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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  No, there had to be another explanation for it. Still, my curiosity was piqued, to say the least.

  “What was that?”

  Angela looked over her shoulder and then I saw something that I don’t think I’d ever seen before. A smile. I didn’t even know she could do that, but she’d fixed me with a knowing smile. A smile that immediately had me on guard. A misanthropic person like Angela who seemed to hate the world seemed like the kind of person who would only smile like that if she knew she was doing something to introduce a little more pain and suffering into the world.

  Pain and suffering like making me think Reese was cheating on me. Which made me wonder if Reese had even had a guy over here the night before at all. Was Angela telling the truth or was that just a well timed remark meant to put me on guard and put a wedge between me and my beautiful girlfriend? It seemed like the kind of lie she would tell if she thought it would sow a little extra chaos in the world.

  No, there was really only one way to find out for sure and that was asking Reese. Unfortunately it looked like Angela had been telling the truth about at least one thing. Reese was nowhere to be seen in the room for the moment.

  I could hear the sound of the shower running and that just made me even more uncomfortable. I had to shift to keep my hard on from being noticeable. The last thing I wanted was for Angela to think that reaction had anything to do with her. No, that reaction was entirely for the thought of water trailing down Reese’s perfectly sculpted body. It was entirely for thoughts of one of the guys at her work running his hands up and down that body the night before in the back room at the pizza place which was the reason why she was so late and the reason why he ended up walking her home just to be safe…

  Wait. Damn it. Why was I thinking about that? Usually those thoughts only came up on nights when she was working late. This was the first time it had intruded into the day like this, and I knew exactly why it was happening. I was thinking about a guy walking Reese home the night before. I was thinking about what they might have done before they got back to the room since of course Reese would know that her room was a strictly monitored no fuck zone.

  I really needed to get those sorts of thoughts under control, too, because if I kept this up then someday I was going to do something stupid like get so turned on that I told Reese about the whole thing and then it would be the end of our relationship because she’d know exactly what kind of sick puppy she was dating. She’d go off to find a guy who was all about monogamy and not about wanting to share her with other men, even if it was strictly in the realm of fantasy for now.

  Then again at the same time if she was having random guys walk her home after work it seemed that things might have already progressed past a point where one of us was doing the strictly monogamous thing. I needed more information, damn it, and it was killing me that she was in the shower alone for more than one reason. Now on top of wanting to be in there having fun with her I desperately wanted to be in there and finding out if there was any truth to what her roommate had just told me or if I just had another reason for hating her guts.

  Finally after what seemed like an eternity but what was actually no more than five minutes judging by my watch the door to the attached bathroom opened and Reese breezed in. She frowned at Angela first, she’d taken up her usual perch at her computer chair and it sounded like she was playing some sort of MMO from the sounds of things. Then Reese turned and saw me sitting there on her bed and her face lit up.

  And once more I found myself cursing the day that she ended up rooming with someone who was a shut in. If Angela wasn’t sitting there playing her game then I could thoroughly enjoy Reese with her hair slicked down running down to her shoulders, her towel barely covering her incredible tits and going down to just below her pussy hiding her treasures from me but giving me a tantalizing glimpse of what I’d be enjoying later tonight.

  Yeah, if there was no roommate in here then I could throw Reese down on her bed and have my way with her right now. I could get rid of some of this pent up energy I was dealing with thinking about the guys at her work trying to hit on her. I would be able to get rid of some of the sexual energy that was threatening to overwhelm me as I thought about another guy escorting her back to her room the night before. As I wondered what time they got back and how much time passed between her getting off from work and getting back to her dorm room, and whether or not that was enough time for her to get off in other ways too, if you catch my drift.

  Unfortunately none of that was going to happen. I was going to have to wait until we got back to my room like I always did. Well, we might be able to have a conversation about what Angela just revealed on the walk back to the dorm, depending on how crowded things were on campus. I had a feeling that conversation was going to be emotionally loaded, and I worried about her breaking down in the middle of campus or us getting into the middle of a shouting match.

  More than anything I was so rock hard as I thought about where that conversation might potentially go. More than anything I was conflicted at the idea of her being walked home by some random guy, though come to think of it the guy probably wasn’t random. It was probably one of the guys from the pizza place. One of the guys she freely admitted hit on her all the time, and now she was encouraging him by letting him walk her back to the dorms which would be seen as one hell of a green light from the dude’s perspective even if he didn’t know that Angela the dragon was lurking in her lair at the end of the journey waiting to prevent any sort of sexy times from actually happening.

  The mixture of jealousy, curiosity, and arousal was threatening to overwhelm me. It was certainly leaving my cock painfully hard. It didn’t help that I was already dealing with one hell of a case of blue balls thanks to not getting any action the night before.

  Damn it.

  “I’ll be ready in a minute honey,” Reese said. “I already packed my stuff.”

