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Destiny Redeemed

Page 23

by Gabrielle Bisset

  It was with mixed emotions that he decided to leave, but now that Amon was no longer alone in the world, he knew in his heart that it was time to rejoin the world of the Sidhe. With a destined one, Amon would finally have what he’d missed all those lifetimes. At least Gethen hoped he would if his sense of Naomi Cooper was right.

  “Why so quiet, old man?”

  Markku’s intrusion on his thoughts annoyed him, and he shot him a nasty look. “What do you plan to do now that the Soren has lost its leader, Markku?”

  The magickian blew the air out of his lungs through puffed cheeks and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, but that’s the $64,000 question, isn’t it? There aren’t many places for someone like me to go in our world.”

  “Our world?”

  “Don’t act like you’re not one of us, old man. You may not be Aeveren, but after spending lifetimes with the big guy, you’re as good as one, even if you’re a Sidhe.”

  Gethen smiled at Markku’s attempt at a compliment and for the first time didn’t feel revulsion for him. “Thank you, Markku.”

  “Anytime. Do you mind if I ask you something?”

  Cautiously, Gethen answered, “No. Feel free.”

  “What kind of Sidhe are you?”

  “The dark kind.”

  “You don’t say? I know some dark Sidhe—spent last Samhain with them. Now there’s some ladies who know how to have a good time, if you know what I mean.”

  Gethen grimaced in response to the wink Markku made to punctuate his point. Sighing in disgust, he closed his eyes and hoped for once Markku would understand the clues his body language was sending. In no way did he want to hear another of Markku’s tales of sexual exploit.

  Thankfully, before Markku could misinterpret his silence as his tacit agreement to continue, Amon joined them and took a seat on the couch next to Gethen. Silently, Gethen thanked him for saving him from the torture of another Markku sex story.

  Amon smiled his acknowledgement of his message and turned to Markku.

  “Did you make sure no one can get into this house?”

  “Yeah, just like you said. But that’s not a problem anymore. The councilman’s been removed. Nobody’s going to be coming after Thea now.”

  “I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Amon, you’re going to have to deal with the Council, even if Adams has been removed,” Gethen said quietly.

  “Now isn’t the time to think about that. We have to get you back home. It’s time I fulfilled the promise I made when I took you from your people.”

  Gethen nodded solemnly, knowing with a sense of pride that his life since he’d left his people had been enough to help Amon keep his pledge. He had served him faithfully, never harmed another person, and had earned his people’s forgiveness.

  Markku stood to leave and Amon followed to escort him to the door. An awkward silence hung in the air until Amon said, “If I need you, I’ll call.”

  “No problem, Amon.”

  As Markku turned to leave, Amon caught him by the sleeve. “I forgot to ask. I wasn’t affected by Thea’s emotions at Kiril’s this time. Any chance the spell Sevine put on me is gone?”

  Chuckling, Markku said, “I wouldn’t bet on it. Kiril had that place so charmed up, leprechauns couldn’t have worked their mojo there. I think you might still have to make her happy. But you never know.”

  “Thanks, Markku,” he said as he slapped his back.


  With Markku gone, Amon and Gethen sat reminiscing about the times they’d shared. Neither man wanted to admit how much he was going to miss the other. For Amon, it was seven lifetimes, but for Gethen, it was over two hundred years that would end that day.

  Thea joined them as Amon teased Gethen about one of their escapades. “I won’t ask about what I just heard about flappers,” she joked as she sat down.

  Gethen looked at her sheepishly as Amon began to explain one time in France when a young burlesque dancer had taken a fancy to Gethen.

  Smiling, she put her hand up to stop the story. “I think it might be better if I pretend I didn’t hear this. I’d rather keep my ideas of Gethen.”

  “As you wish, miss,” he said, ever the servant to the end.

  When they were finally ready to go, the three began the journey north to the land of the Sidhe. For Gethen, the road home was as fresh in his mind as the day he’d left. Even though much had changed over the years, the realm of his people remained in the hills and forests of Ireland. With each step they took, he felt their presence grow around him.

