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Test of Endurance (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 2)

Page 4

by Kora Knight

  Tad’s cheeks flashed hot, fresh memories assailing. The last time they were together, Scott had used that very weakness to help him breach Tad’s ass. And man, had it hurt unbelievably good. Maybe because Tad had been desperate to come, or maybe because the fucker just felt that damn good.

  Tad scowled. “So if you remember, why are you still doing it? You’re not under any obligations to torment me.”

  “I think I’ve just missed watching you squirm.” There was a wistfulness in his tone that gave Tad pause, but ultimately he back-peddled to what was actually said. It was kind of hot… but it also pissed him off.

  “You liked watching me squirm?” he ground. “Dude. I was in agony.”

  Scott’s hands moved higher up Tad’s back. “You were uncomfortable, but mostly you were blissing. Trust me, I know the difference.”

  Okay, so maybe Tad hadn’t been exactly miserable, but—

  Scott’s knuckles kneaded deeper, working all the tore up muscles along Tad’s neck. And holy shit, it felt amazing. Good enough to make him ignore the dread trying to form in his belly. A faint realization, a whispered warning, that if he didn’t get his ass off that table soon, his dick was going to take control. And that one-eyed fucker had a way of short-circuiting Tad’s logic whenever it wanted some action.

  He groaned, Scott’s touch making it way too hard to call it a night. Not that his body would’ve cooperated anyway. Seemed it’d thrown in the towel when Tad wasn’t looking. What was up with all the mind/body confliction whenever Scott was concerned?

  The guy’s hand slid up into Tad’s hair and gently scored his scalp. Tad shivered, breathing out a curse. More goose bumps exploded as his cock gave a buck. Scott was not playing fair. Much more of that and Tad’s dick was going to throw a do-not-disturb sign around his worthless brain. Heart pounding harder, his breaths shallowed out.

  Scott moved to the head of the table, working his shoulders from a different angle. Again he leaned close, jaw brushing Tad’s hair. “Got nothing to say, shy boy? Is your silence an admission that I took your ass to ecstasy?”

  Fresh mortification crawled up Tad’s neck. Because he didn’t have anything to say. No way could he argue the truth to Scott’s claim. But he sure as hell wasn’t going to admit it. “I plead the fifth,” he managed to moan, just as Scott’s knuckles bore down. He didn’t want to lie, but wasn’t ready to concede.

  Scott laughed, leaning over to slide the heels of his palms down the length of Tad’s back. “You’re a funny one. I bet you’re blushing like a champ as we speak.”

  Tad pursed his lips, pissed that Scott just called him out. “I bet I’m not,” he muttered. Lies, lies. All fucking lies. Screw it. He couldn’t be honest all the time.

  Another wave of pleasure rolled through his body, compliments of Scott’s fingers working the small of his back. Tad’s lips fell open. He was so freaking relaxed that, despite his raging boner, he felt like he was starting to drift.

  “Tell me something,” Scott murmured, still leaned over his body.

  This close Tad could totally smell him again. But this time he smelled like warm, savory spice, not the sexed-up cologne of their previous romp. Tad wondered if it was Scott’s natural scent. Real deal or not, it still made him salivate. Which was disconcerting as hell and… well… also a turn on.

  Absently, he licked his lips. “What do you want to know?”

  “What your favorite part was the last time you were here.”

  Whoa. Blunt much? Tad’s eyes peeled open to stare at the floor. God, should he even answer that? In truth, Scott had done so many mind-blowing things, it’d be impossible to pick just one. But he probably shouldn’t encourage the guy by rattling off a list. So, like a pussy, he took the easy out. “Um… finally being able to come.” Screw it. It was probably the truth anyway.

  “Mmm,” Scott murmured. “And did you ever. Hard and all over both of us. Have you ever come like that before?”

  Well, that was an easy one to answer, regardless of how badly Scott just stirred his belly. “No,” Tad admitted. “Never even close.”

  Scott moved back around to the side of the table, working his way down Tad’s body. “’Cause you held off for so long. It’s a shame people don’t bother with that kind of self-discipline. As you well know, it’s definitely worth the effort.”

  Tad’s dick twitched in agreement. “Yeah. No shit.”

  “You think you could hold out like that on your own? Think you could pull it off?”

  Tad chuckled, a small smile tugging at his lips. “If it’d get me an orgasm like the one that night, I might be willing to try.” His answer was hypothetical, but apparently not to Scott.

