Long Ball: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Long Ball: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 9

by Rae Lynn Blaise

  I have to be inside her. I have to feel her pussy against my cock again, for the first time in too many years. I have to know what it’s like to be fully connected to Megan. I suck on her clit while I fumble for the condom I’d tossed on the bed.

  Her body tenses under me, another orgasm brewing. I flip a finger into her opening and curl upward just as she unleashes as orgasm into my mouth, full of tantalizing cum and moans that promise to make me come entirely too soon.

  She shudders under me, still gasping, and murmurs, “Oh my god.”

  I run my finger across her sensitive clit and smile. That’s nothing. I slide the condom over my aching cock and lean over her to take her right breast in my mouth. I love it like I loved her pussy, occasionally moving to her other nipple, while I grab a fistful of her hair and pull. Megan is a mess beneath me, unable to do anything but moan in my ear.

  I kiss her softly on the lips. “Are you okay?”

  “I just… it’s been…. God, so long… and you…”

  “Do you need me to stop?”


  I smile against her lips and kiss her again. “Good. Because I’m going to be inside you.”

  At this, I press my tip against her opening. She gasps as I rub myself against her, but says, “I like to be on top.”

  Angel. I’ve found an angel. We roll over and she climbs on top of me, her hair a mess, her lips bright red, and her eyes hungry. Every time I think she’s beautiful, she gets impossibly more so. Megan lowers herself onto me slowly and in that moment, I’m convinced I’ve found God.

  She arches her back, her breasts lovely and heaving in the lamplight, and she rocks against me, getting used to my size. I lick my thumb and rub it across her clit, and in response, she squeezes her nipples and cups her breasts.

  I start reciting last season’s stats just to keep it together.

  Then, my girl blossoms and fucks me like I’ve never been fucked before. Her hips move in impossible ways, all while keeping a tight grasp on my cock. My hands frame her hips and I use her to jack off my cock. She leans back, tightening her grip on me, and digs her nails into my legs.

  I stroke her clit as she rides me faster, her pants getting quicker, her moans getting louder. My vision crosses and my body threatens to explode. I grunt and moan and smack her ass. She moans even louder in response.

  Unable to fully control myself any longer, I sit up and suck hard on her nipple until she cries out, and then I pull her off of me and flip her onto her knees in one fluid motion. In less than two seconds, my cock is back inside of her, fucking her from behind. I watch her tits swing and bounce with every thrust, and her fingers desperately rub on her clit.

  It’s too much. Being with her, like this, is the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced and my body is about to break in pieces from the pressure of it all. I palm her ass and this girl, this incredibly woman, manages to grab my balls mid-thrust.

  Game over. I’m coming before I realize I’m coming, grunting and panting and fucking her harder than before. I barely hear her moan, “Oh, shit” and then her moans intertwine with mine. This pushes me to fuck her even harder, faster, even though my cock is on fire and my head is floating away like a fly ball.

  She collapses under me and I fall next to her, exhausted and euphoric. Megan slowly rolls over and curls into me, still breathless. I press her to me and kiss her head.

  “Give me ten minutes and we can do this again. And again. And again.”

  After a quiet moment, she whispers, “I think I might love you.”

  We laugh and my heart explodes and my cock jumps. Looks like I won’t need ten minutes after all.


  I’ve started hating away games. Our last home stand ended too quickly, leaving us with a twelve game road trip. Twelve games, two weeks. Two weeks too long without my girls. I’d been spending every night with them, tucking Cora into bed, tucking Megan into bed, and slipping out at night.

  I didn’t have a key, I hadn’t been introduced to Cora as her birth father, but it was enough. It was perfect.

  “You need a DNA test, brother.” Kemp sits across from me, shuffling his coffee cup back and forth.

  One of the perks of the road trip was a two-game series in Arizona against the D-backs so I could get some time in with my old buddy, but his face when I clue him in on what had been going on over the last several weeks was not filled with the joy I’d hoped.

  “Come on, man. You hooked up with Coach’s daughter, but I’m in the wrong?”

