It's Not My Island

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It's Not My Island Page 7

by Charlie Dillard

  “I don’t want to be with you, that’s what the big deal is. You are a wicked deceitful woman,” I spit out. I was trying to keep my anger under control but she is testing me, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  “Whatever, I bet its that little tart that has you acting like this towards me.”

  “No you betrayed me. We are no longer together. I thought we were both adults and things were ok when we parted ways, but I see now that they aren’t,” I respond.

  “I betrayed you. You were always at work. Work this, work that; but never Evelyn. I got tired of it. So I thought that if you saw me with someone else that you would see how special I was to you. I never slept with him. I just made it look like I was,” she said trying to get closer to me and looking up at me with fake teary eyes.

  I stand up from the table to get away from her.

  “Look, none of that matters anymore.”

  “Why is it that Marissa,” she says waving her hand towards the back of the yacht.

  “Not that its any of your business, but yes,” I state.

  She makes a face then says, “It can’t be. Just look at her. She’s all timid. She not your type.”

  “Like you would know, Evelyn.”

  “Oh I know just what you like,” she said and was up in my face in an instant trying to feel on me. But I am able to stop her by grabbing her hands and putting them back at her side.

  “Stop doing this. I don’t want you. I haven’t in a long time. But I will tell you this I love Marissa and if I can make things right with her I am going to marry her,” I say and start to walk towards the back, to the suites.

  When I turned around Marissa was right there leaning up against the wall, and she had tears in her eyes.

  When she saw me turn around and start to walk towards her, she jumped up from where she was leaning and starts backing towards her suite.

  “Marissa wait. Can we talk please,” I begged her as I continue to walk to her.

  She just shook her head no and turned and ran to her suite. I followed behind her and found her suite door was open but she was nowhere to be found. I step into the room and call out to her.

  “Marissa Honey, its me Carrick. Please can we talk,” I say and shut the door and walk into the room. She wasn’t anywhere in the bedroom. Knowing she could only be in the bathroom I walk towards the bathroom. I notice that the shower is on and her dress was in a pile on the floor.

  “Rissa baby its me,” I call out to her in the bathroom.

  I see the shower curtain move and she peeks her head around it.

  “What are you doing in here,” she asks?

  “Well I wanted to talk to you. I want us to get back to where we were,” I say walking over to her.

  “Why, you don’t love me,” she says as her bottom lip trembles.

  “But baby I do. You are my life now,” I say; now I am right next to the shower, our faces are a kiss away from each other.

  I muster up what ever courage I could and reached down and caressed her face. She shivered but didn’t tell me to stop. So I took that as a green light and cupped both sides of her face with my hands and pull her into me, and kiss her deep. The first taste of her sweet lips caused me to moan. Oh how I miss how these lips taste and feel, I think as I suck them into my mouth and devour her sweet sweet goodness. She kissed me back with a fever that caught me off guard at first. She had her arms and legs damn near wrapped around me as she kissed and pulled on me. Almost like she thought she didn’t know when she would be able to touch me again.

  As much as I hated to move from her embrace, but I felt like I had to.

  Leaning back and gazing into her eyes I say, “Marissa, I love you.”

  “Please just kiss me. I thought that I lost you and I was a total wreck. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life,” she says then grabs my hand and pulls me back to her waiting lips.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I never asked or wanted her to do what she did,” I say into her kisses.

  All she said was, “Ok,” as we kissed each other.

  Not being able to stand it anymore, I started at her neck and kissed my way down her body until I was kissing the top of her wetness. I need to taste her in the worse way. I nibble on her right thigh, then her left. She grabbed a handful of my hair as I put her leg on my shoulder and grabbed her bottom.

  “Beautiful,” I say before I gently kiss between her folds. She quivered when my lips first touched her. I continued to hungrily bury my face into her sweet folds. Making sure I paid close attention to every centimeter of her. I love how warm she feels. I love how she tastes. I love how her body reacts when my tongue flicks across her tender bud. Or when my tongue is deep inside her and I am caressing and loving on her deep.