  Feelings of insecurity rose in him as with each step he got closer to the world he’d been absent from for centuries. Would he be accepted back into the world he’d been banished from? He knew he’d paid for his crimes and Amon’s word would be proof of that, but he knew memories died hard.

  Would he be alone for the rest of his existence, officially forgiven for what he’d done all those years ago but still a pariah?

  As he wondered about his future, his thoughts traveled back to his family. Were his parents still living, elderly members of the royal court to the Sidhe king? What had become of his brothers and sisters in the years since he’d left? Had their lives turned out as his parents had hoped—husbands and wives to the royal children?

  With his thoughts on the many questions he’d soon have answered, Gethen stepped into the edge of the woods that concealed the realm of the Sidhe. Just a few more minutes and he’d be home.


  Amon kept an eye on the area around them as they walked, still not convinced Thea was safe. As long as he had his arm around her, he knew he could teleport her out of harm’s way, so he made sure to remain close to her.

  As he walked, memories of his time with Gethen’s people drifted back into his mind, of his friend’s exile and his promise to allow him to return when his debt to the Aeveren world had been paid. He’d kept Gethen long after that had been settled, but now he’d finally return him to his rightful place.

  After they’d walked in silence for a while, Thea asked, “Can we go all the way to the Sidhe world, or will we have to say goodbye to him before?”

  “No. We’ll be welcomed by the Sidhe. But I want you to stay close to me there too.”

  “Why? What’s going to happen?”

  Smiling, he said, “Nothing bad, but the Sidhe are very seductive creatures.”

  Thea chuckled and kissed his hand. “Oh, I see. Jealous?”

  “And what if I said I was?”

  Squeezing his hand at her side, she said, “Well, that would be silly since I only want you. On second thought, maybe I like that. It makes up for how jealous I was with Kiril’s women.”

  Thea stopped walking and dropped her head.

  “Oh, Amon! I promised one of the girls I met that I’d get them away from that horrible place when you rescued me. How could I forget them?”

  Amon hugged her close to his body and tried to comfort her. “Don’t worry. I’ll get Markku to find them and as soon as we get back, I’ll make sure they get to safety. All of them.”

  Thea wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. “Thank you. I can’t let them down. I can’t believe I forgot them. What kind of healer am I?”

  Amon stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t ever let me hear you say that again, Althea Forester. I’ve never met another soul in my forty-seven lifetimes that cared about others as much as you do.”

  With his forefinger, he lifted her chin up so she faced him. “I mean it, Thea. And don’t worry. I won’t let you down.”

  Amon closed his eyes and loved what he heard in Thea’s mind. I have a destined one finally, and he’s just what I wished for. A knight in shining armor. He silently swore he wouldn’t disappoint her, no matter what he had to do to find Kiril’s former slaves.


  The canopy of trees shielded the path from sunlight, and Gethen knew he was close. As he realized he’d left Amon and Thea far behind, he turned to wait
for them.

  “Hello, Sidhe,” a man in front of him said as his hand struck out to grab him. Before he could react, he was immobilized, a prisoner of a Council at Nil bounty hunter.

  “Where’s your master? Seems dangerous to let a servant wander around by himself. But then again, he’s got to keep an eye on that girl of his. He can’t watch both of you, can he? Oh well. You understand, I’m sure. You liked Aeveren women too, didn’t you, Gethen?”

  Ryu Jansen held Gethen tightly to him as he spoke, but Gethen didn’t fight back. Instead, he focused his thoughts, hoping Amon would hear them.

  Amon! The bounty hunter. Get Thea out of here!

  Over and over, he repeated the same thoughts, but Amon didn’t hear him.

  “Looks like your master’s forgotten you. No wonder you hate women,” Ryu taunted.

  “I don’t hate women,” Gethen said calmly, unable to avoid the bounty hunter’s verbal baiting.

  “That’s not what I hear, Sidhe. Three Aeveren women murdered by you tells me everything I need to know about what you think of the females of my kind.”

  “I’m not that creature anymore. That was a long time ago.”

