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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 23

by Lucy Lixx

  “Does he do this to you?” She asked.

  “Yes ma’am.” I told her.

  “You can handle pain well. You’ll need that. You should thank me for showing you how…raising your tolerance even.” She said, and I nodded.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” I said, but she laughed. It was a light, teasing sound.

  “That is not the type of thanks that I want.” Briana cooed before she spread her legs, bringing my mouth to her own slit, and my eyes widened.

  “Ma’am.” I squeaked, but she wasn’t going to let me move back.

  “Use your tongue.” She told me, and I did. I started to lick her slit, feeling that need build up inside of me again. There wasn’t anything I could seem to do about it. The moment I reached down to play with myself, I received a sharp tug to my hair.

  “Have you learned nothing?” She asked. Briana didn’t give me time to say anything.

  She had me run my tongue up and down her slit, and I imagined what Scott would do when I took him in my mouth as well. I shivered at the thought. The moans were muffled above me, as if she was trying to stay quiet, but I knew that just like me Briana was working herself up to a peak. I gently lapped at her silky folds, tracing firm, wet circles around her clit, feeling the thickness of it increase as I drew my tongue deeper into her warm garden. Her hips began swaying against to and fro, rhythmically, as I felt the gentle twitch of her thigh against my cheek. She muffled a soft groan, which incited my urge to please her all the more. Though on my knees, I was in control, sucking, lapping drawing forth pools of her nectar; the only sweetness I could imagine within such a brash woman. From deep within her wet valley, she came. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. A flood of her womanly juices coated my lips, and I was forced to lick them off before she moved away from me, as if we had never touched. I ached, and Briana put her robe on, dressing so that she could leave. She paused in the doorway, arching an eyebrow at me.

  “Do not relieve that desire.” She said. “You will need it to endure him right now. I want you to work yourself up every night, actually.” She said, speaking softly. I went to protest, but she raised her hand at me to be quiet.

  “If you wish to keep him by your side and enthrall him, you will do well to actually pay attention to my lessons, Amelia. This lesion especially. It’s much more important than you think. Scott loses himself in the moment often, and he is quite a strong man.” She said before walking out, leaving me aching without the ability to relieve it.

  Chapter Three

  I thought that I wouldn’t be able to sleep that night with the way that Scott had looked at me when I was seated by him at dinner. He smiled at me, and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back. Briana was beaming, and it seemed to anyone else that she didn’t act anything more than politely appropriate with Osgar, but I could see the longing, hopeful looks that they shared. Scott’s hand was under the table on my thigh, and Briana pretended not to notice it, but it still made me feel ashamed and delighted. It was as if my heart was at war, and I had to once again think about my mission.

  For me and for her. It’d work in my favor. Then my parents will not have to be ashamed. I thought, worrying once again if they had heard the news. Scott inching my dress up to playfully tug it above my ankles was more than I could bare. I was still aching from earlier. I looked up at him with a playful smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Osgar smirking, but Briana was keeping a perfect mask. When dinner was over, I smiled at him.

  The Chief looked at me, as well as his wife, and I was worried that they were all too aware of what I was doing. Can they see right through me? I pushed the thought aside, reminding myself that everyone now knew that I was the Mistress. Scott had made it clear so that I would have a station here and no reason to fret. I blushed under his hard stare, but Scott didn’t seem to notice. I reached for my drink, but I couldn’t quite seem to quench the fire in my belly or the thirst that I had. I was desiring something that food and drink would not have helped with, and yet I drank the honeyed mead with delight as the harvest approached.

  “Soon we will have mulled cider.” Scott said, chuckling. “Have you ever partaken in it?” He asked, and I shook my head.

  “You will love it.” Briana piped in with her soft, seductive voice. Scott nodded, seemingly happy that we were getting along, and I smiled at her.

  “Oh yes. I forgot that you came from such a poor village.” The Chief spoke in a voice that made me shiver. Scott huffed.

  “Father there is no need to remind her of such things.” He told me.