  “Good to know.” Slowly, he worked his way toward Tad’s ass.

  Tad stilled at his tone. “What’s that supposed to mean? I wasn’t saying I—”

  “Nothing,” Scott chuckled, cutting him off. “It wasn’t supposed to mean anything.”

  His hands abruptly left Tad’s body. Cabinet doors opening followed suit. And then another towel settled over his thighs. It felt good, though why it’d been put there, Tad had no idea.

  “Lift your hips,” Scott softly instructed.

  Not giving it much thought, Tad did as was told. A rolled towel promptly slid underneath, effectively propping up his ass. Tad frowned, his dick pressing harder into his abs. What the—His heart sped up. Oh, god. What the hell was he up to now?

  “Scott,” he growled. “What are you—”

  “How’s that sweet little hole of yours faring?”

  Tad froze, then balked, totally not cool with where Scott was going. Well, okay, maybe he was a little cool with it, but Scott didn’t need to know that.

  “It’s doing fine,” he ground, starting to get up. “But thanks for asking.”

  Scott splayed a firm hand across his back. “I want to make sure. I fucked you pretty hard that night… at times forgetting you were a virgin. Honestly, I’ve been kinda worried I hurt you.”

  Though his intentions could be taken as dubious at best, the concern in his voice was clear. And in Tad’s book, the fact that Scott even gave a damn said a hell of a lot. Still, he really didn’t need the guy examining his hole.

  “Dude,” he sighed, shifting atop the table. “I’m good. Really. I mean, yeah, I walked funny for a couple days, but that’s gotta be somewhat norm—”

  Scott’s hands sliding under his towel interrupted all train of thought. Oh, shit. Oh, shit fuck. But before he could get his brain and body to cooperate, Scott spread his thighs nice and wide. Knees hanging off the table’s sides, Tad groaned at his new position. Fortunately, those two towels provided a reassuring sense of coverage. Not nearly enough, however, to let Scott’s intentions ride.

  Once again, he tried to get up, the damp towels on his wrists slapping to the floor. Scott’s one hand flattened against his shoulder blades as his other came down Tad’s ass.

  “Tad. Chill. Jesus.”



  For some screwed up reason, Tad actually complied. Maybe he was too busy reeling from the fact that he’d been “shushed.”

  As if confident Tad would behave, Scott lifted his hands and slowly inched the two towels apart. Cool air and hot cloth instantly clashed. Tad’s bare cheeks clenched, the gap between towels steadily widening. The fucker was essentially giving himself a nice discreet view of Tad’s ass. Yet, the measures he’d taken to keep Tad otherwise covered clearly showed Scott wanted him comfortable. And it actually kind of worked. Tad really didn’t feel that unbearably exposed.

  That notorious cap snap echoed through the room.

  Tad’s eyes shot wide, heart shooting into his throat. Oh, no. No, no, no. He’d bet his balls that wasn’t Scott’s massage oil opening up this time.

  “Wait,” he stammered, squirming anew. “You seriously don’t have to—”

  Scott laughed in clear exasperation. “Tad. My man. Breathe. Relax.”

  Tad stiffened
, then irritably settled back down. Asshole. And yet, there he remained, all submissive on his stomach for the dude to do with as he pleased. He supposed he just didn’t want to look like a pussy. Wanted to show Scott he was anything but. Which, in this scenario, wasn’t exactly a good thing, because once Scott started, Tad had a feeling he wouldn’t want him to stop.

  He closed his eyes and exhaled hard. “Whatever. Just do what you gotta do.”

  Scott chuckled softly, his annoyance seemingly gone. “That’s my boy.” Gently, he pried Tad’s clenched cheeks apart. “Relax, shy boy. I’ve already seen all there is to see of you.”

  Somehow, that did not make Tad feel better. Fresh heat doused his cheeks, even as his cock pulsed in shameless anticipation. Fucking boner.

  Yeah, he was pissed for ending up in this situation, but he was also excruciatingly antsy. Scott’s fingers were going to feel good. Too good. He knew they were. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind. And couple that with his dick’s single-minded drive and Tad stood little chance of resisting anything that might follow.

  A warm thumb stroked his puckered hole, then firmly circled atop it. “Awesome,” Scott murmured. “No redness. No hemorrhoids. No signs of tearing.”

