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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

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by Lynn Coppersmith


  Naughty Angel

  Brian’s Bride

  Naughty Angel

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 by Lynn Coppersmith

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of excerpts consisting of no more than 2 chapters to be used for review or marketing purposes. To obtain written permission for any other uses, contact the author via email:

  For all those who feel the need to color outside the lines. Without you, the world would be dreadfully boring.


  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter One

  Willamette Valley, Oregon

  Early December 1852

  She wrapped her shawl more firmly around her shoulders and shivered violently from the cold. She trudged on as quickly as she could, given the icy condition of the road. If only there had been time to grab her heavy winter coat and mittens. Her fingers had begun to go numb. Her shoes, stockings and hem were soaked from walking through snow and ice for two days.

  She cast another fearful glance behind her and kept going. She had to find shelter soon. The sun was already beginning to sink in the western sky, and she knew that once it set, the temperature would plummet even further. She had spent the previous night in an old barn, and if it hadn’t been for the company of the cows and horses, she would have surely perished.

  She had barely slept a wink all night. She kept expecting someone to show up to arrest her. She had tried to cover her tracks, but she wasn’t sure she had been very effective at it. Now, she was exhausted and hungry, and she didn’t know how much longer she could keep going.

  If only she could get the terrible images out of her mind. The sight of that letter opener piercing through flesh … all that blood … the scream of shock and pain … it was too awful. It kept replaying over and over in her head. She shuddered and quickened her pace.

  He would be after her soon. She knew it without a doubt. He would never willingly let her go. He was obsessed with her, and he would definitely want her back. After all, he considered her to be his plaything, and he wouldn’t want to lose her. If he caught her, she wouldn’t stand a chance. The memory of his hands and lips on her made her tremble with fear. She couldn’t let him catch her. She would rather die than to be at his mercy again.

  Her only hope was to disappear. The problem was that she didn’t know exactly where she was or where she was going. She just knew she had to get as far away from him as possible … and the quicker the better. He probably had his men scouring the countryside for miles around by now. If they found her, they would haul her back to that terrible place, and she would be doomed.

  Other images jumbled through her thoughts. The feelings of helplessness and terror. Never knowing when she might be cornered and forced to submit to him for his pleasure. She hadn’t felt safe since she had accepted his offer. Going there, to his home, had been a terrible mistake. How she wished she could go back in time and do it all differently.

  He had been so handsome and charming when she first met him. He had turned her head with his fancy clothes and suave manners. Little had she known what he had planned for her. She had believed him when he told her that he could give her a better life. Her father had believed him too, sending her off with his best wishes.

  If only she hadn’t trusted him. If only she hadn’t let him persuade her. If only she had remained at her father’s home, where she had always been safe and happy.

  Of course, she couldn’t go to her father’s home now. That’s the first place he would look for her. And she didn’t doubt he would be looking for her. There was no way he would allow her to just disappear.

  She blinked back tears of despair. She had no one to turn to. Who would ever believe her … that she was the victim? Even if they did, they wouldn’t stand up against him. He had money and lots of powerful friends. It would be his word against hers.

  She kept scanning the countryside, looking for somewhere she could seek shelter for the night. The gathering shadows and surrounding trees made it difficult to see very far from the road. She was starting to panic. If she didn’t find shelter soon, she would freeze to death.

  She heard the sound of horses approaching from the bend behind her. Her eyes opened wide with terror. It had to be him or one of his men. They were looking for her!

  She scrambled to get off the road so that she could hide among the trees until they passed by. The road was flanked on both sides by a steep incline, and she tried to pick her way quickly down one side.

  She tripped over a deep snow drift and began to tumble. She gave a little squeak of terror. There was nothing she could do. She tumbled down the rest of the hill. She landed hard at the bottom, and her head struck a rock.

  Pain exploded in her head. The world began to darken, and stars flashed behind her eyelids. She moaned and tried to rise, but she felt terribly weak and lethargic all of a sudden. With a whimper, she fell forward into the snow. The last conscious thought she had was that the world had suddenly turned very, very cold.


  Brian McKenzie was deep in thought as he drove his wagon home from town. There had been big changes in his world recently. His older brother, Aidan, had gotten married just two days prior. While Brian was extremely happy for his brother, it did mean things were going to be different from now on.

  The McKenzie brothers had moved to Oregon from Kentucky two years earlier to make their own mark on the world. The three of them had said farewell to their parents, and they made the dangerous trip across the Oregon Trail.

  Oregon was like the Promised Land for farmers like them. There was rich farmland to be had for free, if a man was willing to work hard and live there in Oregon. He and his brothers had settled in the beautiful Willamette Valley, and they had staked their claim. Together, they held almost a thousand acres of the richest, blackest, most fertile land this side of the Rockies.