  Gethen hoped if he kept Ryu talking, he could give Amon enough time to get Thea out of danger. Again, he tried to connect with Amon’s mind to warn him.

  Amon! Turn back around! You’re in danger. The bounty hunter!

  “I bet you’re wondering why he hasn’t come to save you yet, Sidhe, aren’t you.”

  Gethen didn’t answer, but no, he didn’t understand why Amon hadn’t sensed his thoughts.

  “He can’t see either of us thanks to the sorcerers at Nil. See this?” he asked as he raised his left hand to show him a golden brown stone. “Gotta love those sorcerers. When I realized I was going up against one of the Soren’s magickians, I asked them for something to give me the upper hand. This is it. This little stone possesses an enchantment that makes us invisible and...and this is the best part, makes it impossible to sense us. That’s why your master has no idea he should be helping you instead of playing kissyface with his newest girl.”

  Gethen’s body involuntarily tensed up. Ryu was leading Amon and Thea into the woods where he would suddenly lift the spell and Amon would naturally try to save him. He’d unknowingly put himself and Thea in danger!

  Panic raced through him as he watched them walk toward him into a trap. He had to do something to alert him to the danger. Desperate, he began thrashing his arms against the bounty hunter’s hold hoping to escape him and the enchantment so he could run back toward Amon and Thea and save them.

  “Stop fighting!” Ryu commanded while he threatened Gethen with a knife he placed close to his neck.

  “Smell that? One more move to fight me and you’re as dead as those women you murdered.”

  Gethen froze at the knowledge that Ryu had a knife coated in deadly poison pointed at his throat. If he moved to dislodge the charmed stone out of his hand, he risked being stabbed and possibly not alerting Amon to what awaited them. But if he didn’t, they’d walk right into Ryu’s trap.

  One last time he tried to reach Amon’s thoughts.

  Amon, please. The bounty hunter has me just inside the wooded area. Take yourselves out of here now!


  As he and Thea got close to the woods, Amon sensed something was wrong. He couldn’t see Gethen in front of them, although he knew Gethen understood he wouldn’t be allowed back into his world without him. Quickly, he scanned the area around them for anything odd but saw nothing.

  “Amon, what is it?”

  “Did you see Gethen since we started walking again?”

  “I don’t think so. I wasn’t paying attention. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. He wouldn’t try to reenter his world without me. Something’s wrong.”

  At the edge of the woods, he stopped and listened to hear any thoughts, but all he heard were Thea’s.

  “Amon, if something’s wrong, maybe we shouldn’t continue. Maybe we should wait for him here.”

  As his mind raced and he became truly worried about Gethen, Amon watched in horror as Ryu lifted the spell to show Gethen being held with a knife to his throat. As the odor of Anjer hit his nostrils, Amon saw the bounty hunter’s real intentions.

  “Let him go. You don’t want him. I’m the prize you’ve come for.”

  “No, that’s where you’re wrong, Kalins. You’re no longer my assignment. When you and your friend here exposed Adams, it seems you made a friend in the new head of the Council and now I’m out of a job.”

  Amon saw as the man’s eyes flashed wildly that he was a man out of control. Unsure if talking would help, he had to try. Pushing Thea behind him, he hoped to lull the bounty hunter into dropping the knife from Gethen’s throat. Then he’d have a chance to overtake him.

  “I think you’re underestimating how much Adams’ friends on the Council would love to see me back in Nil. I’ve got three lifetimes left after this one.”

  Ryu laughed a hollow laugh. “You underestimate yourself, Kalins. Nobody on the Council wants to admit any association with Adams. So everything he promised me means shit now.”

  “Have you ever been to Nil?”

  Ryu laughed again. “Yeah, Kalins. I did some time there.”

  “Then you know what kind of hell it is. Don’t tell me they wouldn’t want me to pay for my crimes in that hole. Let him go and take me.”

  Amon felt Thea squeeze his wrist and he quickly touched her mind to reassure her.

  If he could only get Ryu to drop his guard.

  “You don’t want to do this. Think about it.”