  Tad grimaced at his words. “Great. You see? I’m fine.” He rolled his hips forward in an attempt to dislodge his cheeks from Scott’s grip. The guy’s hold only tightened.

  “Stop, Tad. Gotta check you inside, too. Have your stools been black? Has it hurt to crap?”

  Tad balked, face pinching sourly. “What? No. Geez, dude. What the—”

  Cool gel made contact right where it counted. Tad jerked, his hands fisting tight by his head. How in the hell, he berated himself, did he end up in this predicament? And voluntarily, at that. The coolness began moving around and around, then gently up and down. Tad bit back a moan. Fuck, that felt good. Tickled, but in an awesome way. His dick twitched in its snug confines as his breathing grew even shallower.

  Scott’s fingertip stopped, lingering at the center of Tad’s pucker. “Come on, Tad. Push against me. Let me inside.”

  Cursing himself, Tad exhaled hard and did as told, fearing deep in his flip-flopping gut that once Scott was in, he wouldn’t want him out.

  One slippery finger slipped past his sphincter with little to no resistance. Just the tiniest of stings, but not much more. Hell, Tad had accommodated much larger intrusions not even two before. He found a focal point on the floor and concentrated on staying relaxed.

  Slowly, Scott’s finger began to move, gliding along his walls, giving random searching strokes. And damn if it didn’t feel incredible. Tad shifted, absently grinding his hips—and hard on—into that rolled up towel.

  “This hurting you?” Scott asked. His tone sounded uneasy, as if anxious Tad might say yes.

  Tad swallowed, struggling to find his voice. “Uh… no. That feels fine.”

  “Mm,” Scott murmured, continuing his gentle perusal. Leisurely, his index circled around, moving deeper then to random locations.

  Tad bit his lip. That finger was going to be his undoing. Holding his breath, he fought not to rock his pelvis. It was only a matter of time before Scott located a certain sensitive—

  “Ungh!” he grunted as the dude stroked his prostate.

  “Did that hurt?” The question was immediate.

  Shit, shit, shit. If Tad said no, in an effort to get him to stop, Scott would know Tad’s groan had been from pleasure. Which was a compliment Tad couldn’t afford to give. But if he said yes to avoid the risk of encouragement, Scott would want to inspect the spot further. Tad swallowed down a whimper at his conundrum.

  Scott made contact a second time.

  Again, Tad jerked from the feel.

  “Tad,” Scott growled, the impatient sound tinged with stress. “Does that hurt? Are you overly tender there?”

  Tad couldn’t help it. Amidst the nerves frazzling in his mind, he let loose a laugh. “No, dude. Alright? It doesn’t hurt. But yes, it’s extremely sensitive.” He bit his tongue the second he finished, restlessly pivoting his pelvis. There were so many ways Scott could take that answer.

  But “Mm,” was his only reply. His only verbal reply, at least. That finger of his had something else to say. Without warning, it slipped out, then sank back in, this time with Scott’s middle finger, too.

  Tad moaned, grateful he hadn’t seen that coming. Otherwise he would’ve clenched and shit would’ve stung. He suspected Scott figured the same and thus why he’d moved so quickly.

  His two digits felt around like before, sinking deep enough that Tad felt Scott’s knuckles bump his cheeks. They swiveled around, slid out some then resumed, eventually returning to Tad’s G. Tad grunted, then groaned, his body going rigid when Scott gave him a double-wide stroke. “Oh, fuck…” His eyes slid closed as his jaw went lax.

  Scott chuckled softly, his free hand giving Tad’s left cheek a squeeze. “God, I love the sounds you make.” Tad inhaled on a shudder. Scott stopped and softly cleared his throat. “Um, technically, I think I’m done. You seem okay.” He paused for a second, then asked. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Tad’s eyes cracked open. Now, wasn’t that the million dollar question. Because the answer should be yes, but was instead a stark hell no. Didn’t really matter, though. “Uh…” was all he could manage.

  Scott gave his channel a lazy caress. “Tad.”

  Damn, his voice sounded huskier than shit. That, mixed with his fingers, sent a shiver up Tad’s spine. He tried again. “Uh… I… ”

  Scott chuckled and stroked him a second time. “Tad. Tell me.” Now his tone sounded out-and-out sweet. “I’ll stop if you want me to. Just say the word. Because otherwise, I’d really rather not. Stop, I mean.”