  “Scott.” His father said, sighing. It was clear in that moment that the Chief did not care for me, and it was something I would have to learn to muddle through.

  “Have you thought of your parents much since coming here?” The Chief asked, and I shook my head. Briana looked at me, as if thinking for the first time.

  “Have you wanted to visit them? Did they sell you, Amelia?” Briana asked in a soft, prodding voice. It was clear that she was planning something, but no one else seemed to pick up on it. I wondered briefly if I could only it, her scheming, because I’d known her so intimately recently. I turned my thoughts to her question before I could start blushing again.

  “No, Lady Briana. They did not sell me.” I said, trying to soften the hardness from my voice. The Chief and his wife leaned in closer. Scott was watching me with a mixture of apprehension and intrigue. I realized that he had not been listening when I had been sold. He did not know my story, and suddenly with his eyes boring into me, urging me on to satisfy his own curiosity, I found my voice to be a little stronger.

  “I wanted to avoid a loveless marriage, and my parents were in debt. They could not pay their taxes to the McKenzie clan, as we have fallen on a hard year. There were two choices, and I made mine.” I said. My voice cracked on the words loveless marriage but had gotten stronger as I continued speaking.

  “Do you regret it?” The Chief’s wife asked. I knew that she was asking me both as a woman and as Scott’s mother. I raised my eyes to meet hers briefly before bowing my head.

  “No, my Lady.” I said, and I could hear a hint of a smile in her voice when she spoke next, making me wonder if she knew of Briana and Osgar.

  “Good.” She said. The Chief grunted, but I could feel his eyes on me, boring into me as if he was trying to read something from me. I could not understand why he looked at me so intensely.

  “Your father allowed you a choice?” He said, and I nodded.

  “Yes, for which I am grateful.” I answered honestly.

  I knew that right now my parents might not be the proudest, but I was still happy with the choice that I made. Even if it stung to still have to look at Scott with Briana. Not for long. I reminded myself. Everyone seemed engrossed in their own thoughts of my strange circumstances which had landed me here at their table, and the rest of the meal seemed to pass in relative silence. When I dared a glance at Lady Briana, I could tell that with that gleam in her eyes that I was right.

  She was planning something, and I only hoped that I’d be privileged enough to know what it was soon. I had come to think of her as an ally for now, and with that I was able to turn my attention back to Scott which was now looking at me with a fire in his eyes that matched my own. His gaze was heavy with drink and lust, but I could also tell that something was weighing on him. I knew that tonight would be quite an interesting one. I was both anticipating it and trying to suppress the nervousness that was bubbling up to the surface of my mind.

  Chapter Four

  After dinner when I thought that Scott would surely whisk me away, he had parted from me with a longing look that made me nearly clutch the wall to keep my own knees from buckling. Suddenly, my bodice seemed too tight with the rising and falling of my breasts with every shaky breath I ended up taking. It had taken me a few minutes to get my wits together, and I realized that soon the sun would be setting. I still had no idea what to do with my spare time, as spare time was a luxury I had not had g
rowing up. I went to the gardens to think. I had never expected Lady Briana to follow me, but sure enough she fell into step with me. My panic was surging up, and she seemed to catch on it quickly as she took my arm in hers as two young girls would do.

  “Oh shush now, Amelia. Do not fear. I am not the exhibitionist as Scott is. Our lessons must remain a secret.” She said. Her mood had improved greatly from this morning. Briana was downright cheery as they wandered further into the gardens. Her smile was wider than my own.

  “So, you really do love your family then? You were not fleeing? They did not send you away because they wanted to?” She asked not bothering to be too sensitive about the topic. I gave her a startled nod unsure of why she was asking.

  “I love my family very much, but they would not be happy with my…” I tried to rack my brain for the right word.

  “Situation? Being the mistress not the wife?” She said.

