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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 28

by Lucy Lixx

  Why hadn't I cleaned my room? I should have known my master would make an appearance. He clearly had ways of putting things in my room without leaving my sight as the robe hadn't been there before class yesterday. It suddenly dawned on me that his eyes and ears might have seen and heard Dan, that perhaps his inside source could have alerted him. What if he was coming to punish me?

  “Now,” said my master.

  A light rapping came from the door, causing me to squeak and drop my phone. I did one last sweep of the room before answering the door to allow my master entry. I was shocked to see him dressed so informally and tried to hide the look on my face behind my hair. My master lifted my chin.

  “You look positively ill,” he commented while stroking my head. “Lay down, my sweet girl. I'll make you some tea.”

  Tea? Was he not going to yell at me? Perhaps him calling was entirely a coincidence, the result of not seeing each other for nearly twelve hours. I hadn't heard from him the entire day and assumed he was busy. I'm sure he thought the same. Obeying his orders, I climbed on my bed and rested my head against the pillow as he went about my room preparing a hot cup of tea. I watched him move about the room deliberately, admiring how carefully he handled the mug full of hot water. As the tea steeped, he came to the side of the bed and sat next to me, his fingers tickling my arm.

  “What made you so sick today, little one?” my master asked.

  “I'm not too sure,” I replied, even though I knew exactly what had caused my fit.

  I wasn't prepared to admit to him that somebody else had caught my attention. Lying to him wasn't an option either. I was sure he could see right through me.

  “I was at the library and felt faint. I barely made it back,” I explained.

  “I hope this doesn't affect your attendance tomorrow,” said the professor while stroking my hair. “It would be terrible for you to miss such an important lecture.”

  Smiling, I assured him I would be fine and relaxed into the cushions as his fingers worked over my muscles. He stood to grab the cup of tea and added a small dab of sugar before handing it over to me. The soothing scent of chamomile filled my nostrils as I raised the cup to my nose, grateful to have my caring master at my side. As I sipped the tea, he wandered around the room exploring the pictures I had on display and lifted a frame to study it.

  “Who's this?” he asked.

  “Those are my parents,” I said.

  “You look so happy here,” he said while bringing the picture to me.

  I took the frame and traced the glass, outlining the shape of my parents holding me. That was a beautiful day. We had gone to the local fair and spent the whole day riding roller coasters and eating popcorn. They had spoiled me to pieces with candy and treats, taking me to nearly every game tent to win a pretty pink bear. I did look happy.

  “They took me to the fair that day,” I explained. “And I had such a good time.”

  “What happened to them?” he asked.

  I sighed in response, setting the picture up on the bed in front of me and pulling my knees under my chin.

  “A car accident,” I said quickly, hoping to keep myself from breaking down. “They were hit by a drunk driver.”

  “That sounds terrible. Who took care of you after that?” asked the professor.

  “My grandmother took me in. She has a corn farm down south from here. I spent my summers there frequently, so I got to help her out and earn a little cash before coming to college,” I explained.

  “I'm glad you came here,” he said. “I'm happy to have met you when I did.”

  I looked over at Colin, the green of his eyes washing over me as I adored his features. It made me feel simply overwhelmed to hear such a thing, to be appreciated so much. The same feeling had occurred earlier with Dan. I hadn't realized how much I needed that until now. It made me feel safe and secure, his arm wrapping around as I leaned into his chest to inhale the sweet cologne he frequently wore.

  “Why are you glad you met me?” I asked.

  “Because you're wonderful,” he responded.

  When his lips met mine, he pulled away immediately, his eyes blinking hard at my neck.

  “You smell like someone else,” Colin said as he stood from the bed. “Who was here?”

  I sat back against the wall, fearful of his menacing stance, not realizing that Dan's scent had transferred to my blouse.

  “Master, I promise that no one--”


  His hand met my open mouth, sprawling me across the bed and knocking the mug of tea to the ground where it shattered. I crawled to the edge to stand up, but my master grabbed my ankles and yanked me back to him where he pinned me down by my neck.

  “You dare lie to me?!” he growled while raising his other hand. “Who was here, little girl? Who has been in your master's place?”

  “No one!” I cried. “He's nothing to me. I swear!”

  “What's his name?” asked my furious master.

  “Dan! His name is Dan! He helped me home from the library where we were studying. I promise nothing else happened,” I explained as he began to put more pressure on my neck.

  I could feel the world around me getting hazy, black dots dancing across my vision as I began to lose consciousness. The lack of oxygen was making my lips and head explode, likely turning blue in the midst of the pressure. Colin's eyes were wildly searching mine for the truth and his hand came down against my face as he released my neck. A whirl of stars floated in front of my eyes while I rolled off the bed, the cold tile breaking my fall.

  “You are no princess of mine,” spoke my infuriated master. “You are not as obedient as I thought you were. How could you betray me by having someone else here?”

