Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2) Page 17

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Is this what you want, Sarah?” He withdrew and slammed back into her.“Do you want to be fucked hard … like this?” He followed with an even mightier thrust.

  “Yes! Harder, Brian. Please, harder.”

  He began fucking her hard and fast and deep, the way he knew she liked it. Every powerful stroke pounded her tender bottom on the hard wood, and she moaned even louder. He pressed her back onto the table, enjoying the sight of her violently bobbing breasts as he ravaged her. She was so perfect for him.

  His fingers bit into her hips as he held her still for his thrusts. He groaned with ecstasy as he claimed her willing body. He couldn’t hold out for long. He waited only until she climaxed again before plunging over the cliff with her, releasing a hoarse groan of pleasure.

  Brian slumped over her, breathing harshly as he rested against her soft breasts. He savored the waves of her inner contractions as her body coaxed every drop of his seed deep into her womb. He could have stayed like that forever, relishing her softness as his heart swelled with love for her. When he felt her pressing urgently against his shoulder, he raised up with a questioning frown.

  “Brian, let me up. I have to get dressed!”

  It took a moment for his brain to make sense of her panic, and then he chuckled, laying his head back down on her breasts.“Relax, Sarah. Liam’s gone over to Naomi’s old cabin. He’s going to pack up all her belongings and bring them back here. He won’t be back for at least another hour, maybe two.”

  There was a moment of stunned silence before Sarah gave an ear-splitting screech. She struggled to free her arms from her sleeves so she could hit him, screaming even louder when he laughed at her efforts.

  “Brian McKenzie! You black-hearted devil! You let me believe the whole time that Liam was going to catch us at any minute. I can’t believe you would be so mean!”

  She finally managed to free her arms only to have Brian pin them down above her head. His eyes were twinkling with mischief as he watched her squirm and struggle, eying her ripe breasts as they jiggled enticingly with her efforts.

  “You needed to learn an important lesson, Sarah. I let you think we could get caught because I wanted you to submit to me, regardless of the risk. And you did.” He gave her a deep and thorough kiss, smiling against her mouth as she reluctantly began to return the kiss.“You made me very proud, my naughty angel.”

  When he released her mouth, she pouted up at him.“I still think you were mean to fool me like that.”

  “Tell me the truth, Sarah. Didn’t the fear that Liam might catch us enhance your pleasure?”

  “Certainly not!” she gasped.“I didn’t enjoy having you scare the life out of me, you brute.”

  “Sarah,” he growled with a warning gleam in his eye, “I said to tell the truth. Are you honestly going to say that you didn’t enjoy what just happened?”

  She was about to deny it when he reached down and squeezed one of the tender welts on her bottom, reminding her how sore her bottom was. She squirmed and bit her lip, unsuccessfully trying to stifle a moan. As much as she had enjoyed being spanked, she didn’t think she wanted to be spanked again just yet.

  “Sarah, are you going to try and convince me that you didn’t enjoy everything I just did to you?”

  She groaned, shaking her head in defeat.

  “I didn’t think so,” he said.“That’s my sweet angel,” he murmured, “my sweet, submissive, naughty angel.”

  Sarah loved winning Brian’s approval. In fact, she needed it. Yet, she was still slightly disturbed.

  “But Brian, truly, I would die if you ever let Liam catch us like that. I couldn’t bear that kind of humiliation.”

  Brian sighed and gave her a reproachful look. “Sarah, as much as I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson you just had, I have to clarify something for you. You must learn to trust me in all things. I love you, and I only want what is best for you. I may make you do embarrassing things in front of me, but I would never embarrass you in front of Liam or anyone else.”

  He looked down at her body, spread on the table before him. He released her arms and cupped her breasts in his palms. He ran his hands possessively down her body as he continued.

  “Nor would I ever allow another man to see your beautiful body. That sublime pleasure is for me alone, angel. If you had trusted me more, you would have realized that from the beginning. You thought there was a danger of being caught, and yet you submitted to my will anyway. That thrilled me.” He gave her a wicked grin. “And, it was fun to watch. But if you had had more faith in me, you would have never been afraid in the first place. You should have known I would never do something like that to you.”

