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A Love We Deserve

Page 21

by Betsy Anne

  Brian looks a little worried.

  “Sure. Come on, Zach and Grace. I’ll race you downstairs!”

  He pretends to start running, and they take off past him.

  “Is everything OK?”

  “Everything is fine. I just need to talk to them.”

  I smile at him to ease his mind. When we’re alone, I gather the boys around me.

  “You know, guys, I haven’t had a boyfriend since Daddy and I decided not to be together anymore. I know Daddy’s girlfriends get on your nerves sometimes, but I’m glad he’s trying to find happiness. Well, I met someone who I really like a lot, and I think you will, too. Mr. Eyre and I would like to try being boyfriend and girlfriend. What do you think about that?”

  Boys being boys, they seem excited for Mom to be dating a football player, which I knew would be their reaction. He’s basically a big kid himself, and I knew they’d love him. The hard part is later, when he has to act like a dad and discipline them. I don’t want to jump the gun, so I’ll take the positive reaction now while I can get it. I want Brian in on the conversation.

  “Do you guys want to talk to him about this? You can ask questions if you want.”

  I call Brian back upstairs, and he arrives quickly. He opens the door and smiles sheepishly.

  “Hi, guys, everything all right?”

  “Yes, Brian. I told them that we were going to go out with each other. We would like to talk with you about it, too, if that’s OK.”

  He looks overjoyed.

  “Sure! I’d love to talk about your pretty mom. What would you like to know?”

  He’s sitting at their level, and the boys are thinking about questions to ask.

  “Do you love her?”

  Way to go for the gut there, Matthew. Brian doesn’t miss a beat.

  “Yes, very much. Next question?”

  “Can we go to the football games for free?”

  Nice one, Luke. See what you can get out of him.

  “Sure, anytime at all. This Sunday is our last regular-season game, and we won’t be making the playoffs. I’m glad your mom and I started to date before the season was finished. OK, next?”

  John is my oldest, and the most sensitive. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say.

  “Will you ever leave her?”

  Oh my God.

  “You know, John, your mom and I are new to each other. I care for her a lot, and will always make sure she’s happy if I can. If she agrees to keep dating me, I won’t ever leave her. You don’t have to worry about that, OK?”

  John seems satisfied with the answer. He hugs Brian. No drama; they just go back to their game. They’ve seen Chris go through plenty of women since we’ve been apart, and he’s the one who’s left them. I’ve tried to explain to them on their level that when you love, you don’t leave, so maybe it wasn’t love. Poor Brian. This was awfully early for such a heart-to-heart, but I couldn’t stand to pretend in front of them. I love him, and I’m ready for my kids to see what real love is.

  Brian boldly walks over and escorts me out of the room.

  “Thank you so much, Melanie. I was dying before. I wanted badly to connect with them, but I couldn’t without this conversation first. They’re amazing boys, and you’ve done that singlehandedly. I won’t let them down, I promise.”

  “I know you won’t, Brian. I seem to recall another single mom who raised a pretty impressive kid herself. I’m thankful to her.”

  He looks touched. We kiss, and go downstairs to join our friends, hand in hand, not hiding anything.

  Chapter 21

  Every day I’ve been with Brian, I’ve thought, “this is one of the best days of my life,” but today topped the list. We all went to the game, and the boys stayed with Brian the entire time. I’ve never seen them so happy. The Bears lost the game, but no one seemed to care. With the loss of Brian, and one of their star running backs, they had a losing season. I’m selfishly grateful, because with him not playing, he’s free. If they’d gone on to the playoffs, he’d be busy for the next few weeks.

  After the game, we all went out for pizza. Katie, Jason and their kids came along. Brian and I decided not to take them up on their offer to watch the kids. Now that we’re officially dating, we don’t have to steal time to be together. He and I decide instead to take the boys back home, and hang out there. I know it’s all still so new, but being with him feels effortless. He’s not even trying to impress the boys, it just happens. He held my hand all night, even through dinner. He ate with his left hand, so we wouldn’t have to stop. He drove all the way home without once breaking our connection. I don’t know if the kids noticed, but I sure did.

