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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

Page 6

by Lexi Archer

  I just didn’t know, but I was about to find out. I took a deep breath.

  “Yup. I’m ready. Let’s go!”

  7: Hints

  I was so nervous on the walk back to my dorm room. I hated that I was feeling this way. I shouldn’t be the nervous one. I shouldn’t be the one who was jumping every time Reese said something. She should’ve been the one with the guilty conscience. She should’ve been the one who was looking at me and wondering if I was going to figure everything out. She should’ve been the one who was fighting the urge to open her mouth and blab everything.

  And here I was with my palms shaking trying to keep it under control. I wasn’t even sure if my palms were shaking because I was so pissed off or because I was so turned on. Either way I was the one who was the confused and fucked up jumble of emotions and meanwhile Reese was walking along next to me without a care in the world as though everything was sunshine and rainbows and she hadn’t been out showing off her tits to another guy in an alley behind a dingy campus pizza joint the night before then doing God knows what else later after I couldn’t be there to witness what was going on.

  “So did you miss me last night?” she asked.

  Damn it. Why did she have to bring up last night? That was the last thing I wanted to talk about considering the only thing I wanted to do was blurt out that I knew what she’d been doing, but that wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have when we were walking through campus. There were too many people around, and I had a feeling that was the sort of conversation that had the potential to get really damn heated pretty damn fast.

  No, better to wait until we were back in the safety of my dorm room. I was going to have to play it cool until then. I hated having to play it cool. I hated that my cock was rock hard and throbbing as I ran through what I’d seen last night over and over again. My cock had been rock hard for hours, it seemed, and going to sleep had been no relief. No, I woke up the next morning with the biggest and most obvious case of morning wood I’d ever dealt with, and I couldn’t even jerk off because there was a masochistic side of me that didn’t want to potentially waste all of this pent up sexual energy if it turned out that my big reveal went really really well instead of sending our relationship into the shitter.

  “Yeah, it was okay I guess,” I said. “Just played some video games and enjoyed my pizza.”

  That pizza had tasted like ash in my mouth. I ate it anyways. Free pizza is free pizza and I’d probably at least consider enjoying a slice even if Hitler was the one offering it to me, but with every bite it reminded me that it was made in the place that seemed to be the epicenter of my girlfriend’s infidelity.

  “I’ll never understand your obsession with those video games,” Reese said. “Why don’t you go out to a party or something? Have a good time?”

  “Oh you know. It’s the one night of the week that I get to enjoy them. Besides, a party wouldn’t be any fun without you babe. You don’t want some hot chick swooping in and sweeping me off my feet or anything like that,” I said. Then I decided to twist the knife just a little. I reached out and grabbed her hand. Started stroking it with my thumb. “You know our bond is sacred, you’d never violate it, I’d never violate it.”

  Reese smiled a sickly smile and pulled her hand away, but she didn’t give anything away. Apparently that old song about cheating hearts wasn’t exactly true, because she didn’t seem to have any trouble keeping quiet about her little indiscretion the night before, whatever the hell it was. I was still kicking myself for leaving before I could really find out what was going on.

  “You’re just like Angela sometimes,” she said. “She always seems to be playing those games. She should get out more too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please don’t compare me to that shut-in. At least I get out and enjoy life from time to time.”

  “You sure about that? It seemed like the two of you were the best of friends back there while I was taking a shower.”

  I pursed my lips but didn’t respond. What was there to say? That we’d bonded, but we were bonding over Reese cheating on me? That would lead right back to that conversation I didn’t really want to have when we were walking through a nice sunny day on campus and there were plenty of people around who probably wouldn’t appreciate it if our conversation about Reese and Aiden suddenly turned into a shouting match that lasted all the way back to my dorm room.

  “Whatever,” Reese said. “Just don’t think about running after my roommate or anything!”

  This time I turned and stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “Seriously?”

  I meant that “seriously?” in a completely different manner than how Reese took it. For me the phrase was loaded with all the incredulity I was feeling that less than twelve hours ago she’d been behind her work letting some other guy feel her up. She’d done who knows what else later after I was chased away. And now she had the audacity to turn around and act like I was the one who was thinking of cheating on her?

  I mean if what Angela was showing off in what appeared to be the one tight fitting T-shirt in her wardrobe was any indication then she was definitely hiding her treasures from the world. Sure she had that cute geeky girl thing going for her, but it’s not like I was going to leave Reese for her roommate who’d acted like she hated me.

  And that was beside the point anyways. The point was that Reese was the one who was cheating on me, not the other way around, and here she had the audacity to try and turn that around on me? Talk about gall!

  Reese seemed to think that I was just referring to how there was not a chance in hell that anything would ever happen between me and Angela, which was a fair guess considering how we were always glaring at each other. She was taking it the completely wrong way, but then again she didn’t know that I knew about her infidelity.