  She spared a glance for her roommate and her nose wrinkled up in distaste. Perfume and the smell of lotion wafted in from the bathroom accompanying Reese, and it was a welcome distraction from some of the smells coming from the other side of the room. I was shielded from it just a little by the candles and air fresheners Reese kept on her bed, but wow.

  Thankfully she was true to her word and ten minutes later we were making our way across campus. The place still seemed fairly deserted. I suppose most people were probably still in their rooms recovering from whatever fun they had the night before. Thursday through Saturday was usually an excuse for one long extended night of partying with the occasional Friday class thrown in between, and a Saturday morning after the second night of partying usually meant that everybody was holed up in their rooms sleeping off the night before and getting good and rested for the night to come.

  Which had me thinking about what had happened the night before. It had me thinking about that off the cuff remark from Reese’s roommate. It had me wondering once more if they’d walked along this path, and what they’d talked about. What had happened. There was a stand of trees off to the side that was notorious for people going off to have a little drunken fun. Had something happened there? Had he pulled her off, had they gotten overwhelmed in the moment, and something went down?

  For that matter why was she even taking a shower this early? Usually when she came over to my place on a night she had off she waited to take a shower with me. It suddenly occurred to me that it was a little out of the ordinary that she was doing that ahead of me coming over. Was there something that she needed to get rid of? Was she showering off evidence that I might’ve noticed if we’d hopped into one of the showers attached to my dorm room?

  I just didn’t know, and now that we were out here walking across campus I was terrified to open my mouth and ask her. I was terrified that on the one hand I might be jumping at shadows and it would turn out Angela was lying. I was terrified that I’d get chewed out for even believing Angela in the first place and thinking Reese was capable of doing something like that. I was terrifie
d that I’d find out all the things I’d been fantasizing about ever since that seemingly off the cuff remark from Angela would turn out to be just fantasy and not reality.

  Yet at the same time I was terrified it might be true. While the idea of her being with another man was hot, at the same time there was the consideration that she’d basically be cheating on me at this point since she didn’t know about my fantasy or that I enjoyed the idea of her getting with other guys. There was the threat that it could mean the end of our relationship if she was starting to fall for another guy.

  I was interested in her having some fun with other guys within the confines of our relationship, but if what Angela said was true then it meant my girlfriend was potentially seeking out some fun with other guys outside the confines of our relationship which was another beast entirely.

  Damn it. This was all so damn confusing. I hated it even as I loved it.

  And it was mostly because of that inner conflict that I didn’t say anything on the walk back to my dorm even though I wanted nothing more than to ask her who exactly she’d taken back to her room the night before. I should’ve gotten a description or something from Angela. I knew what most of the guys Reese worked with looked like. All it would take was a brief description and I’d know exactly who was putting the moves on her.

  Assuming it was even a guy from her work. Damn it.

  So I kept my mouth shut. I’d like to say I worked up the courage to say something when we got back to my dorm. While we were watching a movie together. When we started making out and eventually brought the festivities to an early close because while my cock was rock hard I was so distracted from wondering if she’d been doing this with another guy the night before that she noticed something was wrong.

  It was pretty obvious from the way she looked at me that she was wondering what was wrong, but she didn’t come out and ask any more than I was going to come out and ask her about the gentleman caller who had escorted her home. We were in the middle of a standoff and she probably didn’t even know it, though she might suspect. I know if I’d brought some random girl back to my dorm the night before the guilt would be eating at me.

  The only thing eating at me, though, was curiosity. Was Angela lying? Was my girlfriend cheating on me? Was I okay with that if it did turn out to be true? I knew she’d be pissed off if I started asking her about it and it turned out I was jumping at shadows, so I decided to wait.

  I needed more evidence before I proceeded. I needed to make sure she couldn’t blow me off and act like I was being a jealous asshole. Yeah, if I was going to ask her about what happened last night I wanted to make sure I had some proof something actually happened last night.

  I’d just have to wait until the next time she was “working late,” and I could already tell that waiting for that was going to be killer.

  3: Sneaking

  I looked down at my watch and frowned, and then it was back to my game though I was having trouble concentrating. I should’ve gotten a call by now. I should’ve been on my way to pick Reese up so we could have a little bit of fun. On any other night I wouldn’t have thought it was out of the ordinary that she hadn’t called, she did work late from time to time after all, but tonight I was filled with a strange energy that I couldn’t quite define.

  It was the sort of energy that came from knowing tonight might be the night. It had been a whole week since Angela gave away that Reese might be less than faithful to me. A whole week of torture. A whole week of acting like everything was normal and pretending that nothing was wrong.

