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#CATFISHED (The Empire Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Nicole Hite

  "We should go sometime," he offered with a smile.

  "Owen, are you trying to pop my proverbial cherry?"


  "Well, you're a little late to the game, buddy, but yes. I would love to go sometime," Ariel tried her hand at simple flirting; not sure if she was any good at it or not.

  "Girl's got jokes. Okay, okay. I would though. Like to go out sometime that is."

  Ariel knew he was trying to be smooth, but also knew he was completely uncomfortable asking a girl out on a date. She thought it was endearing, though.

  "I accept your offer, Sir."

  Ariel sensed an awkward stillness coming. She quickly busied herself by cleaning up the messy coffee table littered with beer bottles and takeout boxes.

  "Need a hand?" Owen offered.

  "Yeah, that would be great," she gave him a genuine smile of appreciation.

  Clutching as much as she could hold in her hands, she made her way into the kitchen. Dumping the contents in the trash receptacle, she turned to retrieve whatever Owen had failed to pick up.

  Instead of seeing a handful of trash in Owens arms, he was inches from her, empty handed.

  "Are you not going to give me a hand," she joked to mask her sudden anxious mood

  "I am..."

  Owen shattered her comfort bubble as he began closing the gap between the two of them. Forcing Ariel to back into the counter, he placed a thick hand on her hip. He drew her body up against his, and she found it difficult to even breath.

  He ran his other hand up her collar and delicately wrapped it around the back of her neck. His fingers tangled in her baby hairs as he pulled her into him. Leaning down, he hovered over her waiting lips. He barely allowed them to touch as he slowly withdrew from their embrace.

  "Tell me you want me to kiss you, Ariel. I'm not going to kiss you until you say yes," he whispered as the agonizingly, exquisite pain ripped through her body. Owen had unknowingly unleashed something inside of her that she was not prepared for, and yet, she loved it.

  "Yes, Owen, please."

  His lips were slightly rough and tasted identical to cherry Chapstick, as their tender flesh caressed one another. He was well versed in the art of kissing; something she was definitely not used to.

  Parting her lips, she seized in his incredibly soft tongue. Unlike his lips, his tongue was silky smooth. She felt as if she were licking satin the way their tongues collided and intertwined with ease. Like they were made for one another.

  Owen allowed a groan to escape as he pulled Ariel closer to his body. His rock hard cock pressed into her thigh, as she moaned in pleasure. The longer the kisses, the harder Owen pressed his member into her leg. She was trying everything in her power to keep it together, but every molecule in her body wanted to shred every inch of clothing off this man. Take him into her mouth right in the kitchen, or even bent over taking every inch of him - either way, she was hot and heavy for Owen.

  Without even recognizing it, Owen began to pull himself away from her, just as she had placed her petite hands on his hips. Taking her cherub face into his massive fingers, he withdrew their connection.

  "Ari, I need to go now."

  "Huh?" She mumbled as she began to wake from her euphoric daze.

  Giving a slight chuckle, "I need to head back to my place now, before I do something I will regret."

  "Regret away! I'm okay with that," she smiled into his lips merely centimeters from her own.

  "You say that now..."

  "I know. I know. Damn, I was really loving that too," she gave him an endearing smile. "Don't worry. Me too."

  Ariel didn't want to overly scrutinize where this was going, but wherever it was going was completely fine by her...for now.


  "Lethal injection...Ariel style."

  All night, Ariel hit repeat on her fantasy reel. Everything from his light scruff grazing her soft cheek, all the way down to the massive erection pressed against her leg. It was all she could do not to walk down the hall and invite herself in. But Owen was right by walking away before it grew out of control. And she knew it would get out of hand, bearing in mind she hadn't gotten laid in a long time.

  Up bright and early, Ariel had already showered and changed before Sam had even had her first cup of coffee.

  "You seem shockingly chipper this morning," Sam said as she gave a loud yawn.

