and Milo and took it upstairs.

  ‘Poll—I’ve got to go out for the day. There’s a meeting at work…Sorry—can you take Milo to see that film? I shan’t be late home.’

  Her sister opened one eye, and grunted her appreciation as breakfast was put down beside her. ‘Okay,’ she said sleepily. Then, ‘There always seems to be something going on at work these days.’ She paused, adding thoughtfully, ‘Will Mr Hunter be at this meeting?’

  ‘Oh—I—yes, of course. He’s collecting me soonish, because we have to visit somewhere away, I believe.’

  Polly sat up and glanced at Cryssie. After Jed’s unexpected arrival at the house the girl had been unusually interested in Cryssie’s working life—and especially her dashing new employer, wanting to know everything about him. Cryssie had made a point of answering all enquiries vaguely, as if she wasn’t interested enough to give the matter much thought. ‘Well, I’m sure you’ll have a more exciting day than me,’ Polly murmured.

  Just then Milo wandered in, clutching his Runaway Rascal doll and Cryssie bent down and hugged him, explaining that she couldn’t go with them to see the film because she had to go to work.

  ‘I don’t want you to go,’ the child protested. ‘Please, Cryssie, don’t go.’

  ‘I have to, sweetheart—but tomorrow we’ll do something special. Perhaps we could go swimming, and then out for a pizza? Is that okay?’

  At exactly nine o’clock Jed arrived. The one hour he had so reasonably allowed Cryssie to get ready had been sufficient for her to shower and wash her hair. She had dressed in her one really decent tweed skirt, and in the honey-coloured cashmere sweater that Polly had given her for Christmas—a purchase from Latimer’s, where Polly loved browsing when she felt fit enough to go out. But the same fawn jacket had to do to complete the outfit—it was the only winter-weight coat Cryssie possessed.


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