  In and out, he moved through Tad’s passage, the pace tantalizingly slow, deviously deliberate. Tad knew this somewhere deep in his cognizance. Scott wanted to keep playing. Wanted Tad to want to keep playing. And damn it, he did. But he just couldn’t muster the guts to say it. Honestly, if Scott had decided to take the low road and just keep going, considering Tad’s silence an unspoken green light, Tad would’ve gone with the flow. Would’ve let Scott’s fingers seduce him to the point of no return. His throbbing cock certainly wouldn’t have argued. Not with the way his prostate was sending currents of pleasure up its shaft.

  But Scott wasn’t that kind of guy, despite the fact that Tad had a feeling he knew exactly how Tad was struggling. When he remained silent, Scott sighed, pausing all movement. “You like this, Tad. It’s clear you do. And you want it. But you’re not comfortable getting it from a guy. Am I right?”

  Tad forced himself not to rock against Scott’s fingers. The dude was annoyingly astute. And irritatingly forward. Tad swallowed, licked his lips, then nodded reluctantly. “Yeah. That pretty much sums it up.” Thank fuck he wasn’t facing the guy. No doubt, his face was redder than a beet.

  A thoughtful, “Mm,” then a few ticks of silence. Finally, “Hold up. I got something for you.” Scott gently pulled free and padded over to his work station of drawers.

  Open… rummage… shut.

  Tad frowned, slowly surfacing from his Scott-induced haze. “What?”

  And then Scott was back and palming Tad’s ass, one hand’s index and thumb spreading his cheeks apart at his hole. “Some of my clients have discovered they like this during their massage.”

  Something tapered and smooth slipped inside Tad’s channel. He stiffened, taken off guard. Scott had just shoved some unknown object up his ass. And though it felt like a finger in size and shape, it clearly wasn’t. It was cold and not warm. Hard, not skin-soft. And—whoa, holy hell—it was starting to vibrate.

  “Shit, Scott,” he groaned, tamping back a shudder. “What the fuck is that?”

  “What you wanted,” Scott chuckled, covering Tad’s ass back up with his towel, then pulling the other out from under his hips. “Minus my personal touch.” His hands palmed Tad’s hamstrings and resumed their massage, slowly k
neading them in the direction of Tad’s feet.

  “Yeah,” Tad ground. “But what exactly have you put in my ass?”

  Scott laughed that time. “A teeny tiny vibrating butt plug. A while ago I came up with it as an option during massages.”

  Tad’s lashes fluttered, Scott’s present sending hums of pleasure into his sack and up his cock. He shifted his hips, his mind conflicted on what to focus on; Scott’s hands or that thing doing a jig in his rectum. Both felt equally amazing. But despite all that, and what Scott thought, Tad did like his personal touch. Had always thought it felt incredible. As, more teasing licks scurried up his shaft, a soft curse left his lips. He moaned and tried to keep up with convo. “So, how’d you come up with this idea again?”

  Scott drew in a breath and moved to Tad’s calves. “I was in mid-session with one of my older, hetero clients and somehow got on the subject of prostate massages. He didn’t believe they really existed, or that guy’s enjoyed them. I swore it was true, but he thought I was full of it. So, being that we’d known each other long enough for him to trust me, I made him a deal. Said I’d give him one of those mythical massages, and if he still didn’t believe me by the time it was over, I’d train him free for a year.”

  “Holy crap,” Tad rasped. “You were pretty confident.”

  “Mm. Just know my shit.” Scott’s fingers circled around Tad’s legs just above his ankles and gave them a final squeeze. His touch disappeared, then so did the hot towels across Tad’s nape, wrists and thighs. Without warning, a hard palm smacked his ass. “Turn over.”

  The curt, abrupt contact sent an expected zing ricocheting against his prostate. “Unngh! Mother fuck!”

  Scott laughed. “Liked that, did you.”

  Tad scowled. Easing onto his back, he flipped the son of a bitch off. Still, a smile tugged at his lips. Until it dawned on him that he was facing the guy, meeting his dark gaze eyes as his ass hummed in bliss. Of which Scott was entirely responsible.

  Clutching the towel still covering his parts, his eyes shot up to the ceiling. He could feel the raw heat creeping up his neck, headed straight for his cheeks. Oh god, there was no way he could do this. It was too personal. Too intimate. And way too embarrassing. After all, out of the two of them, he was the only one vibrating.


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