  “Think about it? That’s all I’ve fucking done since that new council head called me in to tell me everything I’d looked forward to had gone to shit! And for what? A fucking murdering tempuster and his murderer Sidhe slave!”

  “It doesn’t have to be like this. Let him go. Take your anger out on me. He’s got nothing to do with this. I’m the one you’re supposed to capture.”

  Amon sensed he was losing this battle. Ryu had nothing to lose, and Amon knew from experience that feeling.

  Gethen, this guy wants somebody. I can’t let it be you.

  Before Amon could continue, Ryu released Gethen’s arm and spun him around to face him. In a second, he was gone running into the forest.


  Amon grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around, seeing he had nothing but a scratch on his hand. “Thea, wait here with him.”

  Amon raced to catch Ryu, leaving Gethen staring at the thin red line that crossed his palm.

  Amon could see the bounty hunter ahead and knew with almost half a foot on him he’d be on top of him in no time. His heart pounded wildly as he pushed his legs to run faster than ever before. Any remnant of his recent injury was overwhelmed by the pure desire to kill the man who’d first taken his destined one and now threatened the one other person he felt closest to in the world. Soon he was within yards of Ryu, and with the intent to send him on to his next life, Amon teleported in front of him, slamming his full weight into him. Rage controlled him, and he lunged at Ryu as he saw him scramble madly to reach the talisman that hung around his neck.

  “I’m not fucking chasing you through time,” he yelled before grabbing the charm and yanking it from his neck.

  Stunned, Ryu seemed unable to react and Amon began to take out his rage on the bounty hunter. Rage at Harold Adams. Rage at the pain of knowing he’d caused the councilman to endanger the lives of those closest to him. With every pound his fists made to Ryu’s face, with every bone he broke and every injury he inflicted, he lashed out at the bounty hunter’s part in almost taking away the two people he’d die for.

  As Ryu lay beaten almost to unconsciousness, Amon heard Thea’s voice scream to him at the edge of the woods. His rage not nearly sated enough to save Ryu’s life, he grabbed the knife he’d threatened Gethen with from its holder on his belt and with emotion that almost overwhelme
d him, he plunged it into the bounty hunter’s chest.

  He watched as the life and pain in the wide eyes that stared up at him slowly ebbed away as Ryu Jansen’s lifetime ended. Exhausted, Amon sat slumped on the ground next to the man’s body and felt his emotions begin to return to normal. He tossed the talisman he still held in his hand to the ground next to him and breathed deeply, neither happy nor unhappy about what he’d just done.

  Beside him, the bounty hunter’s body began to fade as he left that life for his next one. “Godspeed. May your next life be happier than this one,” he said quietly as the last of Ryu Jansen disappeared.

  Amon felt a sense of relief knowing Thea and Gethen were safe. What the Council would do to him for Ryu’s death didn’t matter. He’d protected the two of them the way a man protects those he loves.

  Thea’s voice came across the forest again, its tone full of fear. Still acting on adrenaline, he jumped to his feet and teleported to her side in time to see Gethen fall to the ground.

  “Amon, something’s wrong.”

  Dropping to the ground, he knelt next to Gethen, whose pale face turned toward him, his deep green eyes wide with pain. He held his right hand up in front of him to show where he’d been cut by Ryu’s knife.

  “Amon, I don’t have much time. Please make sure I return home.”

  Confused, Amon shook his head. “Gethen, you’re going to be fine. It’s just a scratch.”

  Struggling to speak, Gethen said hoarsely, “Anjer.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Amon stared dumbfounded at the red line on Gethen’s palm. Ryu had never intended to try to take Thea again or even take him back to Nil. His target had been Gethen.

  How could he have been so mistaken?

  He grabbed Thea’s hand resting on his shoulder and silently pleaded with her to heal Gethen, his heart full of fear at losing his dearest friend.

  Crouching next to Gethen, she softly ran her finger over his injured palm, unable to do anything. The shallow gash remained as she pulled her hand away to caress his face. Looking into his eyes, she whispered, “I’m so sorry, Gethen.”


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