  Sarah blushed beneath his steady regard, but at the same time, her heart soared. The clouds cleared from her eyes, and she gave him a shy smile.

  “You’re right, Brian. I should have known you wouldn’t hurt me like that. I’m sorry.”

  “There’s no need to apologize, angel. Your fear caused you to rebel. That gave me a reason to spank you, which brought me great pleasure.” Brian grinned down at her.“It’s nice to know that you enjoyed it as much as I did. I think I’ll have to do it more often.”

  He laughed at her arrested expression and bent to kiss her. She moaned and wrapped her arms around him, giving her mouth to him freely. He was amazed by the depth of his love for her. She was absolutely everything he wanted and needed in a woman. He had to find some way to unlock her memories, clear her name, and claim her as his wife. Losing her just wasn’t an option.

  Chapter Nine

  Aidan and Naomi returned from their honeymoon on a cold and blustery mid December afternoon. They were both anxious to get to their cabin on Naomi’s farm, where they could seek some warmth. When they were approaching the cut off to her farm, Aidan looked at her with one brow raised in question.

  “Would you mind terribly if we go by my farm first? I’d like to let my brothers know that we’re home.”

  Naomi kissed his cheek.“Of course not. In fact, I’m looking forward to seeing them too.” She grinned up at him.“And I know, even though you haven’t said so, that you worried about them while we were away.”

  Aidan urged the horses on.“I can’t help it,” he said with a shrug.“Old habits die hard.”

  Naomi laughed and kissed him again.“And no matter how old you all get, they will always be your baby brothers, right?”

  He grinned down at her. She looked more beautiful and radiant every day. They had discovered that she was pregnant while they were on their honeymoon. They were both ecstatic. Even her morning sickness hadn’t dulled the light in her eyes. He squeezed her knee fondly and kissed her on her reddened nose.

  “That’s right. But, in a few months, I’ll have a different baby to worry about.”

  She hugged his arm against her breast and sighed.“You certainly will. If you fuss over our child the same way you’ve fussed over me since finding out I’m pregnant, nothing will ever get done around the farm.”

  Aidan shrugged again, looping an arm around her waist.“I’m sure we’ll manage one way or another.”

  “I feel like we can manage anything, as long as we’re together,” she said, returning his smile.

  They started down the hill that led into the valley where Aidan’s farm was nestled. Aidan squinted, looking toward his home. His brows gathered into a frown.

  “What in the world have they been up to?” he muttered.

  Following his gaze, Naomi could see a new cabin. It was built a short distance from the original one, and the two structures were very similar in size and appearance. She and Liam exchanged puzzled glances.

  Just about then, they saw Liam crossing from the barn to the cabin. He paused, looking toward them and then waved his hat. He ran to the house and soon, Brian and a pretty young blonde woman joined him on the porch. The three of them stood watching the newlyweds approach.

  Aidan pulled the wagon to a halt and set the brake. He looked for a long moment at the new cabin. T
hen he looked for an even longer moment at the beautiful stranger beside Brian. He noticed Brian’s arm around her waist, but he said nothing. Finally, he raised a stern brow and sent matching glances to his two brothers.

  “What have you two been doing while I was away?”

  Everyone laughed, including Naomi. Aidan jumped down and lifted his wife to the ground.

  “Welcome back, Aidan,” Brian said with a grin.“We thought that you and Naomi might appreciate having a new cabin, one that has more space than Naomi’s, so we built you one as a wedding present. We hope you like it.”

  “How could we not like it?” Aidan said.

  He was stunned by their thoughtfulness and the obvious hard work they had put into the handsome cabin. He turned to Brian and then Liam, swallowing a lump in his throat. They seemed to understand that he was truly moved by their gift, and to ease the awkward moment, they simultaneously hugged him.