  “My father feared I would become a bed warmer.” I replied honestly, and the words sickened me more than the first time my father had said them. Have I not become just that? A little voice asked, but I knew that it would not be for long. That was the only thought that kept me walking instead of breaking down into tears right then. I thought of Scott taking my hand as we were wed under God, and I instantly felt warmer.

  “I see. In a way yes, and in a way no. either way, you do not wish to stay the Mistress, and I do not wish to be hanged.” She said, but there was still nothing but glee in her voice which left me slightly unsettled.

  “What are you trying to propose?” I asked her, stopping out of frustration. Briana looked back at the manor, as if to see if we were far enough away. She continued to talk after seeming to make the decision that we were.

  “Scott will need time to calm down with so much on his mind, and he will be departing soon. Right through your village I hear.” She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but I waited for her to explain. I still didn’t quite understand, but Briana barreled on with her explanation. She didn’t seem cowed at all by my ignorance.

  “You can beg to go with him. This is a diplomatic meeting after all not a meeting on bad terms. You could see your family, and you could break the news to him while you’re away.” She said, and that’s when it all started to make sense.

  My eyes widened, and I got nearly giddy at being able to tell my parents that I was safe and sound. Then worry went through me at still being a Mistress, but I knew that she was right. Briana was one step ahead of me as always, and I thanked my lucky stars that she was on my side in all of this. I wasn’t sure I could have such a woman as an enemy.

  “I see.” I said, trying to figure out how to get Scott to take me along.

  “Get him to talk to you about it tonight.” She said, and I nodded again.

  “I am sure that he will be more than happy to grant you such a wish, and I will see if I can get Osgar to plant the idea in his head. I can’t do it, but Scott has always been very kind.” She told me as we continued to stroll through the gardens before we both headed to our neatly-joined rooms.

  Chapter Five

  When I was back in the room, I looked through my closet, and I decided to take out a blue nightgown that he had given me. It would fall right below my knees, but I knew that my curves would show in it. Scott was sure to be excited by the little amount of fabric that was between us. I waited, and sure enough I did not have to wait for long. My heart leaped when Scott didn’t go to Briana. Instead, he was right there with me, knocking and I shyly answered the door.

  “Amelia.” He said, smiling at me but there was still a strain in his eyes.

  I wanted to lift his stress as my name on his lips lifted mine. I ushered him in, and he shut the door softly. Smiling at me, he tilted my chin up and kisses me. The kiss was rough, and his tongue soon entered my mouth, exploring it as I leaned up on my toes to kiss him back. My hands shot up to wrap in his hair, but he quickly grabbed my wrists with a quickness of a warrior, pressing them at my sides as he walked me back. Scott didn’t break the kiss once as I was pressed back on the bed. I didn’t realize the ache in my wrists until he released them. My gaze traveled down when we reached the bed. I had to look up to look at him, and yet it was hard to miss the obvious bulge under his kilt. Scott reached out for my sheet, ripping it from the bed to tear it once more.

  “Give me your hands, lass.” He whispered in my ear, and I did so.

  He secured them behind my back, and there was nothing I could do but follow his lead now. Scott was grinning from ear to ear now, as he grabbed one of my tender breast, stroking the sensitive nub with his rough, calloused thumb. It caused me to arch my back as I moaned. I expected him to shove a gag in my mouth again, but instead he undid his kilt to expose his hard, throbbing manhood. His hand tangled in my hair.

  “Take it in your mouth.” He said, and I did.

  Without the use of my hands I felt awkward before he continued. I wrapped my lips around his hard cock, making him moan which only made the need building between my own legs even more insistent. He pushed his cock into my mouth further, making me gag as I looked up at him. His hand had turned gentle in my hair, and yet I wasn’t allowed to move back. Eventually I breathed through my nose as he continued. I could now see why he didn’t gag me. There would be no threat of anyone hearing us like this.

  The more he moaned above me and his fingertips played over my shoulder and back, the more I felt the desire building within me. I needed him, but with his throbbing cock in my mouth, I could do nothing to tell him. I was sure that he saw the need clearly in my eyes, but I continued to do as I was told sucking him off to bring those delightful moans to my ears. Before I knew it, Scott had exploded in my mouth, and it took me a moment to swallow it all.

