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Mail Order Bride: Love On The Line: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance

Page 7

by Harper, Catherine

  Making her way up the stairs, Elizabet paused on seeing a child on the first floor watch her every move. Looking dirty and a little on the thin side, the boy ignored her hello and kept watching. Thinking of what Tom had done, she thought some candy might bring a smile to his face. Reaching into her purse and holding it out, she found an older child pull the youngster into a nearby apartment and slam the door. Left holding the candy in mid-air, Elizabet wondered if all the tenants where all as welcoming as these two. Putting the candy away she continued working her way upward. Making her way to the second floor, Elizabet took the piece of paper re-read the room number, room three o three. Thinking that it must be a floor above her, Elizabet listened as an argument blew up in the apartment across from her. Starting off low, the man and woman inside matched each other in volume until it ended with a loud slap and crying. Then things went quiet again. Staring at the door in disbelief, Elizabet wondered how anyone could live like this. She'd only been in the building less than five minutes and already she wanted out. Looking to the stairway that lead downward she considered abandoning her idea and never coming back.

  "Elizabet, is that you?"

  Elizabet turned and saw what at first didn't look like Alice. Coming down off the stairway above, she looked nothing like the happy woman she'd waved off weeks ago. The one that walked toward her was untidy with dark circles under her eyes.


  Running forward and throwing her arms around her, Elizabet found Alice's frame was also a lot thinner than it had been. Holding tightly to her, Elizabet though Alice's embrace was more of relief than a welcome. Holding her at arm's length, Elizabet looked her over.

  "It's so good to see you Alice, so how are you?"

  Breaking free, she said. "Fine, fine—so, how did you find me?"

  Elizabet pulled the paper from her purse and held it. "Well, I went to that last address I had of you, this one—and they said that…"

  Saying nothing in reply, she watched as a tear rolled down Alice's face. "I'm sorry."

  "For what?"

  "I couldn't tell you the truth."

  Looking around and wanting to get out of the building, Elizabet suggested. "How about you and I go and get a cup of tea."

  "Thanks, but I'm OK."

  Elizabet smiled and shook her head, "Have you changed that much? What happened to that girl I knew who loved her pastries?"

  "She's gone. She grew up."

  Throwing her arms around her and holding tight to her, Elizabet felt her own problems non-existent now. Giving her a hug longer than the first, Elizabet pulled away and held Alice's hands. "Come on. My treat, please."

  Alice shook her head, "I wouldn't be much company for you…"

  Elizabet took her arm and linked it with her own, "Nonsense. Well, I'm going for one. You want me drinking alone in a city where I know no one?"

  "Well, no-"

  Not giving her a chance to argue, Elizabet pulled her toward the downward stairs. "Good, now lead the way. I don't know about you, but I'd love a large cream bun right now."


  Elizabet took a sip from her cup and watched as Alice held on to hers tightly. Looking like she using its heat to warm herself, she'd again closed up and kept the conversation one sided. Wondering how she could help her friend, Elizabet thought maybe if she focused the conversation on her own life she could work her way into the truth.

  "You remember that story, the one I couldn't tell you back in New York?"

  Alice lifted her head. "Yeah—what was that?"

  "You remember Charles—my father's friend-"

  "Yeah, the lawyer guy."

  Seeing her friend take an interest, Elizabet continued. "Well, he rewrote my fathers will and gave himself a controlling share of the shop."

  "He what?"

  Elizabet lifted a pastry onto her plate and held another one in the tongs for Alice. "You want one? I swear if you don't join me I'll eat them all on my own." Seeing Alice smile, she placed it on her plate. "Yeah, that's why I ran into you that day, he threatened me that if I said anything he'd do me harm."

  "You're kidding?"

  "Oh, it gets better than that."

  "Really, what?" Alice replied with her mouth full. Putting her hand to her mouth, she tried to excuse her manners.