  When we arrive home, I send the boys up to bathe, and go to bed. I know they’re exhausted. It was a cool day in the lives of three preteen boys. Brian goes to the living room, while I pour us some wine. We snuggle in together on the couch, and sit quietly, listening to the kids banging around upstairs. It doesn’t take long after we hear, “Good night, and thanks, Brian!” that all goes quiet.

  “Thanks from me, too, for today. I’ve never seen them quite so happy or well-behaved! You must have had a cattle prod to keep them in line.”

  “They’re good boys, Melanie. I never had to say one word to them. They were polite to everyone who spoke to them, and used their manners all day. You should be proud of the job you’re doing. I have so much respect for you and what you’ve had to deal with. It couldn’t have been easy all those years with your ex.”

  I gave him all the dirty details of my past the night we stayed at his place. I didn’t want another incident like the one with Caleb to occur. When I told him about Jeff, and then Chris, he stayed silent, but his face contorted and turned different shades of red. He was seething below the surface. He allowed me to finish everything before speaking.

  “You should keep me far away from Chris.”

  He was deadly serious. I caught a glimpse of the animal they talk about on the playing field. Yikes.

  “It wasn’t easy, but the only thing that kept me going was my love for my kids. I’m determined to raise them right, despite Chris. He’s been better with them when they’re together, but he’s still no Boy Scout.”

  I see his jaw muscle tighten when I say Chris’ name. I’d better change the subject; I don’t want any thoughts of him ruining this night for us.

  “That’s all in my past. I try to look at it like this now. I have three great kids, and I’m with you. Circumstances have led to a moment that I wouldn’t trade for anything. That puts a smile on my face. Let’s focus on the future instead; it’s a much happier place. Come on, let’s watch a funny movie.”

  I grab the remote, and scroll through some listings. He takes it out of my hand, and tosses it over his shoulder. He leans over to look up the stairs, seems satisfied that all’s quiet, and then his lips are on me. We make out like a couple of teenagers expecting the parents to come downstairs any minute. Rushed, and hot, it’s a turn-on. I can’t help but place my hand on the crotch of his pants, and I’m rewarded with a nice, hard package. He jumps, and moves my hand.

  “We’re playing with fire, you know. We should go someplace a bit more private.”

  My bedroom’s out; too close to the boys’ rooms. I lead him to the sitting room in the front of the house. We’ll be able to hear them long before they make it downstairs if they wake up and look for me. I love this room. I had it redecorated after Chris left. A shabby-chic, comfy sofa and chair, and a soft-hued shag rug make this space feel romantic. A great place to curl up with a book on a rainy day, or to have a romantic tryst with my own dashing man. He lies down on his back, and I climb in the nook. He lovingly strokes my hair. It’s hypnotic.

  “What do you want to do for New Year’s? Do you have anything planned?”

  Oh yeah, New Year’s Eve is in a few days. I’ve always hated this holiday. Chris would be “traveling,” doing God knows what, and I’d be home alone, asleep with the kids by 10:00 p.m.

m not sure, I guess I haven’t really thought about it. With young kids, you’re not offered the luxury of going out on major holidays very often.”

  “Can I plan something? Just the two of us? I’d like to start my new year with just you. It’s inconceivable to me now that I didn’t know you this time last year. How did my heart even beat without you in my life, Melanie?”

  It’s official: We have the winner of the-most-romantic-thing-anyone-has-ever-said contest.

  He pulls me on top of him, and we start to kiss. Not sweet, loving pecks, but the deep, sloppy kind, my favorite. He can plan whatever he wants for whenever he wants as long as it always ends like this. We kiss for a while, then he decides he needs to let me get some sleep. I guess my yawning isn’t much of a turn on. He sends Jason a text to let him know he’s going to crash in their guest room.

  “Thank you so much again for today. Those boys will remember it for the rest of their lives, and I will, too. I love you, Brian.”