  Naomi and Sarah looked at each other and smiled. The two women were touched by the sight of three strong, hardworking men hugging each other, patting each other on the backs, and trying not to shed any tears. As their gazes met, the women exchanged a nod of feminine communication and instant kinship. They each loved a McKenzie brother. That alone put them in a special group, all their own.

  “I just can’t believe it.” Aidan smiled at his brothers.“You guys must have worked like crazy to get this finished so fast. I’ve never seen a finer cabin. Thank you both.”

  Naomi joined him, slipping her arm around his waist, and she smiled at Brian and Liam too.“It really is the nicest present anyone could have given us. How can we ever thank you enough?”

  Brian and Liam both flushed with pleasure. Liam shrugged.“It was partially selfish of us. We didn’t want Aidan to be too far away, and like Brian said, we thought you could use a bit more room.”

  Aidan smiled down at Naomi, and she nodded to his questioning glance.“Well, as a matter of fact,” he said proudly, facing his brothers once more, “we’ll need more space in just a few months. Naomi is expecting our first child.”

  Brian and Liam shouted their approval, and everyone laughed. The brothers shared another hug, and Aidan had an even harder time holding back tears of joy as his brothers congratulated him. Of course, both Brian and Liam hugged Naomi and kissed her on the cheek. She glowed with joy.

  “You’re looking much happier than you did a few weeks ago,” Liam told her with a wink.“I think marriage to Aidan agrees with you.”

  “It does,” Naomi affirmed with a smile. She looped her arm through Aidan’s and grinned teasingly up at him.“He’s pretty hard to deal with, but I’ve been doing my best to make him behave.”

  Aidan growled and gave her a playful swat on her bottom, causing his brothers to hoot with laughter. His eyes met Naomi’s, and she blushed, remembering the night he had spanked her. He leaned close, and his deep, husky voice was for her ears only.

  “You’re the one who had better behave, young lady.”

  Naomi shivered with awareness. She tried to hide her reaction, but she was sure that Aidan had glimpsed the brief flare of arousal as he searched her blue eyes. He gave her a smug grin before turning back to his brothers.

  “Marriage is hard work, boys. It’s taken all my time and attention since we spoke the vows, but I think my wife is finally beginning to recognize who wears the pants in this family.”

  “Oh sure,” Liam grinned.“We can see that Naomi is quaking in fear. If anything, I think she has you wrapped around her little finger.”

  “You both look truly happy,” Brian chimed in.“I’m glad to see that our little scheme to get you back together had paid off. Sounds like I’ll be an uncle by summer.” He gave Aidan a wicked grin.“You certainly didn’t waste any time.”

  “I could say the same about you,” Aidan said, with a smiling glance at Sarah.“I’m only gone two weeks, and it seems there’ve been some other improvements around the place. Are you going to do the honors, or do we have to introduce ourselves to this lovely young lady?”

  Brian held out a hand toward her, and Sarah grasped it, letting him pull her to his side.“Aidan and Naomi, this is Sarah Martin.”

  “I’m so pleased to meet you both,” Sarah said with a smile.“I’ve heard so much about you from Brian and Liam. They’ve been anxious for you to get home.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Naomi said, clasping her hands and giving her a kiss on the cheek.“It’s a lovely surprise to see another woman around the place. Dare I hope that you’ll be staying?”

  Brian put an arm around Sarah’s waist, and the gesture was both possessive and affectionate.“She’ll be staying,” he said, looking into Sarah’s eyes.“We’ll tell you all about it later, but first, we want to show you your new home.”

  They took the newlyweds on a tour of the new cabin. They were awestruck by the fine workmanship and attention to detail that the younger McKenzie brothers had invested in building the fine structure.

  Aidan’s bedroom furniture and both of their belongings had been moved into the cabin. Brian had built them a huge kitchen table, and Liam had built two long benches. They would eventually need more furniture for the two additional bedrooms, the loft, and the living room, but they had everything they needed to start their new life together.

  “You’ve even hung curtains,” Naomi said with delight.“They’re lovely!”

  “Those were Sarah’s contribution,” Brian said proudly.“She said you would appreciate having a woman’s touch.”