  She giggled as though she didn’t have a care in the world. I wished I could feel that way. I was feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders in that moment. The impossible weight of the secret I was keeping. The impossible weight of the white hot anger I was feeling that she was able to be so blase talking about last night when she damn well knew what she’d been doing.

  I suppose I could have a little fun with that, though.

  “What about you Reese?” I asked. “Was it fun last night when you were getting slammed?”

  She paused for a moment. Oh yeah, there was definitely supposed to be a double meaning to that statement. I’m sure she was running it over in her head, wondering if I could possibly know anything.

  “It was okay,” she said. “I guess I’d rather be busy than have a night where there’s nothing to do or anything.”

  “Yeah, I can understand that. I’d go crazy if all I had to do at work was lean over the front counter and play with my phone.”

  I wasn’t even sure if she was going to catch that one. She’d been behind the pizza place by the time I saw her coworker looking bored poking at her phone, but from the look that passed over her face she definitely seemed to know what I was getting at even as she decided, once more, that I probably didn’t know anything and she needed to play things cool. I fought the urge to grin as I saw the obvious conflict playing out on her face.

  Now that I was really getting into this it was actually sort of fun. I decided to see how far I could push it.

  “Yeah, I bet the drivers really had their hands full last night,” I said, looking around campus and trying to look as innocent as she was acting. I was actually surprised at how easy it was.

  Reese missed a step and almost stumbled. I turned to look at her with concern but I didn’t make a move to help her balance which earned me a dirty look. To be perfectly honest in that moment when she was threatening to pitch forward I wasn’t sure if I wanted to help her out anyways. The angry part of me was winning out over the aroused part of me for the moment, and that angry part of me would’ve been pretty happy to see her do a face plant. It would’ve been the least she deserved for the way she was lying to me.

��You okay babe?” I asked when she’d regained her balance.

  “Um, yeah, I think? Are you okay?”

  Reese looked right at me, her deep brown eyes seemingly boring into my soul, but it didn’t have the usual effect on me this time around. Usually my cock would get rock hard when she was staring at me like that, but it was already rock hard so there was nothing new to be done on that score. I was constantly having to surreptitiously readjust the damn thing so it wouldn’t be obvious I was walking through campus sporting a massive hard on.

  It was obvious what she was looking for. Any sign that I knew something. Any sign that I had an idea of what she’d been doing when she wasn’t around me. That she’d been lying to me when she called and said she had to work late. I must’ve had a pretty good poker face, though, because after a moment she seemed to nod to herself and then we were walking towards my dorm again. I could see it over the trees. Not too long now and I’d finally be able to stop playing games and finally reveal everything.

  “So yeah, what were we talking about?” she asked.

  “Your work? How busy it was? I just think you’re so great, babe.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “The way you’re willing to always pitch in and help out? Sticking around later than you were supposed to so you could help out the delivery guys? I bet they couldn’t dare to believe you’d do so much to help them out.”

  I figured if anything was going to far that little phrase was, but she kept walking in silence. She wasn’t looking at me now. If I had gone too far, if I had tipped my hand, then she wasn’t revealing anything. So we walked on in silence until we got to my dorm. We moved through the lobby in silence. We took the elevator up to my hall in silence. We walked to the dorm room and I opened the door and gestured for her to go ahead of me.

  Still not a word.

  The door clicked shut behind me and already I was fishing in my pocket for my phone. Thankfully I already had the picture from the night before up and ready to go because I’d been showing it to Angela. All I’d have to do is swipe my finger across the screen for a dramatic reveal. I wouldn’t have to do anything awkward like type in my password which would totally ruin the moment.

  I never got a chance to do the big reveal though. At least I didn’t get a chance to surprise her with the big reveal. No sooner had the heavy dorm door clicked shut behind me than Reese wheeled around on me and she looked like she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to be afraid or pissed off. Finally she settled on something halfway between those two extremes.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on here?” she asked. “What’s with all those little digs you keep making?”

  I decided to play it innocent for a little longer. I raised my eyebrows and fixed her with what I hoped was my best sweet and innocent look, though I wasn’t feeling very innocent in the moment. No, I was more angry than anything else.

  And yet despite my anger my cock was still rock hard every time I thought about what she’d been doing with Aiden the night before. It was still throbbing as I thought of his hands on her tits. As I thought of him moving down between her legs and being stopped at the last moment. As I wondered if he’d actually succeeded in getting to the prize later after I’d been chased off, because after all according to Angela there was a missing half hour to an hour in last night’s schedule.

  “Digs? What are you talking about? I was just making conversation about you staying out late to work last night. About how whatever you were doing at work seems like it was more important than spending time with me,” I said.

  She searched my face and once more I found myself resisting the urge to laugh in her face. This was just such a delicious moment. She suspected I knew something, but she couldn’t very well come out and accuse me of knowing something because if she did and I didn’t then that would give the game up as well. It was quite the predicament she found herself in, and it was so hard not to show the amusement I was feeling. Even harder than not showing the anger I was feeling.