  “I love you too, Melanie. You won’t ever begin to understand what it meant to me to have y’all there. You’re my dream come true.”

  I have to start writing all the sweet things he says to me in a notebook. I don’t ever want to forget them. We kiss and hug one last time and he leaves to go to Katie and Jason’s.

  * * *

  “OK, I said you could plan New Year’s Eve, but I have to know what to wear!”

  The man is purposefully being withholding. He’s told me nothing about tonight except to dress warm. What does that mean? It’s Chicago in December; dressing warm is a given. I just don’t know how dressy to get. Katie and Jason went to Disney World with the kids for New Year’s, and Chris requested for the boys to come over and hang out. His latest squeeze dumped him. Serves him right. Asshole.

  So it’ll be just Brian and me ringing in the New Year. He doesn’t socialize much, so I can’t imagine we’ll be going to a party. My best guess is a fancy restaurant with maybe an outdoor patio or tent? The park? I wish men could understand how hard it is to know how to dress properly. I opt for a clingy knit dress in shimmery silver. It’s right for the occasion, but heavy enough so that it will keep in some heat. I clip on sheer, black thigh-high stockings to a garter belt, and slip on my rhinestone stilettos. If this doesn’t say “Happy New Year!” I don’t know what does. He wants me to take a cab to his place, because traffic is a nightmare getting downtown tonight.

  I reach his place about 8:30 p.m., when he said be there by 7:00 p.m. I tell the cab driver to circle the portico, and the doorman at his building lets me out.

  “Ms. Kennedy! Happy New Year! You are ravishingly beautiful this evening.”

  I love that guy. As I step over to pay the driver, the doorman steps in front of me and hands the guy a large bill.

  “Taken care of by Mr. Eyre. He’s expecting you.”

  He gives me a quick wink and I step quickly into the warm building. I ride the fast elevator up to his floor, and when the doors open, he’s standing in the hall holding the most beautiful peach-colored roses I’ve ever seen.

  “Hi there, baby, Happy New Year. These are for you. They remind me of my sweet Georgia peach.”

  Where’s my notebook?

  “Oh, Brian, they’re so lovely! Thank you, you are too sweet. Happy New Year to you, too.” Even in my heels I have to stand on tiptoe to give him a kiss. “Why are you out here? Are we late? Do we need to leave?”

  He grins, grabs my hand, steps into the elevator and pushes “R,” for roof. That’s what it must be, a rooftop party for the tenants of his building. He’s an absolute knockout in his fitted black suit, and slim black tie. He steps back to give me the once over, and his eyes glisten.

  “You’re stunning, Melanie.”

  I’m blushing. It’s the reaction I prayed for, but he tops my expectations every time. The doors open, and I’m surprised. There’s not a soul up here; it’s dead quiet except for the muffled city noise far below. I let him take the lead; I’m out of guesses for tonight. No matter what his plans are, we’re together, and that’s all I care about. The roof is beautifully decorated. There’s even a pool, surrounded by large empty pots. I assume that in the spring and summer they’re full of flowers. He leads me over to a small white canopy that’s been set up. There’s a soft glow, no doubt candles, coming from the opening. He steps aside, and motions for me to enter.

  It takes my breath away. Somehow, on this urban rooftop, he’s managed to get a five-star restaurant delivered. I’m sure he has the right connections. No greasy Chinese food here tonight. The inside of the canopy is draped in dark red cloth, with gleaming silver and china on a small table for two. There’s a small candelabra on the table, and lanterns placed around the perimeter giving it an ethereal quality. Two glasses of champagne have already been poured and are sitting on the table. It’s not cold in here at all, so I’m guessing there’s a space heater hiding nearby.

  He takes the glasses and offers me one. We clink them together and take a sip. Delicious. I can’t believe someone went to all this trouble for me.

  “Thank you, Brian, this is the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine how you pulled all of this together.”

  He remains quiet, and throws me a panties-melting sideways grin. As if on cue, music begins to play. It’s Ed Sheeran’s song, Thinking Out Loud, my new favorite. He sets down our glasses, and pulls me close for a dance. We gaze into each other's eyes as we let the lyrics speak for us.