  “Christ, Amelia.” He groaned as he pushed me back. I landed on the bed softly, and he was between my legs again. “You make me never want to stop.” He whispered as I lay there awkwardly on my own hands with his grip almost bruising on my hips. I didn’t care. All I cared about was the fact that he was finally going to fill me and fulfill the need that had been aching for attention since this morning.

  “Scott.” I groaned, not caring if Briana heard us.

  He didn’t care either as he entered me in one large thrust, causing both pain and pleasure to intermingle inside of me. I thrust my hips back against him to meet his own, and he tilted his head back to groan. My breasts bounced with each hard thrust, as Scott pulled nearly all the way out before pushing back in. it was only his hand at my shoulder that kept me from being pushed up with each thrust. His hand traveled down to massage my tender breasts, pulling at my nipple roughly and twisting as I got closer to the edge.

  Once more, he expertly mixed pain and pleasure, making all sensation good sensations. Before I knew it, my toes were curling and our moans mingled loudly through the room. I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer, and by his throbbing, neither would he. His lips were upon mine once more, nipping and pulling at my bottom lip as I went over the edge. In a few more rough thrusts he too went over the edge, spilling his seed deep inside of me. Scott stayed there for a time, breathing as I too came down from the oblivion that I ascended into as pleasure racked my body.

  He was tender with me once more as he helped me to sit up, untying my hands, but I could feel bruises forming where he had gripped me. I understood what Briana meant. I didn’t care about the bruising. I had enjoyed every moment with him. I feared that he’d leave me the moment he was done, but instead I was pulled onto his big, burly chest. My fingers traced his muscles as he looked up at the ceiling, obviously deep in thought.

  “I will be leaving on the morrow.” He said, and I panicked.

  “So soon?” I asked, and he nodded. I could tell that there was still something weighing on his mind, but Scott was not ready to share it with me. In time. I reminded myself, but I worried that perhaps he’d never speak openly with me about what ailed or bothered him. I tried to tell myself it was a needless worry, try
ing to concentrate on one thing at a time.

  “I will be going through your village. This is not going to be an easy journey. We will be traveling hard if we make a stop, but would you like to come? You reminded me that you had good relations with your parents tonight.” He huffed, and I could tell that he was unsure of bringing me along.

  “I would be so very grateful if you did. It is so kind of you to allow me to see them. I have feared for them ever since I had left” I told him truthfully. I looked up to see him grinning.

  I was thankful that I didn’t have to breach the subject, and I wondered if it was Osgar who had brought it to his attention. Tiredness started to overtake me, and I took pleasure in the fact that tonight and every night from now on I’d soon be sleeping in his arms. His strong heartbeat was the only lullaby I needed. It erased my fears, allowing for me to embrace the now with his strong arm wrapped around me. I ached in a completely different way, but this was one I was much more capable of dealing with. I felt satisfied.

  Chapter Six

  Getting up had been hard, and now dressed for the ride, I felt my heart pounding once more. I had never expected to be returning so soon to see my home, and I certainly didn’t expect so soon to see my parents. It was only by leaning against Scott’s form on his horse that I was able to calm down. There was no wagon this time, just Scott and a few of his men. I was thankful to look around and still see no sign of the ones that tried to force themselves on me. By the time that the sun set down, we had only stopped once to grab something to eat, and now Scott tried to help me down.

  My legs were cold and numb from the riding, and if it was not for his strong arms holding me up, I was sure that I would have fallen to my knees. Derek, one of the men riding with us nearly snorted his laughter. I thought for sure that I would be sleeping alone, but thankfully they set up to start to see if they could catch something before dinner, and Scott went with them the moment that they gotten a fire started. I was left to tend it. Sure enough, it was less than an hour before they had two rabbits skinned and I helped to prepare it.


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