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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

Page 4

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Did you want me to touch your hard little nipples, angel?”

  Her voice was a breathless whisper. “Yes.”

  “What a delight you are, angel.”

  He traced a fingertip over the trembling tip and smiled when she gave a small sigh of relief. He lightly rolled the sensitive bud and her breathy little moan was the sweetest reward. He gradually increased the pressure, enjoying the play of emotions on her beautiful face. When she eagerly pressed the heated mound into his palm, he gave her nipple a sharp pinch.

  She gasped and then released the breath on a trembling sigh. His touch felt even better than she had imagined it would. His fingers were warm and firm, exerting just the right amount of pressure as he toyed with her breasts. Her nipples crinkled into even tighter buds, throbbing and aching from his touch.

  “Look at me, angel.” He waited for her to haul her gaze up to meet his. Then, he gave her a heart stopping grin.“You are absolutely beautiful. Your nipples look delicious. I’m going to taste them.” He chuckled when she blushed a fiery shade of red, but she didn’t protest.

  Brian kissed her, and when she responded eagerly, he deepened the kiss. He ravished her mouth while he continued to explore her breasts. His fingers were wicked in their purpose, twisting and squeezing her nipples until they throbbed and ached. She moaned into his mouth, pressing her breast more fully into his hand. Brian seized the invitation, brushing the gaping shirt off her shoulders until she was naked to the waist.

  He released her mouth and let his hungry gaze roam over her breasts. She looked so sweet and shy as she allowed him free reign. It would be so satisfying to claim her in every way. The only thing that kept him from doing so was the uncertainty of who she was. For all he knew, she could be someone else’s wife.

  He might not be able to fully claim her body as his own, but he couldn’t resist enjoying what she was offering so freely. He knew it would be painful to stop, but he wanted to explore how far she was willing to let him go. He captured her lips for another steamy kiss.

  She felt consumed as he plundered her mouth, stealing her breath with his bold tongue. When he finally released her lips, she drew a huge gasp of air, only to release it again on a moan when he bent and took her nipple into his flaming mouth. The incredible heat made her curl her toes.

  He released her nipple just long enough to say, “They are delicious.”

  He suckled hard, drawing strongly on the sensitive flesh. She clutched his head, riding wave after wave of pleasure as he feasted. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, her conscience was urging her to stop him. She was enjoying his lovemaking so much, but she couldn’t totally ignore her nagging thoughts.

  The throbbing ache between her thighs intensified, and she moaned as she squirmed to ease it. She pushed lightly against his shoulder, and he released her nipple with a reluctant groan. A feeling of supreme disappointment swamped her as she stared up at him.

  “I’m sorry, Brian. We should stop,” she said in a shaky whisper.“I know we should, but I feel so …” she frowned slightly, “I need …”

  She broke off with a small frustrated sound. As if he knew the source of her discomfort, Brian slipped a hand beneath the sheet at her waist and skimmed it over the soft flesh of her lower belly.

  “I know. I understand what you are feeling, because I feel the same.” Brian swallowed hard.“Trust me, angel. Lay back and just let me pleasure you. You’ll feel better very soon.”

  “But Brian, we shouldn’t …”

  “Shhh. Trust me. I promise that I will stop. Just let me bring you relief.”

  When she gave him a hesitant nod, he slowly moved his hand lower and toyed with the soft patch of hair over her mound. She gasped, opening her eyes wide with surprise. She looked both startled and curious, and he stroked her soothingly, waiting to see if she would allow him to go further.

  Her emotions were easy to read in her lovely brown eyes. She was enjoying his touch, but her conscience was troubling her. He enjoyed watching her inner struggle as he gently explored her soft thatch of hair. He was poised to stop, thinking it might be too much for her, when she gave a soft sigh and relaxed back onto the pillows once again.

  She was so delightfully accepting of his touch. She was perfect for him. She was the woman he had been looking for. If only he knew she was unattached, he would already have proven it to her. As it was, he couldn’t bring himself to do so, even though he ached to make her his in every possible way.