  Lifting their tea pot and topping up both cups, Elizabet could see she had her friend's curiosity peaked. "He wanted to marry me-"

  "You're kidding me?"

  "No, bold as brass. He took a portion of the shop and then expected me to marry him. He said he was in love with my mother and because he couldn't have her, he wanted me instead-"

  "Oh my God, that's sick."

  Picking up her cup, Elizabet wondered how the next comment would go. "So I took your advice and became a mail order bride. Martha fixed me up with a wonderful man called John, here in San Francisco."

  Alice shook her head. "So what are you doing drinking tea with me? Shouldn't you be off with him?"

  "It didn't work out."

  "Join the club. So what happened, did he lie to you too?" Alice asked and took a sip from her tea.

  "No. I fell in love with his brother on the way here." Elizabet laughed as she watched he friend spit out her tea.

  Grabbing frantically for a napkin she coughed into it and cleaned her face. "You could have warned me."

  "Couldn't resist it," Elizabet giggled and picked up a pastry. Saluting Alice, she added "Here's to a life free of men. Who needs them when we've got pastries?"

  "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "For not asking," Alice said and played with her napkin. "I'm still embarrassed you saw me like this. What must you think of me?"

  "I thought I was the proud one here," Elizabet reached across the table and gave her friends hand a squeeze. "I'm just glad to see a friendly face. So—where can I find a decent place to live?"

  "Well, you've seen where I live—I wouldn't recommend it."

  "How about me and you rent together?"

  "Well, I don't-"

  "Shut up, we'll work out something. I've got a little nest egg my mother left for me. I'll put up the deposit. Then we can share the costs—what do you think?"

  "I don't know what-"

  "Good, it's agreed then," Elizabet said and held out her cup for a toast. Waiting for Alice to follow suit, she said "Here's to us."

  "To us," Alice smiled, clinking her cup off Elizabet's.

  "I don't know about you, but I'd love a warm soak in a bath," Alice said. "How about we go grab your things and go back to my hotel. Then we can work out what to do next. Well?"

  Nodding her head, Alice wiped away the tears that started to run down her face. "Thank you."

  Chapter 19

  Tom paced impatiently around his hotel room. Dismissing John's advice to go to their home outside the city, he'd promised that he wasn't going to leave it until he found her. He knew his argument was weak, but leaving the city now only felt like he was putting distance between them. He also knew that pacing his room was useless, but it felt a lot better than sitting down. Chewing on a finger nail and looking to the street outside, Tom watched John pull up in a buggy and walk toward the hotel entrance. Wondering if he was coming back with good news, he promised himself not to get his hopes up. The last forty eight hours had been the most nerve wrecking and draining of his life. Thinking that they were close to finding her, all avenues so far had come up short. Wondering if she was even in San Francisco anymore, Tom couldn't take it any longer. Not waiting for Tom to come to him, he ran down the hallway to intercept him. Seeing his brother come into view, he couldn't help but notice the large grin on John's face.


  "I found her-"

  "Really. Where?"

  "She changed her name. But luckily for you I kept her photo-"

  "Oh come on, spit it out," Tom watched as John took a piece of paper out of his pocket. Holding it just out of reach he teased him with it. "You owe me big time for this."
br />   Tom ignored the comment and pulled it from his hand. Reading through the details he mouthed the words. "The Imperial Hotel?"

  John threw his arm around his brother's shoulder. "Yep, she's going by the name, Ann, now. She's with that friend of hers Alice. They just started work only yesterday, cleaning rooms or something or other, I was tol-"

  "I better go," Tom ran back to his room and grabbed his hat. Coming back out, he took his brother by the arm. "You're coming with me."

  "I think you can handle this on your own little brother," John said.

  "And if she doesn't believe me?"

  "Boy, she does know you well," John laughed. "Still telling tall tales-"

  Tom never gave him a chance to say anything more, dragging his brother behind him, he said. "I'm not going to lose her a second time. Now move it."