  "I am, indeed," she smiled as she clutched her coffee mug, sitting at her new computer.

  "What, prey tell, are you so chipper about?" Sam questioned, as the sleep seemed to disappear from her face. "Does it have anything to do with Owen?"

  Sam snatched a carton of leftover noodles from the fridge, and made herself comfortable on top of the kitchen table. Tunneling her fork into the paper carton, she glared at Ariel waiting for her to give her more info.

  With noodles dribbling from her lips she murmured, "For real, Ari. Give me something! Did you get laid?"

  "I wish," she uttered as she started up her computer. Observing the screen light up, she curled her legs into an Indian seated position and turned toward her friend. "God knows, girl I would have slept with that man without any regret, or doubts about the repercussions.

  "I don't get it," she huffed, frustrated in her friend.

  "He pulled away from me. He was into it though, trust me."

  "Big dick? I bet he has a whooper of a pecker," she tittered.

  "Felt like it," they both erupted into a fit of laughter.

  Just then a message came through from Owen. Opening the black and green terminal, Ariel read the message out loud.

  OWEN: Keep it down over there. Some of us need our beauty sleep!

  ARIEL: We got plenty of beauty sleep, but thank you for your concern.

  OWEN: Ouch! I was talking about me, however I'll accept your response. You two are much prettier than myself.

  * * *

  Ariel began to blush as she typed out her response.

  * * *

  ARIEL: I wouldn't say you are pretty, but definitely handsome.

  OWEN: Already with the compliments. I'm flattered.

  ARIEL: I'm very sweet after all, but only to those individuals who deserve it.

  * * *

  Ariel was impressed with her flirting; especially since it had been a while. Owen made it easy though. Everything about him made this easy, which was a refreshing change.

  * * *

  OWEN: I feel honored then.

  * * *

  Ariel decided to throw a little cheekiness Owen's way. It was never too early.

  * * *

  ARIEL: So what are you wearing, Owen-who-doesn't-believe-in-social-media?

  OWEN: Would you be appalled if I said a giant unicorn onesie?

  * * *

  Ariel erupted in laughter as she let her fingers take flight across the keys.

  * * *

  ARIEL: Now that would be a sight. I probably deserved that response.

  OWEN: You have a very contagious laugh. So, Ariel-who-likes-to-run-men-over, what are you wearing...this better be good.

  ARIEL: As a matter of a fact, I'm wearing a giant unicorn onesie.

  OWEN: How refreshing to know there is another mythical creatures lover in the world, and on my floor no less.

  OWEN: I would prefer to see a little more of that tanned skin though lol.

  ARIEL: Is that so?

  * * *

  "He is totally flirting with you girl! You need to get all over that."

  * * *

  ARIEL: You had the opportunity last night. Oh well, your loss.

  OWEN: Again with the hurtful comments. I’m starting to think you dislike me.

  ARIEL: Then I suggest you don't leave next time. #blueballs

  OWEN: #Touché.

  * * *

  Just then a message rang through to her cell phone.

  * * *

  DEAN: Good morning, gorgeous. Sleep well?

  HEIDI: If I didn't know better, I'd say you were waiting for me.<
br />
  DEAN: One could think such a thing. Or perhaps I just wanted to say hello before anyone else had a chance.

  * * *

  Sorry, bud. Owen beat you to it, but Ariel wasn't about to tell him that.

  * * *

  HEIDI: ha ha ha

  DEAN: What are you doing today? At work doing extraordinary stuff already?

  DEAN: Wait, what do you even do for a living?

  * * *

  Ariel had to lie. She didn't want to blow her cover. She would never get the scoop if she told the truth.

  * * *

  HEIDI: I work in advertising. I sell ads to a local magazine.

  * * *

  It wasn't a total lie, but it wasn't the truth.

  * * *

  OWEN: Awfully quiet over there. You okay?

  ARIEL: Fine. Fine. Just catching up on work before I head into the office.