  What he could do was bring her to fulfillment. He knew that she was feeling just as desperate and needy as he was. It was his fault that she felt this way. He couldn’t leave her like this … needy, aching, frustrated. He would bring her pleasure and then stop, even if it killed him.

  She held his gaze, her own eyes wide and trusting, as he slid one searching finger further, until he was stroking her soft outer lips. The wetness and heat that greeted him were the ultimate feminine temptation. At that moment, Brian would have given his soul for a chance to sink into her lovely body.

  She sighed once more and closed her eyes, letting her tense thighs fall slightly apart. Brian would have grinned in triumph, but his heart was pounding too hard in his chest. He explored every slick, swollen fold as he watched her. She was dripping with fluid, her juices coating his fingers until they made a soft, sloshing sound.

  He could smell her clean, musky scent. He wished desperately that he could see the flesh he was fondling. He wanted to peel back the covers and watch her flower for him. But he didn’t dare. He didn’t think he would be able to resist taking her once he had seen those beautiful pink petals unfurling beneath his fingers. He was afraid it would be too much of a temptation.

  He located her entrance and pressed one finger deep inside her, as far as he could reach. She gripped him like a vise. He wondered again whether she was a virgin, as he stroked her velvety sheath. He couldn’t feel any definite barrier, but he had never explored a virgin’s body before. He didn’t know exactly what he was feeling for. Besides, he reasoned, he had heard that some women lost that barrier from horseback riding or other activities.

  The fact that he could barely squeeze a second finger into her made him think that she had never been with a man. The primitive, barbarian side of him prayed she hadn’t. He wanted to be the only man to claim her sweet body.

  He stroked her for several minutes, working to loosen her tight inner muscles. She looked so beautiful lying there … her upper body exposed, her nipples swollen and red from his mouth, her lips slightly parted as she whimpered and writhed.

  He was aroused to the point of pain, but he knew he couldn’t take her, not with so many unanswered questions about her past. She was growing increasingly desperate, mewling softly and pumping her hips toward his hand. He captured her nipple in his mouth once more and tugged firmly with his teeth. At the same time, he located her swollen clit and gave it a few sharp flicks, sending her over the edge.

  He gritted his teeth and held his breath as she climaxed. Her inner muscles squeezed tightly around his fingers, and she gripped him with her thighs to hold his hand deep within her. He studied her lovely face as her orgasm rolled through her. Her soft cries tugged at his heartstrings. When her contractions finally eased, he forced himself to slip his fingers from her quivering sheath and pull the sheet up over her breasts.

  She opened her eyes, blinking to clear the cobwebs as she stared up at him in wonder. He grinned, though it was difficult while his erection was aching and throbbing in his breeches.

  “Thank you, angel. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed breakfast quite so much.”

  She blushed hotly, but she held his gaze and gave him a shy smile.“Me neither.”

  There was no way she could know how torn he was. He wanted desperately to climb in bed with her and fuck her senseless. He felt confident that he could persuade her to let him, but he had given his promise.

  Besides, he didn’t want just sex from her. He wanted her as his own. He wanted her complete s
ubmission to his will. He wanted her as his wife, for now and forever. He could not claim that prize until he knew she didn’t already belong to another man. God help him if she did.

  He tucked her hair behind one ear, realizing the action was quickly becoming a habit.“Do you need some help to relieve yourself?”

  She blushed lightly but shook her head.“No. I think I can manage.”

  Brian swallowed hard and nodded. If he didn’t get out of this room soon, his control would surely snap. It was hanging by a thread.

  “Alright. I’ll leave you for now. My brother and I are working outside, but if you holler from this window, I can hear you. Call if you need anything, alright?”

  She nodded.“I’m sure I’ll be fine. Thank you.”

  “Just rest,” he said, retrieving the breakfast tray as he walked toward the door.“I’ll be back to check on you soon.”