  “Marissa, Honey are you ok,” I hear my mom calling out to her.

  I don’t know if she heard my mom, because when I abruptly stopped loving on her sweetness and stood up next to her leaning in and kissing her lips, she looked like she was disappointed. I grinned at that, knowing she liked what I was doing to her.

  “Marissa, Sweety are you ok; I heard what happened with that Evelyn and Carrick. I hope you know that he loves you,” she says rounding the corner into the bathroom.

  “Oh, Carrick, I didn’t know you were in here,” she says eyeing me and my appearance. Her eyebrows went up when she saw how wet my shirt was, front and back. She was about to say something when Marissa interrupted her.

  “Oh Mrs. Sarah, I’m ok now. I did hear most of what Carrick said to her, about how she did it to get under my skin. I understand that she wanted to hurt me. I just am extremely happy that he still loves me,” she says blushing under ours stares, hiding a bit behind me; covering herself with my body.

  “Oh Marissa you are so sweet. I’m going to leave you two alone,” Mom says as she turns to leave, but she stops before she is all the way out of the suite.

  “Oh and Marissa, if you still aren’t feeling well when we get to Boston tomorrow I want you to let me take you to our family doctor as soon as we get there,” she said without waiting for a reply, like she knew Marissa was going.

  I grin at my mom. She is a determined one. Sick. Wait Marissa is still sick. I remember she was a little sick when we first got of the yacht. But I just assumed that it was from her being seasick.

  “Marissa, your still sick,” I ask?

  “Yeah, I’m just seasick That’s all,” she says waving me off as she walks into the bedroom and lays back on the bed.

  I didn’t move towards her. I just stood there and thought on what had all just went on; and how I am happy to be back in my loves’ life, and how I don’t ever want to risk loosing her again. She is simply beautiful.

  “Carey baby, are you going to stand there or are you going to come over here and give me what I’ve been missing,” Marissa says while spreading her legs and her hand goes to her bud and she starts to rub it. Her head snaps back onto the pillow and her hand speeds up.

  “You look like a dream,” I say making my way over to her and taking over pleasuring her.

  “Oh Carey, baby you feel so good,” she moans.

  “Say it again.”

  “What? That you feel so good,” she asks?

  “No, I love when you call me Carey,” I say blowing on her sensitive bud. She clutches my head with her thighs and says, “Why don’t you make me.”

  I was so up to the challenge. So I proceeded to make her scream out my name more than a few times throughout the night.

  Chapter 9 (Carrick)

  “Marissa baby, its time to go,” I say watching Marissa mess with her hair in the bathroom mirror.

  “Already,” she says looking up at me?

  She sounded to have a little bit of sadness in her voice.

  “Yes Sweetheart,” I say as we both walk out to deck into the sweet Boston air.

  As she was stepping off of the yacht onto the boardwalk, she says, “I almost forgot how wonderful it is.”

p; After helping her safely on the boardwalk I ask, “Forgot what is wonderful?”

  “The Charles,” she says looking out over the river. I stand back at take a look also and I have to agree with her it is very beautiful. The hustle and bustle of The Charles was always something that I have loved growing up; and even as an adult.

  “Marissa, I called Dr. O’Bryan and he said that he would like to give you a full check up,” my mom says breaking up our moment.

  She shakes her head and says, “Ok Mrs. Sarah.”

  She kisses my lips and my mom takes her arms and they both are off in the car that was waiting for them.

  “That’s a nice thing your mom is doing for her,” Evelyn says from behind me as I watched them drive off.

  I almost forgot Evelyn was even here. The rest of the way here after our confrontation, I didn’t see her; not once. Maybe its because Marissa and I were in her suite loving on each other the rest of our way home.

  “Yes it Evelyn,” I say and make my way to my car. I could hear her walking behind me, but I didn’t pay any attention to her or where she was going.

  “So Carrick, aren’t you curious as to way Marissa didn’t ask you to go with her,” she said with a sneaky grin on her face, that I couldn’t see.