  “I didn’t say you were in the wrong.” He points at me. “But I do think you need a DNA test. What if Megan lied? What if she’s not actually yours and she’s using you for that fat paycheck? Worse things have happened.”

  I frown and lean back, not liking where this has gone. “She doesn’t act like someone who wants my money. She actively hates it. And who cares if Cora isn’t actually mine? She’s an incredible little girl that I’d be proud to be involved with.”

  Kemp shrugs and scrubs his face. He’s gone scruffy, a sign he’s left his bygone era of a clean shaven lady killer. I’d be impressed if we weren’t currently having this conversation. “That’s great, Jamsey. I’m happy for you, really. Just be careful. It’s hard to know someone’s true intentions sometimes.”

  “You’re one to talk.” I snort.

  Kemp mulls his over and nods. A grin splits his face. “You right. You always right.”

  “That I am.” We clink coffee cups.

  The rest of the road trip was filled with texts and video call sessions and the occasional naughty picture. I spanked it more than I ever had. The mere thought of her sent my cock into full attention. No one had ever captivated me like her before. No one. Things couldn’t be better on the road.

  Until I came home. Shelbie was waiting for me outside the locker room. I’d almost forgotten about her.

  “Still want me to go with you to the gala tonight?” She’s wearing her usual uniform of a tight-fitting dress and heels that rivaled the stairway to heaven. I remember thinking she was attractive once. Thinking she was the kind of girl I needed on my arm. Once.

  I hadn’t forgotten she was my date, but I’d hoped she would rescind the offer, being that she was sleeping with my teammate and all. Unless that was all just locker room talk. I wouldn’t doubt either case.

  “Of course. I hadn’t forgotten.” I flash her a grin and keep her a healthy distance away. Truly, I wanted to take Megan. I haven’t seen her in two weeks and I’d love to show her off, but I don’t think it’s her kind of event.

  “Pick me up at six-thirty.” She waves goodbye with a smile and swings her hips as she walks away.

  Great. Great. I can do this.

  And that’s exactly what I tell myself as I go home to get dressed. Megan shoots me a text to ask about dinner plans, and it pains me to let her down. If I could skip this thing I would, but charity events are a Must Attend in the club. Unless I was in the hospital, I had to go. Coach would send me straight down to Trip A if I tried to get out of it.

  I don’t tell her I’m going with Shelbie because… I don’t know. I don’t want her to be jealous? I don’t want her to think she’s not important? Probably closer to I don’t think she’d understand. Our lifestyles are so different. Hers is quiet and simple, mine is loud and complex. I want her in my life, every facet of it, but I don’t think I can just dump her into the center of it. She needs to be eased in.

  It doesn’t stop me from feeling like shit for it. The whole way to Megan’s apartment, I’m thinking of Megan and hoping she doesn’t stalk social media for pictures of the charity ball. I don’t want her to think I’m afraid of letting her into my life.

  Because I’m not.

  I don’t know. It’s complicated. It feels hard and absurd, like this shouldn’t be an issue. What if I’m not as ready to commit as I thought? What if all these doubts are stupid excuses because to make me feel better about going to a party with another woman, because I don’t th
ink Megan will fit?

  It’s bullshit, I know it is. Megan and I fit like a glove, like the way a bat fits against your shoulder.

  “It’s just complicated,” I breathe out, standing outside Shelbie’s door. It’s not like I’m invited into every facet of Megan’s life either, right?

  “Don’t you look handsome?” Shelbie throws open the door, revealing a tight-fitting and very sparkly dress that flatters her, ah, assets quite nicely. I keep my eyes trained on the elaborate painting on the wall behind her.

  “Thank you,” I do a half bow because I’m an idiot. She laughs. “You look wonderful. The cameras are going to eat you up.”

  “Here’s hoping.” She winks at me and brushes past me into the hall. All I can do is follow.

  The drive to the event is quiet save for the radio. We don’t even look at each other and it’s unbearably uncomfortable. Normally I like the quiet, but this feels loaded. Still, not a word is uttered until we pull up to the line for the red carpet.