  OWEN: I'll let you go then. I may work at home, but I still have jobs to do. Check ya later, Ari.

  ARIEL: Have a good day, Owen!

  * * *

  DEAN: That sounds fascinating. What sort of magazine? Have I read it before?

  HEIDI: Only if you are an 18+ female who likes fashion, gossip, and trending sex positions.

  DEAN: Sex positions, now I could get behind that idea.

  HEIDI: Somehow I believe that lol.

  HEIDI: I hate to cut this short however; I do need to get to work. Talk later?

  DEAN: Sounds good.

  HEIDI: Take it easy on the ladies today.

  DEAN: Roger that.

  Life was starting to get a little problematic juggling both Dean and Owen. One she was trying to nail to the wall, and the other she just wanted to nail. At least now she had something to bring back to Vivienne.

  She was convinced Vivienne would call her in as soon as she got to work to see how the piece was coming along. She was nothing if not relentless in her endeavors.

  Viv knew her shit though. She had been the Editor and Chief at Empire for over a decade, and had zero intention of slowing down now. Viv had a long-term goal - world domination. Ariel was sure she would get there as well, with her ferocious demeanor and lethal reputation. She was a woman who loved flawlessness in everything she did, especially when it came to her magazine.

  Viv wants to take the magazine to the next level by revamping the website, however she would never admit it. She, just like everyone else on the planet, knew that technology was taking over the paper industry – but try telling her that. Viv was a carnivore by nature, and hesitation was not in her vocabulary. One slight move and you could lose a limb, or even your life, if you crossed her. She was a Grade-A Bitch, but a brilliant Bitch.

  Ariel and Sam were two steps into the building when she heard Vivienne screaming at the top of her lungs.

  "ARI! Get me, Ariel!"

  "Not that I'm complaining, but why the fuck doesn't she scream for me that way?" Sam protested.

  "Trust me. Stay on mega-bitch's good side for as long as you can. Once she has her talons in you, she will never let go!" Ariel sassed.

  "Maybe that's how she shows you she loves you?" Sam quipped.

  "I highly doubt that. There are plenty other ways to show your gratitude and barking at me every two seconds is not one of them," Ariel snarled.

  "ARIEL! Is that you? Bring your Swiss Miss Ass in here," Viv barked without so much as stepping out of her office.

  "Swiss Miss?" Ariel questioned as she glared at Sam in confusion.

  Flicking Ari's braids, "Swiss Miss."

  "What? Does she have fucking x-ray vision through that door?"

  "She. Sees. Everything!" Sam cackled.

  "Clearly," she stated as she leaned in to kiss Sam's cheek.

  "Call me when you get out of the dungeon of doom."

  Ariel gave her a wink as she pushed herself through Viv's door.

  "You wanted to see me, Harper?"

  "Ariel. Sit. Talk. You feeling better?"

  "Much..." she began.

  "Good, what's the status update on this online character? What's his name? What's his game?"

  Reaching into her bag, Ariel retrieved a picture of Dean and placed it on to her desk.

  "Damn," Viv looked up to match Ari's stare. "That's him?"

  "Indeed. His name is Dean. Well, those are the pictures he posts at least. I have some serious doubts on the authenticity though."

  "Why do you say that?" Viv looked skeptical.

  Laying the pictures out further, Ari spent the next ten minutes going over the discrepancies in the pictures.

  "I like where your head is with this. Keep at it. I want juicy. Our readers love to catch dirt bags in the wrong, it gives women a sense of victory to eliminate a man for his scheming ways!"

  "He doesn't seem to be coming off that way..."

  "Well make him. Give him a little nudge."


  "No buts Ariel. I put you in charge of this column because you're bright, intelligent, and a fucking amazing journalist. Get the story!"

  "No problem. I can do it," Ariel responded feeling morally defeated.

  "Now get out. I have shit I need to do. And, Ariel..."