  The sound of his voice floated over the bed, breaking a bit as he spoke of my deception. I felt the weight of his words barreling down against my arm and began to weep, the puddle of chamomile tea soaking into my jeans and shirt. I waited for him to walk around the bed and lift me, but he didn't. Not a sound came from him for the next ten minutes, the deafening silence even more painful than the smack. I hated myself for hurting him. I despised how I had lied. Why hadn't I just admitted it from the beginning?

  “You will not be earning extra credit this week,” Colin said flatly while walking to the door. “And don't even think about showing up to my class tomorrow. Consider yourself failed.”

  I crawled across the bits of broken ceramic on the floor, trying to catch his leg before he slammed the door in my face. Weeping, I pressed against the wood with blood staining my fingers, the broke chips cutting into my skin. I didn't bother picking them out. I was convinced I deserved such pain because of what I had done. I'd taken advantage of my master's kind nature and twisted it, tossing it to the ground like an ungrateful child.

  Such a misbehaved little pet doesn't deserve a master of his magnitude and I shouldn't ever be permitted in his presence ever again. I had destroyed the only beautiful thing I had by trying to grab more. My selfishness had caused me this torment and I would have to face it. Staring at the robe, I continued to sob quietly in the darkening room. I welcomed the evening with open arms, my heart breaking as each minute ticked towards night. Let the darkness swallow me. I do not want to exist.

  Chapter Seven

  I almost went to Colin's lecture today. It had occurred to me just before I entered the building that my feet were carrying me in that direction, knowing exactly where to go even though I hadn't been thinking of it. I stared blankly down the hall as students moved about and nearly knocked into someone holding a camera. Apologizing, I ran back to my dorm and toss myself on the messy sheets. It had felt like a nightmare standing near his classroom, hearing his voice floating over the moderate hum of conversation. My mind transported me back to the museum basement where I enjoyed the sounds of the engaged orgy, their moans carrying me into a beautiful realm of pleasure. I missed it deeply.

  My sheets still smelled like my master – if I could even still call him that – and
my desire to do any school work left me as I writhed in my bed. A bruise had formed next to my mouth from where I had been struck, the supple skin sensitive beneath my own fingers as I traced it. What a memory to have of him. How awful it was to think our last encounter was a disappointment, that we hadn't made love on my bed like I had wanted. I reached down beneath my jeans to feel the silky lips part easily under barely any pressure, her warm depths teased by the thought of having someone inside.

  Not just someone. Not just anyone.


  My master. I wanted to have him back. Was there anything I could do to prove to him I was worthy of keeping? If I barged into his class right now and confessed my love, would he take me or toss me out like trash? It was clear my offense had deeply harmed him, that he was not the sort to hand out second chances without some definitive proof I could be faithful. I had kissed the ground upon which he walked with reverence and he had believed it. That moment was a stark memory in my bruised brain where I wished hard I hadn't been such a fool.

  While lost in my abhorrent thoughts, I hadn't realized my phone had been ringing for a good chunk of time. I was roused when it began to ring for a second round as it buzzed across the desk, vibrating hard on the smooth wood. I snatched it up to study the screen. Had I even bothered checking my phone at all today? I think I had lifted it once to look at my master's number, debating whether I should text an apology or call him. He likely wouldn't answer anyway.

  Incoming call...Dan.

  I was surprised to see his name lighting up the screen, but then again he hadn't been privy to the event of last night. The call likely pertained to drinks tonight, recalling that I had agreed to that. I answered the phone in my most innocent voice to keep myself from bursting into tears.

  “Hey, Rosemary,” said Dan. “How are you doing today?”

  “I'm alright. Still feeling a bit woozy from last night. How about yourself?” I responded while rubbing my cheek.

  “I'm doing alright. I was wondering if you still wanted to head out tonight, maybe grab some dinner, too,” his hopeful voice said.

  I stared out the window, the late afternoon sun filtering through the glass and bouncing off any object in its rays. I could certainly use a beer and good company. Perhaps the professor leaving me would make way for something much better on the horizon, a lovelier and more comforting relationship that would heal me.

  “Of course. I'd love to get some food. When should I be ready?” I asked while looking over my ragged appearance in the mirror.

  “Is 7:00 PM okay with you?” asked Dan.

  “Absolutely. That gives me time to get ready,” I replied.

  Admittedly, I was a bit excited to spend some more time with Dan. He had made an impression on me even though it had caused my master to leave. Maybe things weren't so bad if I had Dan in his place. But would it be the same?

  “Awesome. I'll meet you at the dining hall and we can take it from there,” he said.

  “Perfect,” I responded and we got off the phone.

  Feeling a bit frisky, I climbed back into my bed to resume my previous touching session, the mixture of excitement and grief arousing me. I had heard of decreased sexual desire during times of stress, but not the other way around. Now that I had someone to fill the gap of feelings my master had left, I was looking forward to the potential encounters to come. Two finger smoothed over my sore flower that shuddered under the soft stimulation. I worked over the skin slowly, savoring the enchanting way I pleased myself. She opened up to me, her lips spreading to accept the two fingers that eagerly awaited climax, imagining Dan pressed on top of my thin frame. I could feel his hand take hold of mine and push it aside to be replaced by his, bold fingers plunging down into my delicate hole.