  Shelbie checks her lipstick in the mirror and clears her throat. “Listen, about Jose…”

  “What you and Octivio do is your business.” I spread my hands and shake my head. “I don’t really care.”

  She looks a little hurt, but I don’t know what else she expected? “I just didn’t think you were that interested. And you never called me back.”

  “You’re right. I didn’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Friends, right? We don’t need to be weird about this. We just didn’t click. I don’t resent you for that.”

  My chest feels a little lighter, even though she’s the one who ditched me. Well, I guess technically I ditched her for a fantasy about Megan, but that’s beside the point. Right? “Absolutely, Shelbie. If he doesn’t treat you right, you tell me. We’ll kick his ass in the clubhouse.”

  Shelbie exhales deeply and smiles at me, a real smile. “Thanks, Jamie. That means a lot. I was really nervous about tonight, but I think we’ll have a good time.”

  “You sure Octivio won’t try to start anything?”

  “Oh, goodness no.” Shelbie reapplies her lipstick and fixes her hair as we inch forward. “He’s bringing his sister tonight, you know, and he’d never start anything in front of her. Besides, he’s under the impression you’re seeing someone else…”

  I let her question hang in the air unanswered.

  “I mean, if there is someone else…”

  I just look at her, eyebrows knitted. “Does it matter?”

  Something on her face changes. “I see, so you ditched me for someone else.”

  “You just said…”

  “Well, you should know that Jose is a hell of a lot better than you in the bedroom.”

  “We didn’t even…”

  “Do you see how hot I am?” She looks flushed and angry right now, and I’m at a total loss. I don’t even understand what’s going on right now. I thought we were fine three seconds ago. “This could have been yours, Jamie. These tits? These amazing tits could have been in your face all night. I hope you understand what you missed out on.”

  I’m utterly speechless, gaping at her, and the nice mask slides back over her demon face. “Now, shut up and play nice in front of the cameras.”

  The doors swing open and we hop out to a symphony of camera flashes. I mentally slap myself to get my head in the game and smile for everyone, even though all I want to do is karate chop this bitch into next week. God, talk about dodging a bullet. She’s insane. I’d wish Octivio good luck, but right now, I kind of think he deserves her.

  Shelbie’s mask is firmly planted as we smile for the cameras. I put my arm around her waist and she pecks me on the cheek, much to the delight of everyone around us. I play it up so she doesn’t look like trash in front of everyone, but inside I’m a knotted ball of anger.

  Megan is eight hundred times the woman Shelbie is. And all I can think is how I should have brought her instead. I’m an idiot.

  We avoid each other the rest of the event, once inside. I hide with the coaches and Doug and their wives. Whenever someone asks about my date, I always say she’s in the ladies’ room. Even though everyone can plainly see Octivio’s hand permanently against her ass as they dance.

  It’s a terrible night and getting home is never sweeter. I collapse on my couch, texting Megan about how much I miss her, and turn on the television. The local news is playing clips of the event, with me and Shelbie front and center. They even got the kiss on the cheek. Great. I’m never going to hear the end of this shit from everyone. Shelbie certainly looks triumphant as hell, too. She got exactly what she wanted—attention.

  Fuck Kemp for introducing us. My life would be so much easier without her in it. Then again, without me trying to impress her, I never would have been on the bus the day I met Cora and saw Megan for the first time in years.

  I guess it’s not all bad. I just wish it was more friends than, “Hey, you’re the chick I banged in a shitty club bathroom”.

  I hit the kitchen for a few beers and a bag of peanuts. What I really want is to be doing this at Megan’s. I left the event early and could have surprised her easily, but I…

  I guess I didn’t want the stink of Shelbie to follow me. Already, I feel like an ass about the whole thing, particularly given how she went ape shit in the car, and I don’t want to see Megan again with that kind of shit on my conscience. I want things to be pure and perfect and not tainted by that raging jerk.