  And to be perfectly honest I was having a hard time deciding whether or not anything was wrong in the first place. Sure my girlfriend might have had an illicit tryst with another man, with one of those assholes from her work who was always hitting on her but was “totally harmless” to use a phrase she loved to repeat, but part of the distraction, part of the strange energy I’d been feeling all week, came from how fucking turned on I got thinking about it.

  I hadn’t had any time alone with Reese since that day when our attempt to get hot and heavy was interrupted by my distraction. Of course that didn’t mean I hadn’t had any one on one fun in the time since. I’d stopped even that over the past couple of days because if I was going to witness something along the lines of her stepping out on me with another guy I wanted to make sure I had a loaded weapon.

  Even if my loaded weapon wasn’t anything like the sort of loaded weapon you usually thought of a boyfriend carrying when he found out his girl was potentially stepping out on him.

  It was almost as late as it had been last weekend when she called and told me she didn’t want to meet up. I’d been mulling that conversation over in my head all week right along with everything else. That was the first time I could remember since we’d gotten together when she hadn’t come over no matter how late it was. That had made me even more suspicious as I thought about it even though it hadn’t occurred to me to second guess her in the moment while she was on the phone.

  Yeah, last weekend I hadn’t given into my suspicions. Last weekend I figured I’d be the good boyfriend and trust my girlfriend.

  None of that was happening this weekend though.

  I shut down my game. It’s not like I was actually able to pay attention to the thing anyways. I was mostly logged in to give kills away to other people instead of ruining people’s nights, but I didn’t care even though I was pretty much destroying a winning record that I’d spent months building up in the space of an evening.

  No, I was too preoccupied with some very real world concerns to give a flying fuck about my kill score in an online first person shooter. Much like drinking too much I’d probably regret it the next morning, but in the moment I was too hyped up on what I was about to do. I was too drunk on a mixture of anticipation and terror.

  My only regret was that it was still early enough in the semester that it wasn’t cold out yet. It had been getting a little chilly at night, but not to the point where I could get away with wearing a hoodie without looking like I was about to rob a place. Oh well. Not like I could do much about that.

  I pocketed my phone and made my way out onto campus, that mixture of fear and nerves growing more pronounced as I got close to the pizza place.

  I’m not sure what I was expecting when I got there. Maybe Reese standing behind the counter like she always was? I have to admit that I felt just a little stalkery tonight as I made the trip. In the past I’d just wondered what was going on and wanted to verify that they were busy, but tonight I was actually out there with the serious intent of trying to catch her with another guy.

  Then again if I did manage to catch her with another guy then I suppose that would make the ends justify the means. If it turned out Angela was fucking with me then I could safely feel like a first rate asshole.

  Campus was packed as I got closer to the main drag where all the partying happened for people over twenty-one who could get into the bars and people younger than twenty-one who either had fake IDs or just wanted to hang out and enjoy the ambiance of drunk people partying and having a good time. Not that I’d ever been big on that. I always preferred house parties where I could actually get a good old fashioned underaged drink without much danger of being hassled by the campus cops.

  Things started to get more interesting when I reached the block where Reese worked. Usually when she was working late like this there was a line of drunk people running out onto the sidewalk waiting to get pizza to satisfy their inebriated cravings. Only tonight there was nothing of the sort, and I still hadn’t gotten a phone call.

  This was getting more and more interesting with each passing moment. My cock was definitely standing up and taking note. Everything that had happened in the past week, every minor suspicion that was nothing on its own but started to add up in aggregate, was swirling in my head as I kept it down walking past the front of the pizza place. I didn’t want to make it obvious I was out here if Reese happened to be at the counter and looked out the window
as I was walking past.

  I glanced over, just a quick jerk of my head, and stared through the window at the pretty girl leaning against the counter and playing with her phone. She looked bored. She also wasn’t my girlfriend.

  Reese wasn’t in there. What the hell?

  Okay. I needed to keep cool. I needed to keep things under control. I was sure there was a rational explanation for this whole thing even if I was having a hard time truly believing that considering all the little hints that were coalescing into one hell of a major red flag.

  Maybe she didn’t feel well. Maybe she was in the back helping them prep or something. She almost always worked the front desk, but I figured anything was possible. Anything was preferable to the alternative.

  Or was it? Because my cock was rock hard. I had to shift to keep it from being too obvious, though I don’t think it’d be much of a problem anyways considering most people walking down the street were too drunk or too far up their own asses to notice something like how hard my cock was as I stood there contemplating where my girlfriend might be.

  I stood there and tried to think of options. I couldn’t very well go into the pizza place and scope it out. If Reese was in there then she’d see me and wonder what the hell I was doing there. It would probably be obvious what I was doing since I’d already gotten my traditional Friday pizza earlier in the day. If she wasn’t in there then her coworkers would still recognize me, they all knew me because of the aforementioned Friday pizza tradition, and word would get back to her that I’d been at her place of employment sniffing around suspiciously instead of just calling her and asking what was going on.


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