  My imagination took me away from the darkness and into a field of daisies, a place I had frequented as a child on my grandmother's farm. Dan made love to me amidst the stems of green and the array of colorful petals. His girth filled me and we rolled about in the moist earth, becoming filthy with blackened dirt and its earthy scent. Rocking my hips forward, I rode him to fulfillment and bayed softly as my thighs shook against his torso. Picturing this inspired my fingers to fervently stroke until my climax came in shuddering waves. Achievement unlocked. I smiled and bit my lip, satisfied with my own fantasy.

  Maybe I didn't need Colin after all.

  Anxiety took hold of me as 7:00 PM approached, the rush of endorphins from my personal petting session enough to calm me for most of the time spent preparing four my date with Dan. I pulled on my best blouse, a pair of black shorts, and slipped into a pair of heels. It was a mostly relaxed outfit with a girlish flair, enough to make Dan check me out. On my way out the door, I knocked the porcelain horse from the dresser and listened to it shatter behind me as I locked my door, hoping the professor's hidden ears might be alerted to the sound of me renouncing his gift.

  If he didn't want me, I didn't want his gift.

  I considered tearing apart the robe, but the material felt like it might have been expensive. I could sell it at some point for a pretty penny and then use the money to treat Dan. That would be much more satisfying than cutting it up. The perfect revenge would be for the professor to see me with Dan wherever we went, and I even considered texting my previous master with my whereabouts for a potential drink only to ditch him, but that would be far too much effort for mere pettiness. My satisfaction would come from the first orgasm between Dan and myself. Since my body belongs to me again, I could do with it what I wanted.

  At the dining hall, Dan looked adorable in his blue jeans and polo shirt, his black hair smoothed back to reveal a wide smile and dimples. Looking over his body, he appeared to be incredibly fit and I found myself recalling the fantasy earlier in my room. It made me titter with excitement. We walked around the corner from the university to a small burger shop where we ate steadily over light conversation.

  “What are you studying?” I asked before taking another bite of my food.

  “Psychology for now. I thought about changing majors whenever philosophy became part of the general list. What about you?” he responded.

  “I haven't really claimed a major yet. I considered counseling for a while, but threw that idea away when I discovered dance,” I said.

  “So, you dance?” he asked after swallowing a mouthful of fries.

  “Yeah. It's one of my passions. I really love it,” I explained.

  “I noticed you had some drawings in your notebook the other day. Have you ever considered art?” he asked.

  I looked down at my soda and twirled the straw.

  “Well, yeah. My dad was an artist before him and my mother passed away last year,” I said.

  Dan's face softened and he put down his burger.

  “I'm so sorry,” he said, empathetically.

  “It's alright. That was two years ago. I'm mostly recovered from the event,” I said, waving my hand. “Anyway, tell me more about you.”

  “Well, I'm one of five brothers. I like to bike around town. Other than that, I don't do much outside of my room,” explained Dan between sips of soda.

  I admired his face as he chewed, his strong jaw flexing as he swallowed and it caused me to lick my lips. Everything about him seemed absolutely chill. His presence didn't frighten me and he wasn't overly masculine, but he had such attractive features that made me squeeze my thighs together. We finished our food and then headed for the bar next door, ordering a round of beers and shots. After a few drinks, we sat intimately together on the porch while he smoked a cigarette, my fingers finding their way under his shirt. He chuckled with delight as I tickled his muscular structure, goose bumps rippling across his torso.

  Not too long after he finished smoking, he excused himself to the restroom and told me to wait out front for us to walk back to the dorms. I sat outside on the bench next to the bar, swinging my legs under me in a haze of tipsy joy. A screech of tires filled the air and an unmarked black car pulled up the curb in front of m
e, causing me to freeze. Two robed figures jumped from the back and grabbed me, a hood pulled over my head as I screeched for Dan. The vehicle lurched forward as soon as I was strapped in and raced away from the scene, heading in an unknown direction far away from the sweet boy who would come out to find me missing.

  Chapter Eight

  The dark hood shrouded my vision and kept me from recognizing my surroundings. Everything had stopped moving all of a sudden and I felt cold metal beneath my exposed skin, the roughened hands having stripped me of my clothes. It was freezing in here. Where was I?

  Voices in the distance alerted me of incoming company, their eyes likely ready to wash over my frozen skin. Vulnerable, naked, unprotected – I was a recipe for horrible things. I could take a wild guess as to who had organized my kidnapping, that this was a result of my disobedience and infidelity. Being seen with Dan likely cemented my fate and would bring an insurmountable amount of torment, especially when I heard Colin's voice amidst the conversation some yards away.


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