  Back on the couch, I grab my phone to finish the elaborate text I’m writing to Megan about how much I miss her, and how wonderful I think she is. I’m definitely going to win serious boyfriend points with this. I’ve never been so honest with a girl, either, about how I’m feeling. It’s kind of weird, but also a little cathartic, and I can’t stop smiling as I type my lame emotions. I even throw in a few emojis for fun, and I hate those damn things.

  She’s changing me, man. One day at a time.

  Except my phone has three missed calls and about seven texts. All from Megan. I swallow down the looming dread. “She just misses me a lot,” I tell the empty room. But I’m bracing for impact and I don’t know why.

  I do know why. But I hope I’m wrong.

  I skip the messages because I don’t want to get myself too worked up and call Megan. She answers on the second ring, sounding every bit like she hates me.


  “Hey.” I fake a happy brightness. “Sorry I missed you. I was grabbing a beer.”

  “Home already?” Her voice is stiff. “I thought you wouldn’t be back for hours.”

  “Yeah, but we just got home and I’m wiped. I shook hands, played nice, and got out of there. I wanted to swing by your place, let you see me all dressed up, but I didn’t think you’d be— “

  “I saw you.”

  My stomach drops. “You saw me?”

  “On the news. I saw you on the news.”

  Keep on fakin’ it, man. “Did you like the suit?”

  She’s quiet for a minute, and I find myself genuinely terrified. “What’s her name?”


  “I’m not an idiot, Jamie.” Her voice is clear, strong, angry. She sounds like maybe she’d been crying, but the anger is the clearest. “How could you do this to me? To us? You think I wouldn’t find out about this?”

  “Look, it’s really not a big deal— “

  “Don’t be a condescending asshole, Jamie.” She spits. “How could you be dating me and this other woman at the same time? Sure, she’s prettier than me, and a local celebrity. I get it, she’s everything you should have, but you were supposed to have chosen me. Chosen us. Remember?”

  “I’m not— “

  “I saw her kiss you! It’s all over the news! God, you’re a cheating asshole just like my ex, just like every other piece of shit who has walked into my life. I can’t believe I trusted you, can’t believe I listened to your stupid lies about loving us and wanting to be with us— “

  “I never lied! This isn’t what— �

  “You’ve just proven I can’t trust anyone. And you know what? You don’t deserve us. You don’t deserve me and you sure as hell don’t deserve Cora. That precious, beautiful little girl thinks the world of you and your sorry ass doesn’t deserve any of her affections.”

  “Listen, Megan, I think— “

  “Shut up!” She yells. “I saw it with my own eyes. Saw the way you looked at her, how you had her arm around her. Plenty of other guys brought their family members or friends and didn’t look as cozy as you did with her. Just because you’re rich and famous doesn’t mean you get to play around with other people’s hearts and lives, Jamie Bonilla.”

  “I never— “

  “I respect myself too much. I’m not going to continue letting up dupe me into thinking you actually give a shit about us. We aren’t your readymade family. We aren’t here to make you feel good while you go fuck around elsewhere. I’m clearly not your type. I look nothing like that woman. I can see what you really want after all.”

  “Please, Megan.” I beg, and she finally goes silent. “This isn’t what it looks like. I asked her to go with me months ago and I would have felt horrible about backing out on her. This is all staged, I swear.”

  “Right.” I can practically feel her venom. “Why didn’t you tell her you had a girlfriend, and invite me? A normal, decent human being would have done that. A normal, decent human being would have understood.”

  Shit. “I didn’t think…” I swallow. “I don’t know, Megan. I didn’t think you’d want to go.” I finish meekly, realizing what a shitty excuse it truly is.

  “Oh, because I’m so plain and poor, right? Because I could never look like the kind of girl you need on the red carpet, right?”

  “I never said that! That’s not what I— “

  “I can’t live like this, Jamie, always wondering if you’re cheating while you’re traveling.”

  “I have never! Megan, listen, this is just a huge misunderstanding and I’m so sorry I didn’t invite you, okay? I wanted to, but I really thought you wouldn’t want to be involved. You don’t seem overly fond of my status around town— “


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