  “I certainly do,” Naomi said. Once again, she clasped Sarah’s hands with a smile.“That was very thoughtful, Sarah. They’re beautiful, and I love the color. Thank you.”

  Sarah beamed from the praise.“I’m so glad you like them. It was the least I could do.”

  Naomi shivered, still cold from their long drive. Aidan was quick to bring an end to the tour. The last thing he wanted was for his pregnant wife to catch a chill. He ushered her to the door, kissing her on the temple.

  “Why don’t you and Sarah go to the other cabin and warm up? I’ll start a fire to heat this place up, and Brian and Liam can help me unpack the wagon.”

  Naomi smiled up at him and nodded. The protective gleam in his eye never failed to touch her heart.

  “Alright, Aidan.” She turned to Sarah, still smiling.“Perhaps you and I could start supper. I admit that I’m starving.”

  As Sarah and Naomi walked to the other cabin, they were already talking and laughing like old friends. Aidan and Brian stood watching them. When they disappeared from view, Liam stepped between his older brothers and clapped them both on the shoulder. He gave them each a wide grin.

  “Enough mooning over your women. Let’s get that wagon unloaded. It’s cold out here.”

  Sarah and Naomi returned to the original cabin while the men worked outside. Sarah had just gotten started on supper before the newlyweds arrived, and Naomi was happy to pitch in.

  “So tell me, how did you and Brian meet?” Naomi asked, while peeling potatoes.

  “Well, Brian actually rescued me. I had an accident and hit my head. Brian found me in the snow and brought me home.”

  “Oh dear. What kind of accident?”

  Sarah shrugged.“I’m not really sure. I don’t remember anything about it. In fact, when I woke up, I didn’t even remember my own name.”

  “You’re joking!”

  “No, it’s true. I have remembered a few bits and pieces, but I still don’t remember most of the details of my past.” Sarah frowned while she poured batter for cornbread into an iron skillet and put it in the oven.“It’s quite troubling, actually. I worry sometimes that I won’t ever remember.”

  Naomi could hear the distress in her voice, and she came to hug her shoulders.“Don’t worry, Sarah. I’m sure you will eventually remember.”

  “I hope so. Brian and Liam seem to think I will, since I have remembered a few things. Still, it’s like my entire life has been lost, and I’m starting over from

  Naomi smiled at her ruefully.“Maybe that’s a good thing. There are certainly a lot of things in my past that I would rather forget.”

  Both women shared a giggle. Naomi shot her a sideways glance as she began chopping the potatoes and putting them in a pot to boil.

  “Tell me about you and Brian. The two of you seem like you’re pretty close.”

  Sarah blushed lightly, but she nodded.“We are. I know it sounds crazy, since I have only known Brian for two weeks, but I love him dearly.”

  “That doesn’t sound crazy to me at all. The McKenzie men are downright irresistible.” Naomi smiled, remembering her own whirlwind courtship with Aidan.“It looked to me like Brian is in love with you too. Are you two planning to get married?”

  “We’ve talked about it, and we both want to. Brian says we can’t get married until my memory comes back.”

  Naomi raised her eyebrows thoughtfully.“I guess that makes sense. It would be mighty inconvenient to get married and then remember that you already had a husband.”

  “Well, I was a virgin the first time we …” Sarah trailed off, blushing furiously as she realized what she had let slip.

  Naomi gave her a gentle smile.“There’s no need to be embarrassed with me, Sarah. Aidan and I were lovers before we got married too. I certainly would never think ill of you for that.”

  Sarah gave a sigh of relief.“Thank you, Naomi. I confess that it’s so nice to have another woman I can talk with.”

  “Me too! I can’t tell you what a relief it is that I won’t be the only woman living here alone with three men.”

  Once more, Naomi came and gave Sarah a warm hug. She clasped her hands and smiled at her.

  “Don’t worry, Sarah. I’m sure everything will work out fine with you and Brian. Your memory will return, and then we can plan your wedding. I can’t wait until we are truly sisters.”


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