  That did cross my mind but I wasn’t going to tell Evelyn that.

  “No,” I say picking up my walking speed. I have to get away from this woman. She is nothing but trouble.

  “Your probably right,” is the only thing she said.

  I climbed in the car, which Mr. MacMurry was now driving.

  “Hello Mr. Callahan where are we off to,” he asked?

  Just as I was about to answer, The door opened and Evelyn got in. I look over at her is disbelief. Why is this woman in my car?

  “Oh Evelyn, why are you in my car,” I ask; and not to nicely.

  “My driver isn’t going to be here for another hour and a half, and I was thinking that maybe you could give me a lift,” she says putting on lipstick, while looking in a compact mirror that she got out of her purse.

  I groan inwardly. I don’t really want to be in the same car as her, after what she did to Marissa the other day.

  “Please Carrick, I just want to go home, maybe get a drink, and have a nice long sleep,” Evelyn pleaded.

  I guess it will be ok to drop her off at home. She knows I don’t want to be with her. I made myself clear.

  “Mr. MacMurry, Evelyn is going to be getting a ride home with us,” I tell him. He gave me an odd look, but didn’t say a word. He simply drove off.

  “Do you mind if I get a drink; I’ve been wanting one since yesterday,” she said reaching for the cooler that was in the car.

  I nod yes, and she grabs a bottle of champagne from the cooler. She hands it to me to open, then she grabs two flutes and holds them out for me to fill. After I popped the top I said, “I think I’ll wait until I get home;” and I filled one glass.

  “Oh Carrick come on. It’s just champagne. A glass or two won’t hurt anything,” she said, still holding the glass out towards me.

  I guess it will be ok. So I fill the glass and take it from her hand. She lets her finger brush my hand, but I didn’t pay it any mind, and downed the full glass of champagne in one gulp.

  “That was actually pretty damn good,” I say pouring myself another.

  “Told you,” Evelyn said grinning and we both drank, talked, and laughed the rest of the way to my house.

  I was having Mr. MacMurry drop me off first, then take Evelyn home.

  When we pulled up to my building in Back Bay, I slurred to Mr. MacMurry, “I’m gonna go up stairs; thanks for the ride.”

  I stumble out of the car and I think Mr. MacMurry rolls the window down and says, “Sir, do you need me to walk upstairs with you.”

  I wave my hand at him.

  “Oh I’m fine.”

  I barely hear Evelyn say that she will take me upstairs to my apartment, to Mr. MacMurry; and him saying he doesn’t think that would be a good idea. After that I didn’t really listen to anything else. I just trudged my way into the building and up to the elevator. As I waited for it to open and I leaned up against the wall, someone comes up behind me and says, “Here let me help you.”

  I turn to see who it was and I see Evelyn sliding her arm around my waist and pulling me into her. I shouldn’t lean on her, but I just couldn’t help it. I was dizzy and increasingly tired. It will be ok for me to lay my head on her as we went upstairs. I did, and the elevator opened. She helped me on and we quickly made our way to my floor at the top.

  Soon as we stepped off the elevator and were in front of my door. I turn to Evelyn and say, “Thanks for making sure I made it upstairs ok.”

  She smiles and says, “Don’t thank me yet. I didn’t get you inside.”

  My mushy brain is telling me that it isn’t a good idea, but my mouth wasn’t moving. I just handed her the key that somehow magically appeared in my hand; she opened the door and we both went in.

  Chapter 10 (Marissa)

  “Is anyone here with you, Miss Johnson,” the doctor asked me. He was holding a chart in his hand, and by the look on his face he seemed to have something very important to say.

  “Um yes. Mrs. Callahan, a very good friend of mine, is here with me. She is in the bathroom,” I answer. He smiles and look out the door, to go get her.

  When he looked out of the door he must have seen her because all I could hear was, “I’m coming, I’m coming,” then I hear feet shuffling on the floor, as she hurried down the hall back to my room.

  “I’m so sorry I took so long; there were a group of ladies waiting to use the restroom,” she says coming in the room sitting beside me.