  Tucking in the corner of the bed sheet nearest her, Elizabet stood up and stretched her back. Looking to the far side of the bed she found Alice standing still. "Well, do I have to do your side too?"

  Elizabet looked at Alice and found her point her finger past her. Nodding her head, she said, "Behind you."

  Turning around, Elizabet found Tom standing in the doorway. Holding his hat in his hand, he cleared his throat.

  "Hi, Elizabet."

  "Tom, but how did you find me?"

  "I'll leave you two to talk in private."

  Heading toward the door, Alice looked to Elizabet and nodded toward Tom.

  "Alice, but we don't have anything…"

  Holding up her hand, Alice ignored her plea and stood holding the door. "Just listen to him."


  "Bet, no arguments. Plus, I've got the key." Reaching into her pocket, Alice held it up where both could see it. "Don't make me use it."


  Sticking out her tongue, Alice grinned and pulled the door closed.

  "So, that's Alice," Tom said, looking to the door and still playing nervously with his hat. "Quite the character."

  "You could say that alright," Elizabet smiled and got back to finishing off the bed she'd been working on.

  "I love you."

  Elizabet stopped what she was doing.

  "I'd been playing around with what to say, but now I've seen you-"

  "It doesn't matter, Tom. I can't do this to you or your brother…"

  Coming forward, Tom threw his hat on a nearby chair. "You know I pulled the train apart looking for you. I thought I'd never see you again. It was John that found out that you were working here. He gave me the address."

  "But, Tom, we-" Elizabet found herself cut off as he put a finger to her lips.

  Looking deep into her eyes, Tom called over his shoulder. "John!"

  Elizabet watched as the door opened and John walked in. Looking at the man she'd been writing to, she didn't know how to react. Feeling like she was caught in a trap she couldn't escape from, she panicked and took a step backwards.

  Taking a step sideways, Tom said, "I knew you wouldn't believe anything I said, so I thought it was better coming straight from the horse's mouth."

  "Less of the horse," John replied. Standing by his brother, he nodded "Hello, Elizabet."

  Elizabet froze and looked to the door. Seeing Alice standing there, giving a thumbs up, she felt some of the edge go out of her. Finally finding her voice, she saw John hold up his hand to silence her.

  "I know how awkward this must seem, believe me I feel the same way. But, Tom, knew this was the only way I'd get through to you. Elizabet, whatever obligation you think you owe to me, you don't." Taking his hand, he tussled his brother's hair. "You know we'd given up all hope of this one ever settling down. But whatever you did to him, he's a changed man. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how he's been scouring the city looking for you. Running around like a little lost puppy." Standing in a moment of awkward silence, he broke it by elbowing Tom in the ribs, "Well, go on, ask the lady."

  Elizabet watched Tom tidy back his hair and go down on one knee. Pulling out a ring box, he opened it and asked, "Elizabet Johnston, will you marry-?"

  Wiping away the tears that started to fill her eyes, Elizabet tried her best to answer. "Yes, Tom, I will."

  Getting back to his feet, he took the ring and slipped it on her finger. "I love you-"

  "I love you too-"


  Elizabet looked to see Alice with a huge grin on her face. Following the advice given, she met Tom's lips and lost herself in a long and tender kiss. Pulling away for only a moment to catch her breath, she joined him once more and kissed him harder and longer than before.

  "My God, save a little for your wedding night."

  Recognizing Alice's voice, Elizabet pulled away and started to laugh. "Can't a woman have some privacy?"

  "So, how does tomorrow sound?"

  Elizabet turned back to Tom, "Tomorrow?"

  "To get married, unless I can't pull you away from making up beds," Tom asked.

  "It's more fun messing them up," Elizabet answered and ran her fingers through his hair. Seeing his eyes filled with lust for her, he pulled her close to him once more. Taking her in another long and lingering kiss, she felt her body long for his through her clothing. Pressed together tightly and starting to pant, Tom broke off and looked around. Finding the room empty, he grinned, "Guess we scared them off."