  Honey now,

  Take me into your loving arms

  Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

  Place your head on my beating heart

  I’m thinking out loud

  That maybe we found love right where we are

  He is softly singing along as he gently hugs me, and places my head against his chest. I can feel his heart pounding, just like the lyric in the song. I’ve heard other people describe magical moments in their lives, when you just know, no doubts. This is that moment for me. The song fades away, and we continue to rock gently, side to side. Neither of us wants this dance to end. We hear shuffling on the other side of our tent; we’re about to be interrupted. He pulls out my chair for me and we sit. A waiter appears from the side entrance, carrying a silver tray with canapés. He places it in front of us, and promptly leaves.

  “Are you hungry, sweetheart? I’m sorry you ran into so much traffic getting here. I’ve been pacing the floor waiting.”

  “No, I’m sorry. If I’d had any idea, I would have left sooner. I’m sorry to have kept you and,” I wave my hands around in the air, “all of this, waiting.”

  I take a canapé and a big sip of champagne. When I look up, Brian is kneeling down beside me. Oh Jesus.

  “Melanie, I had everything planned differently, but I can’t stand putting it off. I’ve been enraptured since practically the first time I laid eyes on you. Even while you were screaming at me, I couldn’t help but stare into your beautiful eyes and see so much more. You remind me of a place I never knew I wanted to remember, you’ve shown me strength and love and I’m a better man for your loving me. I know we’ve not known each other very long, but when it feels right, I believe it’s right. I want to share my life with you, and I want to be a part of yours. I want to love your children, and have more with you. I want to cherish you all the days of my life. Will you marry me?”

  A waiter pops in, sees the scene in front of him, and high tails it back out. I can’t believe what I’ve just heard. He wants to marry me? I feel like I can’t breathe. It all seems way too sudden, but when I think about him not being in my life, I can’t bear it. I love him more than I ever thought I knew about loving another person. I feel like everything before was just a bad rehearsal for the greatest show of my life. I don’t hesitate.

  “Yes!!! Oh my God, yes, Brian, I’ll marry you!”

  He jumps up and lifts me high into the air; I almost touch the top of our little tent. He kisses me hard, and I feel the tension he must have been feeling toni
ght release itself. He sets me down, and races out of the tent for a second. He re-enters holding a black velvet box. The ring. A ring didn’t even cross my mind! He approaches me holding the box out in front of him. When he’s in front of me, he opens it. It’s a whopper: a large solitaire surrounded by slightly smaller stones that extend around the entire band. I would have said yes to a cigar band, but I’ll take this, too.

  He removes it from the box, and places it on my finger. Our hands are shaking, making it difficult to get it on. I help him push it down.

  “It fits so perfectly!” I say.

  “That’s no accident. I swiped that costume-jewelry ring you sometimes wear off your bathroom counter. I wanted everything to be perfect.”

  “I’ve wondered where that thing was. I thought I was losing my mind!”

  He holds my hand and lovingly looks at the ring.

  “I swear to you, Melanie, as God as my witness, I’ll do everything in my power to be the man you deserve. And the man your kids deserve. I won’t ever let you down.”

  He leans down to kiss me – oh, those lips for the rest of my life, thank you God - and it turns heated. He breaks the connection for a second.

  “You still hungry?”

  I shake my head vigorously, and we take off toward the door to the elevator. One of the waiters is standing nearby and Brian shouts to him, “Y’all enjoy it!” as we run. We make it to his place in record time. I smell the fragrance before he opens the door. Roses. There are dozens of peach-colored roses on every surface of his home. There must be hundreds; it’s intoxicating. The large windows are glowing with the lights from the city. It’s beautiful in here. He makes quick work of lighting a fire; and is back to me in a flash.

  “Before we get going here, can we talk for just a second?”

  He looks at me, puzzled.

  “Of course, sweetheart, anything. What is it?”

  “I just want to know, when did you decide to do all of this? The proposal, I mean. When did you know?”


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