  “Mrs. Sarah, the doctor was just about to tell me what all the tests said,” I tell her. She looked over at the doctor in anticipation of what he was about to say.

  “Well, Miss Johnson we ran a lot of test to check the whole of you out since you recently went through a lot. I have to say that everything looks very stellar. But there was something unexpected that was on a test that was very last minute.”

  Oh no. What could it be? I hope I’m not going to die. All of these emotions played out on my face as I stare at me blankly. Mrs. Sarah grabbed my hand a squeezed it.

  “Miss Johnson, I want to congratulate you,” the doctor says smiling; but I still didn’t understand what he was talking about.

  “I don’t understand; congratulate me for what,” I ask?

  “You’re pregnant,” he says.

  “Pregnant,” I say.

  Mrs. Sarah was squeezing my hand more tightly, and I feel myself start to tear up.

  “Yes, and if you have time I would love for you to go on over to radiology so you can get an ultrasound before you leave,” he said looking down at a paper and writing a couple things down on the chart; then he hands a piece of paper to me.

  “Take this over to Radiology right away, they will see you as soon as you get there,” he says.

  “Also, I want you to call me if you need anything. I will be your doctor for the duration of your pregnancy, unless you would be more comfortable with a female doctor,” he says looking at me.

  I look up at Mrs. Sarah and she looks down at me with the happiest eyes that I’ve seen on anyone in my life. She hugs me and says to me in my ear, “Would you like to keep this doctor?”

  I nod.

  While holding me still, she speaks over my shoulder to the doctor.

  “Dr. O’Bryan, she would love to continue on throughout her whole pregnancy with you as her doctor. When should she schedule her next appointment for,” she asks?

  “Well Sarah, normally every month. I’m going to say I want to see you in a month, but if the technician sees anything that is high risk about your pregnancy in your ultrasound, I want to make your visits every two weeks,” he says answering her, but looking at me.

  I probably should have been looking at him straight on, but I became amazingly tired as soon as he tol
d me I was pregnant. So I was still leaning on Mrs. Sarah, while looking up at him as he talked to me.

  “Sounds good,” Mrs. Sarah says as we both stand up.

  “So how is Amanda and the girls,” Mrs. Sarah asks the doctor as we walk out of the room together.

  I really didn’t listen to anything they were talking about. I was focused on the paper in my hand that said I was pregnant, and I was going to get an ultrasound directly.

  A baby. I’m having a baby. What will Carrick say? Will he be happy that we are having a baby together? Oh I hope we have a boy, and he looks like my handsome Carrick. What will we name him?

  “Marissa, here we go,” Mrs. Sarah says bringing me back to reality.

  We were at Radiology and it was my turn to go inside.

  “Right this way, Miss Johnson,” the technician says to me. I blindly follow behind her.

  “Wait, I need Mrs. Sarah to be with me,” I say to the technician.

  She glances at her and nods her head yes; Mrs. Sarah comes into the room with us and we start to ultrasound.


  “Wow, Mrs. Sarah, I can’t believe we’re pregnant,” I say clutching the ultrasound pictures.

  “I’m so happy for you guys,” she replies beaming from ear to ear.

  “I wonder what Carrick will say? Do you think he will be happy? Or will he be mad at me? Oh no Mrs. Sarah he is going to be so mad at me,” I say as I start to freak out.

  My hands were sweating something vicious, and my legs start to shake.

  She takes my head in her hands and turns me so I am looking at her straight on.

  “Marissa, I know my boy and he will be nothing less then ecstatic about you being pregnant. So don’t get all worked up. You and I are going to go over to his apartment and tell him the big news. Ok,” she says then hugs me.

  She made me feel so relaxed and at home in her arms. I know that everything will be alright with her in our corner.

  “Yes , I think that would be a great idea,” I say.

  Then she ushered me outside and to the car. After we got in and were on our way to Carrick’s house, she became asking me a few questions.

  “So do you have anyone you need to call,” she asks tenderly?


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