  "Don't let this asshole get into your head. You hold all of the cards, and at the end of the day, I want to see a Royal Flush. Got me?"

  Instead of responding to her comment, Ariel tucked her tail and made her way to her office. Feeling dejected, Ariel collapsed into her comfy leather chair.

  "Knock. Knock. You okay? You look a little blue," Sam crept up on her.

  "It's just...Viv wants me to abolish Dean. I'm just...not sure I can do it."

  "Shh, keep your voice down. If she hears you say that, she’ll can your ass. I hate to say it, but maybe you should just bite the bullet and do as she says. It's one article. You don't want to throw away your entire career for moral reasons."

  "Wow, Sam. Tell me how you really feel."

  "Just think about what you’re doing, okay?" Sam affirmed just as desk phone resonated throughout the office.

  "We can talk about this later," she spat at Sam.

  "Ariel Summers," she announced herself.

  "Ms. Summers. How professional," stated a slightly familiar voice on the other end.

  "I'm sorry. I'm not sure I know who this is," Ariel confided as she gave Sam a quizzical look.

  "It's Owen. I thought you would have recognized the voice."

  "How the hell did you get my number, let alone my work number?" she inquired as she saw Sam scurry out of her office. She already knew damn well how Owen got her number. "Never mind, the culprit just escaped the building."

  "Well, you never gave me your cell phone number, so I had to get a hold of you somehow."

  "Is that so? And what was so dire you needed to get a hold of me so desperately?" Ariel couldn't help by feel giddy that Owen had taken the time to search her out.

  "Our date of course. You didn't think I was going to let you off the hook that easily, did you?" She could hear him smiling through the phone. His mega watt smile was unmistakable. She honestly wished he were in front of her face to deliver it in person.

  "Oh of course," she teased. "But, Owen..."


  "It's only Wednesday," she jested with a laugh.

  "Yeah, I know. Who needs to wait till the weekend to have a date? I wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch, or maybe come over to my place for dinner tonight?"

  "I wish I could do lunch, but my boss is all over me to get a head start on this story."

  "Bummer," he responded with a sense of sadness in his voice.

  "But, I would love to do dinner."

  "How does seven at my place sound?"

  "Perfect, do I need to bring anything?"

  "Just that sweet smile of yours and a few explanations as to why you didn't tell me you worked for Empire Magazine. Damn, girl. You can be my sugar mama if you want. I'm currently taking applications," he poked, trying to make her laugh.
r />   "You're so cute when you’re being a smart ass," she laughed. "I'll see you at seven, Owen."

  "Till then."

  Although Ariel could have sat and talked to Owen for hours, she did have a job she wanted to keep. But, man, the day just got excruciatingly difficult to handle. Knowing she would see Owen in less then nine hours made her jittery and sweaty in funny places. Thank goodness that was enough time to get home and shower after work. That, and shave, wax, and smooth all the important nooks and crannies...just in case. Tick-tock, it was going to take forever.


  "The Inquisition"

  As soon as five hit, Ariel grabbed her belongings and ran to snatch Sam.

  "Ready? Let's go," she rushed as she was practically peeing her pants to get out of the building.

  "You're in a rush. It wouldn’t have anything to do with Owen, would it?"

  "Yes. Now can we go?" she pleaded.

  "Not until you say thank you," Sam mocked.

  "For what?" Ariel looked at her as if she were speaking French.

  "For giving Owen your phone number."

  "Yeah, okay, thanks. Now can we go?"

  "Sure, I guess. Want me to just catch a ride with Cory?" she offered like a true friend would.

  "If you keep standing there like a bump on a log, then yes," she responded with irritation in her voice.

  Just as she got Sam to pick up her pace, Ariel got a ping from her phone. Tossing the keys to Sam, “Here. You drive. It's work."

  "I bet it is."

  * * *

  DEAN: What's going on, gorgeous?


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