  “Thank you, Brian,” she blushed charmingly but continued in a whisper, “for everything.”

  Brian nodded and beat a hasty retreat before he changed his mind. He quickly donned his boots and coat and left the cabin. He leaned against the outside wall and hauled in several draughts of cold air to cool his head. God, how he wanted his sweet angel!

  He gave a frustrated growl and stalked to the other cabin, where Liam was already working. Brian threw himself into his work to keep from losing his mind.

  She heard him exit the cabin, and she sighed with disappointment. She felt like her body was glowing from the inside. She closed her eyes and could still feel the touch of his hands and mouth on her body. She still couldn’t quite believe what she had allowed him to do with her.

  He was such a handsome devil. He was gentle and caring and kind. But there was something about the way he looked at her … the way he handled her body as if it gave him the greatest pleasure … as if she belonged to him and only him that made her want to continue giving him more and more. It made her want to give in and do anything he might demand of her.

  She would have to be careful, or she would surely lose her heart. There were too many unanswered questions about her past. She only hoped that once they were answered, there would be some way for her to remain in Brian’s arms. She desperately wanted to pleasure him the way he had pleasured her. She wanted to give herself to him and appease his obvious lust. She wanted to be his in every way.


  She rested throughout the day and night, and by the following day, she was feeling much better. Her head had stopped aching, and she no longer had dizzy spells.

  Brian once again brought her breakfast in bed, but this time, he didn’t try to kiss or touch her. His expression was serious and somehow forbidding. She was more than a little disappointed. When he removed the tray and set it aside, she stifled a sigh.

  “I would like to get out of this bed. I’m getting sore from lying around all day.”

  “Alright, if you feel like you’re up for it. Just don’t try to do too much today.”

  She nodded her agreement.“I won’t.”

  “Your clothes are dry. Sorry, they’re a little muddy. I haven’t had a chance to do laundry. We’ve been working to try to finish a new cabin for my brother and his new bride.”

  “That’s alright. I understand that you have work to do, and I think what you’re doing for your brother is very nice.”

  Brian shrugged.“It’s the least we can do for Aidan. He’s always taken care of me and Liam. We want to surprise him.”

  “Do you think I could come and see the cabin you’re building?”

  “Let’s see how you feel once you are up and moving. It might be better just to stay inside, at least for one more day.”

  Once again, she nodded.“Whatever you want, Brian.”

  He felt his gut clench with desire. Suddenly, he could see visions of her naked and writhing on the bed as she said those same words to him. He wanted her so bad it hurt. Instead, he lifted the tray and walked toward the door.

  “Brian?” she ventured hesitantly.

  He stopped and turned to her with a raised brow.“Yes, angel?”

  She blushed furiously and looked down at her lap. She plucked at the sheet and swallowed hard. When she spoke, her voice was so soft that he could barely hear her.

  “I was just wondering why you haven’t kissed me this morning. Are you upset with me?”

  He gave a puzzled frown.“Why would I be upset with you?”

  She shrugged lamely.“You just seem so different this morning. I thought maybe you were angry with me, because I asked you to stop yesterday.”

  Brian heaved a sigh and set the tray down on the table once more. He retraced his steps and leaned over the bed, bracing one hand on either side of her hips. His captured her lips in a brief but steamy kiss. When he released her mouth, she opened her eyes and stared up at him.

  “Of course I’m not angry with you, angel. It’s just that it’s hard for me to see you and be close to you without wanting to make love to you. I’m trying very hard to do the right thing. It’s good that you stopped me. You could be in love with another man, for all we know. I wouldn’t want for us to take things too far, and then have you hate me once your memory returns.”

  Her eyes widened, and she quickly shook her head.“I could never hate you, Brian. Never.”

  He gave her a heart melting grin.“That’s good to know, angel. Believe me. I’m not upset with you. I’m just frustrated because I want you so badly.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.“I’m not trying to frustrate you.”