  Together, the three brothers made a formidable team. The oldest brother, Aidan, had a special talent for agriculture. He knew instinctively which crops would do best in certain areas, when to plant them, and how to tend them to result in the highest yields. He had ensured that they had bumper crops throughout their first two years.

  Brian was more skilled at building. He had designed and done most of the construction on their cabin, barn, and smoke house. He built fences and a hunting shack in the woods. He had plans to add a small saw mill if all went well next spring. Thanks to him, they and their animals were kept warm and dry through the harsh winters.

  Liam, the youngest, had a knack for working with animals. He was skilled at breeding the very best dairy cows, hogs, laying hens, and horses. He was so good at it, that he was quickly gaining a widespread reputation. Farmers came from miles around to buy livestock from the McKenzie farm.

  Life was good, and their future seemed rosy. None of the brothers had been thinking about marriage. That was something they all th
ought was years down the road, after they were well established. Although the three of them were pursued diligently by the eligible females in the area, they had managed to avoid the marital noose.

  Then, unexpectedly, Aidan had met and fallen in love with their new neighbor, Naomi Tisdale. She had purchased the farm next door to theirs, and moved there a few months earlier from California. Aidan had wooed and wed the beautiful young widow, and both Brian and Liam had been happy for him.

  The newlywed couple had left on their honeymoon trip just the previous day. Brian and Liam had devised a plan to build a new cabin for Aidan and his bride. The couple would be gone for two weeks, and Brian wanted to have the new cabin finished before they returned, so it could be a nice surprise when they came home from their trip.

  The two younger McKenzie brothers had been secretly discussing their plan for weeks, since Aidan had first started seeing Naomi. They had already purchased some lumber and supplies, and they had the perfect spot picked out, a short distance from their own cabin.

  Brian and Liam had started working as soon as the newlyweds were out of sight of the farm. They had already accomplished quite a bit during the first two days. They had lain down a sturdy foundation and had begun on the walls. By the end of the week, the main structure would be mostly done, and they could concentrate on the finishes. However, they needed more supplies to continue the job.

  Thus, Brian had gone into town to purchase what they needed. He loaded the wagon with glass for windows, nails, more lumber, and a handsome iron cook stove, before turning for home.

  He smiled as he drove along through the late afternoon, thinking of how surprised his brother and sister-in-law would be when they returned from their honeymoon to find a new home waiting for them. As surprises went, this one would be pretty special.

  A freezing blast of wind blew the smile off Brian’s face, and he drew his collar up to ward off the chill. The weather had turned cold over the past few days. Several inches of snow had fallen overnight, and as he guided the horses along the icy road, he was impatient to get home.

  His thoughts returned to the changes that would be coming soon. Now that Aidan had wed Naomi, he supposed it was inevitable that his thoughts should turn to his own marital prospects. Unfortunately, those weren’t very high.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t attract female attention. In fact, ladies swarmed around him every time he showed his face in town. He wasn’t conceited, but he knew he was handsome. He had certainly been told that often enough by members of the opposite sex. When he wanted to turn on the charm, he could easily make women swoon.

  It also wasn’t that Brian didn’t want a wife. He actually had a deep seated desire to wed and raise a family of his own. The problem was that none of the ladies he had met around these parts held any interest for him. Nor would any of them want him for a husband if they truly understood his nature and what he would expect in a marriage.

  Brian knew that he was different from his brothers. Aidan and Liam were both steady and dependable. They needed wives who were like them … wholesome, conventional, salt of the earth types.

  On the other hand, Brian had always been the rebel. He enjoyed playing practical jokes, teasing and taunting, getting into all sorts of mischief, and generally breaking rules. He needed a different kind of woman entirely. He needed someone who would love him the way he was, without trying to reform him or tame his wildness. For the right woman, he was prepared to behave himself. The chances of him finding the right woman in Oregon were slim to none.

  He had realized at a young age that his sexual tastes were different from most other men, including his brothers. Brian derived sexual satisfaction through control. Nothing excited him more than mastering a beautiful woman … commanding her obedience, pushing her far beyond her comfort zone, and ultimately bending her to his will. He needed a woman who was adventurous, naughty, and enjoyed things a little rough in the bedroom.

  He knew that the typical sex that most married couples enjoyed would bore him to tears. He wanted a strong woman who would stand beside him through the trials of life. But when it came to their relationship, and to lovemaking in particular, he needed to be in charge. He needed a woman who was willing to submit herself to him and work hard to please him, no matter what he asked of her. He wouldn’t settle for less.