  "Guess we did."

  Elizabet looked at him and could sense the hunger in his eyes for her. "Think you can hold out until tomorrow?"

  Tom bit his lip and then smiled.

  Teasing him, she added, "I could call down for a few buckets of ice if you like."

  "Is this the way it's going to be?"

  "You'll find out tomorrow night, husband."

  Tom smiled. "Husband. Never thought I'd like hearing that word. Kinda has a nice ring to it."

  "Well husband, if you'd care to go. I've got a lot of preparations to do between now and tomorrow," Elizabet said and winked. "I know you're going to like some of them."

  "Tossing the bed?"

  Nodding her head, she watched his eye grow wide. Standing with a stupid grin on his face, Elizabet went and picked up his hat. Slapping it on his head, she kissed him gently on the lips. "You don't go crazy on the celebrations. I want you at your full potential tomorrow."

  Saluting her, he replied. "Yes, Ma'am."

  Giving him one final kiss, she said. "I'll see you in the morning, now off you go." Pushing him out the door, Elizabet lay up against it and let out a sigh. Running through all the things she'd have to organized she heard a knock on the door.

  "Elizabet, open up."

  Opening the door, Alice stood there with a grin on her face. "I didn't know where to look when you two—even John made a run for it. You didn't tell me he was so good looking-"


  "Not him, cute maybe, but his brother. God I could eat him up." Alice said, coming into the room.

  "Well, you'll have enough time to talk to him," Elizabet said.

  "How so?"

  "Well, you're coming with me, aren't you?"

  Alice said, "I hadn't really thought about it-"

  "I will need someone to give me away, won't I? And you are the closest thing to family here?" Elizabet said, "Although, maybe after tomorrow if you and John get to together..."

  Alice's face broke out in a grin. "Hey, you never know—stranger things have happened."

  "Well, what are you waiting for?" Elizabet asked, taking off her apron and tossing it on the unmade bed. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather be shopping for a wedding dress right now."

  Watching Alice toss her apron, gave her her answer. "So what can you tell me about John?"

  Regretting opening her mouth, Elizabet found herself bombarded with questions on Alice's new favorite topic. Wishing she had John's letters to give her, she thought back to Charles and her father's drapery shop. Feeling a shudder run down her spine at the thought of him, she was relieved that all of that was be
hind her. Thousands of miles away and in her past, she'd put that part of her life behind her. Now she was now entering a new phase of her life, one with a bright future with a wonderful husband.

  Chapter 20

  Climbing from his train carriage, the man checked out his surroundings and stretched. Waiting for his companion to join him, he snarled at a porter who came offering help.

  "That's no way to behave, Mr Murphy."

  Looking back he watched as his older companion came to join him. "Listen, the less time I have to spend in this shit hole the better." Holding out a hand, he took the piece of paper that was given to him.

  "This is the address where I'll be staying. When you find her, I want to know as soon as possible—you hear me? If she gets even a scratch on her, you can forget your finder's fee."

  Nodding his head, he walked away. "Whatever you say, just make sure you have the money, Chuck."

  "It's Charles," the older man grumbled. "And we're not leaving until you find her."

  To be continued in….

  Turn over for a free sample taken from "Journey’s End."

  Chapter 1

  Pushed firmly into a hard wooden chair, Elizabet fought to get back on her feet and felt a pair of strong hands hold her in place. Pushed backward once more, she found her head hit something and felt it fall limply to the side. Shaking her head to clear it, Elizabet tried her best to scream, but it was no use. Fighting against the cloth in her mouth, she found it absorb any noise she could make. Screaming at the top of her voice, Elizabet found the sound come out in a whimper. Listening as someone laughed at her efforts, she turned her head in its direction and wondered what was about to happen next. Grabbed suddenly from behind, Elizabet found her hands bound to the chair she sat on and the sack cloth pulled off her head.


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