  “I know. But until we know more, it’s for the best if we maintain some distance between us. Don’t you think?”

  She nodded meekly. Brian sighed and straightened. He returned to the door and retrieved the tray. Before he left, he gave her a smile.

  “I’ll leave you to get dressed. Holler if you need anything. Feel free to look around and make yourself at home.”

  She listened to the sounds of Brian’s departure from the cabin. She was so tempted to call him back and tell him that she didn’t care about anything else. She wanted him to kiss her and make love to her as he had done the previous day. However, she didn’t, because she knew he was right.

  Brian McKenzie was the embodiment of her ideal man. He was incredibly handsome, charming, thoughtful, and sweet. He wouldn’t have to work very hard if he wanted to win her heart, it was already half his.

  She was still a bit stunned by what she had allowed him to do with her body. Perhaps she should be feeling ashamed or guilty, but she didn’t. She felt invigorated, and she was looking forward to the next encounter. Although Brian said they should maintain their distance and had kept her at arm’s length since the previous day, she didn’t doubt that there would eventually be a next time. He had admitted how much he wanted her, and his desire for her was obvious every time he looked at her.

  She hugged herself, thinking that she was the luckiest woman in the world to have been rescued by him. If it weren’t for the fact that she had no memory, she would have been bursting with joy.

  That unsettling thought prodded her to get out of bed. Her legs were a bit weak and wobbly, but she didn’t suffer any dizziness. She padded to a large mirror and studied her reflection.

  Nothing about her appearance stirred any recollection, and she sighed. She unwound the bandage from her head and inspected the small cut near her temple. She wondered what Brian thought of her appearance. She scanned her features critically. Then, she removed his shirt and turned to view her naked body from various angles.

  She supposed she would be considered pretty, maybe even beautiful. She shrugged and reached for her clothes.

  She quickly dressed, grimacing when she saw the dirt and stains on her dress. She wished she had clean clothes to change into, but these would have to do for the moment. She opened the door and peered down the hallway, curious about the rest of the house.

  “Hello?” she called softly.

  Only silence greeted her, so she decided to look around
. Brian had said she should make herself comfortable. She peered into each room, finding two additional bedrooms, a storeroom, a bathing room, and a large family room with a kitchen at one end. There was a massive stone fireplace that heated the house, and peering up, she spied a loft tucked under the roof. She was impressed by the workmanship, functionality and neatness of the home. Still, it lacked a woman’s touch.

  Spying the dirty dishes from breakfast, she felt relief that there was something she could do to occupy her time. She rolled up her sleeves and looked for a wash basin. Finding one in a cupboard, along with rags and soap, she began to heat some water on the stove. Soon, she was scrubbing away at the pans, plates and utensils.

  A flashing memory assailed her, and she closed her eyes to see the details more clearly. In her mind, she could see herself in a large kitchen with an apron tied around her waist. The kitchen had all the modern conveniences, a hand pump for running water, a wooden tub that had been built into the counter, and a huge cook stove that looked big enough to feed an army of people. She was standing at the counter washing dishes, when a man slipped his arms around her waist and leaned against her back.

  “Ah Sarah,” he sighed, laughing at her startled cry.“I knew I would find you here.”

  He kissed her neck and reached up to boldly cup both of her breasts, squeezing them in his hands.

  Her eyes flew open, and she gripped the kitchen table until her knuckles were white. Her heart was pounding, and her breath was coming in hard pants. She ignored the ache in her head and concentrated hard to remember the details of the man’s face, but his features remained just a blur. All she could recall for sure was that he had dark hair and a neat mustache. She had the impression that he was tall and well-dressed, although she couldn’t be sure. He had called her Sarah. Was that her name? Who was that man to her? Could he be her husband?

  She instantly rebelled against the notion. Remembering the things she had done with Brian, she released an anguished groan. The things Brian had done with her body had felt so wonderful and right. She didn’t want to think about the possibility that she may have been committing adultery by allowing him to do those things.


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