  “What? Were you worried I was talking about something else?”

  I could feel the nerves that had been threatening to overwhelm me ever since I started knocking on her dorm door starting to overwhelm me. I was having trouble seeing from the blood that was pumping behind my ears. I was lightheaded. It didn’t help that my cock was still rock hard. It was a damn good thing I’d tucked the thing because otherwise it would be making quite the semi-public appearance right now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and Reese looked at it with a stare that could only be described as “dread.”

  I swiped on the phone and smiled down at the picture I’d taken. It was dark, but there was enough light from a security light over the back door of the pizza place that it was easy enough to see everything. It was easy enough to see Reese with her shirt pulled up and bunched around her neck. It was pretty obvious that Aiden had his hands on her tits and he was having one hell of a good time.

  I held the phone up so she could get a good look at it. Her eyes fell on the screen and then she seemed to deflate. She too a stumbling step back and the only thing that kept her from falling on her ass on the tile floor was she bumped against my bed and went falling back on that instead. She stared up at me with a shell-shocked expression, though I found myself wondering why she should be the one who looked like that considering I was the one she’d been cheating on. I was the one she’d been lying to this entire time. If anyone deserved to look like that it was me, damn it! She was not the victim here!

  I needed to remember that. My face hardened and any sympathy I might have felt was squashed, though I was still so fucking turned on. I was going to have to do something about that, damn it.

  “So it looks like you weren’t working late after all, Reese,” I said, surprised that I was able to keep my voice so steady. “Want to tell me what was going on last night? And maybe the week before too?”

  8: The Big Reveal

  I wasn’t sure what I expected. Maybe for her to burst into tears considering that shocked look on her face. Maybe for her to get mad and try to turn this around on me, but that didn’t happen either. No, if anything it was just a quiet continuation of that defeated slump when I’d shown her the picture.

  She was staring at my phone screen. Staring at it intently. I would’ve given a pretty penny to know what was running through her mind in that moment. Was she trying to think of a way to deny it? Was she trying to decide whether or not that was actually a picture of her and Aiden? Not that there was much of a chance of that. It was pretty damn obvious who was in that picture, and besides, she knew what she was doing last night. She couldn’t deny that.

  “It started with a dare,” she said finally.

  I cocked an eyebrow. I hadn’t expected her to give up so easily. I figured there would be some more sidestepping or maybe her trying to put the blame back on me. Still, I was glad that we weren’t going to have to go through a song and dance before she got down to it.

  I moved over to my computer chair and sat down. I briefly thought about going to sit beside her on the bed, but I figured that was dangerous. Not because I was so mad, but because I was so turned on and so very interested in what she had to say. So very interested in finally hearing the rest of the story. I worried that if I was sitting next to her and the story got too hot then I wouldn’t be able to resist pulling her down and fucking her right there.

  Assuming she was down for that. I guess I really wasn’t sure of that. I might be getting turned on by this, but I needed to remember that at the end of the day she’d been stepping out on me with another guy. There was always the possibility that she just wasn’t interested anymore. That our relationship was over. It was a zombie that had refused to acknowledge it was dead, and this confession was the shot to the head that would finally put it out of its misery.

  I was surprised to realize that I wasn’t sure if I wanted that to happen. It was weird how confused I’d been ever since I realized how interested I was in
the idea of watching her with another man. Talk about fucked up.

  “A dare? You’ve got my interest,” I said.

  “It was pretty quiet in the pizza place last week and so we were all hanging out in the back and just talking. You know, passing the time because it’s not like we had anything better to do and it’s not like the owner ever stops in on weekends to see what’s going on.

  Anyways, we were back there chatting and the drivers started talking about the differences between my tits and Amy’s.”

  “They were talking about your tits,” I said.

  “Well yeah… They’re sort of perverted and they talk about that sort of thing all the time.”

  “You mean the guys you said were totally harmless? That you weren’t interested in them?”

  She knew damn well what I was talking about. It was an argument we’d had on more than one occasion. She knew I didn’t care for the way the guys at her work talked about her, though I suppose in a charged environment where it was a bunch of college kids working together it would be impossible not to have just a little bit of hanky panky going on. Still, it annoyed me that she was always telling me about perverted things they said about her but she never followed up by telling me about how she told them to fuck off and not talk about her like that.

  I’d always suspected that she secretly liked the attention, and now after last night I suppose I had my answer.

  “I think you’ve already made your point,” she said. “Now do you want to hear the story or not?”

  I nodded. “Sorry. Please proceed.”

  I was going to have to keep that urge to twist the knife under control. I needed to remember that I’d already won. That she knew she was caught fair and square. I didn’t want to push her to the point that she didn’t tell me the rest of the story, after all. I desperately needed to hear what was happening, and a conversation about the merits of Reese’s tits as opposed to Amy’s seemed like a good start.


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