  If he could only find that kind of woman, the right kind of woman … the kind who was strong enough to submit to him and acknowledge his dominion … he would spend his lifetime pleasing her. Pleasuring her. Spoiling her. Loving her. Lavishing her with affection. Showering her with devotion.

  Brian didn’t hold out much hope of finding that kind of woman, so he was beginning to think he would never marry. He would just have to be content with the services of experienced whores. They knew how to cater to his unconventional desires. He couldn’t imagine finding a genteel young lady who would be willing to do the same.

  Because single men outnumbered single ladies two to one in Oregon, Brian knew that he would be hard pressed to find a marriageable lady willing to take him on, at least if he were honest with her about what he expected in a marriage. Once a respectable young lady learned what he would demand from her, he had no doubt that she would run screaming in the other direction.

  It was probably best if he just remained a bachelor. It would be far better never to marry than to have an unhappy union. The last thing he wanted was to be leg-shackled to a whiny, demanding wife who didn’t even satisfy him in bed.

  He rounded a bend in the road, and his eyes widened. A woman was lying in the snow at the bottom of a hill beside the road, crumpled into a heap. Brian halted the horses and jumped down, racing to kneel beside her.

  She was lying face down, and Brian gently turned her over, gasping when he saw her face. She was stunningly beautiful, with honey gold hair and delicate features. Her cheeks were finely sculpted, her nose slim and pert, and her lashes were long and sooty black. She had the most sweetly curved lips he had ever seen. He spent a stunned moment scanning her face.

  Her skin was nearly as white as the surrounding snow, except for the blood seeping from a gash on her forehead. She was limp and cold. Brian urgently felt for a pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a faint throbbing beneath her jaw.

  He wondered how long she had been lying there unconscious. He almost hadn’t seen her as he passed by, and he wondered whether she had been there when he went into town, hours before. If he didn’t get her warm soon, she could easily die from exposure.

  He shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around her limp form, gathering her into his arms. He struggled up the icy hill, slipping on the snow and praying for her to live. Reaching the wagon, he laid her gently in the back, tucking his coat around her before jumping to the seat. He was close to home, and he urged the horses to their fastest pace, casting frequent glances over his shoulder.

  Finally, he reached his farm, and he jumped down. He lifted his precious cargo into his arms and raced to the house, fumbling to open the door. He kicked it closed behind him and carried the girl to his bedroom.

  He laid her on his bed and quickly began undressing her. He had to get her out of her wet clothes before she froze to death. He had already stripped off her dress and was starting on her chemise when Liam appeared in the doorway behind him.

  “What’s going on?” Liam asked, his eyes widening when he saw the half naked woman.“Who’s she?

  Seeing the direction of Liam’s gaze, Brian moved to block his view.“Out!” He jerked his head to the door.“Get out of here and shut the door behind you! And put some water on to boil,” Brian yelled through the closed door.

  Liam hastily complied, leaving Brian alone with his charge once more. His fingers shook as he struggled with the tiny buttons. He was finally successful in freeing them, and he yanked the soaked garment off her body. Even in his agitated state, his senses registered that her body was every bit as beautiful as her face, but he ignored her feminine char
ms as he pulled off her wet pantalets and stockings.

  When she was finally naked, Brian dressed her in one of his flannel shirts, noticing that it reached nearly to her knees. He fastened enough buttons to keep the garment on her but didn’t bother to button it all the way up. He was rushing to get her decently covered and beneath the covers, so he merely pulling the gaping sides over her naked breasts.

  He tucked her under the covers, piling two extra quilts over her for warmth. He went to the kitchen, seeking water and a cloth to clean the wound on her forehead. Liam was waiting, full of curiosity.

  “Who the hell is she?” he asked, watching as Brian rushed to gather the items he needed.

  “I have no idea,” he said, his voice full of concern. “I found her lying beside the road.”

  Brian explained succinctly as he filled a pan with hot water and gathered the supplies he would need to bandage her head. When he had finished, Liam scratched his head.

  “Maybe I should go for the doctor,” Liam suggested.

  “Who, Doc Reynolds?” When Liam nodded, Brian shot him an impatient frown.“You know that old drunkard is a useless quack. I’ll take care of her myself.” The tone of his voice was dismissive as he turned toward the bedroom, balancing the basin.

  “Well at least let me fetch one of the ladies from town to care for her. Don’t you think it’s a bit scandalous, having a naked woman alone in the house with only two men to care for her?”

  “One man,” Brian growled. He ignored Liam’s raised eyebrows.“I’ll worry about her reputation once I know she’s going to live. In the meantime, stay out of my bedroom. There’s no sense in both of us seeing her naked.”

  He didn’t see Liam’s speculative expression as he turned away. He set the basin on the table beside his bed and closed the door softly.


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